ONLY SI.OO PER YEAR VOL. IX—NO. -46. LARGE AUDIENCE DELIGHTED WITH "ROSETBTPLAY Kathleen Alexander Mission ary Society Presents Ex cellent Musical Comedy to Huge Audience "Rosetime", a delightful musical comedy in three acts, was presented by the Kathleen Alexander Mission ary Society, of the Methodist church on Thursday evening, August 18th at Cool Springs High School auditorium. The play was one of the most at tractive home talent productions which has been given in Forest City. The plot was slight and somewhat sterotyped but the choruses were catchy and tuneful, the scenery and costumes were lovely, and the acting was professional. Miss Margaret Moore as "Rose," the star, was charming. Her part was just as pretty as it could be and she made a great deal of it. Her solo, with the chorus, "I Am Only a Home Town Girl," was lovely. R. C. Alex andei-, as Jerry, Rose's home town lover, was easily the hit of the play. In the big scenes that closed the first and second acts his performance was superb. R. W. Minish as "Pa" the old time country gentleman was splendid. His presentation of the part was professional and his every ap pearance on the stage was the signal for gales of laughter from the audi* ence. Mrs. D. H. Sutton as "Ma" and Misses Kathleen Dorsey and Nellie McConnell as typical village gossips were excellent. - " ■*- * One of the features of the play was a movie troup at work. T. J. Stone as director got all there was 'in his part out. He was a typical character villian and his acting was good. Miss Lanette McMurry, as a movie vamp, played a difficult part extremely well. Her solo dance with the chorus, "I'm a Vamp", was one of the prettiest scenes in the play. C. L. Moore as property man made a first rate comedian. Miss Mildred Moores, as Babe Burnett the troup's :soubrette was a charming juvenile, and S. M. Crowder as Squint, the camera man, added a fine touch of realism to the scenes in which the movie troup appeared. The choruses were made up of a group of girls and boys. Their danc ing and singing was exceptional. The opening chorus "Main Street" had all the swing and snappiness of a professional show; the butterfly dance and the old fashioned dance to the lovely solo sung by Mrs. Nell Padgett Norris were lovely. Mrs. Norris sang between acts, and in her usual gracious manner, re sponded to three encores. She always delights a Forest City audience and she was in particularly good voice on this occasion. Alice Louise Minish and Trilby Hewitt as "Charleston Kids" danced between acts. Their performance was splendid and. most enthusiastically re ceived. Mrs. R. W. Minish was accompan ist and her work left nothing to be desired. She and the trainer, Miss Williams deserve much credit for the exceptionally fine quality of the per formance. B. Y. P. U. CHAPTERS OBSERVED WEEK OF STUDY The B. Y. r\ U. Chapters of the Sandy Run Baptist Association ob served a simultaneous study course week from the 15th to the 20th of this month. Twenty-five classes were organized in the various churches of the association. Three hundred and fifty members of these classes passed the examination on the courses. The week closed Saturday with a rally and get together picnic at Flat Rock, below Sandy Mush. Two hundred fif ty members from the association's B. Y. P. U. chapters were in attendance. The week of study was considered very successful, according to Mr. W. C. Lynch, B. Y. P. U. Field Worker. Messrs. Joe P. Hardin, F. L. Fun derburke, S. S. Doggett, Dan S. Hard in, of Forest City and A. J» Nix, of Caroleen, left Tuesday to attend the North Carolina Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist cburch at Col fax, N. C. FOREST CITY COURIER HENRIETTA TO PLAY TWO GAMES THIS WEEK Henrietta, Aug. 23.—0n Thurs day Henrietta will meet the Gaffney baseball club at the Riverside Park, Henrietta. The Boger and Crawford Mill team of Lincolnton, will be at Henrietta on Friday. Henrietta took two games from Gaffney last week; one by a score of 6-2 and the other by a score of 1 and 0. Gaffney will be fighting hard to take this game and Henrietta will be fighting to win. Boger and Crawford has a fast, hard fighting team and will be there in the game to win. Don't miss these games. SUPERIOR COURT CONVENES MONDAY John Early, Noted Polk County Leper to Appear on Writ of Habeas Corpus Rutherfordton, August 23.