FOREST CITY COURIER 1 Published Every Thursday in the interest of .Forest City" and Ruther •j "* ; . \ ' , • ford County. W... Entered AVg- 22, 1918, at post off ice (at" Forest City, N. C., as second class matter under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. E. ALCQCK Editor and Owner CLARENCE GRIFFIN v News Editoi MRS. C. E. ALCOCK .. Society Editor ARVAL ALCOCK .... - - Advertising H. H. HOlirsEß job Dept. i = i. ADVERTISING RATES Display, per column Inch 30c Reading Notices, per hne 10c Classified Column -i..:.—:.1c per word • ■ SUBSCRIPTION RATES •One year J...!:-!. -'...1: 51.00 Six months X:.. - .50 $ 1.50 per year outside of Rutherford " V'lMl -■ THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928 -j BUSINGS STANDARDS : - ARE ,RAISED; M '■ Four business men of. Datnville re- j' cently spoke before the Kiwanis Club on business ~ standards. , Ope ( tyjld of.; how itit-tM'oat niethpds are. giving way "to* Cooperation. Another spoke of the inter-dependence of business men. Another referred to the pro fessional ethics of physicians as ap plicable >t6 business. Another discuss ed the luncheon clubs as helping in the observance of the golden rule in business. The time has passed when there is any application of the old excuse that "all's fair in love and war" to business. Business men work together through boards of commerce and through committees of citizens to bring about the advancement of the city in which they live. They work together in credit associations. Of ten those who are rivals in one bus- iness are associates in another. ■ Luncheon clubs have helped. De velopment of community spirit has helped.,, Business men of today value the confidence and friendship of their competitors. They do not try to dersell" each other by underhanded methods. When occasion demands they worki together, cooperating for the common good. All of which is an indication of progress and develop ment, not only in business but in the world in which business is so im- portant a factor. —Danville Kentucky Messenger. BUYS JONES GROCERY Mr. D. F. Beachboard has pur chased the stock, good will, etc., of the Jones Grocery Co., of this city, taking charge Tuesday. Mr. Beach board is an experienced merchant, having made a success in the business at Caroleen, and besides, is a clever, popular gentleman. He will, doubt less, make a bigger success here in the larger field. The Joies Grocery Co., was estab lished by Mr. J. N. Jones April 20, 1917, ah'd since that date has pros pered excjeedingly. "Uncle Newt." Jones, as j.those closer in friendship affectionately call him, has made a complete Success in the grocery bus iness in ttus city. , A good business man, he i has tlie gdded faculty making irid holding friends, which has been asset in his bus iness caiiegjr. Mr. Joness Mil a much needed rest 'befdte l business or elsewhere. Mr. Benchboard has retained the full forcftyof competent clerks, com posed M. Flack, Robt. Blanton, J. B. Robeson ind the : delivery boy, Perry Shytyier. Mr. Tom Jones, mem her of the 1 ?ld firm, will continue with Mr. Beachboard for a while at least. The Courier predicts that Mr. Beachboard wjll not only hold the large trade but that he will build a larger one.;! ' . 1 SAVES SMALL CHILD FROM FALLING OVER HIGH CLIFF Mr. Welford Alcock, of Louisville, Ky., who, life here spending the sum mer witlV his father, C. E. Alcock, made hisjflrst visit to Chimney Rock last Sunday afternoon. While on the mountainside, near Pulpit Rock, a small boy clipped' atulfell and serri ed on the point of being hurled into oblivion, when young Alcock shouted to him t> grab a pipe line leading across thp !rock from which the boy was slipiifyg. The lad heeded the warning, and held on until rescued by Mr. AleOck. j The parents of the lad, wtere al most overcome from nervous shock, at witnessing the naarow escape of their son. In the excitement, their i names were not learned. CAROLEEN NEWS ! i . " i (Special to The Courier) Caroleen, July 31.—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fortune, of £rwin, Tenn., spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mahaffee. Mr. Fortune is a brother of Mrs. Mahaffee. