The Courier Only $1.50 Per Year VOL Via—NO. 39. SPLENDID SKETCH OF MR. W. j. M'DANIEL Whose Death at Rutherford ton Has Caused Universal Sorrow. (Special to The Courier.) Elsewhere in The Courier will be found a short article relating: the 'death of Mr. W. J. McDaniel, at Rutherfordton. Our special corres pondent sends the following article, covering more fully the history and activities, and an appreciation of this popular citizen. Rutherfordton, July 6.—Mr. W. J. McDaniel, a prominent citizen of Rutherfordton, died early Friday morning and was buried Saturday, "he funeral services being conducted at 11 o'clock, Saturday, from the Methodist church, by Rev. J. O. Er vin, pastor, assisted by Rev. T. C. Jordan, of Asheville, Revs. M. A. Adams and W. L. Latham, of the Baptist and Presbyterian churches, of Rutherfordton. The death of Mr. McDaniel, while not unexpected, is- greatly deplored by the entire town and surrounding country, many business associates and personal friends recall his cour teous manner and genial demeanor and their pleasant associations with him in former days. Born at Cherokee Springs, S. C., in the year 1873, the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McDaniel, he moved with his parents to Rutherfordton in 1890 and was educated in the public school, attended the Rutherford Military Institute and later went to business college at Asheville. He was engaged in merchantile business w-ith his father for several years and for four years served the peo ple as Deputy Register of Deeds and was appointed postmaster, which po sition he filled for some years effi ciently, resigning to devote his time to the firm of McDaniel &. Saunders, which later as the McDaniel-Miller Co., became one of the largest and most prosperous business interests of Rutherfordton. It was at this time that his health was impaired by close attention to business and he decided to retire from active work \n hope that he might regain bis strength, but in spite of the best care and medical attention he did not improve and gradually grew worse until the end came peacefully welcome release from bodily suffer ing, his only regret being that oth ers would sorrow at the parting. In addition to being a successful business man, Mr. McDaniel was identified with the civic and reli gious interests of the town. A con sistent member of the Methodist church, he was a loyal supporter of every move for the advancement of the Master's cause. For several years he was on the town Board and it was largely through his influence that the era for better streets and modern improvements began in Ruth erfordton and so vitally interested was he that much of the work was done under his personal supervision, leaving his own business in order to be more faithful to the trust reposed in him as a public offical.. Firm in his convictions, tho retiring in dis position he was ever ready to stand for the right as he saw it. An up right, honorable. Christian gentle man, may his influence go -on through the ages. Mr: McDaniel was married to Miss Annie Wilson Miller March 2, 1897. To this happy union were born three sons and three daughters, the old est eon dying in infancy. He is survived by his widow and the follow ing children: Mr. W. J. McDaniel, Jr., a student of Atlanta Dental College; Mr. Robert McDaniel, Misses Alice, Ethel and Edith McDaniel; his mother, Mrs. Minerva McDaniel; two brothers, Messrs. H. L. McDaniel of Rutherfordton; M. B. McDaniel, of Asheville; and two sisters, Mrs. W. J. Mode and Mrs. John Saunders. Her many friends are rejoiced to see Miss Kate Summey out again following her recent injuries in an automobile accident. Where are you spending the hot evenings? What more inviting place is offered than Woodland Swimming Pool? Come out and take a dip in Rutherford county's best swimming pool. . 39-2t. FOREST CITY COURIER GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM OF COOL SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL l '%!♦?!#•:rt f»T«k f9K ' /"♦ i"• ;tX:4'-V*-:■■~.- x-;^v--i*:*'• >1- -TiHgUlwr v .'VT •..•, «y-j a s.'grpyrTyy ' . »* -.»~*cSi *'-v/e-CSfc Sr t^^p 1 V»i -i| f ♦ '4' _"■ Mary Davis, Mabel Rollins, Brent McKeithan, Mary Meares, Miss Sarah Bailey, Coach; Viola Hollifield, Ruth Hollifield, Agnes Davis, Margaret Moore, Captain. The members of the girls' basket ball team of Cool Springs high school HENRIETTA NEWS - e> Henrietta, July 6.