—The Fall term of superior court for trial of civil cases will convene here on next Monday. Judge Walter E. Moore of Sylva, will be the presiding judge. The court faces a heavy civil docket that will require about two weeks to dispose of. Several cases of interest are scheduled for trial, among them is the suit of Vess against the Sun Printing Company in which the plain tiff is suing for SIO,OOO for slander. Another case that is being watched and awaited for with eager interest is that of John Early, noted Polk County leper. Plans of Federal of ficials to have Early removed to Car ville, La., where he recently escap ed, have been halted by a writ of habeas corpus, served on a Federal health officer ordering that the cel ebrated leper be produced before Judge Moore in Rutherfordton on Monday, and give reason why he should be removed to the Louisiana leper colony. Miss Farinie King has returned from a delightful visit to relatives in Lilesville. FLACK REUNION ON SEPTEMBER 1 Rally of One of County's Old est Families to be at Lake Lure Rutherfordton, Aug. 23.—A def inite date for the Flack reunion has been announced. This gathering will take place at Lake Lure on Thursday September Ist, beginning at 10 o'clock and continuing until late afternoon. Through the courtesy of Mr. B. B. Doggett, manager of the Chimney Rock Mountains, Inc., this gathering will be furnished ample space in the grove near the bottom less pools just west of the Lake Lure Inn. Tables and benches have al ready been erected here by the Chim ney Rock Mountains, Inc., for such gatherings. The program arranged will consist of an address of welcome by some members of the Flack family; a short history will be read by Mr. D. W. Crawford of Rutherfordton and an address, the main feature of the morning program, will be delivered by Horace E. Flack of Baltimore. Time will also be allowed for any one who wishes to make a short talk. A basket dinner will be served at 12:30, and the afternoon will be giv en over to visiting together, swap ping yarns and reminiscences or any other diversion which may appeal to those in attendance. An effort has been made to send a formal notice to all members of the Flack family throughout this section; but owing to the fact that the names and address es of so many are unknown to the management, it is hoped that this an nouncement will serve as an invita tion to all who are connected with the Flack family by blood or mar riage, to be present. Mr. J. W. McDaniel states that the Cool Springs cemetery has been new ly cleaned off and invites all who have friends or relatives buried there to visit the "cemetery Saturday or Sunday. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLI NA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1927. TANNER FAMILY MEETS IN COWPENS Annual Reunion to be Held Next Year at Tanners' Grove in This Coun ty The Tanner reunion has been in existence for thirty-five or forty years. It met in its early days at the call of M. A. Tanner, the head of the family, who lived about four miles south of Forest City. Affer his death .his wife, Nancey still lived at the ok}- place and for years we met with her. Then her house was burned and she moved with her daughter, Mrs. P. V. Wood. We then met there. Later she moved with another daugh ter, Mrs. J. L. Doggett. Then the reunion ceased for several year. But the relation ties were so strong it was resurrected J'tod has been meet ing annually Doggett's duringwie life of Mrs. Tan near and once during the life of J.-L. Doggett and wife and then we have been wandering from place to place. Met at H. B. Doggett's, Forest City one time, at Belt Tanner's, Harris, R. F. D., W. K. Tanner's, Cowpens, a time or two, Mr. Zeb Geer's, Ruth erfordton, R. F. D., for several ye&rs. Met one time at K. C. Tanner's, Ches nee, S. C. The time has always been Satur day before the second Sunday in August. We met this year at Love Spring, near Cowpens, S. C. There we found an ideal place. Nice grove, seats, tables, swimming pool, a big spring and the man, Mr. Smith, who owns the place, a big hearted man, just turned the whole business over to us. We had a wonderful day. The dinner was spread and uncle Rufus Tanner, the oldest man pres ent, stood at the head of the table and returned thanks in a short