* RUTHERFORD COUNTY FAIR NOW IN PROGRESS VOL. X—No. 52 FATHER AND SON NIGHT OBSERVED BY KIWANIANS Sons of Kiwanians are Enter tained by Club at Monday Evening's Meeting "Father and Son" night was fit tingly observed Monday night by the Forest City Kiwanis club with a splendid program in charge of Dr. A. C. Duncan. Practically all of the many Kiwanians present were ac companied by their sons, the signifi cance of which was the presence of so many Juniors. All joined lustily in singing "Our Boys Will Shine To night" and other selections appropri ate to the occasion. Mrs. D. H. Sut ton was introduced to the club and eloquently proclaimed to the fathers and sons present, the duty of father to son and son to father from "A Mother's Viewpoint." In her splendid address Mrs. Sutton recalled the de votion %ind watchcare of fathers of Bible acquaintance and urged closer and more cordial relation between father and son. Rev. Geo. R. Gilles pie followed Mrs. Sutton with a short address from a father's viewpoint, citing the necessity of constant as sociation, fellowship and companion ship of father and son. This however would not be sufficient in the ful filling of a father's duty, unless that same ideal relationship should reach out to the other father's son. "You be a pal to my boy, and I will be a pal to yours." When the other fath er's son is in trouble then is the time to be his friend. As many of the Kiwanians who could possibly do so were urged to attend the district convention in Winston-Salem October 9-10-11, ow ing to the fact that the Forest City club has a candidate for Lieut-Gov ernor and that the club will sponsor Howard Magness on the second day of the convention. MATTRESS FIRM OPENED HERE MONDAY MORNING The Forest City Mattress (30., a new Forest City firm opened Monday morning for business in their stand near the Seaboard depot. This new company will do general mattress renovating and will also sell new mattresses. The firm is in charge of Mr. H. D. Mahaffee, of Spartanburg, who has had fifteen years in this line. Mr. Mahaffee, in an ad in this issue, states that work will be call ed for and delivered the same day. MR. JOHN THOMAS WILL MOVE TO GREENVILLE The numerous friends of Mr. John Thomas, manager of the Candy Kitch en, will hear with much regret that he is leaving this week end for Green ville, S. C., where he will be engaged in business. Mr. Thomas came here about five years ago and opened the Candy Kitchen, which met with splendid suc cess. During his stay here he and his family have made many friends all of whom are sorry to have this good family leave. -WAYSIDE GANG The regular monthly meeting of the Wayside Gang will be held on next Tuesday evening, October 9th, in the banquet hall at Blanton s Cafe, at 7:30. Please call Miss Myrt le Wilkerson at the B. and L. office so arrangements for supper may be made. Come on "gang" let's have a good crowd and get ready to go to Charlotte on October 19th for a big get-together meeting. CHILD HIT BY CAR Spindale, Oct. 2.—A small child of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lddford was hit by a car here Monday nooti, and sufr fered a brdken thigh and several braises. The child, according to wit nesses, left the school ground, on its way home to lunch, and crossed the highway directly in front of an ap proaching car. The driver made an attempt to stop, but was so close on the child he could not do so. The child was taken to the hospital where It is recuperating nicely. J FORESTCITY COURIER FOREST CITY "ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED ANDJfOSTBEAUTIFUL CITIES IN THE U. S. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY. TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE ATTEND COUNTY FAIR TUESDAY School Day Attendance Sets New Record at Rutherford County Fair The Rutherford County fair open ed Tuesday for five big days. The attendance Tuesday was estimated at 20,000 for the day. The free acts are up to the usual standard, and are given each afternoon and evening in front of the grandstand. The J. J. Page shows have one of the largest midways on the ground ever placed here. They have about twenty-five concessions and shows. The main exhibit hall has a va r riety of community exhibits and commercial booths. On the right on entering is the W. L. Horn Overland Co.'s Whippet booth. Next to this booth is the display of the .Spindale Textile Shofc