—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harris, of Rutherfordton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Camp, from Henrietta; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hanes and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanes, motored to Wrightsville Beach to spend the week-end Saturday after noon. The party reported a delight ful trip. Mr. J. F. Daniel, of the Henrietta store, is takj.ig his vacation this week. Mrs. W. S. Moore and sons, S. 8., Cefy and Joe, spent the week end in Wilmington. Miss Ostine Whisnant will return from the Rutherford Hospital this week. She recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. J. F. Sherard and children, of Henderson ville, spent the week end here with her mother, }frs. H. A. Wall. Mrs. Arthur Byrd, of Henderson ville, and Miss Margaret Blarton, of Shelby, visited Mrs. T. C. Lovelace, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, of Hendersonville, spent the week-end here with Mr. Smith's parents. Mon day they visited Mrs. Smith's pa rents, near Gaffney. Mr. and Mrs. James Dandridge, of Walterboro, S. C., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Clyde E. Ma haffee. Mr D. D. Fortune left Friday to visit his sons, Messrs. C. C., and H. H. Fortune, in Camden, N. J. While away Mr. Fortune will -attend the Sesqui-Centenial exposition in Phila delphia. Mr. Walter McAbees who holds an important position at Griffin, Ga., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McAbee. Mr. Dandridge, formerly with The Rutherfordton Sun, but now with The Winter Haven Chief, Winter Haven, Fla., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Clyde E. Mahaffee. Miss Virginia Hughes has returned from a visit to Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach. She made the trip with her brother, Mr. Maynard Hughes, and family, of Spartan burg, S. C. A number of young people left Tuesday morning for a camping trip to Chimney Rock. Among the young men who re cently spent some time at Wilming ton are Messrs. Thomas Wall, Ho ward West and Cato McGinnis. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mahaffee left Tuesday for Newton. Mr. Ma haffee will go from there to Oteen. Mrs. Mahaffee will spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ervin. Mr. Clarence Ervin, of Newton, was in town last week in the in terest of the Junior Order insur ance. w The employees of the Henrietta and Caroleen stores enjoyed a swim ming party at Woodland' Park last Monday afternoon, given by Mr. W. S. Moss, manager of the stores. The Bpacious Wiseman home in PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFOR D COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1926 left Monday on a ten days camping trip near Brevard They were chap BIG AUCTION SALE OF LOTS TO BE HELD THURSDAY, JULY 15 To Sell the Splendid Residence Lots of B. B. Doggett Property. On Thursday afternoon, July 15, beginning at 2:30 o'clock, Forest City is to have the biggest lot sale ever conducted in this fast grow ing city. This sale of high class residence lots is to be conducted by the Realty Investment & Auction Company, of Tryon and Daytona Beach, Fla., for the Highland Park Place Development Co., while the offerings comprise the B. B. Doggett property in the West End, the most desirable in the city. This property has been cut into 34 splendid resi dence lots. All city improvements are to be made, including water, lights, sewerage and telephone. Streets have been graded and every thing will be done to add to the con venience and attractiveness of this new residence addition, which prom ises to be the prettiest and most de sirable in the city. Several new homes have already been olanned -for this new addition North Henrietta, was the scene of much merrymaking during the week end, when Mrs. C. B. Wiseman en tertained her brothers and sisters and their families at a house party. About twenty were present. THE VOTE IN SECOND PRIMARY Recorder Reg. D'ds Couuty Commissioners r so g 5 w TJ ~ ! a "3 fe-iJ O H in £°gg- w «S!Q£o d u eu °* £ « * « w £i £ o o d i Rutherfordton jj 294 361 307 341 507 482 534 163 147 j 80 Spindale __ _».| 76 145 87 132 149 1/3 158 53 /8 41 Green Hill | 13 62 2»| 44 73 72 70 5 2 3 Pleasant Hill -1 15 27 6f 37 30 30 32 13 11 10 ff i - I 17 40 221 34 35 33 37 18 25 20 Springs "~>\ 132 52 691 120 160 112 92 55 78 57 Owens 1 55 16 37 j 34 701 361 25 4 46 33 „ avneg , 91 58| 50] 100 42 57 37 102 115 105 SI 38 139 53! 130 54 105 86 78 121 87 Henrietta I 16 1351 7 144 24 40 23 107 129 123 Avondale _ .! 49| 611 23! 86 70 72 59 48 50 25 Caroleen I 64 1 47 ' 105 51 91 80 " 49 88 86 ELboroNorri-l 1091 961 99|107 92 101 97 83 91 128 Ellenboro No. 2 112| 80; 62J 123 88 96 97 67 110 105 Bostic _ J 31 62! 32 j 60 12 51 14 37 83 80 Cool Sp'gs. No. 1 „.| 109 85j 112! 80 52 57 46 126 142 142 Cool Sp'gs. No. 2 | 216 200! 253J 159 157 198 173 208 279 224 Cool Sp'gs. No. 3 -| 112 73! 