COURIER —Only SI.OO per yestr in County VOL. X-—No. 27 LOCAL MUSIC CONTEST WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED Miss Reba Matheny Wins First Place in the High School and Miss Eunice Hardin, Second. \, V 1 V The. preliminary examination pre ceding the State Music Memory contest was held Saturday morning, April 7, at Cool Springs High school with pupils from both high and grammer schools participating. Miss Reba Matheney, Route 2, For est City, was the winner from high school, with Miss Eunice Hardin see s' *>nd. Doris Ledbetter was winner in the „ grammer school group, with her sis ter, Frances Ledbetter, coming sec ond. Mrs. R. R. Howes, chairman of the Music club, presented the prizes in absence of Mrs. R. W. Minish. The five dollar gold piece given by Minish to the high school win ner was presented to Miss Reba Matheny, and the similar prize of fered by the Music club wa.> pre sented to Doris Ledbetter. These four young ladies handed in to the judges splendid papers and we hope to see them among the leaders if the State contest when it is held in Forest City, Saturday, April 21. COMMENCEMENT • AT SHILOH SCHOOL Rev. Roscoe Smith to Address Stu dents Sunday, April 15—Play on Friday, April 20. Rutherfordton, R-l, April 9. —Fri- day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the Shiloh boys went to Oakland and played a very interesting base ball game. The score was 20 to 1 in favor of the Shiloh boys, although the Shiloh boys beat, the Oakland boys JP jAwed good sportmanship and are Vood baseball players. We hope to play them many more games in the coming season. A The players for Shiloh were as follows: Banning, catcher; Nash, pitcher; Mcßrayer, first base; Abrams, second base; Wilkie, short stop; Tate, third base; Lollar, left fielder; Dobbins, center field; Ruppe, right field. Home runs: Wilkie 2; Tate 2; Abrams 1. Commencement will be held at Shiloh Consolidated school on April 15, 19 and 20. The program fol lows: Sunday, April 15, 11:00 a. m., commencement sermon. Rev. Ros- C. Smith, pastor First Baptist jrhureh, Cliffside. Thursday evening, April 19, 8. :00 o'clock, operetta "Over the Garden Wall," primary grades. • Exercises by upper grades. Friday morning, 10:00 o'clock in vocation ; 11:00 o'clock recitation and declamation contest; 1:30 o'clock, afternoon, address, Supt. Clyde A. Erwin; 2:30 o'clock after t noon, Field Day exercises; Friday Patl) Across the Hill" by the Dra matic club. The primary grades, with their re spective teachers, Miss Mcßrayer Robinson and Dedmon enjoyed an I Easter party- picnic Friday, April *-t>. Leaving the school building at 10:40 a. m. the youngsters were di rected by their teachers as hostesses to a nearby silvan dell were the us ual egg hunt and Easte.r contests were participated in. Lunch was served picnic style. Prizes were awarded in each grade to the boy and girl scoring highest, after lunch a gleeful story telling hour was joyously observed. - Every pupil voted his or her teacher a most en lertaining hostess. On returning the party was concluded with Eas ter basket favors awards to each pupil. PLAY AT OAKLAND An operetta, "The Maid and the Golden Slippers," will be given by the Primary grades at Oakland school Friday night, April 13, at 8 o'clock. Everybody come. No admission fee. FOREST CITY COURIER Endurance Queen H |A^OCAgTCg| Photo shows Mrs. Lottie Moore Schoemmel, of New York, who has set a new world's record for endur ance swimming, remaining afloat for thirty-two hours. The former rec ord of thirty-one hours was set by Edith Johnson of England in 1880. WILL BROADCAST OVER WWNC SUNDAY Spindale Quartet Will Be Heard From Asheville on Air Sunday Afternoon From 4 to 5 Spindale, April 10.—The Spindale quartet will broadcast a sacred! con cert program from Station WWNC, Asheville, Sunday afternoon, April 15, from 4 to 5 o'clock, according to an announcement made here to day. The Spindale quartet is composed of Messrs. G. B. Howard, D. C. Cole, T. O. Hendrix and J. W. Starnes. These four gentlemen are widely known over western North Carolina, having filled a large num ber of singing engagements at va rious times and places. Mr. Cole is director of the Spin dale band and the Methodist church orchestra, while Mr. Howard is di rector of the Methodist church choir. Mr. Starnes and Mr. Hen drix are members of the Methodist choir, in addition to being members of the Spindale quartet. All are musicians of ability and those who tune in next Sunday afternoon may expect an excellent program. REMARKABLE RECORD Forest City has many things to boast of, not the least of