The Courier Only $1.50 Per Year VOL VIII—NO. 41. J. w. WEBB, CITY MANAGES, RESIGNS POSITION Effective August Ist—Great Progress During His Incumbency. The resignation of City Manager J. W. Webb, tendered some six weeks ago, was reluctantly accepted by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting Friday night of last week. He will re tire from his official duties,. August Ist, after having served the city in a most efficient and satisfactory man ner since July 15, 1925, when the city first adopted the city manager plan. While not unexpected, the resigna tion of Mr. Webb is none the less keenly regretted upon the part of the progressive citizens of the city. The resignation, according to a state ment of Mr. Webb to The Courier, was mostly influenced by the state of health of Mrs. Webb, who has re turned to her former home at Salis bury to enter a hospital for treat ment. Strong pressure was brought to bear upon him to reconsider his res ignation, and his final action is keen ly regretted, as he has made the city a most capable manager. A glance over the official statement of the Town of Forest City, printed in this issue of The Courier, will give a com prehensive review of financial con dition of the city, and will also show that the city's affairs have been in capable hands. Forest City has made rapid strides under the city manager plan, and tbe issue at stake just now is to wheth er a new official will be appointed and the plan continued or revertion be made to the old plan. The Courier is of the opinion that a mistake will be made if the city manager plan is dropped. Forest City has progressed to the point where it necessitates the services of a capable man to manage the multitudiuous duties demanding attention. The matter is up to the Board of Aldermen, and their dis position of the matter is not yet known. Only two members have been interviewed by The Courier, and they are divided upon the issue. Forest City suffers a severe loss in the removal to his old home of Mr. Webb and his excellent family. They have made a legion of friends in this city who are loath to see them go. They have been active in all the civic and social affairs of the city, tak ing a prominent part in every move ment for the betterment of the city. Mr. Webb more than made good in every phase of Ms work as 'city manager, his ripe experience and sound judgment on many occasions saving the city large sums. The great est progress in the history of the city has been made during the past year under the guidance of his ef ficient management, and his resig nation at this time falls heavily upon the town he has served so well. CAPTURES NEW FORD CAR; HOLDS MAN FOR THEFT Some quick and effective work was done by Deputy Sheriff P. P.. IJarrill, Tuesday, when he captured a new Ford touring: car, and lodged a man giving his name as Leroy Keen, in the Rutherfordton jail, charged with the theft of the car. Keen first claimed to be from Canton, but later he said he was from Tampa, f'la. Two men and a woman drove the car into the Ilaynes Filling Station on Cherry Mountain street, and sus picion was first aroused when the man Keen endeavored to sell the car, H new 102(3 model Ford touring, for the small sum of SIOO. The matter! was reported to Mr. Harrill, who quietly went to the filling station to investigate. When Keen saw him examining the car and looking at the license tag, he tried to make his get-away, but was nabbed by the dtputy. The other man and woman made good their escape. The car, bears a new N. C. license tag No. 143971-E. Confident that the car was stolen. Deputy Harrill landed the man Keen in jail and is holding the PUT for further developments. FOREST CITY COURIER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY CAROLEEN NEWS I News Notes of Interesting Hap penings Collected For Courier Readers. I Caroleen, July 20.