ELEVEN YEAR OLD NEGRO BOY KILLS DAD AT MOORESBORO Bill Martin, Negro, Attacks Wife; Eleven Year Old Son Shoots in Defense of Mother Shelby, July 30.—Otis Martin, 11- year-old negro boy, couldn't stand to see his mother abused and choked by his father Sunday night at their humble Mooresboro home, so he grab bed a gun, leveled it at his father, Bill Martin, pulled the trigger four times; and his father rolled from the [NERVES I | Went to Pieces 1 2 1 suffered a long time, before 4 « I tried Cardui," says Mrs. lillie a 5 Pruitt, 130 "K" St., Anderson, S. C. V *1 was badly run-down in « V health. My nerves Vent to 3 c pieces', and I had to go to bed. h P 1 got so bad off, I could not 4 X bear to have anybody walk k X across the floor of my room. X X The least little thing upset me. V £ Sometimes I became hysterical, J • I had bad pains in my back and • v sides, and my head and limbs V ft would take spells of aching, h P which almost set me wild. a "One day I saw where a wo- x I won, who had a trouble like my z V own, had been relieved by Cardui. y k I decided at once to try it. It be- a U gan to help me from the very a £ first I took Cardui regularly, for p several months, and my improve- a i ment was so remarkable my fami- 7 * ly and friends were delighted." jjj V Try Cardui for your troubles. J r c-130 "■TAKE"™V3 fCARDUIr £L USED BY WOMEN FOR J5 I— _________________ ' P ""ci ■ I m*M 1 * - ;"'•. Out of the CrowcU-A Man Every day in some business a boss is go ing over a list of men to fill a good job. He is confronted with the old, old problem of finding a good man—a steady man who knows his business and can take responsi- bility. Your boss will do that sometime—per haps soon. You will be under considera tion. Will you measure up? It's a peculiar thing we find that over the years the man chosen for a better job is almost always a regular saver. Saving seems to steady and to give him confi dence. Investigate our weekly Savings Plan. INDUSTRIAL LOAN& INVSTHENT BANK ~ A %VV.VrVV/I V «V»VB V B V AV»VAW.V —Cedar Rapids Savings Letter. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SIOO,OOO FOREST CITY, N. C. bed to the floor, where he died with out speaking. Today the little black boy peers through the cell bars of the county jail here while he awaits legal action on the charge of murder because of the love in his heart for his mother. The negro man is dead and his youngest born faces a murder charge due to the fact that supper was some minutes late in the Martin home. According to the story told Cor oner T. C. Eskridge and Deputy Mike Austell Sunday night, Mai'tin came home about 9 o'clock, or a little later, and jumped on his daughter, Dovie, because she had been slow about pre paring supper. The young girl, it was said, "sassed him back," and a fam ily row was on. The mother, Hattie, came to the defense of her daughter, and her husband turned on her. Threats and blows were passed, it is said, and the father secured his pis tol and placed it on a trunk in the home. Then he threw his wife across the bed, she says, and began choking her. Over near the trunk stood the frightened youth looking on. The father kept choking her, so the moth er says, and without a word the boy reached over to the trunk, picked up the gun and began firing. His aim was good. The gun fired only four times —one bullet carried its death message through his father's throat, another ploughed through his chest, the third entered his side, and the fourth shot cut off a little finger, and the body of the father, the life ebbing out of it, tumbled to the floor. All the evidence as related by the frightened negro family was placed before a coroner's jury assembled by Coroner Eskridge, but as yet no verdict has been rendered. All those present say that the boy shot his father, and the boy admits it him self, but some cannot understand how the mother escaped being hit by one of the shots if her husband had her down on the bed choking her when the little boy began shooting. This angle is said to have caused the jury to delay its verdict while further in vestigation is made. Presumably this angle is to be investigated more be cause some have the opinion that Mairtin could have been killed by some other member of the family and the story "framed" because of the hope that a 11-year-old boy might not be considered as a respon sible as an older person. However, there is little to support this theory THE FOREST ClT\ COURIER, TH URSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928 other than that according to the story told! the shots were fired while the negro and his wife were close together and she was not ntruck. Coroner Eskridge was informed that Martin was not drinking and was not known as a drinking man in the community, hut was consid ered "bossy" with his family, rul ing somewhat with an iron hand.— Cleveland Star. GOLDEN VALLEY Bostie, R 4, July 29.—Mr. John Yelton, an ex-Confederate soldier is ill, we are sorry to note. Mrs. P. C. Hunt, who has been confined to her bed for some months is very ill. The many friends of these two hope that they will regain their normal health soon. Miss Beadie Melton is spending 'some time with her sister at Forest City. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eli Melton Sunday were the following; STATEMENT of the Town of Forest City, N. C., June 1, 1927 to May 31, 1928 I " RECEIPTS TAXES 1925 Taxes and prior $ 636.22 |1926 Tax 17,144.98 i 1927 Tax 52,076.58 i Special Taxes 2,356.65 I STREET ASSESSMENTS $ 11,074.93 ! WATER DEPARTMENT 12,406.24 LIGHT DEPARTMENT 34,473.48 NOTES SOLD 100,000.00 SUPPLIES SOLD 1,072.79 BONDS SOLD . 25,000.00 INTEREST Interest on certificates of Deposit $ 6,342.74 Interest on Savings Account 1,210.47 MISCELLANEOUS Premium on Bonds Sold 1 $ 1,359.76 Court Fines 973.00 Court Costs 265.55 Bad Checks 785.90 Telephone 58.96 Building Permits .... 71.00 CASH ON HAND JUNE 1, 1927 ... Certificates of Deposit $120,548.75 Checking Account 7.338.91 Savings Account 25,692.31 TOTAL 1. $420,889.22 DISBURSEMENTS Salary, Mayor $ 120.00 Salary City Clerk and Treasurer 1,650.00 Office Rent 348.00 Extra Labor 244.40 Insurance „ 596.34 Advertising 391.35 Office Supplies and Expense 238.77 Legal Expense 451.00 Auditing 232.50 Vital Statistics 86.50 Telephone and Telegraph 103.34 License Plates 30.00 Water Tax 64.00 Miscellaneous 546.33 WATER DEPARTMENT Salaries and Labor $ 4,510.41 Supplies 2,664.93 Power 1,175.10 Miscellaneous 349.48 LIGHT DEPARTMENT Salaries and Labor $ 2,960.62 Supplies 4,994.24 Power .... 16,330.76 Miscellaneous 442.33 POLICE DEPARTMENT Salaries $ 3,554.40 Auto and Motorcycle Expense 401.88 Supplies and Expense 483.40 Telephone and Telegraph 113.75 FIRE DEPARTMENT $ 75.68 STREET DEPARTMENT Salaries and Wages $ 3,214.65 Supplies 1,313.79 Bridge 1,453.18 Freight 109.13 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Salaries and Wages $ 1,700.70 Auto Expense 300.00 Supplies 128.88 jINTEREST Interest on Bonds $ 44,083.46 Interest on Notes 6,269.99 NOTES PAID $150,000.00 BONDS RETIRED 16,000 00 CAPITAL ASSETS Sewer Extension $ 1,434.60 City Hall 3,529.28 Real Estate 725.00 Truck 563.00 SINKING FUND Farmers Bank & Trust Co $ 665.00 Building and Loan Deposits ! 265 00 MISCELLANEOUS Fines Remitted County Treasurer $ 1,033:00 | Commission Tax Collector 1,163.10 ! Bad Checks ; 807.64 •Widening Trade Street 250.00 Sewer Maintenance 30.35 Park Upkeep 108^31 Bond Commission 16.00 Refund Taxes 64^65 Refund Paving Assessments 139.24 | Prisoners Meals 45 05 CASH ON HAND MAY 31, 1928 Certificates of Deposit 1..5105,259.70 Checking Account 7,087.21 Savings Account 29^969!71 TOTAL $420,889.22 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Melton, Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Rollins, Misses Mary Melton, Vonnie Houser, Nannie Melton, and Greg Houser and Mr. Grady Grayson. Mr. John Blaine Melton and fam ily, of Glen Alpine, spent Sunday with Mr. Meltons parents. Mr. C. C. Rollins and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barnes Sunday. Mr. Guy Melton visited Messrs. Berry and Ralph Rollins Sunday. Miss Nellie Hollifield, of Bostic, spent Sunday with her grand par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Melton. Mr. Claud Melton has been attend ing the revival at Sunshine Metho dist Church. . The services are con ducted by Rev. K. N. Snipes and Rev. ' J. J. Melton. The revival meeting will begin at First Broad Baptist Church the first' Sunday in August. I Lime and cement. Best In quality, lowest in price. Get it from the Farm ers Hardware Co. This is a Tough One Goodyear Heavy Cord Tire Do you work hard, play hard, hard? Then here's your tire! A real sockdolager. You never saw the road it's afraid of. More Goodyear plies in it. More Good year Rubber in it. Reinforced ribs in its sidewalls. All-Weather Tread on its face. Power - traction mileage that's the new Goodyear Heavy Duty Cord. We have it. Come see for yourself. Clif fside Motor Co. Out of respect to the Baptist Revival, now in pro gress, the original Williams .Stock Company have postponed their specia engagement at Spindale from week of July 30 to August 6. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT AT SPINDALE Week August 6th The Original Williams Slock Company TENT THEATRE 30 PEOPLE 30 Admission: 35c and 15c LADIES FREE MONDAY SPECIAL PLAY MONDAY Endorsed by the following leading Civic Organiza tions: Selma Grotto of St. Petersburg, Fla. Chas. H. Bon, Secretary Kiwanis Club of Ft. Myers, Fla. D. W. Boyd, President American Legion, Arcadia, Fla. Mr. Smith, Commander Civitan Club, Daytona, Fla. Mr. Thornaton, President Mayor Reeves, Anniston, Ala. Sabbath School and Publications Rev. Robt. L. Bell, Chairman, Union Springs, Ala. Fanville, Assistant Secretary of State Montgomery, Ala. American Legion, Dublin, Ga. Post No. 17, T. A. Kemp, Commander Civitan Club, Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Burr, President Judge Chas. E. Ley den, Anniston (Ala.) Star Kiwanis Club of Sansord E. F. Lane, President American Legion, Tifton, Ga. Change of Play Every Night Cliffside, N. C. "IGNORANCE" 2,000 SEATS DRIVE