The Courier Only $1.50 Per Year VOL. VIII. N035 PROMINENT COUPLE UNITED IN MARRIAGE M iss Edith Jenkins Becomes Bride of Mr. J. C. Cowan, Jr. Avondale, June B.—A beautiful * wedding, centering the interests of a wide circle of friends, was that of Miss Edith Jenkins, of Avondale, and Mr. J. C. Cowan, Jr., of Ruth erfordton, which was solemnized at the home of the bride, Wednesday afternoon. June 9, at 4 o'clock. Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church, of Shelby, officiated using the impressive ring cei*emony. The vows were spoken in the liv ing room before an improvised altar of Southern smilax and ferns, flanked with cathedral candlesticks holding lighted tapers. The season's flowers were used throughout the house with artistic effect. Prior to the ceremony, Mr. Hollis Owens, brother-in-law of the bride, sang "At Dawning," accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Rudisill, pianist. The bridal party entered to the strains of the wedding march from "Lohen grin." During the ceremony, "To a Wild Rose," was softly played and Mendelssohn's march was used at the conclusion. Mrs. Rudisill was gowned in French blue georgette, wearing a large picture hat and cor sage bouquet of Columbia roses and ferns. Miss Mary Jenkins, dressed in chiffon and carrying an arm bouquet of pink roses, attended her sister as maid-of-honor. The bride was lovely in a gown of poudre blue crepe Elizabeth beauti fully embroidered. • She wore a blue hat trimmed in maline, and carried a shower bouquet of bride roses and valley lilies. Miss Jenkins was given in marriage by her father, Mr. Z. O. Jenkins. Attending the bridegroom as best man was his cousin, Mr. Arthur Har rill, of Rutherfordton. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Cowan left for a two weeks' motor trip through the > mountains of Western North Caro lina, after which they will be at home in Rutherfordton. Mrs. Cowan is the second daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. O. Jenkins, of Avondale. She is an attractive brunette, and is a young lady of charm and pleasing personality. She was educated at Converse and Mere dith Colleges, graduating from the fatter in 1921 with an A. B. degree. For the past year she has taught Latin and French in the Cliffside high school, where she has proven herself an efficient teacher, and has won a host of friends. Mr. Cowan is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cowan, of Ruther fordton. He is a gi'aduate of the Oniversity of North Carolina, re ceiving his A. B. degree in 1921, and is a member of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. Since graduation he has been connected with the Stonecutter Mills Company at Spindale, of which he is assistant secretary and treasurer. He has a sterling charac ter and is one of the most promis ing young men of the state. After the ceremony an informal reception was held, during which Mr. and Mrs. Z. O. Jenkins, parents of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cowan, parents of the groom, re ceived the wedding guests. Those as sisting in receiving were Misses Sara and Viola Cowan, sisters of the groom; Mrs. Andrew Harrill and Mrs. H. H. Jenkins, sisters of the bride; and Miss Ruth Higgins, of Caroleen. Tuesday evening following the re hearsal Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Caldwell at home in Cliffside, entertain ed the bridal party and a few invited guests. OPENING OF SUMMER SCHOOL The summer'school will begin at the Forest City grammar school on June 14. All pupils who desire to make up credits failed on and those wishing to make new credits should report to the grammar school at 8:30 to be classified and get their assign ments for lessons. Prof. A. C. Finch will teach pupils from the seventh grade through the eleventh. The fees for courses will be same as last year, four dollars for half credits, and eight dollars for each credit. * * FOREST CITY COURIER PRIETTA NEWS Henrietta, June B.—Mrs. W. S. Moore and sons, Cocfy and Joe, spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. C. L. McMahan, at Shel by. Mr. O. G. Moreiieaa, who has been : overseer of carding: for the past few years, has resigned his position here ; to accept a similar position at Cliff side. Mr. D. F. Clark, of the Loray Mill, Gastonia, succeeds Mr. More head here and has moved his family i into the house formerly occupied by i Mr. Morehead. Rev. R. N. Childress left this week ! to attend the preachers' school to be held at Meredith College, Raleigh. Mrs. Childress and little son, Billy, will visit her home in Raleigh while Mr. Childress is there. Miss Francis Jolly, of Kannapolis, j spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. I R. N. Childress. | Mr. M. B. Mahaffee, Jr., returned ! last week from State College, Ral j eigh. He will leave Friday for An niston, Ala., and will be at Camp Mc ) Clellan with the State R. O. T. C. i j for six weeks. Mr. H. P. Hyder and family, of Gaffney, visited his parents, Mr. and , Mrs. M. E. Hyder, last Sunday. ! A large number took advantage of the opportunity to take the typhoid and diptheria treatment during Dr. Twitty's visit Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McMahan spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moore. Dr Zeno