—Rev. fcj. O. i Cole, presiding elder, of this district, preached a forceful sermon at the ! Methodist church here Sunday morn- I ing at 11 o'clock. Quarterly con ference held immediately after the i services. Rev. Cole spent Saturday i night at the home of the pastor, Rev. | «J. P. Hornbuckle, and was the guest i of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harris, Sunday i for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Francis are happy over the arrival of a fine nine pound boy—William Howard, who ' will be better known as "Billy,"—on Wednesday, July 14. Mr. and Mrs. Buren Phillips left | Monday for a week's vacation among i relatives in Charlotte, Mt. Airy and ; other points. ' Miss Edith Jolley, neice of Rev. ' and Mrs. R. N. Childress, has re i turned to her home in Kannapolis, after a few weeks' visit here. Mrs. P. N. Hamrick and daughter, Mrs. V. Abernathy, of Avondale. | spent Thursday with Mrs. Sallie Big ' gerstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Brunei- Beam and I children, spent Sunday in Ilender i sonville, visiting Mrs. Beam's mother. Mr. Charlie James and mother, ; Mrs. Richard McDaniel, spent Sat | urday in Spartanburg, visiting rela j tives and shopping. ! Mr. Arthur Carroll and children, .of Alabama, visited Mr. and Mrs. | L. B. Bobbins, Sunday. Mr. Carroll ; is a brother of Mrs. Robbins. ; Mr. John Franeis, of Oklahoma i City, is visiting his brothers, and other relatives here for a few i weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Walker, of Rutherfordton. spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith. Miss Mar garet Walker also visited Miss Ada Smith for the week-end. Miss Zenobria Neal entertained a number of young folks at her home here last Saturday evening. Music, games and delicious refreshments were enjoyed by those present. About thirty-five Boy Scouts, ac companied by their scoutmaster, I Rev. R. N. Childress, enjoyed a trip jto the Woodland Park Swimming [ Pool, at Forest City, Tuesday even ling. After two hours' fun in the j water a weiner roast, and picnic sup j per was enjoyed by tbe youngsters. Mrs. B. L. Reynolds, of Raleigh, is visiting her daughter., .Mrs. R. X. Childress. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Rey nolds, of La Grange, Ga, were also | week-end visitors of Rev. and Mrs. •Childress. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stalnaker, | are taking their vacation this week, ! motoring in the mountains. IT. PLEASANT NEWS Forest City R.-l, July 20—This community has experienced some real hot and dry weather for the IKist few days. The crops -are very much in need orf rain. A large crowd had a happy fishing day at Green river one day last week. Among those who went were:j Mr. T. JJ. Toms and family, Mr. and ! Mrs. Joe Randall, Mr. Charlie Toms,! and family, Mr. J. A. Peeler, and son, j Adelaide and ?»fisses Flora and Ola j Mae Matheny. Mr. RekJ Toms, of Wilmington, | visited Mr. smd Mrs. J. W. Matheny,' i last Thursday. Mr. Earl Young, of Mooresville, ar rived Sunday tj return with his wife who has been visiting relatives in this community. Mrs. A. W. Matheny returned with them .to spend a few days. Mr. T. J. Tom." and family visit kd Mr. and Mrs. Burle Womiek, Sun day. Mr. J. T. Summers and son, Toy. were called to A shevi He Sunday to visit the former's brother, who is very sick. The summer session of the Mt. i'ie:.; '.nt school began Monday with Prof. V. A. Brown as principal again. Mitses Flora Matheny. Dorothy Mc- Daniel and Glen Harriss, are assist ing him. The summer session is held in order to include the nine months which the school is glad to have. Mr, and Mrs. Forest Davidson were visitors at Mr, and Mrs, J, M. Prjtu 's Sunday. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1926 FOREST CM HAS 1 $40,000 LOT SALE Doggett Sub-Division Property Sells at Handsome Prices —New Houses Going Up. The sale of the Doggett Property Thursday, of last week drew one of the largest crowts seen at any sale this season, and it is reported that bidding was spirited throughout the sale. The sale of lots amounted to approximately $40,000, lots ranging in price from SI,OOO to $2,500, while practically every lot was sold. This sale, the first of its kind ever held in this city, was conducted on the certificate plan by the Realty Investment Auction Co., of Daytona Beach, Fla., and Tryon, N. C., the plan proving most successful, accord ing to the promoters. The B. B. Doggett property in the West End, some of the most desir able in and around the city, is be ing handled by Messrs. antes, Dog gett and Champion, who are plan ning a development that will prove a real asset and benefit to the city. New homes are needed and many will go up in this splendid sub-divi sion, where all modern conveniences will be installed. Already three handsome homes, costing from $5,- 000 to $6,000 each, are planned and will be erected at an early date. Many more