Hr Socio/v** T *m - - W - -■ ' i, i m mm*" WWM •/ 9 r BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK The help of friends will make this column more interesting. Please call 140 and report items for this column. All news items of interest to women are welcomed. W. M. U. Meets. The W. M. U. of the First Baptist church met on Wednesday after noon at 3:30. Miss Alda Grayson a returned missionary from China was the main speaker of the afternoon. * • m Beautiful Pageant at Cliff Dwellers Inn. On Friday evening, June 10, the dance and formal opening of the Cliff Dwellers Inn, Chimney Rock, will be in-the nature of a beautiful pageant, Lake Lure in 1930. The public is cordially invited. * * * To Give Beautiful Tea. Mrs. Hugh Mauney and Mis. Carlos Grigg will give a beautiful tea on Friday afternoon from four to six at the home of Mrs. Grigg, hon oring Mrs. Ciyde Mauney a charming recent bride and Mrs. Harry Grigg, of Forest City.—Shelby Star. * * » Four Course Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Cowan Blanton gave a lovely four course dinner Friday evening at their home on Arling ton street, honoring Mrs. Blanton's sister, Mrs. Owen Stamey, of Ruth erfordton, a recent bride and Mrs. Deck Wilson of Rutherfordton. The dining table was lovely with its cen ter piece of sweet peas. * * * Helms-McFarland Wedding Announcements were received here Monday, reading as follows: Mr. and Mrs. James V. McFarland announce the marriage of their daughter, Ethel Ray, to Mr. Percey L. Helms, on Thursday, the second of June, nine teen hundred and twenty-seven, Ruth erfordton, N. C. Mrs. Helms is a member of Ruth erf ordton's younger set and very popular. For sometime she has been employed as saleslady in the Harrel son-Fanning Company's store at Rutherfordton. Mr. Helms is stockholder in the , Harrelson-Fanning Store, of Ruther- j fordton, and is prominent in the bus- i iness, civic and social life of Ruth erfordton. * * * Martin Circle, W. M. S., Meets. Mrs. H. D. Harrill was hostess to the Martin circle of the First Bap tist church Sunday afternoon, at her home on Bostic road. An inter esting program was given, subject: "Children and Missions; their organ ization and Literature." The devot ional was led by the chairman, Mrs. J. C. Scruggs. A reading, ''The Lit tle child," by Mrs. C. A. Ford; read ing, "In the Beginning—God," Mrs. W. D. Proctor; Reading, "Tools," Mrs. W. B. Moore j reading, "'Pull up the Blinds," by Mrs. A. H. Hilton. Sev en members were present. At the conclusion of the program refresh ments were served by the hostess, as sisted by her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Moore. ■ • * * * Haney-Dobbins Marriage. Rutherfordton, June 8. —Miss Mariam Dobbins, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dobbins, and Mr. Elliott Haney, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Haney, Sr., of Spindale, were married here Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock, at the home of the bride,, by Rev. T. C. Jordan. Only a few intimate friends of both parties wit nessed the ceremony. Immediately following the cere mony the couple left for a trip in the mountains of Western North Car olina. Mrs. Haney is a graduate of North Carolina College for Women, of Greensboro and is one of Rutherfod ton's most charming young ladies. | Mr. Haney is a graduate of David son College, and is at present a book keeper with the Citizens Lumber Company, of Rutherfordton. + ~ m Missionary Society Meets. Circle No. 1 of the Missionary So ciety of the First Methodist church met Monday, June 6, with Mrs. Eva Avant and Mrs. J. G. Morris as joint hostesses. Fifteen old members, one new one and two visitors were pres ent. A most interesting and inspira tional program was rendered, Mrs. M. F. Moores being the leader. The topic for discussion was, "What Place does health building have in the pro gram of the