97| 89 52 55 66; 109 133 122 Duncan's Creek „„• | 19| 611 70j 9| 70j 79j 65; 5| 22| 8 Golden Valley !| 57| 35 53j SB| 79 811 66 llj 25 14 Logan's Store __ | 99; 147 44! 230| 32 191 18 281! 231 215 Mt. Vernon | 25;' 70 Uj 84j 22 14 54 69j 54 57 Camp Creek 451 89 41 89| 83 85 83 40 52 38 Morgan No. 1 7j 47 11 43| 50 41 53 2 5 11 Morgan No. 2 , 2 8 111 8 3 8 4 2 5 Chimney Rock 1 30 40 7 63 1 33 34 47 36 21 32 Chimney Rock 2 • 20 24 22 22\ 33 25 25 20 13 11 Gilkey 9 124 38 93 j 89 92 100 26 33 22 Total «{iSfi2|2423 1688|2608[2217 2344 2235 1819 2186 1884 eroned by their coach, Miss Sara Bailey. Everything will be new in this sub division. There will be no old or shoddy houses to mar the appear ance of this section. It is all close in to schools and churches, within the city limits, and offers a most ideal place in which to build a new home. These beautiful lots are to be sold at auction on Thursday, July 15, be ginning at 2:30 p. m. A brass band and other amusements will entertain the crowd, while a free gift of a Ford car will be made. Remember the date and attend, not forgetting that the offerings are the best in the city. Buy for a home or buy for investment. You will never get the same opportunity again. For full particulars, see N, J. James, and watch this paper for big ad next week. ENTERTAINS FOR MISS WINN Mrs. W. L. Horn delightfully en | tertained on Tuesday evening in hon or of her charming guest, Miss Eil ! een Winn, of Durham. Music and j dancing was enjoyed throughout the | evening. Delicious refreshments were served. Those enjoying Mrs. Horn's hospitality wire: Misses Eil een Winn, Louise Holland, Mar garet Huvnes, "Toots" Webb, Vir ginia Link, Ruth Webster, Mary Cro well, Miss Gantt; Messrs. James Ayres, Clyde Finley, C. L., and Hu bert Moore, Charles and James gett, Mr. Justice, John Reid, George •Carpenter. CAROLEEN NEW^ A Splendid Letter From One of The Courier's Star Correspondents. Caroleen, July 6.—Through the courtesy and thoughtfulness of Mr. W. S. Moss, the popular manager of the Henrietta Mills Stores, the em ployees of the two stores had the, privilege of enjoying a delightful outing Monday evening from 3:30 p. m. for the rest of the day. The day being unusually hot, a visit to the swimming pool at Forest City was suggested by Mr. Moss and a free swim was offered to all those wishing to take a dip, which offer was joy fully accepted by most of the force. Quite a number of other friends were invited to join the party which included Misses Rose Gaffney, Ruth Robertson, Ada Smith, Mrs. Clayton Stalnaker, Mr W. S. Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Buren Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Love lace, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Harrill and daughter, Ruth; Mrs. T. C. Smith, Mrs. Bruner Beam, Mr. Clyde Ma haffee, Mr. Walter Mahaffee, Mr. Ed mond Dandridge, Joe Whisnant, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Harrill, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Earley, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Reed, Mr. L. B. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Martin, Dr. and Mrs. Perry Wiseman, Miss Cupid 1 Wiseman, Mr. James Wiseman, Paul Head, Ros wald Sorrels, and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hamrick. Others enjoyed the evening elsewhere, Mr. Robert Neal and Mr. Don Blanton and Willie Moss, Jr., motored to Chimney Rock; Messrs, R. G. Francis, Chas. James, Will Henson, L. N. Daniel, and Chas. Little went in for a rest at home. The evening was thorough-' ly enjoyed by all and everyone ap preciated the kindness of Mr. Moss, and hope that the occasion may be repeated again soon. The following relatives from here attended a family i*eunion held at the home of Mr. E. W. Dedmond, of Columbus, Sunday, July 4, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Hamrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hamrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Hamrick and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Hamrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Hamrick and family, Mr. and Mrs, Vardy Ab : ernathy, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Ham : rick, Mrs. Sallie Biggerstaff, Mr. Dedmond is an only brother of Mrs. P. N. Hamrick. About sixty relatives were present | The Ladies' Missionary Society, I Harrill Town Circle, of the Baptist I church, will meet with Mrs. Summey j Holland 1 , Wednesday afternoon. A I splendid program has been planned T and a large attendance is expect ed. Mr. Ernest Head, who has been in Florida for sometime, visited his mother here, Mrs. Anna Head. