FOREST CITY COURIER! Published Every Thursday in the i interest of Forest City and Ruther- 1 ford County. * I Entered Aug. 22, 1918, at the post office at Forest City, N. C., as second class matter under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. E. ALCOCK Editor ai|d Owner CLARENCE GRIFFIN—News Editor MRS. C. E. ALCOCK-4~Society Editor ARVAL ALCOCK—- Advertising H. H. HOUSER Job Dept. M. H. BEAM. .- Linotype Dspt. ; 1 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance One year SI.OO Six months 50 $1.50 per year outside of Rutherford County. ADVERTISING RATES Display, per column inch —3oc Reading Notices, per line 10c Classified Column lc per word ——————lN, r**" 1 T77em6cr 6 ' North Carolina SvJj\ /PRESS ASSOCIATIONS] THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1927 DON'T GIVE UP. Whatever has happened to you, j don't give up. Do not admit that circumstances are more powerful than you. Though your head be bloody it should not be bowed. You may have had financial losses and the accumulations of years may have been swept away, possibly by the treachery of some friend. What of it? Tighten your belt and go at it again. Your health may be impaired. What of it? Other people have had discouragements and have lived bravely through them. The world is full of unsung heroes who have met with reverses and yet kep up a brave front. Keep your flag flying. The bank rupt merchant or the disillusioned youth may see no escape but suicide, but those who are wiser tackle the problem again. There is no great teaching that does not instruct us that we can rise upon our faulty past and climb the stairs to a fine future. No more damnable gospel was ever preached than that for you or any man or woman there is no hope. If you have sinned, if you have ! made mistakes, rise up! Shake off j the past and face the future. There is no man living but what has com mitted some errors. We can allow the burden of life to plunge us into despair or we can shake it off and seek other fields. The world is wide and if there is any one thing that both religion and philosophy teach it is that we can i rise upon the wreck of our dead selves and enjoy that which re mains. You don't know what is around the corner and no man can tell what the future has in store for him. Be a thoroughbred and kee^up your courage even though the battle may be against you. Many a person has given up when success lay just of him. If you can't do anything else, hold on. Be lieve in yourself, believe in life, be lieve in your star. If none of these beliefs can be proved to be sound their effect upon your character at least is sound, and one who is dom inated by a persistent belief in his; success is much more liable to have a sure hand and a good eye than the one who doubts himself. Some one has said that you are never going to succeed in life in any thing, mental, moral or physical, un til you have stricken from your hands and heart and brain the shack les of fear. What we want in this world is something to tone us up, to put us at our best, and fear is just the /opposite of this.—Dr. Frank Crane. Do your Christmas shopping at the Buck Stores. You can save money on every purchase. NOTICE—Dr. D. M. Morrison, op tometrist-eye specialist will be in Forest City on every Thursday. Hours 8 to 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. to 3 m. Office back of Dr. Duncan. 52-tf. Lime and cement. Best In quality, lowest in price. Get it from the Farm ers Hardware Co. Miss Rutli H. Stockwell and Mis* Margaret Neil compose the firm of NeTl Sl Stockwell, Oldsmobile dealers ui Marshalltown, lowa. •» • A striking example of the evolution of "spinning wheels" is the firm of Neil & Stockwell, Oldsmobile dealers at Marshalltown, lowa, one of the few automobile firms in the world composed of young women. Where the ancesters of these girls mani pulated spinning wheels in their homes, Miss Ruth H. Stockwell and Miss Margaret Neil are gaining for tune selling the modern "spinning wheels" of the highway. The successful experience of these Oldsmobile dealers is another evi dence of the great change that has taken place in the social, economic and business life of women. In the days of the old time spinning wheel Quite a number attended the Moose Convention at Hickory this week, among them being C. O. Ridings, Chief