Subscribe for The COURIER —Only SI.OO per year in County S r VOL. X—No. 25 'FUNERAL FOR MRS SUE BIGGERSTAFF ' HELD TUESDAY V Passes Monday After Six Months Illness Following Stroke of Paralysis s * Sue Biggerstaff, aged 71 ve«fs, died at her home on East Main street here Monday morning at 10:30. She was stricken with ' paralysis on October 23, of last year : and had! been confined to her bed since that time, gradually growing 1 weaker until death relieved her' suffering Monday morning. A Funeral services were held Tues- 1 du* »afternoon at 3 o'clock at the ! Forest City Methodist church. Her \ pastor, Rev. M. F. Moores, was in 1 ▼charge of the services. Interment was in Pleasant Grove cemetery. Mrs. Biggerstaff was more fa-' miliarly in Forest City as 1 "Auis Sue." She was a daughter of Mr. James and Mrs. Susan Ypufpg, and was born at the old j Young home, now included in the; Rutherford county Fair grounds. She ' was married to Mr. I. N. Biggerstaff ' 3S years ago. He preceded her to grave in 1923. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Prise ilia Padg ett and Mrs. Tom Moore, both of; Forest City. Three stepchildren sur vive, Mr. R. E. Biggerstaff, assist- ! C*nt cashier of the Farmers bank, j and Mrs. Ida : Bridges. j Biggerstaff was a devoted member of the Methodist church, and she and her husband were charter ..members of the local Methodist ca\Hrch. She was always present at the services unless illness prevented her from attending. Before her death Mrs. Biggerstaff asked that Cicero Grose, of Thomas ville, N. C., who lived here about twenty-five years ago and was the organist of the Methodist church, have charge of the music. Interment was in Pleasant Grove cemetery. The large fl or a 1 attested to the high esteem in m she was held in her native cify, and the love of her hundreds of neighbors. The flower bearers were Mesdames. Charles Moss, Mary Webbl P. A. McGregor, G. C. Mc- Daniew, C. C. Moore, W. C. Bostic, J. W. Griffin, Ed Watkins, Buford J. M. Burkholder, Arthur Mc- Daniel, Miss Spratt, with Mrs. F. I. Barber in charge. ' WAYSIDE GANG" TO MEET 1| FRIDAY, APRIL 10 The Forest City branch of the Way aide Gang will hold their next meet ing in the Kiwanis hall, April 10, at 7:30-$. m. Jgfarold C. Brown, "Ole Wayside" himself, will be present at this meet ing. "Buck Shot" has charge of the pro gram and warns us that he himself >sll make a speech, but he has not announced his subject yet. All members of the Gang are urged to attend and any visitor who desires to Attend is urged to d*> so. club is open to all, young or oid, weak or strong, fat or skinny, short or tall. CLEM JONES, AGED 11 DIED THURSDAY V* Jones, aged 11 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Jones, of Gas tonia, formerly of Forest City, died here Thursday at the home of his uncle, Mr. F. M. Stallings. He had been ill since Xmas, com plaining of frequent headaches. Tu mor on the brain was the cause of his death. He was taken seriously! ill Thursday morning and grew worse until death relieved him Thursday af»rnoon. The funeral services were held at ( Round Hill Baptist church, Union j Mills, with Rev. M. L. Buchanan in I charge Friday at 3 p. m. Just received a new lot of phono graph records. Come in and hear them. Courtney's Ten Cent Store. Mr. and Mrs. David Bowles, of Greensboro, and Mr. and Wade Bowles and little daughter, of Alber fwarle, were the guests of Mrs. Arthur McDaniel, Sunday. FOREST CITY COURIER "HELP YOURSELF" PRESENTED HERE LAST FRIDAY High School Dramatic Club En tertains Large Audience With Play. In Cool Springs High school audi torium, on Friday, March 23, the Dramatic club presented a very in | teresting musical comedy, entitled ."Help Yourself." The play was the story of the enmity between Miss Martha Went worth and her neighbor, John Gordon. I The cast was splendid, and the | chorus delighted the entire large audience. Reid Parks played the ! part of John Gordon just as it ' should be played, and so did Martha Sloan depict Miss Martha Wentworth, j who is the deadly enemy—or claims i to be—of her neighbor and former 1 husband, Mr. Gordon. i * Percy Likens lived up to his title | of "the second Rudolph Valentino" ; when he played the part of Captain | Donald Winters, Gordon's nephew. ! His army officer uniform made his part even more realistic. Jed Dean, played by Stanley Hall, Ross Howard, who was Glen Mc- Keithan, and Allen Jackson, acted by Fred Blanton, made the audience roar with merriment at their comical "love scenes" and notorious acts in trying to see Miss Martha's guests. The "fair flappers" were Polly Adair, well played by Bernice Ka- j nipe, June Wentworth, acted by Mil dred Moore. Doris Reynolds, who was Brent