but very touching prayer. After the din ner the family was called to order by W. R. Tanner of Cowpens and K. C. Tannei', of Chesnee, was called on to offer a prayer. H. iJ. Doggett of Forest City then made a short talk expressing his love for his Tanner relations and closed by reading the history of Tanner's Grove church. Nominations were then in order for a place to hold our next meeting. K. C. Tanner, of Chesnee, S. C., put in nomination Tanner's Grove church; it was moved, seconded and voted to hold our next meeting at Tanner's Grove in this county. W. R. Tanner, who is a half brother to S. B. Tan ner, who was prominent in this sec tion returned home with H. B. Dog gett and attended church and Sun day school while in Forest City. He is 86 years old, and made a speech in the Wesley Bible class, short, but to the point and said he had been at tending Sunday school for seventy five years and that he was not tired of it. He spent the week here visiting relatives. It is a real treat to talk to a man of his age who with a clear mind and jjjausually strong body relates hap penings back in tfie sixties. W. R. Tanner, Jr., of Cowpens, S. C., reg istered them and reported 94 present. KIWANIS NOTES Fraternal night was a happy oc casion Monday evening. Dr. C. S. Mc- Call, Royal Arch; B. M. Price, Blue Lodge; Mrs. A. W. Falvey, Eastern Star; C. .0 Ridings, Moose, and John Poole, K. P., were present to represent their respective orders. It was a splendid get-to-gether meeting. Forest City may have that much needed new hotel, if an effort sta£t ed culminates in success. A teom mittee is working on the proposition and may put the proposition over. There will be no meeting Monday night. Thursday night the club will meet in joint session with Ruther fordton at Spindale House. Kiwanis is doing a great work in cementing the friendship an mutual co-opera tion between Rut'nerfortlton, Spin dale and Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Ballance and children, Misses Constance, George lyn and Marion of Oriental, N. C. are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. M. "F. Moores. [CHIMNEY ROCK ! LAKE LORE NEWS Many Visit Lake Lure and the Rock Last Sunday—ln formal Party Lake Lure, Aug. 22.—Miss Sara Moss has returned from Anderson, S. C., where she has been spelnding her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McDonald, Mrs. Viola Given and Miss Clara Given, who have been spending two weeks at The Cliff Dwellers Inn, returned to Louisville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger McKinnon have returned from their wedding trip and are stopping at Lake Lure Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wilson are spending the week in Atlanta. Miss Edna Camnitz, of Louisville, who has been spending the past two weeks with her brothers, Messrs. Howard and Harry Camnitz has re turned to Forest City to continue her visit to her sister, Mrs. C. E. Alcock. Dr. and Mrs. Bob Reinhardt and children are spending two weeks at Lake Lure enjoying the mountain air, the bathing beach and superintending the growth of the fish in the lake. Mr. Alford Perrin, of The Citadel, is visiting his sister, Mrs. H. R. Cam nitz and Mr. Camnitz. Mr. and Mrs. Vfe D." Myers, and children, Mary Belle and Walter, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Osteen and Misses Sara and Mary Clare Osteen have returned to Louisville after spending two weeks at Lake Lure Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holland have gone to Georgia to make their home after having been at Lake Lure since the dam was started. Miss Beeman, of Miami, Fla., is the guest of Sirs. J. B. Phillips at The Lodge. Mr. and Ivl -. Julius Alms have re turned to Charlotte after spending the week end r.t Tar Heel Inn. Mr. S. V. Hooker, who has been quite ill with acute flevitis is improv ing slowly. Mrs. Walter Leiter who was recent ly operated on at the Rutherford Hospital continues to improve. Miss Swann Hester has returned to Washington, D. C., after visiting her sister, Mrs. L. C. Cobb and Mr. Cobb. Sunday was the biggest day of the season at Lake Lure. Hotels were crowded beyond their capacity. The bathing beach resembled Atlantic City, while the Rock registered the largest number of visitors in two years. Mrs. J. B. Phillips entertained in formally Wednesday afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Beeman, of Miami. After a delightful musical program refreshments were served on the porch where one can look down from the lofty heights to the teeming valley below. Those present to meet Miss Beem an were Mesdames W. D. Myers, C. C. Osteen, G. L. McDonald, Viola Given and Misses Clara Given and Edna Camnitz of Louisville. Miss Elizabeth Gale, Ticonderoga, N. Y., Mesdames Willis J. Milner, Georgia Gale, Harry and Howard Camnitz, Chimney Rock. BOSTIC R-3, NEWS Bostic, Aug. 22.—Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Harrill visited Mr. Brodus Greene Sunday evening. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Sallie Biggerstaff's little child is very ill at this writing. Mr. Seth Greene and family are visiting their country home this week. Mr. Willard Randall, of Rock Hill, is visiting K. M. Randall this week. . Mrs. J. E. Matheney is very sick at this time. Miss Vallree Biggerstaff is visit ing Mr. Curt Crawley. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Dobbins and children, visited Mr. Seth Greene, Sunday. Miss Dorothy McGinnis, of Avon dale, visited Miss Mae Greene, Sun day. Mr. A. W. Greene visited Mr. Broadus Greene last Tuesday. Misses Ola and Ockie Green, Mr. Broadus Green and Mr. G. W. Green went on a mountain trip, Wednes day. They went by Lake Lure, Chim ney Rock and Asheville and came back by Old Fort and spent the night with Mrs. A. D. Wells. SHERIFF'S SALE FOR TAXES OCTOBER 3 Rutherfordton, Aug. 23T.—The sale of land for taxes have been postponed from September sth to October 3rd, according to an announcement by Sheriff Hardin. The change was made necessary by an error in the first tax advertisement. The adver tisement of the land for sale for taxes will begin in The Courier in its issue of September Bth, and contin ue through to September 29th. The land on which taxes are not paid will be sold on October 3rd. • DR. O.L. MILLER TO CONDUCT CLINIC Chief Surgeon of State Ortho paedic Hospital to Hold Clinic for Deformed and Cripples Dr. Oscar L. Miller, chief surgeon at the North Carolina Orthopaedic Hospital, in Gastonia, will conduct a clinic for crippled and deformed children in Forest City, Monday af ternoon, September 5 during the hours of 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock p. m. The clinic will be held at the offices of Dr. A. C. Duncan, who as chair man of the underprivileged child committee of the Forest City Kiwanis club, has been instrumental in se curing the services of Dr. Miller. The parents of all crippled chil dren in Rutherford county are urged to bring them to the clinic where, after examination, they will be in formed as to the possibility of cures being effected. Dr. Miller will be the guest of the Kiwanis club at night at which time he will deliver a lecture illustrated with slides of some of the marvelous cures and transformations in the mat ter heretofore of hopeless cases. A feature article on the great work of the Orthopaedic hospital by a recent visitor to that institution will appear in next week's Courier. BETHANY NEWS OF INTEREST Meeting Closes at Tanner's Grove Attends B. Y. P. U. Convention—Locals and Personals Forest "City, R-2, Aug. 23.—Most of the farmers of this section are busy this week pulling their fodder. Mr. Ralph Melton preached at Bethany Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J f R. Hardin and daughter Leona and Mr. W. E. Lewis spent last Thursday at Lake Lure. Mrs. W. E. Lewis and daughter Ruth returned last Friday, after spending several days visiting rel atives in Kentucky. There was a large attendance at the Doggett reunion Sunday and all seemed to enjoy the day to the ut most. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carroll and Mr. Walter Carroll have returned to their home in Daytona, Fla., after spending a few weeks here visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Car roll. Master Hunter Green, of Rvrther fordton, spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Green. Mr. Reid Carroll was the dinner guest Sunday of Mr. J. P. Lewis. Several from Bethany church at tended the district B. Y. P. U. meet ing Sunday afternoon, at the Flor ence church. Mrs. Robert Pigford and son, Rob ert, Jr., of Wilmington, Mrs. J. P. Lewis of Rutherfordton and Mrs. Lillie Hill of Spindale l visited at Mr. W. E. Lewis* Tuesday. The B. Y. P. U. elected the fol lowing delegates to attend the con vention at Spindale: Misses Mary Toms, Annie Gross, Nellie Sherrill, Nell Lewis and Virgie Bostic. Misses Lois and Martha Moores had as their week end guests Misses Sarah and Hilda Firesheets, of Reidsville, N. C. 12 Pages V •. i. • r . „ 72 COLUMNS SI.OO per Year in Advance TWO DELIGHTFUL PARTIES GIVEN AT CAROLEEN Miss Emily Hollifield Enter tains—T. E. L. Class Gives Surprise Party Caroleen, Aug. 23.