will doubtless follow. The owners plan to push the devel opment of this sub-division, making it eventually the most desirable in this section. The promoters of Thursday's sale were appreciative of the large crowd which turned out at the sale, and at tribute this to the liberal advertising done in The Courier, they having carried a two-page ad in Thui*sday's edition. They long since learned the efficacy of newspaper advrtising in their many large transactions in Florida- The crowd came early and stayed late. The music and the prizes were much appreciated, the Ford car go ing to a Mr. Owens, of near Spin dale. The sale proved conclusively that Forest City real estate is a valuable asset and has a steadily increasing value. SNEAK THIEVES ENTER H&ME OF MRS. CALLAHAN Sneak thieves entered the home of Mrs. E. J. Callahan, who resides on route 2, near Forest City, last Saturday and got away with .S3O in gold, S3O in-paper money and a note for S3OO. The loss falls heavily upon Mrs. Callahan and represented the savings of years. She is 71 years old and the widow of the late S. C. i Callahan. Some time ago thieves broke into Mrs. Callahan's home sat night and stole S2O. THE IRISH ROSE On next Saturday evening, July 24, at 8:30 o'clock, a play entitled, "The Irish Rose," will bo presented at Washburn school house, Bostic,: Route 2. This play is being given by the young people of Salem church, coached by Miss Byrtice Washburn. It portrays with simplicity and sin cerity the life of Irish country folk, j and is full of Irish wit and humor. ] The proceeds will go toward starting j a fund for a new dburch. Admission ' 20 and 35 cents. FIRE DAMAGES SANITARY MARKET Fire breaking: out ro the new Sanitary Market—the J.. E. Grose' si.and just recently bought by F. F. ; Black-—at 3 o'clock Wednesday j morning, caused an estimated loss of | $-"?0O. The alertness of Night Police- j man Geo. Green, averted a serious ! conflagration. He was strieily on his ! job and noticed the fire wh-on it ; first broke out. He hastily sumnamed fokn Poole. who brought out the j lre truck, and the two, with the as- j .-•ls:.ante of W. M. Hemphill, and j others, easily subdued the flames. The fire started in the shelving and 1 it is thought was caused from rats ex ploding matches by gnawing or other wise. Mr. Black quickly repaired the da mage of the storeroom and there v. es no let up in his business. ROBBERS ENTER COCA COLA PLANT Fail in Desperate Efforts to Break Open Massive Safe. Just one week to the day from the robbery at the Harrill Filling Station in the West End, Monday night, July 12, robbers entered the local plant of the Coca Cola Bottling Co., last Monday night in almost similar man ner. Some time last Monday night rob-1 bers entered the Coca Cola plant by breaking open a rea rwindow and made a desperate but unsuccessful attempt to break open the safe in the office. Almost every conceivable tool was used in the attempt, but the | robbers failed to open the safe, al j though badly damaging it in the at tempt. The dial and handle bars were pried off and evidences of hard work upon the part of the robbers were visible all over the front of the mas- j sive iron safe. Failing to open the i big safe, the robbers ransacked every desk in the Coca Cola office, al i though they secured only a small ! amount of change from the cash ; drawer and a few stamps. When he opened the office, Tues ! day morning, Mr. H. M. Grigg, sup | erintendent of the plant, was amazed | to see the office floor littered with tools and every desk drawr opened and papers scattered over the floor. The tools were in a circle in front of the safe, where the robbers had worked so desperately to break it open, and there were blood splotches on the floor. The theory is advanced that one of the robbers either cut himself on the broken glass upon en tering the rear window, or had mashed his hand in working to open I the safe. I An expert from Asheville came I over Tuesday and opened the dam ! aged safe. There is no clew to the robbers, j All evidence points to the work of amateurs. The police are working on j the case. The loss is covered by insurance. NEW CITY POLICEMAN Chief McGraw's force of city po licemen has been augmented by the addition of MT. S. B. Hartman, of j 'Charlotte, who arrived yesterday and assumed his new duties. Mr. Hart man comes well recommended. He has served for the past three