McKeithan, and Grace West, played by Marie Huntley. They J were true pictures of "oppressed" visitors of a hostess who kept a bull dog at, the gate and a high board fence around the house as protec tion against the attacks of the hand some male visitors. But—the real laugh of the whole show was Castoria Prunella Johnson, who was Ruth Hollifield, and just as funny as her name, Alimony Brown, Prunella's colored beau, was well acted by Burless Blair. The following were in the chorus: Mary Davis, Commie Frye, Miriam Padgett, Viola Hollifield, Catherine Mcßrayer, Annie Belle Ware, Doro thy Greene, Miriam Green, Virginia Magness, Madge Moore, Oneida Welch, Alifair Roberson, Howard Magness, and Von King. FOREST CITY BOYS WIN OVER BOILING SPRINGS Last Friday Forest City High look ed like the New York Yankees by pounding two Boiling Springs pitch -1 ers for seventeen hits and fourteen runs to win a 14 to 1 victory. T. Blanton, local hurler was in fine form and let Boiling Springs down i with only three hits. M. McKeithian led the hitting with j four hits, including two doubles, out ! of six trips to the plate. Forest City put the game on ice in the first inning by scoring four runs ■ on four hits and a walk. Keeter, local first baseman, got the first home of the season in the eighth inning. Missing! ij ell i Honorable Elsie Mackay, a nurse j during the war, and an able actress, i who set out from England with Captain Walter Hinchcliffe (insert) I ifi an attempt it a Westward con i quest of the tossing Atlantic in the 1 Black-and-Gold airplane endeavor, i No word has been heard from PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928 / CAROLEEN NEWSy i March 27.—The Train . ing school being held at the Baptist s church here closed last Friday eve- I ning. It was one of the most suc , cessful training classes taught here . | in sometime, having an average at f j tendance of 110 each evening and 11 five differet classes. The following 1 ladies taught four classes in the B. ! Y. P. U. Manual: Mrs. A. C. Love . lace, Mrs. Sam Melton, Misses Etta r Head and Ora Smart. Rev R. N. | Childress taught the fifth class, the i Normal Manual course. Much praise is due the ladies who prepared the fine suppers, which were enjoyed r each evening in the church dining . ■ hall. The Junior class received the highest number of awards, the total for this class being 48. The total 'awards for the classes combined were 104, which was a splendid number and means more competent workers for our Sunday schools in the future. A training school .was also held at the Baptist church at Henrietta a week prior to the one here, Misses Pearl Gillespie, Ruth Hamrick and Rev. Childress holding the classes. Fifty-five awards were given. I Mrs. TomFerree is in the Shelby hospital, where she is undergoing treatment. Mrs. Terree has been in ill health for some time, and her many friends sincerely hope her con dition will soon be improved. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Belue and children, of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Walker, of Rutherford ton, spent the week-end hei-e visiting relatives. Mrs. Martha Randall is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hamrick. A missionary play, "Miss Liberty Gives a Party," will be given at the Caroleen Baptist church by the Jun ior Girls Auxiliary, Thursday eve ning at 7:30. This program will be rendered during the prayer meet ing hour. The public is urged to be present for this play. PINEHURST NEWS I Ellenboro, R-2, March 20. Mr.j Edgar Price and family have moved into our community from Hickory. We are glad to have them ' in our community. Miss Docia Beam spent the week end with her brother, Mr. Edgar Beam. Mr. Louis Neal and family spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridges. Miss Mattie Lou Bridges visited at Mr. Ship Harrill's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Layettle Weast spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. B. F. Weast. • Those visiting at Mr. J. C. Baileys Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Louis , Neal and daughters, Edna and Alba, of Henrietta and Miss Beth Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridges and little son, A. C., spent Sunday at Mr. L. G. Bailey's. New shipment of Spring millinery will arrive next week. Courtney's Ten Cent Store. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wilkie, of Besse mer City, spent Sunday here with Mr. Wilkie's mother, Mrs. C. A. Wil kie. Rajah Weds American Girl Nanc > v • V &' r '. as the bride of the ; * * former Maharajah of India. The ** wedding 'was held in oriental ; ; lllp: H $ splendor at Bombay. Miss Miller WHM Hp f§ • ■ as renounced her Christianity to jpP 1 4s SflP ■kp J embrace the Hindu faith. She is a Jf? i'lKdl || Seattle heiress and former Uni " SHI versity of Washington Student. [ ALEXANDER NEWS -I Alexander, March 27.