which exhibits the Rutherford county textile products. Next to this is the commercial booth of Mr. P. W. Eskridge, of Ruther fordton, with a display of frigidaires. Mt. Vernon community and school has a fine community exhibit, as does the 4 H club girls of Cool Springs, j The Cool Springs and Ellenboro Vo cational Agriculture Departments j each have an attractive booth show- ] ing some examples of the work of these classes. Mr. B. E. Haynes, of Rutherford ton, R-l, Mr. Monroe McDonald, the Sarelme Farm and Mr. L. S. Nash, i of Rutherfordton, R-l, each have | farm and home exhibits, which con- j sists of vegetables, field products, meat, etc. Among the other community ex hibits are the Mt. Pleasant, Watkins, and Harris communities. These dis plays are admirably arranged, and gives some fine examples of the var ious field and truck crops produced in those thriving centers. The Alexander Womans' Club has a very interesting health display, while the West End Club has a unique booth, which represents wedding scene. Each of the charac ters participating in the wedding rep resents some vegetable or food. The J. H. Burgess farm, of Union Mills, R-l, has a splendid farm ex hibit. The North Carolina Depart ment of Conservation and Develop ment has an educational booth, where pamphlets regarding the ' conserva tion of the state's natural resources are handed out. In this booth is a large wild cat. The Farmers Federation and The Cliffside Mills Store have exhibits featuring their merchandise. Mr. W. G. Magness has a booth exhibiting Wurlitzer pianos. The Sun booth is next followed by the Wilson-Stamey Co., featuring flour; The Doggett Motor Co., and the Forest City Feed and Fertilizer Co. The livestock shown this year is under the usual standard with the exception of the hogs and poultry. The exhibits in hogs include the Po land Chinas, of Mr. C. W. Mayfield, Forest City, R-2; Polaad Chinas of Mr. W. H. Hogan, of Forest City, R-l; Poland Chinas of Mr. Guy Lewis, of Forest City, R-2; Burocs of Mr. A. G. Hamrick, Rutherfordton, R-l; Durocs, O. I. C., and Essex of Mr. Parker, of Newtoern, and Mr. Zeno Lancaster, of Forest City, R-l. Mr. Mayfield won prizes in every class in which he exhibited last week at the Cleveland county fair. The poultry show is sponsored by the -Rutherford county Poultry as sociation and includes entries in ev- Wreckage. Supplies Coffins for Storm Dead . This photograph, taken at Belle Glade, Florida, shows men making a coffin from the wreckage of the'homes there. With more than a thousand dead, there was a demand for coffins in which to bury the dead. Rough caskets were made from the wreckage of house*. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1928. S. P. DUNNAGAN TO SPEAK AT SHILOH Mr. S. P. Dunnagan, of Ruther fordton, will speak at the Shiloh school house on Monday evening, Oc tober 8, at 7:30, according to an announcement made yesterday by Mr. C. O. Ridings, chairman of the Dem ocratic executive committee. Mr. Dunnagan will speak on the political situation of the day and will have a message of interest to all. Ladies are especially invited. PLEASANTS-SANDERS WED DING j Mr. William Maurice Pleasants was j married to Miss Mabel King Sanders j at Skyland on Wednesday, September 26, according to announcements re ceived here. Following an extended wedding tour the couple will be at home in Reidsville, where Mr, Pleas ants holds a responsible position. Mrs. Pleasants was a former school teacher in this county, having taught at Forest City, Spindale and Ruth erfordton-Spindale Central High. 1 COUNTY CLUB ORGANIZED AT WEAVER COLLEGE j Weaverville, Oct. 3.—At its organ ization Tuesday, the Henderson- Rutherford-Polk Club of Weaver College elected the following offic ers: President, J. O. Summey, of Sa luda; vice-president, Miss Josephine Young, Forest City; secretary and treasurer, Miss Ida Lee Poteat, of Fletcher. Miss Young has also been ! elected vice-president of the Junior j Class. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Mcßrayer are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a daughter, born Wednes day, September 26th. The little lady has been named Mary Jane Mcßray er. The regular monthly meeting of the officers and teachers of the Sun day school of the First Baptist church will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 in the young matron's class room. A full attendance is desired. i ! ery class of poultry for which prem-1 iums are offered in the catalog. Following the free acts Tuesday afternoon a Charleston Contest for whites was held, followed by a con test for colored. A 100 yard dash for boys over sixteen was ran, which was won by Glenn Keller, of Spindale. A similar race for boys 12 to 15 years was held; and fifty yard dash for boys and girls under twelve was run. These local. attractions were in charge of Mr. C. S. Royster. The free acts include Grace Thom : as' pets, the Red Grange Troupe of Football Dogs and the acting horses. An acrobatic exhibition is included in the free acts afternoon and eve ning. Fireworks are an added feature each eyenkig. Wednesday afternoon's special at- were mute trotting and mule running rafce, in two hdata. Mr. J. W. Whiteside had charge of the race. Thursday afternoon will be taken up with boxing contests. A horse race will be given Friday af ternoon. No free acts will be Satur day afternoon, but a ten round pro fessional fight will be staged Satur day night. o DR. W. C. BOSTIC, JR. TO WED GEORGIA LADY OCT. 20 Prominent Young Doctor Will Wed Miss Elizabeth Van Cleave Stevens, of Carlton, Ga. Announcements have been recived here by friends of Dr. W. C. Bostic, Jr., reading as follows: "Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus F. Stev ens request the honor of your pres ence at the marriage of their daugh ter, Elizabeth Van Cleave to Doc tor William Chivous Bostic. Jr., on Saturday the twentieth of October, Nineteen hundred and twenty-eight at half after eight o'clock in the evening. Carlton Baptist Church, Carlton, Ga." OAK GROVE NEWS Bostic, R-3, Oct. 2.—Those visiting at Mr. W. P. Tate's during the week end were Rev. C. F. Tate and family and Miss Ethel Tate of near Ashe yille and Mr. C. N. Tate and family of Avondale. Mrs. Henry Taylor and Miss Dora and Mr. Earl Taylor of Avondale vis ited at Mrs. J. M. Randall's Sunday afternoon. " * Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Carpenter and children Leaborn, Merle and Earlene of Cliffside were visitors in ! this community Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Harrill spent Sunday at Mr. Coren Bailey's. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harrill and Misses Maude and Pauline Harrill vis ited at Mrs. J. M. Randall's Thurs day night. Mrs. L. J. Hamrick, spent a few days last week with her brother, Mr. L. D. Wilkie. Mr. J. T. Webb and family were i visitors in Forest City Sunday after noon. Miss Docia Beam spent a few days last week at Mr. M. B. Beam's. Mr. and Mrs. Orell Wright spent the week end at Ellenboro. Misses Leigh, Maude and Pauline ! Harrill and Eugenia and Pearle Ran dall and Messrs. Cletus and Grady Randall all attended the surprise party at Miss Ruth Harrill's near Concord Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown and lit tle daughter, of Forest City were vis-1 I itors at Mr. L. D. Wilkie's Sunday afternoon. Mr. Elijah Hamrick and family of I Ellenboro were visitors at Mr. W. T. 1 Harrill's Sunday afternoon. Misses Coye and Annie McDaniel and Messrs. Kelly Goforth and Char ley Brooks attended the fair at Shel by Friday night. Mr. James Melton and family of Spindale spent the week end at Mr. N. A. Greene's. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wilkie and Miss Belle Wilkie spent Friday night, at Mrs. J. N. Randall's. Mrs. Eva Hamrick spent a few j days last week with her daughter Mrs. K. M. Randall and Mr. Randall. A large number from this com munity attended the birthday dinner j at Mr. Robert Biggerstaff's, near Race Path, Sunday. Miss Leigh Harrill of Rutherford- j ton spent the week end with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harrill. | Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Harrill spent I Saturday night at Mr. W. T. Har rill's. Mrs. J. M. K. Randall spent last i week with her sister, Mrs. P. N. Ham rick, near Caroleen. Mr. Laxton Moore and family spent Sunday in Caroleen. Misses Eugenia, Pearle and Ollie rea Randall, Mrs. J. M. Randall, Messrs. Cletus and Grady - Randall were visitors at Mr. L. D. Wilkie's Sunday and Sunday night. R. L HENRY TO SPEAK AT RUTHERFORDTON Congressman Robert L. Henry, representative of one of the Texas districts in congress, will address the voters of Rutherford county at the court house on Tuesday, October 9, at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Henry is a speaker