The Courier Only $1.50 Per Year VOL. VIII—NO. 49. COUNTY CLUB MEETS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 To Meet at Methodist Church, Rutherfordton, at 1 P. M. Fine Program. - The September meeting of the County Club will be held at one o'- clock, Tuesday, Septembers 1, in the dining room of the basement of the Methodist Church in Rutherfordton. The meeting promises to be a good one. Ex-Gov. Cameron J. Morrison will be the speaker, and this insures an increased attendance, for all will Want to hear his message. N Another feature will be a reading by MissLibbie Mennen, of Ruther fordton, her subject being, " A Blue Grass Widow." The good Methodists are sure to furnish a good dinner. Let all the members, with all the visitors who wish to attend be there. It will be worth your time. NEW CHIEF OF POLICE At the meeting of the Board of Aldermen Thursday evening of last week, Mr. Chas. Price, of Hickory, was employed as chief of police for Forest City. He will enter upon his new duties September 20. Mr. Price has had considerable experi ence as an officer and comes highly recommended. Mr. Geo. Green, former day po liceman, is now employed in Spin dale. He has asked The Courier to express his thanks to the people of Forest City for their fine co-opera lion during his encumbency here. Mr. Will Hines is now serving as night policeman in this city. M'BRAYER MEMORIAL SERVICE A memorial service will be held in the local Wesleyan Methodist church in honor of the late Dr. T. C. Mcßrayer, Sunday, September 26. There will be Sunday school at the usual hour, 10 a. m., after which Rev. H. P. Rich, the pastor, will preach, using as a basis for his re marks, Job 19:25-27. There will not be dinner on the ground, but those coming from a distance may bring dinner or lunch if they desire. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock, At torney Clarence 0. Ridings will speak for the occasion, stressing the benevolence in the life of the de ceased. Other speakers will probably be present also. MT. PLEASANT NEWS Forest City, Route 1, Sept. 14. Rev. M. L. Buchanan filled his regu lar appointment at Mt. Pleasant Sat urday and Sunday. The little infant of Mrs. Myrtle Holland Robbins, was buried at Mt. Pleasant, Saturday. The box and ice cream supper at Mt. Pleasant Saturday night was a great success. There was a large crowd present and the proceeds amounted to $55. There was a cake walk which caused much excitement. There was also a contest for the prettiest girl and the ugliest boy. Miss Maie Aldridge won the cake for the prettiest girl with Mary Sue Hol land a close second. Mr. J. S. Mor gan was voted for the ugliest man. The all-day singing at Mt. Pleas ant Sunday was a success. In the morning we enjoyed the fine singing by the Gaffney choir. At dinner time there was spread a bountiful dinner. The singers and everybody else seemed to enjoy the delicious din ner. In the afternoon, we had fine singing by other singers. Those that left this week for school were: Mr. Wade Matheny, for Wake Forest ;-/College; M'isses Olia Mae Matheny, Dorothy McDaniel and Reba Price, for Asheville Normal, our community. Each of them will be missed in Mr. Gordon Toms has purchased a Ford roadster. Mrs. Betty Dalton, of Gilkey, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Toms, last week. Miss jfllora Matheny entertained with a party to a large number of boys and girls, Friday night. After many games were played, ice cold lemonade was served as a refresh ment. Victrola music was furnished throughout the party. Each one pres ent went away declaring a good time. School closed at Mt. Pleasant last Friday. We are sorry to lose our teachers, Miss Dorothy McDaniel, who has gone to Asheville Normal this 'year. Miss Mary Crpwell, of Forest City, will take Miss Daniel's place this winter. The fellow who said "truth is stranger than fiction" referred only to the fiction that had been writ ten up to that time. A health writer avers that "a per fect knee is a wonderfully construct ed hinge." A good many have no ticed that of late. « FOREST CITY COURIER Uncle Sam vs Daugherty ■Hip !