—Mr. Mon t roe Green and son, Robert, visited - j Mr. and| Mrs. A. L. Hamrick last - Saturday afternoon. Mr. Joe Wofford spent the week " end in Woodruff, S. C., with home 1 folks. ' ' Rev. C: C. Matheny attended the ", funeral of Mr. Mon. Bridges at Lat- I timore last Monday afternoon. ! Miss Ora Smart, of Caroleen, , spent the week-end with Mrs. W. t. , Harris. ; On next Friday afternoon the I triangular debates between the Cool j Springs Grammar schools will be he. Id i at Bostic, Forest City; Mt. Feasant | and Alexander. The speakers are: 1 | Affirmative, Virginia Baynard, ! ! Ories Bridges; Negative, Sadie '. Weast, Roy Greene; Alternate, Mary i Alice Hamrick and Lena Bell Luck j adoo. The query is: Resolved that North i Carolina should 1 furnish fre'e text books to all school children. The Alexander boys and girls will not speak at their home school, but will go to some other school in the township. The Alexander school won the Loving cup yast year and it is hoping to win it again. Jf they do the cup will be their owa. These boys and girls have excellent de bates which they deliver plendidly. All of the .Ucept Roy Greene, are sixth grade children. The public is invited to come out Friday afternoon and hear the de baters from the other schools. SULPHUR SPRINGS I \ Forest City, R-l, March 26.—Last Saturday night Miss Pauline Cole en-! tertained her friends with an apron party. Among those enjoying the party were: Misses Maudie, Ina, Ruby and Leuna Robbins, Estelle and Joyce Bland, Annette and Selma Hopper, Ella Hamrick, Bessie Henson Lola Grose, Katy Mae Greene and Pauline Cole, Messrs. Lloyd andf Horace Owens, Howard and Kenneth Cole, George and James Eaves, John Bland, j Baxter Butler, Marvin Harris, Arthur Henson, Jack Hopper, Berryman i Hamrick, Caldwell Robbins, William Greene, Jack Womack, Frank Smith and Hobert McDaniel. There were much fun watching the boys hem aprons. Mr. John Bland re ceived first prize for hemming the best apron, and Mr. James Eaves re ceived second prize, and Mr. Jack Womack received a prize for hem ming the worst apron. All present enjoyed the delicious cakes and candy that were reserved. Rev. A. G. Melton filled his ap pointment at Sulphur Springs Satur day and Sunday. He preached two very interesting sermons.' We regret to note that the small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rob bins is very sick with pneumonia. We hope for it a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole's little daughter is also on the sick list: Rev. A. G. Melton and Mrs. Shu ford were dinner guests of Mr. and MJrs. J. M. Robbins The biggest box of writing paper in town for 25c. Courtney's Ten Cent Store. "CLEAN UP WEEK" TO BE OBSERVED HERE APRIL 2 TO 6 People Are Requested to Gath er All Rubbish and Place Near Sidewalk for Wagons. In order to promote the health of forest City, and in ordfer to add to the cleanliness and beauty to' our already far famed little city in these respects, next week, April 2 through April the 6th, is designated as "Clean Up and Paint Up Week." We believe that citizens of Forest City will continue their pride in their homes and home town and that we shall have one hundred per cent co operation in this movement. Trucks will cover the city both Wednesday and Friday. Please have your cans and other rubbish in re ceptacles placed at the edjge of the sidewalks so that you will not be missed. May we also ask that you burn all rubbish possible, in order tj lighten the work on the Sanitary De partment. Elsewhere in this paper you will find a statement by our Health Of ficer. Please read this and know the laws along this line. You will recall that Forest City was recently named one among ten of the best small cities in the United States. This survey was made by our Federal Government, so it is not just a claim. Our wide streets, beautiful homes,'well kept yards and lawns and the small park in the cen ter of our square are the things re sponsible for this national reco ni tion. Let's make our little city even cleaner and more beautiful. CHAS Z. FLACK, Mayor. * * * Dr. Duncan's Statement I was asked by our mayor to make a statement, as health officer of the town of Forest City, concerning cleanliness of yards and vacant lots. ! Under the laws concerning public health matters in North Carolina our Legislature has enacted statutes j which not only gives health officers ; authority but defines it as their duty to see that all grounds and vacant lots in the various towns and cities of North Carolina are kept clean, and sanitary. Realizing