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker ami Mrs. John Parker, and children, mo tored to Chimney Rock Tuesday en joying the day among the wonders of Lake Lure. Miss Grace Robertson after super intending the Rutherford Hospital for the past four weeks is at home, taking a rest. Mr. Murk Lockhardt, S. C., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lock man. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Heyward and children are visiting relatives and friends this week. Mr. L. B. Robbins and daughter, Eleen who have been seriously ill forsometime are both able to be up again, we are glad to know. The Young Men's Class of the Baptist church, has invited the Young Ladies' Class to a picnic Wednesday evening. All are anticipating a real good time and lots of good eats. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mahaffee, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Hamrick Monday evening. Mr. Jim Neal enjoyed the day, Monday, July 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Randall's. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Hamrick, of Shelby, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Harrill, and other relatives during the week-end. Mrs. R R. Randall, of the dry goods department, Caroleen store, is taking her vacation this week. She and Mr. Randall expect to visit rela tives at Hickory Groce and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Steadman, of Alabama, spent a few hours here ' 14 PAGES 84 COLUMNS $1.50 Per Year In Advance SECOND PRIMARY PASSES QUIETLY The Winners Are Bean, Re corder; Geer, Reg. Deeds; Harris and Morgan, Co. Commissioners. An official tabulation elsewhere gives the complete vote in Satur day's second primary. The winners are: W. O. Geer, Register of Deeds; J. P. Bean, Recorder; G. W. Rollins, W. G. Harris and G. E. Morgan, County Commissioners. The vote is as follows: W. G. Geer, 2423; M. T. Wilkie, 1862; Geer's majority, 561. J. P. Bean, 2608; O. C. Erwin, 1688; Bean's majority, 920. In the County Commissioners' race, the total vote was: G. W. Rollins, 2344; G. E. Mor gan, 2235; W. G. Harris, 2217; these three being winners and all former members of the board. The vote stood as follows for then opponents: A. B. Price, 2186; J. E Grose, 1884; A. W. Deck, 1819. Turn to the table for a complete summary of the vote. INTERESTING LITTLE PAPER Miss Lila Gordon King, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. King surprised her parents this week by exhibiting to them a little paper she had gotten up on the typewriter. It has all the ear-marks of a regular paper and has for the title "The Outlook,," published weekly; (price good' will. Local happenings, jokes, etc., are covered and a childrens' page is announced for next week. It is a most creditable little paper, all the items being written in excellent style. NEW SANITARY MARKET Mi\ F. F. Black has purchased the stock of goods of Grose's Market, taking charge of his new store Tues day. lie has painted and cleaned the storeroom, making it look like new. Mi-. Black will call his place the Sanitary Market and says he will run it in the manner indicated by its name. He will carry the same line of groceries, vegetables, etc., and specialize or. fresh meats, MISS MARY LONG NOMINATED FOR SPEEDWAY SPONSOR Miss Mary Long, of Forest City, has been nominated sponsor for the Charlotte Speedway by the Willis Towery Post, American Legion, for the world's sprint race classic, Aug ust 23rd. Thirty-one sponsors have been se lected in North and South Carolina, who have entered the voting contest and compete for prizes offered by the Charlotte Speedway for the spon sors receiving the largest number of votes. Automobile racing is one of the greatest sports in the world, one full of thrills and enjoyment, and the people of this section of the coun try are fortunate in having one of the fastest speeefways in the world located in their state. Buy your tickets early and be able to get the very choice seats When you purchase your ticket you cast votes for Miss Mary Long, Forest City, sponsor arid her maids of For- I est City: Misses Katheryn Barber, i Margaret Moore, Dorothy Bostic, Bunna Jones, Kate Long, and Mrs. F. R. Wilkins. Mr. and Mrs. G C. King and fam ily, expect to leave next week for their mountain home. They have recently built a log cabin in a new sub-division at Chestnut Hill. They expect to return to Forest City be fore school opens. Monday afternoon shaking hands with old friends. Mr. Steadman was manager of the Caroleen store some years ago, but has been engaged in the lumber business in Georgia and Alabama for a number of years, where he has made quite a fortune. Their many friends here were in deed glad to see them again.