years on the police force of Charlotte, as plain clothes man. Mr. Hartman is married and will move his family here as soon as he secures a suit : able residence. j The city police force is now made up of the following: Chief McGraw, j George Green and the latest addi : t'ion, Mr. Hartman. The following i have been appointed as special offi ■ cers, to be called upon when needed: Martin Green, John Pool and Dave i McArthur. PROF. EAKS RETURNS Prof. J- W. Eaks returned Sat i urday from Newton, Miss., where ihe has been teaching in East ; era Mississippi Normal since the j closing of our local high school. He j | will be in Forest City from now un- ! . til the opening of our schools in Sep | tember, looking after the interests, i of the schools in Cool Springs Town | ship He reports the opening of a ! two months' term at Mt Pleasant last i Monday and the opening at Pleasant ; Grove next Monday. I LOTS BRING $105,000 j Chimny Rock, July 20.—Reported is one of the largest single realty transactions handled in Asheville within the past few days is the pur chase by H. I). Peake from Chimney Rock Mountains, Inc., of 2H rest- j (lemial lots in Luremont, on the shores ot Lake Lure now in process of formation. The investment repre sents approximately $103,000, ac cording to Lake Lure officials in the i office of John Dohse, local district , manager. Announcement for the plans for the construction of 5 0 homes at Luremont by the Yarrow Construc tion Company of this city, was made last week, with the sale to Mr. Peake coming as the ue.;t largest transac tion ox its kind •made at Lake Lure. HENRIETTA NEWS • Latest Happenings of Interest and Personal Mention of People You Know. • Henrietta, July 20.—Frank West, the young son of Mrs. Kansas West, had the misfortune to break his arm one day last week while trying to crank a truck. A Ford coupe, driven by Miss Ver- 1 na Hames, and a Dodge sedan, driven by a Miss Tate, of Rutherfordton, collided on a curve near the school house last Friday afternoon. The cars were badly damaged but for tunately the drivers escaped injury. Mr. Roland Wall and family, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Wall. They arrived Saturday, having driven through from Opalika, Ala., a distance of four hundred j miles, in one day. Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Lovelace, ac companied by their house guests, Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Moore, of Lenoir, motored to Chimney Rock, Asheville and Hendersonville, Monday. The Boy Scouts, under the leader ship of Rev. R. N. Childress, will en joy a swimming party at Woodland Park Tuesday evening. 1 Mr. R, I). Dillard, formerly over seer of the clothroom here, has ac cepted a position as ovreseer of the clothroom at Whitney, S. C. Mr. Joe Frank Daniel has been ap pointed District Deputy Marshal. Mr. Daniel received his commission last week and entered upon his new duties Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Dandridge re turned to their home in Walterboro, S. C., last Sunday, after spending two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Clyde E. Mahaffee. BOSTIC R 3 NEWS 9 Bostic, Route 3, July 20.- —Misses Nellie Vassie and Pearle Jolly spent Saturday night with Miss Lucile Webb. Misses Leigh Hairill and Eugenia Randall spent the week-end with Misses Enza and Ora Smart at Union Mills. Born, last week to Mr. and Mrs. | Claude Elmore, a girl—Mary Leigh. Mr. and Mrs. Eulen Wright spent Saturday night at Mr. L. B. Lowery's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magness and little daughter, Ruby, spent Friday evening at Mrs. J. M. Randall's. Mr. and Mrs. Cliivous Tate visited at Mr. W. P. Tate's Sunday. Mr. J. M. Biggerstaff and family | spent Saturday afternoon at Mr. S. |C. Crawley's, near Lattimore. Rev. E. O. Cole spent Sunday night I with Mrs. Hester Magness. Mrs. J. M. K. Randall has return ed from a visit to her son. Be v. J. X. Randall, at Plateau. Miss Virginia Padgett visited lit tle Miss Helen Morehead Sunday. Mr. W. T. Harrill and family, visit ed Mrs. Hester Carpenter, at Cliff- 1 side, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Martin and '■ little son, Jack, visited Mr. A. B. j Bailey, Sunday. I . ! i Mrs. Tempie Bianion, of near Sa- : Jena, is visiting in this community. Mrs. J. M. Randall and daughter, j spent one night last week at Mrs. j M_ E. Hawkins'. .Little Miss Denis