Wall, of Shelby., was in town Monday. Dr.. Wall has been suffering with throat trouble but is better. The many friends here of Mr. Raleigh Wall will be glad to learn that he is slowly improving at the Shelby Hospital where he was des perately ill with pneumonia following m ' § m Si 1 IBBK ■ • ••• H HHH : jt MERCHANTS TO CLOSE STORES THURSDAY AT NOON j Beginning Thursday, June 10, the j following business men have signed an agreement to close their places of business at 12 o'clock on Thurs day afternoon through the months of June, July, and August: Dalton Bros. Horns' Cash Store. Watkins' Grocery Co. Jones & Co. Farmers Hardware Co. D. M. Stahl & Co. Forest City Motor Co. J. E. Grose. City Barber Shop. Sinkoe's. The Leader. Flack Hardware Co. Efird's Department Store, j National Bank of Forest City, i Moss Furniture Co. | Courtney's 5c to SI.OO Store, j J. W. Sanders C. S. Hemphill. Palace Barber Shop. Carolina Store No. 2. Farmers Bank. Padgett & King. The Fair Store. King Gi-ocery Co. B. B. Doggett. Forest City Furniture Co. City Dry Cleaning Co. I P. N. Long. J. M. Price & Son. A. & P. Tea Co. F. C. Shoe Hospital Mark's Shoe Shop. J. H. Crawford. H. D. Phillips. Miss Bernice Kanipe leaves Wed nesday for a months visit in Monroe, N. C. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY BOOSTER EDITION NEARING FINISH Forty Pages Printed Already and Work Goes Forward Day and Night. (Special To The Courier.) Rutherfordton, June 9.—Forty pages of Rutherford County's big feature historical and pictorial edi tion of The Rutherford County News, have come from the press and the mechanical and press work goes forward continuosly day and night, in an effort to have the entire pub lication appear at an early date. This campaign has been county wide, and every single town and com munity of Rutherford county has re spondedj with the maximum support. One of the most beautiful and ap pealing features of the edition will be the Chimney Rock-Lake Lure sec tion of about sixteen pages, in which the attractiveness of Chimney Rock and the magnitude of the great Lake Lure development will be set forth in both word and picture. There is, perhaps, no institution in Ruther ford county today that is doing more or even as much, in helping to broad cast Rutherford's name to the entire country and world as is Chimney Rock Mountains, Inc., and this major enterprise will receive first hand rec ognition in this edition. The campaign, which has been executed primarily to give the prop er constructive publicity to Ruth erford county has been conducted under the auspices of The Ruther ford County News, in co-operation with the Rutherford County Club, the Kiwanis Clubs of the county, the various county and town officials and the larger commercial and industrial enterprises of the county, and while it has taken time to compile such an edition and get it published, still it has been done thoroughly and it is expected that the edition will be a prized credit to the citizenship of the county and a valued asset to the county's every interesL The campaign has been in charge of the I Herbert L. Knight Mr. Knight, himself, being in active man agement of the entire campaign, every phase of which has gone for ward in a most successful and satis factory manner. INTERESTING WEDDING OF POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE A wedding that came as a surprise to their many friends was that of Miss Ollie Tate and Mr. Jack Harrill, which took place Friday afternoon, June 4, at Rutherfordton. The cere mony was performed by Dr. M. A. Adams and the happy couple left immediately for a bridal trip through the mountains of Western North Carolina, returning to Forest, City Sunday, where they will make their home with the groom's mother, Mrs. P. D. Harrill, Sr. The bride, who is the charming young daughter of Mrs. J. M. Tate, was beautifully attired in a dress of tan crepe with accessories to match. The groom is the son of Mrs. P. D. Harrill, Sr., and is a very promising young business man. 'Both bride and groom are from two of Rutherford county's most prominent families and have many friends who wish for them a long and happy life. CYCLONE AUCTION CO. HAS TWO BIG SALES The Cyclone Auction Company this week announces two big sales. The first will be at Hendersonville, on June 15, when they will sell bus iness and residential property. They have been very successful in that fast growing city, as well as elsewhere. Of more interest locally is the an nouncement in a page ad in this is sue of a big sale to be held here on June 17. At this time they will sell about 25 splendid Residential lots on Broadway and also two houses and lots. This sale should attract a large crowd of eager buyers, as these offerings are among the best ever offei'ed by this company. Be sure and read the ad for full particulars, and attend the sale. The warm days have come. Get in the swim at Woodland Swimming Pool. Delightfully attractive for young and old—women, men and children. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROL NA, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1926 BIG BARBECUE AT CHIMNEY ROCK To Lay Cornerstone of Admin istration Building—Dinner For 2,000. On next Tuesday, June 15, one of the biggest events in the history of the county will be celebrated with the laying of the cornerstone of the Lake Lure administration building. The ceremonies will mark the open ing of the South's greatest develop ment enterprise and a great crowd is expected on this eventful day. Dinner will be served to 2,000 people while, the Fort Bragg mili tary band will furnish music. A sil ver cup and other prizes will be given as souvenirs. Silver-tongued Max Gardner will lay the cornerstone, using a silver trowel. His address will be worth traveling miles to hear. There will be thousands of visitors. Rutherford county folks should make a point of attending. EFIRD'S DEPARTMENT STORE HAVING GREATEST SALE IN HISTORY OF MAMMOTH STORE Efird's department store is adver tising the approach of the second week of their annual chain .sale, be ginning Friday morning. This great sale, starting last week, is pro nounced by Manager P. T. Reinhardt the most successful in the history of the local store. He says that they are not only having a great volume to the sale, but that they are giving the greatest values ever offered. To appreciate their offerings a visit to the store will be necessary, there to view the great stocks of new goods priced to make wonderful val ues. Over a million dollars worth of new goods were purchased for this sale and you get pick and choice of the very best and newest merchan dise. The Courier feels that the big two page ad last week had its influence in promoting what Manager Rein hardt pronounces his greatest sale, A page ad this week tells more of the sale. Be sure to read it, and in visiting the store please mention your county paper. FOREST CITY, ROUTE 2 NEWS Forest City, Route 2 June 7. — The farmers of this section have been very busy thinning cotton, but if the dry weather continues the crops will be cut short this time. Rev. Z. D. Harrill filled his regu lar appointment at Bethany Satur day and Mr. Ralph Melton preached' Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lewis visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green in Ruth erfordton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carroll and family and Mrs. Elmeda McDonald, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Caught McDonald and family. Mrs. Weldon Hill and daughters, Miss Grace of Spindale, and Mrs. Hubert Hodge, of Rutherfordton, visited at Mr. W. E. Lewis' Sunday afternoon. Several from this community at tended the singing at Concord Sun day. SERIES 28 MATURED The 28th series of the Forest City Building and Loan association has matured and will be paid on June 15. Those having mortgages in this se ries will be pleased to know they are paid and those who have no mort gages will be paid the check for which they have been so very pa tiently waiting. A new series will open on the 3rd of July. Take shares in this series to supplant your matured shares. Remember the opening date, July 3rd. Dr. Wm. C. Bostic, Jr., will grad uate at the University of Pennsyl vania on June 16. Announcement of the 170 th commencement have been received'by friends here, \oung Dr. Bostic is following in the footsteps of his illustrious father in the prac tice of medicine and should meet with great success. He is a fine young man of whom his many friends ex pect great things, and "ho one will be disappointed. MROLEEN NEWS | Birthday Celebrated. Caroleen, June B.—A large num ber t-f friends and relatives gathered at tnt home of Mr. A. F. Mitchell Sund&y, June 6. to celebrate the 76th \»irthday of his mother, Mrs. Amanda Mitchell, who makes her home there. Mrs. Mitchell, regard less of her age, still enjoys good health and regularly attends chm-ch services. A bountiful picnic dinner was spread on a large table in the yard and everyone present enjoyed themselves, and wished Mrs. Mit chell many happy returns of the day. Mrs. Mitchell received many useful gifts. ♦ * ♦ I Delightful Trip. A number of young folks enjoy ed a delightful trip on one of the large Lake Lanier busses last Thurs day to Lake Lanier and other de velopments near Tryon. The party was gotten up by Mr. N. J. James from here and those enjoying this trip were: Misses Ruth Robertson Emily Hollifield, Ruth Piei'cy, Ada Smith, Messrs. N. J. James, Eules Hawkins, Roy James and a large party that joined them at Forest City. A de lightful lunch was served to the guests at the Minosa Hotel. m * *■ Missionary Meeting. An interesting missionary meeting was held at Mrs. A. F. Mitchell's Monday evening by the Cooper Town Circle. Mrs. M. A. Higgins had charge of the program and had planned a most helpful and enjoy able program. The missionary work of China was the topic of discussion, several interesting papers were read by the members present, and two special vocal duets were rendered by other members. Delightful re freshments was served to the 18 present. V * * Miss Ethel Hollifield and a num ber of her friends, are expected to arrive home this week from Mere dith College. Mrs. Gary Smart and children of Shelby, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tan Harris, this week. Prof, and Mrs. J. B. Jones leaves this week for Chapel Hill, where they will attend summer school for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hamrick spent Sun day in Blacksburg S. C., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Lipscomb. The