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hamrick and children left Monday for a trip to Wilmington. While away they will vis it friends in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Alexander, of Georgia has been spending some time with her sis ter, Mrs. Z. Rutledge. Mr. Alexander came up for the week end. A new double tennis court has just been completed near the ball park and the young people are hav ing a great time playing tennis, i Mrs. S. E. Bland will move into the teacherage which Was vacated when Mr. and Mrs. Bruner Beam moved to Cherokee Falls. Mrs. Bland •has had several years experience in boarding house business. At present the teacherage is undergoing repairs. , kr. and Mrs. Hicks Hamrick ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. P. ; N. Hamrick attended the Scarborough reviyal at Forest City Sunday night. ! liemiany friends of Mrs. Joe Price are sbfcry to learn that she is ill home near here. ' Rev;. F. H. Price assisted Rev. J. j E. Hipps in a meeting at Hopewell: recently. Mr. Hipps filled Mr. Price's appointment in the Methodist church { here the Fourth Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore of Char lotte spent the week end with Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sum- _ mey Holland. Mr. Robert Neal, of the Caroleen store, expects to start on his vaca tion next week. He and Mrs. Neal will spend part of the time with her parents at Durham. , Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mahaffee and children, of Louisville, Ky., are ex pected to arrive Sunday to visit Mr. Mahaffee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mahaffee. Interest in the Epworth league is manifested by an increasing attend ance. At a recent meeting Miss Eth el Rutledge and Miss Dorothy Shob er each gave an interesting account of the League Conference at Lake Junaluska. Their talk to the , league was very inspirational and more of the leaguers are planning to attend next year. The ladies are invited to call and see my new line of fall felt hats. All the lates shapes, colors and styles. Mrs. E. E. McCurry. 'GROW' CRYSTALS IN STUDY OF MAGNETICS Remarkable Results of Research Regarding Material Used in Teleohone Anoaratus When one thinks of growing any product for its usefulness, he thinks immediately of farm prod ucts, plants and animals. Growing iron crystals seems strange, yet the Bell Telephone Laboratories have been doing it for some time, in apparatus designed speci ally for that purpose. An iron wire is passed through the apparatus, and comes out a single crystal—a crystal a quarter inch in diameter and as much as two feet long. iron is made up of a grfcat ' number Of crystals which may be of either of two forms, one stable above 900® C and the other / ijfiait temperature. Crystal growth is accomplished by heating electrically, a changing section of wire,} which is moved slowly through two contact cups contain ing mercury. As the wire moves, a section is constantly being heat ed and another is constantly cool i ing; at all times a very thin cross | section ; in the cooling zone is just passing through 900® C. An original crystal on the cold side of this section, no matter how small, then grows by attach ing to itself atoms as fast as they drop through 900° and thereby are released from the hot form of crys- tal in which they hacl been held. When the whole wire has been heated and cooled in this manner, atoms from the entire length have attached themselves to one par ticular crystal, which has grown ;■ correspondingly. } j Studies in magnetization give the explanation of the whole pro. cedure. If magnetic properties of a single crystal can be measured, information will be obtained of value, perhaps of great value, re garding iron and other magnetic materials so -much used in tele phone apparatus. Just received, splendid new line of fall felt hats, in all the latest shapes, shades and! colors. Mrs. E. E. McCurry. THE FOREST AN COURIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2,192S SALEM NEWS Negro Unearths Curious Pot—Boy Falls Jrom Wagon and Breaks Arms —Local and Personals. Bostic, R 2, July 30. —We are | having plenty of rain after our dry weather. Crops are looking fine. • Those visiting at Mr. Earl Staceys Sunday afternoon were; Mr. Lewis Wells and family, of Caroleen, M!r. Ed Melton and family, Messrs. Cling Weast, Wade Wells, Julius Digh and John Philbeck. • ' Miss Annie McDaniel and Mr. ; Charlie Brooks were the dinner guests of Mr. Bud McDaniels Thurs day. j Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McDaniel; spent the week end with Mr. R. E. L. McDaniel, near Ellenboro, and at tended preaching