which is its pure water supply. Mr. F. C. Dorsey informed us Monday that the last montly report received from Raleigh gave the water plant a clean record of 100 per cent for purity. "KIWANIS EDUCATION' MONDAY NIGHTS TOPIC Program in Charge of Mr. F. I. Bar ber—Joint MLeeting of Ruth erfordton and Forest City Clubs Next Monday. >. The Kiw&nis Club devoted its luncheon hour Monday evening to an interesting program on Kiwanis edu cation. F. I. Barber had charge of the program and proceeded to make the club know Kiwanis better by dis tributing a questionnaire to each member. This questionnaire includ ed some fifty questions on the or ganization, objectives and practices of the International, district and lo cal clubs of Kiwanis. Part of the hour was taken up with singing in preparation for National Music Week, May 6. There will be a joint meeting of the Rutherfordton and Forest City clubs at Forest City next Monday evening. FOREST CITY WINS AND LOSES IN DEBATE Forest City lost to Rutherfordion- Spindale Central High school Tues day evening in the first preliminary of the triangular debate. The Ruth erfordton negative won over Fojrest City's affirmative he»-e, while For e.-t City's negative, debating against the Kings Mountain affirmative at Kings Mountain, won the decision by an unanimous vote of the judges. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1928 THE FARMERS FEDERATION WILL BUY AND SHIP EGGS Spindale Warehouse Will Receive and Grade Eggs For Shipment Next Saturday. The Farmers' Federation of North Carolina are making an attempt to establish an egg market for the farmers in the territory which it serves. Car load shipments will be made from Asheville until the ket is more firmly organized. Eggs are being collected at all Federation warehouses and graded and then for warded to the Asheville warehouse. Beginning next Saturday poultry men of Rutherford county who wish to sell eggs through the Farmers Federation are requested to bring their eggs to the Spindajle ware house, where they will be graded and crated. Cash will be paid for eggs at warehouse. The eggs will be graded into three grades, Grade A includes eggs reasonably uniform in size, regular in shape and with clean sound shells and yellow only slight ly visible. Twenty-five cents per dozen will be paid for this grade. Grade B includes eggs with reason ably clean sound shells, yellow slight ly watery and average weight of 24 ounces per dozen. Twenty-two cents per dozen will be paid for grade B eggs. Grade C includes all other edible eggs except guineas and pewees, and will sell for 18c per dozen. When graded these eggs will be taken to Asheville where they will be included in with eggs from other points and shipped. It is hoped that the egg market can be developed to such extent in this county that carload shipments may be made direct from the coun ty, instead of sending them to Ashe -:ilo CAROLEEN NEWS OF LATE INTEREST Local and Personal Items of Wide Interest—Gump-Zander Wed ding Staged by P. T. A. Caroleen, April 10.—Mrs. Thomas Moore, of Charlotte, has been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Holland for sometime. Mr. Thomas Moore spent the week-end here. Miss Pearle Neal, spent Easter here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Harrill and children, Mrs. Long and Mrs. Nancy Blanton, of Hendersonville, spent Sunday here visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robertson, and Mr. Ben Robert son, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holland and family spent Sunday in Greenville, S. C., visiting relatives. Misses Elizabeth Hames, Ruby Smith antj Annie Lou Cartee spent the week-end in Charlotte, the guests of Miss Mattie Lou Harris. Miss Harris returned home with them for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamrick and children, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hamrick's mother, Mrs. John Toms, of the Mt. Pleasant section. Mr. and Mrs. Bureu Phillips, Miss Berta Lee High and Mr. Robert Neal were diner guests at the Iso Thermal hotel in Rutherfordton Sun day evening. The P. T. A. of the Caroleen Elem entory school is giving the Zander- Gump wedding Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, at the Caroleen Elemen tary building. The widow Zander gets Uncle Bim Gump. • There are a number of the funny picture charac ters taking part in the weddirig. Some of those who attend the wedding are Maggie and Jiggs, Uncle Walt and Skeezix, Rachael and Andy Gump's new baby Goliath and also Min Gump, Mutt and Jeff, Barney Goog le, Mary Mixup and others. There are forty-five characters