kingdom?" Mrs. J. G. Morris, Mrs. G. C. McDaniel, Mrs. J. H. Thomas and Mrs. J. F. Harris, each gave interesting talks on the subject. Mrs. Bert Moore sang "Just For To day." Reports were made to the Social Service superintendent as follows: visits 120; trays 27; clothes given valued at $25 and flowers sent 15 times. After the program ended delicious ice cream and cake was served by the hostesses. x * * * Plans of Washburn Wedding Friday The chief social event of the week will be the marriage next Friday eve ning at 7 o'clock of Miss Myrtise Washburn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Washburn of Bostic, and Mr. Robert B. Martin of Tampa, Florida. The ceremony will be per fprmed by the Rev. Baxter Davis, of High Point, at the home of the bride. „ Miss Jean Andrews, of Bostic will be maid of honor. A charming bevy of girls will form the party of brides maids as follows: Miss Clara Lee Hyatt, of Burnsville; Miss Merle Davis, of Bostic; Miss Luna Taylor, of Danbury; Miss Mary Glenn Lloyd, of Chattanooga, Tennessee; Miss Claire Reid of Forest City; Miss Louise Lattimore, Misses Mary and Lillian Washburn, all of Bostic. Mr. Bundy, prominent Charlotte attorney, will be Mr. Martin's best man, and the other groomsmen will be: Mr. Kenneth Logan, Mr. Ralph Biggerstaff, Mr. H. Guyot, Mr. Clar ence Parks, Mr. Marshall Giles, Mr. E. N. Washburn, Jr., and Dr. Leon ard Aiken of Asheville, N. C. A reception will be held immediate ly after the ceremony at the Wash burn home. * * * Misses Young Entertain Honoring Miss Frances Hoyle. Misses Nell and Margaret Young entertained at the Isothermal Hotel, Rutherfordton, Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6, honoring Miss Frances Hoyle, of Shelby, bride-elect. Those sharing honors with Miss Hoyle were Mrs. Thomas Dupree, of New York, and Miss Ruth Roberts, also a bride elect, of Shelby. The guests were received by Misses Mayme Martin and Margaret Bostic and presented to the receiving line, composed of the Misses Nell -and Margaret Young, Frances Hoyle, Ruth Roberts and Mrs. Thomas Dupree. Misses Lilah Padgett and Dorothy Bostic served delicious punch. * Miss Robbie Biggerstaff welcomed the guests and assisted them in find ing their appointed places at the card tables, which were designated by miniature bride place cards. "Pro gressive Matrimony" Was played at nine tables. Miss Robbie Biggerstaff won the high score prize, and the honored guests each received hand some prizes. A delicious salad course with ac cessories was served to the follow ing guests: Misses Robbie Bigger staff, Mayrtie Martin, Ottilee Long, Margaret and Dorothy Bostic, Lilah Padgett, Bertha Jones, and Mary Moore; Mesdames Spurgeon Moss, Chas. Z. Flack, Roy Blanton, J. H. Thomas, E. O. Thomas, R. W. Min ish, T. G. Stone, Nelle Padgett Nor ris, of Forest City; Miss Mary Smith, of Landrum, S. C.; Mrs. Thomas Du pree, of New York City; Misses Fran ces, Jessie and Miriam Hoyle, Carobel Lever, Ruth Roberts, IsObelle Hoey, and Mesdames Clyde Hoey, Jr., Chas. Hoey, Burgess, Tom Moore, Shovine Beam, Chas. Roberts, J. S. Dorton arid Everette Houser, of Shelby. The spacious hotel parlor was dec orated throughout with silver and wicker baskets of spring flowers. Music was rendered throughout the afternoon by Mrs. R. W. Minish, of Forest City. THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927. Chief Chas. R. Price visited his fam ily at Stoney Point this week. ** * i Mr. W. T. Poole left Sunday for I his home in Greenville, S. C. * * * Mr. Mai -Tate spent the week end ! with home folks. * * * Mrs. Jannie Stainback, of Char lotte spent a few days here this week. * * * Mr. Chas. Byrd, of Wadesboro vis ited friehds here last week end. * * * Mrs. D. M. Stahl returned Friday from a visit to her sister in Chicago. * * * Mr. J. V. Ogburn, of Smithfield, spent the week end here with friends. » * • Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hewitt