services at Phila-,. delphia Baptist church. • Miss Coye McDaniel has returned to her home near Oak Grove, after 'spending a few days here with her I aunt, Mrs. Earl Stacey. | Mr. W. E. Stacey and family visit ed near Oak Grove Saturday evening. ' Misses Wilmer and Essie Mae I Bridges visited Misses Jessie and I Ruby Stacey Monday evening. | Mr. Crawford Toney was the eve ning guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mel ton Monday. The revival meeting is running this week at the new church near Sunshine with a large attendance. James Blanton, colored, while plowing in a field near his home, un earthed a curious pot made of soft stone supposed to have belonged to the Indians. Vernon, the son of Mr. Sam Ter ry, fell from a load of wheat straw and broke both arms. One arm was broken below the elbow and the oth er was broken abo\fe. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Buren Walker and family and Mr. Clarence Wells visited at Mr. Earl Stacey's Monday night. MT. PLEASANT NEWS Forest City, R-l, July 31. —Many from this section are still attending the evangelistic meeting at Forest City. Dr. Scarborough is preaching powerful and soul-stirring sermons. A large crowd was present at Sun day school last Sunday. After Sun day school was over the singing was held. Professor Sloan and daughter, of Greer, S. C., and also two other singers from there, were present. They rendered some fine niusic. Din ner was spread out in open. A large crowd attended the singing. We in vite the singers to our church again. B. Y. P. U. was held at 6:30 last Sunday evening, but there was not very many present. It will be held at 6:30 again next Sunday evening. On account of the meeting at Forest City. We hope a larger crowd will be present next Sunday. Come prompt ly at 6:30 and it will close promptly at 7:30 for the meeting. Please be on time. The following boys left Sunday night for the "Young Farmers' Camp" near Wilmington. Messrs. Clark and Woodrow Matheny, Yates Holland, Eugene Spurgeon Hamrick, Forest Hunt, and Charlie Waters. They were accompanied by other boys from other, communities, and Mr. Sutton from Forest City who is their teacher., naade the trip in one of the • school buses. Mrs. J. M. Pri,Cjje jhas "been quite ill for several days; We wish her a speedy recovery. The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Price was buried at Mt. Pleas ant Sunday morning. Rev. Childress, of Caroleen, preached the funeral. ' The little infant of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Aldridge was buried at Mt. Pleasant Monday morning. .Mr. Ulysses Toms uf Wallaceville, S. C., spent the week end with his wife and son who are visiting in this community. .Miss Ovelia Summers returned home Sunday after spending two weeks with relatives in Bessemer City. Mr. Toy Summers left Sunday to visit relatives near Camps Creek and to attend the singing school there. Mr. Walter Matheny and wife, of Washington, D. C., are visiting the former's parents, and relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Davidson and children, of Cliffside are spending their vacation with their parents and relatives in this community. Miss Foster McMahan, of Char lotte, visited Miss Mary Sue Holland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Matheny and children, of Race Path visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Matheny Sunday af ternoon. Miss Margaret Lewis and friends, of Gastonia, visited Miss Reba Price ,last Sunday. j Miss Mayo Mayse returned home from summer school last Friday. DOGGETT REUNION The Doggett reunion will be held Saturday, August 18, at the home of J. S. Doggett, - near Bethany church on Forest City, R-2. All mem bers of the Doggett family and their relatives are invited to be present. The reunion will be an all day affair and all are requested to bring well filled baskets. HENRIETTA NEWS (Special to The Courier) ] Henrietta, July 31.