—0n last Tues day evening Miss Emily Hollifield de lightfully entertained at -her home here, the occasion honoring her house guest from Rockingham, N. C. The porches and living room was arranged :with many lovely potted plants and baskets of summer flowers. Very in teresting games and contests were enjoyed by everyone, while music added to the pleasure of the evening. The hostess assisted by her sister, Miss Ethel Hollifield, served de lightful fruit punch and cake. The invited guests included the following: Misses Ruth Robertson, Zenobia Neal, Pearle Neal, Alva Lockman, Madge Fowler, Mr. Eules Hawkins. Out of town guests were, Misses. Katie, Mary and Virginia Hicks, Elizabeth and Janie Coving ton of Rockingham, N. C., Lela Free man of Shelby; Messrs. William and George Covington of Rockingham and Theodore Thomas of Camden, S. C., Cap and Erastus Freeman of Forest City; Memory and Merrill Freeman of Cliffside and Messrs. Corne and Thomas of Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goforth re turned Saturday from Wilmington, N. C., where they spent a week. Mr. Goforth is assistant cashier of the Farmers Bank and Trust Co., at Car oleen. Mrs. Urcilla Lynch and daughters, Misses Margaret and Ella Lynch, have returned home after an extended vis it in the mountains near Linville Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neal, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Randall, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hamrick, and Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Abernethy spent last Thursday at Lake Lure, N. C. Miss Corletha Scoggins of Tryon, spent the week end here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy Martin. Mr. Buren Phillips, who has charge of the Caroleen market is enjoying his vacation this week. Mr. and Mrs. Renn Randall had as their guests Sunday for dinner, Mrs. Sallie Bridges, Misses Floy and Merle Bridges, Mr. Glenn Bridges and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bailey of Avondale. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hoke and daughter Mildred and Miss Reba Phillips of Charlotte, spent the week end here visiting homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Holland, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Martin, attended the revival services at Mt. Pleasant Sunday evening. Misses Alda Mae and Mary Sparks returned last week from a two weeks trip to Concord, Statesville and Gas tonia where they visited friends and relatives. Miss Emily Hollifield had as her guests last week the following friends, Misses Mary, Katie and Virginia Hicks, Elizabeth and Janie Covington, Mr. George and William Covington of Rockingham and Mr. Theodore Thompson of Camden, S. C. Misses Hollifield with guests spent several days at Chimney Rock on a camping trip, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Eliphus Jarrett of Shelby, N. C., were chaperons for the party. , Mrs. John Hamrick, Mrs. Pink Ken nedy, Mrs. Vance Price and Mrs. John Toms attended the Beam reun ion held last week, near Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips, Mrs. Ford and son, Ben, have returned to their home in Savannah, Ga., after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robert- Many from here attended the re union held at the home of Mr. E. W. Dedmond at Columbus, N. C., Sun day. The relatives and friends from here included Mr. and Mrs. P. Hamrick, K. P. Hamrick and family, B. S. Hamrick and family, J. J- Ham rick and family, Hicks Hamrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Abernethy, Mr and Mrs. T. C. Smith, Mrs. Martha Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Ran dall and children, and Mr. and £ rs. Gowen Smart and children, of lest City.

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