and family spent the week end in New ton. i * * ♦ Mrs. Priscilla Padgett Jias return- j ed from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Susie Tilletson, in Hartsville, S. C. ( * * * Masters Vaughn and Willie B. King are visiting relatives in Orangeburg, S. C. * * * Miss Louise Rose spent the week- , end in Charlotte as the guest of Miss Edith Henry. * * * Mrs. Lucy Brown, of Charlotte, is spending the week here with her daughter, Mrs. Lula Rose. * * * j Miss Bunnah Jones came home Sun day from Smithfield where she has been teaching. * * » Miss Minnie Arledge, of Columbus was the week end guest of her sister Mrs. W. C. Bostic. I * * * i Miss Mary Smith, of Landrum, S. C., is the guest of Mrs. J. F. Alex ander. ** * • ' Mr. Price Hand and Mr. Howe, of Belmont spent the week end here with friends. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Young left Sun day for their home in Auburn, Ala., after a visit to relatives here. :Je :jc * ; Miss Ida B. Wilson, of Denver, Col., is the guest of Mrs. A. W. Fal vey. * * $ Miss Kathrine Goggans spent Thursday with her mother in Ashe-' ville. * ❖ * Mr. J. H. Thomas and K. S. Tan ner spent a few days in Detroit, Mich., on business last week. $ $ afe Masters Jack Rudisill and Dorris Tate left Monday to join the Boy Scout Camp at Tryon. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Harrill, of Mooresboro, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Butler. * t * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webb and baby have returned from a month's stay j at Radium Springs, N. C. Hs * * I Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller, of Ashe ville, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Miller's sister, Mrs. J. B. Flack. ♦ * • Master Charles Harrill is spend ing the summer with his grandmoth er, Mrs. J. C. Hutchins in Mars Hill. m * ■ Mrs. W, O. Cantrell, of Atlanta, Ga., was the guest of her aunt Mrs. Annie Ware last week. * * * Mrs. H. L. Kanipe has returned to her place, in the Industrial Bank after a six week's vacation. m m Mr. "Bob" Beattie, of Lawndale, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Magness. * * * Miss Cora Lee Dalton and Mr. Mack Duncan spent Sunday after noon in Gaffney. * # * Mr. Fred Wilkie, of Charlotte spent a short time here Monday afternoon with friends. I * * * Mr. O. C. Walker, of Shelbyville, Tenn., is the guest of his son, Rev. A. A. Walker - and Mrs. Walker in Bostic. * * * Messrs. Mack Hayes and I. M. Burns of Cherryville spent Saturday afternoon in the city, visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Houser. * » * Mr. J. H. Blanton of Shelby is spending a few weeks in the city, visiting his daughter, Mrs. M. H. ' Beam and Mr. Beam. Mesdames J. H. Thomas, Thos. G. Stone and Miss Mayme Martin, Carter and Farmer Thomas spent Tuesday in Asheville. * * * Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Blanton, of Alexander, leave Friday for Wake Forest where they will spend six weeks in summer school. * * * Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess and little son spent the week end with Mrs. Burgess' father, Mr. Lee Mc- Murry. jfe :ft afe Mrs. F. R. Wilkins and Misses Rob bie Biggerstaff and Annie Bridges were among the shoppers in Spar tanburg Monday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Calton and their attractive visitor, Miss Nell Booker, spent Monday in Asheville visiting several points of interest. St * % Miss Ella Willis, Mr. Vonnie Jenk ins, Miss Belle Woody and Mr. Ed Hall motored to Cowpens, S. C., Sun day afternoon. * * * Miss Arbutus McManus and Mr. Ferris McManus, of Taxahaw, S. C., spent the week end here with Miss Ruby Hollifield. * * * Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Huntley spent Sunday with their son, Mr. O. T. Huntley and Mrs. Huntley in Shel by. s«e * .