included in the ulay. If you are able TO laugh be on hand Saturday night at 8 o'clock. There is plenty of fun from the be ginning to the end. Admission fif teen and twenty-five cents. (Special to The Courier) DR. BATEMAN TO ADDRESS COUNTY CLUB TUESDAY Pastor of Firsjt Bap tils t Church, of Asheville, to Be Principal Speaker. Mr. Schiele to Speak. The April meeting of the Ruth erford County Club will be held at Cliffside on next Tuesday, at 1 o'clock, according to announcement made by the secretary, Mr. Ivy Cow an, of Spindale. The program committee has ar ranged to have Dr. R. J. Bateman, pastor of the First Baptist church, of Asheville to address the club. His subject has not been announced. Scout Executive R. M. Schiele, of the Piedmont Boy Bcout Council, of Gastonia, will be present and will speak to the club in reference to the Boy Scout work in Rutherford coun ty. Special music will also be a feat ure of the program. WAKE FOREST GAME RAINED OUT The Wake Forest Freshman For est City High baseball game was rained out in the second inning here Monday. Forest City was leading 5 to 2 when the game was called. Laugh ridge and Likens each hit for a cir cuit for the locals. Forest City made eight hits off Lewis, Cash and Edwards, while McKeithan let the visitors down with three singles. On Saturday afternoon, at 3:30 the local highs will meet the Ash ville High school team on the local (fiamond. Miss Viola Randall spent the week end with relatives in Charlotte. LATEST NEWS FROM HENRIETTA Henrietta - Caroleen Triangular De baters to Go to Chapel Hill— Senior Class is Entertained. (Special to The Courier) Henrietta, April 10.—Mr. Thomas Wall and Mrs. J. F. Sherrard and children, of Hendersonville, spent spent Easter with their mother, Mrs. H. A. Wall. The Sophmore class entertained the Seniors with a trip to Flat Rock last Wednesday night. A fire was built on the rock and tha jolly young people enjoyed a weinie roast and marshmallows. The high school teachers, Misses Ethel Robinson, Bertie Lee High and Miss Reid chaperoned the party. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. James and family spent the week-end visiting in South Carolina. Mr.. and Mrs. W. S. Moore and family spent the week-end in Char leston, S. C., where they visited the Magnolia Gardens. Mr. Robert Neal, formerly with the grocery department of Henrietta store has succeeded Mr. Bruner Beam in the clothing department of Caroleen store. Mrs. Jess Hamilton, of Mt. Pleas ant, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Neal, Mr. Hamilton will join her this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hand spent Easter with relatives in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Asbury and sons spent Easter in Charlotte. The Henrietta - Caroleen /High school debaters won at Elleqiboro and Hollis and will go to Chapel Hill to compete for state hon- I ors. The members of the team are I Sam McAbee and Maebeth Scruggs, Ruby Brindle and Russell Shytles. Rev. F. H. Price preached a spe i cial Easter sermon Sunday morning | from the subject "The Empty i Tomb." Special songs and music had been selected. Mr. B. H. Moss led the singing. Mr. Harrill Ham ' rick and Mrs. O. J. Mooneyham with violins accompanied by Mrs. : Clyde Mahaffee on the piano gave * a special selection. "Big Bill" € I mi 11 Photo shows "Big Billf Tilden, former tennis champion, en route to Mexico City as a member of the American Davis Cup Team. CRIMINAL COURT CONVENES MAY 14 Judge P. A. McElroy to Preside over Two Weeks' Session—Jurors Are Drawn. Rutherfordton, April 10. The Spring term of superior court for trial of criminal cases will adjourn here Monday, May 14. Judge P. A. McElroy, of Marshall, will preside over the two week's session. A heavy docket confronts this session of court. Jurors were drawn last week., and are as follows. Jurors, First Week F. R. Logan, G. A. Matheny, W. A. Rucker,J. R. Bennett, C. D. Davis, W. E. Owens, W. P. Watkins, O. B. Biggerstaff, B. B. Doggett, K. E. SimpsoQ, O. L. Melton, J. H. Flack, F. C. Dorsey, Alton S. Horn, D. W. Andrews, J. L. Morris J. C. Guffney, W. S. Moss, J. W. Carlisle, J. H. Boone, Conway Ken nedy, B. B. Waldrop, G. W. Blanken ship, C. B. Harrill, Nat Fortune, Paul Smawley, R. L. Robbins, P. C. Haw kins, J. S. Mc Curry, G. M. Huntley, J. E. Padgett, W. N. Young, B. K. Hampton, R. Ledbetter,, G. H. Blan ton, Oscar Duncan. Second Week J. W. Lattimore, J. C. Powell, P. C. Hensoin, J. H. Burwell, J. M. Brackett, Rodney Brown, J. C. Ross, Will Henson, Batey Wilson, Braxton