Hardin, of Cliff- 1 side, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. R. J Biggerstaff. Mrs. Mattie Padgett and daughter j of Flat Kock, were visitors in this: [ community Sunday. ! Mrs. A. B. Bailey visited her | daughter at the hospital, Sunday. j Mrs. J. M. K. Randall spent Mon d:.y at Mr. J. li. Morehead's.. Mi - , and Airs. Alec McDaniel will: move near Ellenboro Tuesday We hare to iliem from our commun ity. Messrs. Forest Vassie, Howard Harrill and L. B. Lowery, spent Tuesday at Bridgewater. Every member of the local lodge, Knights of Pythias, are urged to be present at the meeting on next Mon day night. A matter of importance is to be brought before the lodge tins time and it is urged that as ru.r.y members as possible attend. 16 PAGES 96 COLUMNS $1.50 Per Year In Advance DR. ANDREWS TO BUILD NEW POSTOFFICE BLDfi. To Install Adequate Fixtures In Commodious Quarters— Two Other Buildings Going Up. Forest City is to have a new post office building and more convenient and commodious quarters. For many months Uncle Sam has been asking for bids on a new postoffice build ing, to meet the government re quirements and for a stipulated ren tal /per year. Quite a few have fig ured on the job but none thought they could meet the requirements and rent their building at the price offered by the government, and the matter has dragged. Announcement was made Monday that Dr. R. M. Andrews, of Sunshine, has entered into a contract with the postoffice authorities to erect a new one story brick building on the lot of Mi*. M. M. McCurry, on Mill St.. adjoining the Wesleyan Methodist church. The building is to be 25x70 feet, and furnished with standard equipment to conform to government specifications. It is let under a ten year lease and the rental is to be .$1,600 per year. The equipment for the new postoffice quarters will cost from $3,500 to $4,000 and with its installation there will be more room and more boxes to be had. The new building is to be ready for occu j pancy by October Ist or sooner il completed before that date. There is keen disappointment felt on many sides because the postoffice ; is to be removed from Main street. ' However, the new location was ap -1 proved by the government represen- I tative and is just off the main thor -1 oughfare. The present quarters have 1 long been inadequate, and it is said 1 that the owner of the building could not find it profitable to arrange this . building to meet with the require , raents of Uncle Sam at the rental of ; Postoffice rentals are based on the receipts and the government has j refused to pay more than that of fered Dr. Andrews for his new build ing. Mr. M. M. McCurry furnished the ; lot on which Dr. Andrews is to build for the postoffice, and in pay for this the doctor is to erect for him a storeroom 25x70 adjoining his post ; office building. Mr. McCurry will ! build a two-story brick building ad ' joining this property, connecting with the storeroom now occupied by Mrs. j McCurry as a millinery store. With the completion of this building thei*e ! will be a solid block of business . houses from the church to Main ' street MISS HARRILL ENTERTAINS One of the most delightful affair? | of the season was a party given by ; Miss Myrtle Gudger Harrill, at the . magnificnt home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Harrill, on South ; Broadway street, Thursday evening. | Music and dancing was enjoyed | throughout the evening. Delicious i j co cream and cakes were served, i Those enjoying Miss Harrill's hos pitality were: Misses Ethel Roberson, Winnie and Jennie Davis, Ruth Riser, .Marie and Ethel Huntly, Evelyn • Blanton, Lila Padgett, Kathleen Dor ' .t:y, Mary and Elizabeth Davis, Leo I Padgett, Tim Rollins, "Tootsie" ; Webb, Alda Freeman, Sarah King, , Kathleen Wilkie and Loree Cagle, »l* Rutherfordton, and Miss Lois Wireless «»!' Louisbnrg; Messrs. Bill Butler, Robert Lee Harrill, R. B. Mc l.'rayor, George Stahl, Reid Wells, Paul and Zrl> Harriil, Richard Bree ds n, James Ayers, .T. L. and Roy But ler. Price Hands, McKinley Harrill, By ran Carson, George Carpun'er. Howard Hawkins and Biliy Watkins, of Cliffside, Hudson Hartgrove, Ed Washburn, and Loyd Lutz, of Shel by; Don Yelton and Bepo Mode, of Rutherfordton; Hugh and Jean Whis nant, of Hendersonville; John Wil li: n.son and James Wheeless, of Loulibjrg. .

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