•: Mrs. J. B. Flack and Miss Alice Barber left Wednesday for Chapel Hill where they will attend summer school. $ * * Rev. W. A. Ayers left Monday for Philadelphia to be with his daughter, Miss Mary Ayers, who was operated on Wednesday for eye trouble. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Starnes, of West Asheville, spent Saturday here with Mrs. Starnes' brother, Mr. J. Worth Morgan and Mrs. Morgan. * * * Misses Helen Scroggs and Cecil Rogers, of Statesville arrived Tues day to be the guests of Miss Mildred Moores. * * * Miss Doris Arledge and Master Freddie Arledge, of Hendersonville have come to spend the summer with their aunt, Mrs. W. C. Bostic and Dr. Bostic. ** * # Miss Margaret Ware who has been teaching in Hot Springs is spending a few days here with Mrs. Annie Ware before going to Asheville for the summer. * * * Mrs. Harry Camnitz has returned from a visit to Bishopville, S. C., Mrs. Camnitz' mother, Mrs. T. C. Perrin accompanied her home for a visit. * * * Mr. J. Worth Morgan, Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Walker and Mr. 0. C. Walker attended memorial service at Round Hill Baptist church in Union Mills, Sunday. * * * Mr. Joe Carter, who has been vis iting his sister, Mrs. J. H. Thomas, and Mr. Thomas for several weeks, returned to his home in Kentucky, Tuesday. * * * Mr. H. G. Harrill left Tuesday morning for his home in Oklahoma City, Okla., after a visit to his brothers here, Messrs. W. R. and Chas. F. Harrill. * $ $ Mr. William Jones, of U. N. C., and Messrs. Jas. Padgett and James Ayers, and William Moss, of Wake [Forest have arrived home for the I summer. FOR RENT % Desirable residence on East Main St. . Garage and all conveniences. Apply to C. E. ALCOCK, / Courier Office I Miss Annie B. Biggerstaff 'cante home last Friday from Duke Univer sity, Durham, to spend a few'days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Biggerstaff. Miss Biggerstaff and brother, Mr. Frank Biggerstaff will leave Wednesday to attend sum mer shool at Duke University. * * * Mr. E. G. Harriss, of Charlotte, spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. M. W. Harriss and Mrs. Harriss. Mrs. R. K. Harriss, of Asheville is also the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Har riss. *, * * Mrs. R. E. Biggerstaff and son William went to Pickens, S. C., Wednesday morning to bring Mrs. Gary Hiatt and children home with them for a visit. Save money on your flavoring ex tracts at Peoples Drug Store. Hall-Rudisill Drug Co. (Successors to Reinhardt Drug Co.) § Prescriptions Carefully compound ed by registered druggists. We use on care and exactness. Day and Night Serv ice. Prescriptions Day Phone No. 1. Night Phone 69 At your service—day or night. Fresh Groceries Discriminating housewives who visit our store know that all stocks are fresh and the very best of standard grade footstuff. And with this our prices are always as low as any to be enjoyed, so take advantage of our excellent delivery service which bring your order promptly to your door. All fresh vegetables and fruits in season as well as staple and fancy groceries. Pick up your phone this minute, Mrs. Housewife, and place a trial order for that evening meal. J. W. SANDERS Phones 56 and 188 Forest City, N. C. I Misses Bertha and Bunnah Jones [left Wednesday for Chapel Hill where they will attend summer school. They were accompanied to Chapel Hill by Mr. J. V. Ogburn who was enroute to his home in Smithfield. SALESMEN WANTED—To sell a guaranteed line to the saw mill and agricultural trade. Every saw mill, car, truck and tractor owner a pros pect. Must have a car. Experience not necessary. Apply: Box No. 417, Ox ford, N. C. 35-2t. PEACHES—The following variet ies of Sandhill peaches will be on the market, beginning June Ith until August 1, in order named: Early Rose, Carman, Hiley Belle, Ga. Belle, Elberta and Hales. The public is in vited to visit the Candor and Ellerbe sections sometime during the above dates. 35-2t