|j|| The Governmeittt (n its case against former alien property ci|&- todian Thdmas W. Miner as former Attorney General Daaghsf* ty, will services." M. E. CHURCH NEWS OF INTEREST Great Revival Growing in In terest Daily—Short Items of Interest. The meeting at the Methodist Church is growing in interest and the congregations are getting larger every day. Dr. A. D. Wilcox has been preaching to good congregations from the first. He is a profound preacher and a great scriptural teach er, plain, pointed, instructive He preaches both to the head and the heart. IJe esteems the Church and values most highly all who are earn estly .striving to live the Christ life, but plainly and kindly exposes all who mix their religion with the world to that extent that they and others know that there is no Christ, none of the Jesus spirit and power in it. His main purpose and effort up to this writing has been to uncover the Christ, to show to the professed Christian and member of the church afresh and in a more satisfactory knowledge the real Jesus, that they may carry it into every day life, personal, social and businesslife the true teachings and spirit of our Lord. Dr. Wilcox is one of the cleanest thinkers and best preachers it has been our privilage to hear. Fortune ate are all who avail themselves of the privilege of attending these ser vices each morning and evening. Every morning at ten o'clock he interprets the Lord's sermon on the mount taking a paragraph, or section at a time. In the evenings at 7:30 he preaches on some vital practical subject showing the contrast between the true and the professed, and too general, present day Christian life. The meeting is taking a wider and deeper hold on the thinking, pray ing people. If you want to recieve true, abiding benefit in your heart and life attend these meetings. Mr. W. Arnold Smith is leading the singing most acceptably and to the delight of the large congregations. He is meeting with hearty co-oper ation, has a full senior and junior choir who delight in following his splendid leadership. To hear this splendid singing by Mr. Smith and his choirs is fully worth your time. Don't miss this very helpful part of these services. * * * Drs. Wilcox and Ware and Mr. Smith were invited to the Chapel exercises of the Graded School Tues day afternoon. They are also in vited to the High School chapel ex ersises afternoon. Dr. Wilcox' 'Utalks grfeatly amused the children and young people. Mr. Smith delighted all with his sweet voice in song. * * * Dr. Wilcox preached to a large congregation of young people Tues day evening with fine results. He will preach to children Friday after noon at 4 o'clock. Every body' should hear these special sermons. * * * Dr. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Ware were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Edwards Wednesday. * * m Mr. W. Arnold Smith will conduct a special service for young people and children Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Mr. Smith is an experienced worker with young people. Come. This will be a service worth your while to attend. Bur clover has rebuilt the soil of an Edgecombe county farm which tenants would not cultivate rent free. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER 16, 1926. LATEST NEWS FROM CAROLEEN If It is New and True You Will Find It Covered By The Courier's Special Writer. Oil Truck Catches Fire. Caroleen, Sept. 14.—A Ford oil truck, owned by the Harris Oil Co., and driven by Mr. Jess Allen, was practically destroyed 1 by fire Mon day afternoon, near the home of Mr. Jeff Houser, at Golden Valley. The truck was delivering a load of gaso line and motor oil to the county road machine, which is grading a new road in Bowlen G«p, near South Mountain Institute. The cause of the accident, according to Mr. Allen's statement, was supposed to have re sulted from gas explosion in the exhaust pipe, the engine being un usually hot from the heavy pull with loaded tanks. The flames destroyed 255 gallons of gas; however, the tanks did not burst, also 30 gallons of motor oil. Mr. Allen, the only occupant of the truck, was not in jured. * * * Senator Overman Stops Over. Senator Overman stopped at the Caroleen store Tuesday afternoon en route from Asheville to Charlotte. Our distinguished visitor conversed pleasantly with those about the store, remaining about 30 minutes. • m m Prof. Simpson, of Mills Springs, and Miss Ethel Robirtson, members of the high school faculty, spent the week-end at their respective homes. m m m Mission Society Meets. On last Wednesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. A. A. Smith, in Harriltown, the members of the Har riltown Circle of the Baptist Mission ary Society held their monthly meet ing. A large number was present and a most interesting program was car ried out, the topic being, "The Aim of Personal Service." Mrs. D. B. Lynch was in charge of the program, and had planned a most interesting study. Those present for the meet ing were: Mesdames Inez Melton, G. C. Harrill, Margaret Haney, D. F. Beachboard, Isaac Lancaster, U. K. Allen, J.J