many friends and relatives of Mr. J. D. Branch are glad indeed to see him home again after a year's stay in Alburquque, New Mex. Mr. Branch reports that it is a wonderful country there and that he had en joyed splendtd health and success but his intentions how are to remain in his own state for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Hamrick and children spent the week-end in In man, S. C., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Mahaffee. Mr. Jess Hill, of Rock Hill, S. C., spent the week-end here, visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. L. B. Robbins and daughter, Blanche, who have been very ill with typhoid fever, are some better we are very glad to report, but Elien the youngest daughter, who also has it, is still in very serious condition. Mr. and Mi's. J. F. Harris and sons spent Sunday at Harris, N. C., visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Deck Harris, and attending memorial services at Wes leyan Chapel. Rev. Roy Waters will fill the pul pits here and at Henrietta during the absence of Rev. Childress. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hill, of Great Falls, S. C., spent the week-end here visiting relatives and friends. DEATH OF MRS. WILSON Mrs. Mary Wilson died Monday June 7, at her home on Uree, Route one, of paralysis and complications. She was 72 years old, being born on Cane Creek, in 1853. She pro fessed religion when about 17 years old rind has lived a consecrated Christian life. She was married about the age of 19, to Mr. W. W. Wilson, who preceeded her to the grave about three months ago. To this union were born eleven chil dren seven of whom survive. Funeral services was conducted at Cane Creek Baptist church, Tuesday by Rev. W. A. Morris, of Hender sonville. 12 PAGES 72 COLUMNS $1.50 Per Year In Advance THE CHAUTAUQUA RETURNS NEXT YEAR Thirty Business Men Make it •Possible For Rutherford County to Enjoy High Class Entertainment. Redpath's ehautauqua has come and and, owing to the progres sive spirit of some of Forest City's business men in signing the guaran tee, the people of the county will have the pleasure and benefit of the ehautauqua again next year. The program this year was high class throughout and gave general satisfaction. Many of the single numbers were worth the price of a season ticket. There were better seating arrangements and a better program than last year. For the first time in many years the guarantors lost a small amount this year, owing to a conflict with the school commencement exercises. However, this is not expected to oc cur again, and there is not a single guarantor who does not confidently expect to go away over the pledge next year. These public spirited men do not hesitate to pledge for the return of the ehautauqua, a county wide entertainment for the benefit of the people in every section of our county. RANDALL-CHAMPION A wedding of interest to a wide circle of friends was that of Miss Eugenia Champion and Mr. Bryan Randall, which was solemnized Tues day evening, at 8:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Champion, of Alexander. Rev. C. C. Matheny, pastor of Alex ander Baptist church, officiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. W. B. Harris. The vows were spoken in the par lor in front of a bank of ferns and daisies and lighted candles. The bride was lovely in a costume of gray crepe de chine.. Only a few near relatives and friends were present at the wedding, Mrs. Randall is the eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Champion, of Alexander Mills. She is a grad uate of Forest City high school of the class of '25. She was. a teacher in the Alexander school during the past year. Mr. Randajl is an enterprising young merchant, being a member of the firm of Holland and Randall. The happy couple will spend their honeymoon in Wilmington N. C. INTERESTING ANNOUNCEMENT The following interesting announce ment has been received by friends here: Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Edward Hurst announce the marriage of their daughter Annie, to Rev. Chas. Bu ford Trammel on Monday, June 7th, 1926, Durham, N. C. Rev. and Mrs. Trammell will be at home at 211 Bridge street, Wash ington, N. C., after June 15th, where Mr. Trammel has accepted the pas torate of the Baptist church. TEAL-MORRIS WEDDING Mr. W. F. Morris and Miss Hat tie Te&l were married at Greenwood by the Rev. D. J .Hunt on Wednes day of last week. The news of the marriage of this popular couple was received with a great deal of inter est by their many friends in this city. After a short visit to other places the couple returned to this city and have gone to housekeeping on Beaver street. The bride is the attractive and popular daughter of the late la mented Rev. C. M. Teal and is a young lady of many charming accom plishments. The groom is one of Forest City's well known young business men, a member of the firm of Morris' Bakery. Many friends all over the county wish for this couple much happiness and a prosperous life's journey. The Rutherford County Epworth League will hold a meeting at the Spindale Community House Wednes day evening June 16. A social hour will be held after the program is over. Every chapter in the county is urged to be present.