Price, John Poole, T. D. Gilliam and others. Have you visited the Buck Stores? It will pay you to call and see what they are offering in their big money saving sale. Rev. J, B. Tabor, spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grose. FOR SALE—MaiI orders wanted for frost proof Charleston and Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage plants. $1.15 per thousand delivered. Fine plants, quick delivery. Spartanburg Plant Farm, Spartanburg, S. C. 7-3t MailEarJif ~ and use jS Christmas Seals h F—TTTiHf fi' '"Tl"' J&BWBS Jj •"*''■»• *• 3r i S> .Jiti 1 1«BUf^^a • " i * »-» S? » 9l PS iw JH mftePH ~ fl ; BBtegF' *Mmmm«,. , ■ > ! , »ln **■',''' 1' - S; 'M: ;'>'. ;?■■ : ■HBL-;:-^gi^K^j^R^'-' , '^;V-•■d:;i •-;- ; i^iii^i| i: r , ! ; 'r i ' : ' »•,' JK'.. ~. f» jf' l{ j " 'i 11 > , °f . JB'MtWlttlMliJiljMf'l* mi n UkilWi' MiSlk r = .1 -ysfe l ' ■ Ifrpsi>. ||fl"*P * i *' , ' jtjHHjH r\ i J 1 ' fill . - -- - 1 ' V, jjijy»ii | Site of proposed Boulder Dam on Colorado River between Arizona and Nevada. Dam will be 550 feet high, 200 feet at bottom and 1,350 across at top, will impound 26,000,000 acre feet of water or the entire flow of the river for eigh teen months, will provide fall for generating 550,000 firm horse power, fcr which there is a demand when project is completed. The primary object of the Swing Johnson bill before Cong-ess for the construction of this dam is flood control to save Imperial Valley in California from permanent inundation and Yuma, Parker and other valleys in Arizona and Palo Verde Valley in California fro'm annual flood menace. The,cost of the dam will be $42,000,000, power plant $31,000,000, All American canal (a part of the project to relieve Imperial Valley from dependence upon i Mexico for its water supply), $31,000,000. The total cost of the entire program, including interest during construc tion is $125,000,000, all of which is to be provided from the sale of power from the dam and sale of water for irri gation. The Federal government underwrites the project, but takes no risk. THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1927. it was the man of the house who bought and sold without consulting the women. But today, say the Miss es Neil and Stockwell, it is the woman who has the final say in the se lection of the family car in most in stances. A broken arm resulted in this fem inine automobile partnership. The aceident occurred more than five years ago when Miss Neil was taking Miss Stockwell then a music teacher, on a western automobile tour. Miss Neil was the victim and the accident forced Miss Stockwell to learn to drive the car then and there, if they were to proeeed. Miss Neill had been an ardent motorist for several years, and the enforced tuition of Miss Stockwell in- Stockmen's Eyes Turn To Chicago I? De « attracting of the country Baldy above, arrived early to pose thus. It will pay you to visit the Buck Stores, next door to People's Drug Store. Big money-saving sale now go ing on. EASTERN STAR—Meets first and third Tuesday nights at 8 o,clock. Visitors welcome. to automotive affairs awakened her interest in cars. Finally the girls de cided they might as well make a bus iness of their joint hobby and nearly three years ago they started in the automobile business. Their success from the start quick ly routed the wiseatres who had doubted the ability of women to make good in this competitive and mechanical field. The girls had intro duced something new in the busi ness. They had the women's viewpoint and proceeded to cultivate it until it grew a harvest of orders. What would make a more apprec iative Christmas gift for the whole family than an Oldsmobile? Call and see what we have for your selection. J. T. Camp, Forest City. The Buck Stores' money-saving sale is now going on. It will pay you to call and see their many offer ings. Woolsey's heavy bod> paint is the best. Get it from the Farmers Hard ware Co. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust dated December 18, 1926, made and executed by T. C. Holland and wife, Missouria Holland to J. W. Matheney, trustee, and appearing of record in the office of the register of deeds of Rutherford County, in Book_A.