P. Randall, R. P. Buff, D. B. Lynch, Hens Webb, John Webb, P. N. Hamrick, and A. A. Smith. Mrs. J. P. Randall invited the Circle to meet with her at the next meet ing. ♦ * * Mrs. Rossie Lamar, of Henderson ville, is spending several weeks here visiting her sister, Mrs. Bruner Beam. Miss Reba Phillips spent the week end in Cherryville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Buren Phillips spent Sunday there. Miss Reba returned home with them. Mrs. L. B. Robbins has returned from the Rutherford Hospital, where she underwent an operation. She is improving very much. Miss Helen Wilson received word last Wednesday morning of the sud den death of her father, Mr. Wilson, at his home at Nebo. His death re sulted from acute indigestion. Mr. Wilson was a leading citizen, very prominent in his town and county, and was formerly county treasurer. His passing will mean a great loss to his town and county. Miss Wilson, who began her second year as mem ber of the Caroleen grammar school faculty, has a host of friends here who were deeply grieved to learn of her sadness and wish to extend to her their heartfelt sympathy. Miss Wilson will return Wednesday of this week to resume her duties at school. Miss Eunice Melton substi tuted in her absence. * * * Miss Louise Holland and Miss Janette Holland left last Tuesday for Charlotte, where they will take a business course at Kings Business College. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith and Miss Ada Smith, spent Sunday in Tryon. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lips comb. Miss Pearl Neal left Monday for Asheville, where she will resume her studies at the Asheville Normal. Miss Ruth Lynch left Monday for Asheville, where she will enter the Normal this season. Mr C. A. Kendall, of Charlotte, who was a member of the Caroleen grammar school faculty last year, spent the week-end here. He and Miss Pearl Neal were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shober, Sun day. Rev. W. T. Tate, of Pacolet, S. C., was a visitor in town Monday. Mr. W. E. Tisdale, former boss carder and spinner here, left Monday for Opalika, Ala., where he goes to accept a position with a mill. Misses Margaret and Ella Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Coster Mcßrayer and family, of Forest City, visited Miss Sallie Lynch, near Linville Falls, for the week-end. Miss Cleo Young, returned mis sionary from Africa, will lecture Thursday evening at the Caroleen Baptist church at the regular prayer meeting hour. Miss Young is an in teresting speaker and her message Mr. Wilson Dies REVIVAL CLOSES AT HENRIETTA All the Happenings of Interest Tersely Told For Courier Readers. f Henrietta, Sept. revival services at the Methodist church, closed Sunday night. Rev. J. O. Er win, of Rutherfordton, did the preaching. The meeting was largely attended. People came from Forest City, Alexander, Caroleen, Dobbins ville and Avondale, to hear Mr. Er win preach the word with a power and earnestness that could not fail to impress it upon the hearts of his hearers. The service Sunday morn ing was especially for young people and the text was, "Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock." Fifteen young people came forward for prayer when the invitation was given and all were happily converted. Seven were baptized and taken into the church Sunday night. Some will join the Baptist church. Mr. Erwin en deared himself to the people of Hen rietta and we feel that a great work has been done for God throug?i him. * * * Misses O'Lema Flack and Mattie Hyder, of Forest City, were visitors at the teachers' home last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Robert Neal spent Sunday af ternoon at Inman, S. C. Miss Sarah Doggett is attending school at Forest City. She is staying with her aunt, Mrs. B. B. Doggett. Mr. and Mr-s. Clyde E. Mahaffee left Sunday for a visit to Mrs. Ma haffee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dandridge, at Walterboro, S. C. While away Mr. Mahaffee will spend a week in Winter Haven, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Durham Moore, of Shelby, visited Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Lovelace Sunday. Two hundred and twenty-fiVe pu pils were enrolled in the Henrietta school first to sixth grade, inclusive. Henrietta Epworth League elected new officers last Sunday. Miss Lois McAbee president, Lewis Doggett vice president, and Miss Susan Daniel secretary and treasurer. the funeral service for Mr. Millard Rev. J. P. Hornbuckle assisted at Hopper at Providence last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. D. M. Lane, who