my responsibility I will have to see that this law is en- J forced, citing those who do not! comply, to appear before our mayor, i Let's make and keep Forest Cit\ j clean. AMOS C. DUNCAN, Health Officer, j i I LOCALNEWS i i (Rev. H. C. Sisk) Those on the sick list are Mrs. L. Baynard, Mrs. Sallie Green, Mrs. Jim ' Green, Mrs. Levert, Mrs. Spurgeon ; Doggett, Mrs. George Lytles and lit tle Lloyd Wilkins. Miss Estelle Henderson will have j her tonsils removed at the Ruther- j ford hospital Wednesday. We are glad to note that Mr. Will Gee is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. McClure Johnson and children were visitors in Spindale Sunday. Mr. John Keeter had as guests Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keeter and small daughter, of Lincolnton, Ga. Miss Maude McCluney spent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. Olin Daniel, of the Oakland community. _ _ I Jacob S. Coxc_\\ who proposes to repeat his famous march of 1894 it his scheme for the lessening of unemployment is not adopted by the government. \ lB pages s 108 COLUMNS \ SI.OO Per Year in Advance THE OLDER BOYS' CONFERENCE TO BE HERE THIS WEEK Indications Are That Confer ence Will Be Biggest Ever Held in County. The Fourth Annual Rutherford County Older Boys' conference will convene |iere Friday afternoon at 4 o clock in the First Baptist church. Indications are that the enrollment will exceed that of any of the other conferences. The officials sponsors, Dr. A. C. Duncan, Messrs. B. D. Wilson, G. B. Howard, Prof. B. L. Smith and Prof. Hall, together with the mem bers of the various committees have labored faithfully to make this the biggest and best conference, and have devoted much of their time to the work. The opening session of the confer ence will be held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at which time all dele gates will be registered. The organi zation meeting will be held immed iately following this, and 'officers for the conference selected. On Friday evening the banquet will be held/ at the First Baptist, church. The principal speaker will be Dr. Ashley Chappell, pastor of the Central Methodist church, of Ashe ville. On Saturday morning Mr. John Melton, an outstanding member of this year's senior class at Davidson College will address the conference. Saturday afternoon will b e devot ed to the usual athletic events, all of which will be held at the Cool Springs High school. On Saturday evening at 8 o'clock a member of the Wofford college senior class will ad dress the conference. Officers for the next conference will be elected at this time. I Dr. Zeno Wall, of Shelby, will be , the speaker at the Sunday afternoon session, closing the conference. The conference is for boys twelve i years of age and over. All Boy ' Boy Scout troops, boys Sunday | school classes, Boys clubs, schools, • literary societies, etc., are entitled to I representation on the basis of one boy to each eight enrolled. However, any club or organization may send as many unofficial delegates as may desire to attend. I . TO SPEAK IN ASHEVILLE I Dr. A. C. Duncan, K. K. K. grand i dragon of North Carolina, will speak • in Asheville Saturday evening at the i court house. His subject will be I "Americanism." A large number of Rutherford county people are expect ed to go to Asheville to hear this ad dress. BUCK'S STORE EASTER SALE BEGINS SATURDAY The Buck Store will begin its big Easter sale next Saturday, March 31, at 9 o'clock. Mr. E. L. Ayers, sales manager, is now here making all preparations for the opening Satur day morning. The store is being re arranged and new stocks are arriving daily for the big sale. Mr. Ayers arrived too late to prepare an ad for this week's Courier, but will dis tribute circulars this week, acquaint ing you with all details of the big sale. Next week's Courier will also carry a large advertisement for the benefit of Easter shoppers. This sale will be a bargain event. See from the bills what they are qffering, and make plans to be there Saturday morning. Merchants night brought out a large attendance at the Kiwanis club. The program was featured by Miss Mary Wilder and her High school quartette composed of Tim McKeithan, Fred Blanton, Toy Sum mers and Buries Blair. The attend ance prize was awarded to Dr. W. A. Ayers. Dr. Duncan made a talk on the Older Boys' conference. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fanning and daughter, of Woodruff, S. C., and Mrs. J. A. Florence antf Mr. W. W. Smith, of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mr. W. L. Smitß last week. Easter toys, candy and cards. Courtney's Ten Cent Store. I v/ ~ ' ' " 'J- iV t' •

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