-6 of Deeds, on page 35, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby, and the holders of the same having requested the trustee named therein, to sell the said property in ac cordance with the provisions of the said deed of trust, the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door in Rutherfordton, N. C., on MONDAY .JANUARY 9, 1928 at about the hour of 12 o'clock, M., the following described real estate: All that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lying and being in High- Shoals Township, Rutherford County, North Carolina. Being a part of the L. A > Holland, deceased, lands, and adjoining the land of T. C. Holland, Mrs. O. May Wall, G. O. Holland and others; and described as follows: Beginning on a stake in Ferry Road corner of lot No. 3 and runs S. 45 W. 6 chains to a stone corner of same, thence S. 74 3-4 E. 11 1-2 chains to & stone ,thence S. 37 3-4 E. 5 1-2 to a stone, thence S. 9 3-4 E. 25 53-100 chains to a stone in the old line, thence N. 85 W 9 27-100 chains to a stone, thence N. 2 1-2 j chains to a stone, thence S. 85 E. 2 chains to a stone, thence N. 1-4 E. 16 72-100 chains to a stone, thence N. 55 3-4 W. 17 25-100 chains to a stone in the road, thence S. 45 1-2 W. 10 chains to a stone, thence S. 69 1-2 W. 6 82-100 chains to a stone, thence N. (3.55-100 ") E. 13 68-100 chains to a stone, thence N. 78 E. 20 34-100 chains to the beginning con taining 36 acres. And being two tracts of land, lotted to T. C. Holland in the partition pro- ! ceeding recorded in judgment rec ords Book F. page 540 et seq. and one tract conveyed to T. C. Holland and by Holland heirs, and recorded I in Book 122 page 303. Rutherford Registery all of which reference is hereby made for a more complete description of said lands. I This sale will be made subject to i prior lien indebtedness of $2200.00, j and subject to all other liens which i may be outstanding against said land. ! This the 7th day of Dec., 1927. j J. W. MATHENEY, Trustee. j Ridings & Jones, Attys. 9-4t. : LAND * We have a full line of toys for the kiddies. Don't wait until our stocks are run down but bring them around early and let them see what SANTA CLAUS must bring them. We also have a complete line of souvenirs and gifts for Christmas time. Come in and see what we have at prices you can afford to pay. Our line of candies and confectioneries is more complete than ever before. Just see how much you can save this Christina? by buying at our store. COURTNEY'S 10c STORE ! TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND | Under and by virtue of the power | of sale contained in that certain deed |of trust dated October 16, 1925, made and executed by Joe F. Daniel and wife, Ella to L. M. Daniel, trustee, and appearing of record in tfye office of the Register of Deeds of Ruther ford County, in Book A-2 of Deeds, j and page 99, default having been I made in the payment of the indebted ness secured thereby, and the hold ers of the same having requested the trustee named therein, to sell the said property in accordance with the provisions of the said deed of trust, the undersigned will offer for sale ?to the highest bidder fer cash at the courthouse door in Rutherfordton, N. C. f on ♦ MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1928 at about the hour of 12 o'clock, Mi, the following described real estate: Lying and being in Sulphur Springs Township, Rutherford County, North: Carolina and more particularly de scribed and defined as follows: Beginning at a Hickory tree old corner of Robbins land, thence S. 83 1-4 E. 646 feet to a stone, corner of Church lot, thence with line of ('Tanners Grove Church lot N. 5 3-4 E. 226 feet to a stone, thence 88 3-4 E. 202 feet to a stone, thence N. 2 3-4 E. 621 feet to a stake, Reid's corner, thence N. 86 W. 562 feet to a stake, thence N. 4 1-2 375 feet to a stone, thence N. 76 3-4 W. 582 feet to an apple tree, thence S. 10 3-4 E. 1330 * feet to the beginning, containing 22.67 acres more or less. This the 7th day of Dec., 1927. L. N. DANIEL, Trustee. Ridings & Jones, Attys. 9-4t USED CARS FOR SALE j I have the following cars for sale: 1—26 Chevrolet Roadster. I*—26 Ford Touring. 1—24 Ford Sedan, i 1 —25 Ford Coupe. | 1—26 Hudson Coach. 1 —26 Essex Coach. 2 Ford Trucks. Nice line of Tires, best j 7 values at most reasonable l prices. j Agents Oldsmobile Cars. J. T. CAMP Phone 107 Moss Blciig. FOREST CITY M

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