has charge of the teachers' home, has ten young ladies boarding with her. Miss Ostine Whisnant is spending a few days with her aunt, Miss Sal lie Willis, near Fallston. Mrs. B. A. Hamrick, of the Hen rietta store, is back on the job af ter several weeks' vacation and a trip to Baltimore, where she pur chased ladies' and children's ready to-wear for the Henrietta Mills stores. Mrs. Hamrick has excellent taste in matters of style and color. See the beautiful hats and dresses on display in the large show win dows of the stores. Miss Ostine Whisnant, of Henri etta; Miss Lucile Wright, of Ellen more, will leave over the Sounthern boro, and Miss Gardner, of Latti- Sunday morning for Asheville. These young ladies are going to the Louis ville Training school, at Louisville, Ky. They will leave Asheville Sun day night at 8:30 on a Pullman made up especially for young ladies of the two Carolinas who are going to the training school. It is said that deaf mutes can feel music. So do we, but we couldn't print just how we feel about some of it. In Denver a man recently claimed to be Napoleon, but a clever re porter quickly proved that he was an impostor. will be helpful and inspiring. Every one is urged to attend. Rev. Erwin, of Rutherfordton, preached at the Methodist jhurch, Sunday evening. Rev. J. P. Horn buckle filled Rev. Erwin's place at the Methodist church at Rutherford ton. Rev. Erwin has engaged in a re vival at the Methodist church, at Henrietta. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamrick and family moved last week to Forest City, occupying the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Stalnaker. Mr. Hamrick will continue his work with Mr. D. F. Beachboard's store. We re gret very much to give up Mr. Ham rick and his family, but hope they will like Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. T. Leßoy Smith, of Spartanburg, visited relatives here, during the week-end. Mrs. R. R. Randall has been sick for a few days this week, but hope she will soon be able to resume her work at the store. A revival meeting began at the Methodist Protestant church here, Sunday evening, being conducted by Rev. Bates, of Asheville. He is a fine speaker and is bringing some earnest messages each evening to a large number. Everyone is cordially invited to attend these splendid ser vices, especially the members of the neighboring churches. j America In the Air ■ 1 i ''"' ' "'y. Upper photo shows Major Her bert A. Oargue, veteran pilot of , the Army Air Corps, who has been named Commander of the air e:> pidition the army will send out from Kelly Field, Texas, to circle the South American continent. ** { Below is Lieut. T. Cuddihy, who established a record from Phila | delphia to Washington. The dar .tog birdman the trip in, (ziMy-two minutes. COOL SPRINGS SCHOOL NEWS Parent-Teacher Association to Entertain For Teachers— Football Schedule. The Parent-Teacher Associations of Oot-1 Springs Schools plan to enter tain all of the teachers of the District at the High School building Friday night, September 14th. Definite plans of the meeting will be anounced next week. The object of the meeting is to get i:hp teachers better aquainied with the parents, patrons ami friends in the district. It will enable the teach ers of the different schools to become acquainted and give the parents of the grammer grade schools a chance to meet the teachers of the high school A rplendid program will be planned by Mrs. R. E. Biggerstaff, pres. of Forest City Parent-Teachers Asso ciation and the presidents of the Al exander, Bostic, and Mt. Pleasant Associations. The first game of football wilt be played on the home field that after noon. The local high school will play the fast hefty team from Dallas. Football Schedule. September 24—Dallas high school, there. October Ist—Greer high school, pending. October B—Newton8 —Newton high school, pending. October 15—Lincolnton high school, there. Octobtr 22 —Marion high school, here. October 29—Boiling Springs there. November s—Fallston high scrool, here. November 11—Kings Mountain high school, here. November 19—Central high. OAK GROVE NEWS Bostic, Route 3, Sept. 13.