Elliott, J. A. Toney, C. M. Holland, Jr., D. T. Crawford, W. W. McKinney, B. R. Hicks, W. E. Geer, E. M. Roach, Z. B. Hawkins. GOOD SEASON FOR POTATO CURING HOUSE All Sweet Potatoes Stored in Local Curing Plant Have Been Sold. All potatoes stored in the Forest City Sweet Potato Curing House have been sold, says Mr. O. J. Hol ier, president of the Farmers Fed eration in this county. Approximate ly six thousand busTiels of potatoes were stored in the house last fall. These potatoes have been in big de mand due to the fact that the uni form curing gave them a flavor and and quality not found in potatoes in hills. The past season has been very successful, thinks Mr. Holler, since potato storing and curing is a new process in this county and the Forest City curing house is one of the first to be erected in the county. A meeting will be held at Green Hill this week, at which time the farmers of that community will lay plans for the erection of a potato curing house sponsored by the Far mers Federation. SCHOOL CIRCUS SATURDAY The Grammar Grade school chil dren, of Alexander, will give a circus next Saturday night, beginning at 7:30 o'dock. Admission will be fifteen /and twenty-five cents. The public is cordially invited to come out and see the performance. You will/not regret it. Come early in order to see the side shows before the big performance begins. f 12 Pages 72 COLUMNS P®r YMr ia Advance RECITATION AND DECLAMATION CONTEST FRIDAY Townships Annual Contests Win Be Held at the High School Building Begin ning at 8 o'clock. The Cool Springs recitation and declamation contest will be held ai; the High school auditorium Friday evening at 7 :S0 o'clock. In this con gest, there will be two representatives from each of the following schools: Alexander, Bostic, Forest City, and) Mt. Pleasant. The whole prograr.. will not last more thar an hour since the speeches will average six min utes in length. This is the third an nual township contest. The public is invited to attend this -contest. The two winers at the different schools receive two dollars and fifty cents for winning the contest in the local schools. These repre sentatives will contest for a five dol lar gold piece and the honor of be ing the best declaimer or best read er in the township. Dr. W. C. Bostic, Sr., gives the prize for the best reader and Mrs. Minnie Flack gives the prize for the best declaimer. H. C. BROWN GUEST OF "WAYSIDE GANG" Chief of 'Sunshine' Society Pays Visit to Forest City Branch Tuesday Evening The Wayside Gang: of Forest City, met Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium of the Graded school building. The regular busi ness program was held, after which the speaker of the evening, Mr. Har old C. Brown, B. D. ("Bachelor Di vinity") of Charlotte, was introduc ed by "Old Sol" in a very pleasing manner. Mr. Brown is the origi nator of "The Wayside Gang" which he started one year ago through the columns of the Char lotte Observer. Mr. Brown is an ex globe trotter, being an actor for years, who finally had to give up his stage career owing to failing health. It was then, he said he felt he had fallen by the Wayside and when things looked and seemed the dark est, the idea came to him to start a "Wayside Gang," getting people in terested in those who were shut-ins or handicapped otherwise, by sending them letters of cheer, magazines or such articles as disused phonographs, records, small radio sets, etc., that they may have stored away, and which would fye appreciated by some bed-ridden one who finds the time passes drab andj dull. By such marks as these, they bring a gleam of happiness and rekindle their faith in brotherhood, aiding them morally in effecting a cure if not of body, at least of the mind. Mr. Brown, though a cripple him self, has a brilliant mind and a cherry smile which has and is bring ing cheer to hundreds by his poems and witty payings which are publish ed daily in the Charlotte Observer and "By The Wayside Magazines,'' which is published monthly: If you know of some shut-in who enjoys reading, subscribe to the Wayside Gang Magazine, by sendSng your check or one dollar bill to Miss Myr tle Wilkerson, Forest City, B. and L. office, Forest City, N. C. ELLENBORO LADIES TO HOLD BASKET SALE Ellenboro, April 10.—The Wo man's Betterment Association of Ellenboro, will hold a basket sale, Saturday, April 14, from 1 o'clock to 6 p. m. in the Wright-Beam build ing on corner of Railroad and Hen rietta streets. Mrs. A. B. Bushong, president of the club has made a large collection of baskets and trajys made from reed into different designs which will be sold at reasonable prices for the benefit of the club.