—Friends here have received invitations to the mar riage of Mr. Marquis Wood Lawrence l and Miss Velma Patterson which will take place at the Baptist church at •Coats, N. C., Wednesday evening, August 1. Mr. Lawrence is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lawrence of New i Bern, They formerly lived here where j his father was assistant manager of I the Henrietta store. Mr. Lawrence is a graduate of Duke University, class j'2s. He is a nephew of Rev. C. A. jWood of the children's home at Wins ■ ton-Salem. I Mr. J. H. Boone is spending some time in Wilmington. | There is much visiting and taking vacation trips since the mill is clos ed down for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hand left Sat urday for Atlanta, Ga., to spend some time. Mr. Clarence Wilkins and bride of Lincolnton, Ga., have been visiting Mr. Wilkins' mother, Mrs. T. J. Wilk ins and other relatives in the coun ty. '» Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mahaffee and children returned Friday from a few weeks' visit to relatives at Walter horo, S. C. Rev. R. O. Webb and Mrs. Web! k ive been visiting his step-father, Mr. Tommy Jenkins, who is serious ly ill at his home here. Mr. Webb is a mojraber of the upper South Car olina conference and is stationed at Newberry, S. C. He will assist in a meeting at Providence church some time during August. Poultry supplies at Farmers Hard ware Co. Taking Over Jones' Grocery V / This is to notify the public that I have purchased the stock of goods, good will, etc., of the Jones Grocery Co., Forest City, tak ing charge of the new business Tuesday. It is my intention to give the very best of service and you may count upon the same courtesy, efficient service and best quality goods heretofore handled by the retiring firm. We are here to serve, and shall leave nothing undone to merit a continuance of the patronage accorded this store in the past, and it shall be our earnest endeavor to make and hold new friends and customers by courteous treatment, efficient and best quality of goods, backed by the very lowest of prices. We are retaining the efficient sales force and will also have Mr. Tom Jones with us for a while. Give us a call in our new store. ') * D. F. BEACHBOARD Forest City, N. C. TREPHONE CONVENIENCE FOR HOTEL'S PATRONS . |k| M T 'P§|{lhp£ I Pi^^gßwv-~ •>v :'• : ■" ' » y(|nH ' I^l A Telephone in Every Bath Room Nowadays, telephones are a part •of the equipment of the guest rooms of every first class hotel. A tele phone in every private bathroom, however, is an innovation, but one jthat may become a part of the fur nishings of the newer, recherche ■hotels which cater to the comfort] 'and convenience of their guests to the last detail. One of the newest, : distinctive hotels of this class in j Washington, D. C., designed to carry personal service to* its pa trons to the 'nth degree, has a tele | phone in every bathroom. NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING SITE. North Carolina, Rutherford County. To Clyde N. England, and to any others who may be concerned: Take notice that the County Board of Education of Rutherford County has requested the undersigned Coun ty Superintendent of Education of Rutherford County to request the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ruth erford County to appoint three ap praisors to condemn and appraise about 4 1-2 acres of land owned by you or in which you have an inter est, situated in Logan's Store Town ship, Rutherford County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of C. D. Davis, W, W Robertson rison and beir.g a part of the t Yelton old place, for the n.jH a suitable site for a public J building for school district kn Sunshine District No. 10-1 °* n You will further take notice « the Cl4rk of the Superior Court r Rutherford County will. j„ hi * in the court house in RutherfoJ, N. C„ at 10 o'clock A. M„ on TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, i 928 appoint said appraisors for the pose of condemning and app ra j!' said property and any person i nt ested in same may file their ev tions or objections thereto on or | fore said date. The said appraisors will fil e t ' fl report within five days with t Clerk of said Court who shall n upon the same and when confirm may be appealed from bv any p , son aggrieved to the Superior Coi of said county. This the 27th day of July 19 CLYDE A. ERWIN, County si erintendent of Public Instruction Rutherford County. 43. USED CARS FOR SALE I have the following ci for sale: 1 SIOO.OO Due Bill on ne Ford. Gets next car. 1 '27 Olds Sport Coupe, 1 '26 Olds Coach 1 '27 Essex Coach. 1 '26 Dodge Sedan 1 '27 Oldsmobile Sedan 1 '25 Chevrolet Coach 1 '27 Ford Roadster. 1 '24 Dodge Coupe 3 Ford Tourings 1 '25 Dodge Coupe 1 '25 Buick Coach 1 '25 Oldsmobile Sedan 1 Studebaker Touring J. T. CAMP Phone 107 Moss Bldi FOREST CITY

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