—Misses Lenith and Catherine Randall left last week for Brevard Institute. Rev. M. W. Heckard closed the training course at Oak Grove Friday night. Rev. E. J. Poe will fill his regular appointment at Oak Grove next Sun day. Mr. W. P. Tate has been visiting relatives in the mountains. Mr. John Tate of Belmont, has been visiting relatives in this com munity. Little Louise Randall, of Forest City, spent a few days last week at her uncle's, Mr. J. T. Webb. Miss Belle Wilkie spent Sunday night with her cousin .Miss Ollierea Randall. Mr. Taylor Tate and family, ot Avondak, have moved to our com munity. Mrs. J. M. Randall and daughter Miss Ollierea, spent Saturday night at Mr. C. B. Harrill's. 12 PAGES 72 COLUMNS $1.50 Per Year In Advance JUDGE WEBB TO PRESIDE IN NEW BIEDING County Commissioners Invite Native of Rutherford County To Preside In New Courthouse. Rutherford county's beautiful new courthouse will be finished within the next 30 or 60 days and the next term of the Superior Court will be held therein. To make this an oc casion of which the county will be truly proud, the county commission ers of Rutherford adopted resolu tions a few days ago inviting Judge James L. Webb to hold the first term m the new building. The resolu tion reads: "Whereas Hon. James L. Webb is a native of Rutherford county and a man who enjoys the veneration and respect and the admiration of all the people of his native county of Ruth erford and it is expressed desire of a number.of citizens of Rutherford county that Judge James L. Webb be requested to preside at the first terms of court in the new building, now therefore, we the county com missioners of Rutherford county hereby signify the desire of our i selves and other people of Ruther ford that the Hon. J. L. Webb, of Shelby, shall preside at the next term and the clerk is hereby instruct ed to mail Judge Webb a copy of this resolution to the end that should he be able to hold this court, the pioper steps may be taken to accom plish the same." The resolution is signed by W G Harris, G. H. Rollins, and G. E. Mor gan, commissioners. MT. PLEASANT BOX SUPPER Forest City, Route 1, Sept. 14. The Mt. Pleasant Fair Association gave a box supper Saturday night which was thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd present. During the first part of the evening ice cream and cake were sold on the outside. There was a cake walk in which a good number took part and all tried to win the cake. The lucky ones were Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Davidson, Mrs. Da vid Earley, Mrs. Max Smith, Mr. Mor rison Morgan and Mrs. J. W. Ma theny. After the cake walk, the crowd assembled in the house,for the sale of boxes and the contest. Miss Maie Aldridge won the cake for the pret tiest girl and Mr. J. S. Morgan won a cake for the ugliest man. The amount taken was $54.57 clear of all expenses. We were very for tunate to have with us, Mr. Patton, our demonstrator, who made a very interesting talk on the fair. The Mt. Pleasant fair will be Sep tember 29. All come and let's try to make it a success. SANDY MUSH NEWS Forest City, Route 1, Sept. 14. Miss Dorothy McDaniel left Monday for Asheville, where she will enter school. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Randall and children, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Morrow, Sunday night. Those visiting Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. R. McDaniel Sunday afternoon, were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, and Mrs. Charlie James, of Caroleen and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, of Alexan der. Mr. A. V. Hamrick and son, Glen, returned home Friday afternoon, af ter spending a few days in Atlanta. Both reported a fine time. Mrs. Paul Tate and Miss Nellie Morrow visited Mrs. Tate at Floyd's Creek Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lindsay Aldridge and little daughter, Betty Jane, of Chicago, are spending a few weeks with his mother, Mrs. J. S. Aldridge. Miss Maie Aldridge spent Sun day very pleasantly with Miss Bruce Fortune. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SERVICES The special subject at the First Baptist church Sunday morning will be, "God's Demand For, A Pure Church." All the members are urg ed to attend the Sunday morning service as we will have no Sunday evening service on account of the revival at the Metholist church. Sun day school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. All are in vited. Members are urged to make a special effort to be present. MULE KILLED IN UNUSUAL WAY A fine mule belonging to Mr. C. M. Cole, route 2, happened to an un usual accident Monday that caused it to be killed. The mule was being shod at a blacksmith shop, when it stepped over a box and a drawing knife cut one leg so badly that the animal had to be killed. This was resorted to in order to put the ani mal out of its misery, as its use fulness had been destroyed by the deep cut of the sharp knife.

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