of ability and will have a message of much interest to the people of the county. Ladies are especially invited to attend. !"MISS FOREST CITY" IS ! FIRST TO ENTER IN NATIONAL CONTEST Picture of Beautiful Forest City Girl Sent To Over Two Thousand Newspapers By News Agency ■ I £ -v&aßan ; kS w BiH H - IWTOCASTER |fl| : The above picture of Miss Willie Lou Jones, winner of the local beau ty contest, and who will represent Forest City in the national contest for the title of "Miss Small Town America," was sent out to over two thousand newspapers in the United States this week by the Autocaster i News Service of New York, who are CAROLEEN NEWS i (Special to The Courier) Caroleen, Oct. 2.—The teachers of j the Caroleen and Henrietta schools were delightfully entertained at the home of Superintendent and Mrs. A. C. Lovelace last Friday evening. A profusion of floweis in gay autumn 1 colors lent an added charm to the ' attractive rooms. Promptly at 8 o'clock the guests oegan to arrive and when all had assemblad partners were found by parts of bats, owls, witches and other Hallow e'en emblems. Booklets containing a flower and tree contest were tied with black and yellow ribbon and a touch of the same colors in the re freshments suggested the Hollowe'en season. Miss Pearl Neal and James Mahaffee won the prize In the book let contest. In a presidential contest jthe prize was won by Mrs. Robert , Neal. An amusing "stunt" was the telling of their favorite joke by each one present. This was greeted by peals of laughter. A musical feature, : in which three groups sang different i songs separately and collectively fur j nished lots of fun. Miss Etta Head read a little girl's essay on husbands which was very funny. The reading of the biography of some of those present added to the merriment. Mrs. Lovelace assited by Mrs. M. B. Ma haffee served nut ice cream, cake, mints, and salted nuts. A marshmal low toast on the moonlit lawn con cluded the evening's entertainment. The weather was ideal for just such an occasion. The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lovelace, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neal, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Buren Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bland, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Smart, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mahaf fee, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mahafee, James Mahafee, Misses Lucile Wall, Brama Layne, Neal, Pearl Gil lespie, Margpret Cleo Sane, Etta Head, Ess re Hemphill, Lee Morri'ssefte, Amanda Heard, Vir ginia PooFe, Ella Lynch, Ethral Eb ron, Mary Pratt, Margaret Lynch. Mrs. L. B. Harrill spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Hammett in Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shober visited Mr. and Mrs. Arbuth Smart at ' Mboresboro last Sunday. Mr. and 14 PAGES 84 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance J conducting the national beauty con test. t Forest City will gain nation-wide publicity in the distribution of tMs picture. In sending out the picture, with their other news features for this week, the Autocaster News Service said: "This picture gives you a glimpse of the first girl reported to us a win ner in a l ocal beauty contest for the choice of the town's representative in the Nationwide Contest for the title of "Miss Small Town America." She is "Miss Forest City" of North | Carolina." | Another and better picture of Miss I Jones has been sent in to be entered Jin the national contest, to be held | October 15. Thousands of dollars worth of prizes are to be given the winner of the beauty contest and an offer to appear in the movies or in Zeigfeld's Follies. The Courier is proud of Forest City's entry in the national beauty contest and believes she has a chance to win. * The national contest is a big thing, conducted by big people, and of na j tional scope. * ; The winner will not only have the | honor of being heralded over the na tion as the most beautiful girl of j the small towns of the United States, i but with the handsome prizes and | offers of stage or movie contracts, j will most likely realize more than a | million dollars as her reward. j FALL BREAKS CHILD'S ARM | Rutherfordton, R-l, Oct. 2.—Silas ! the small son of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Johnson, who live near Kistlers' Chapel, broke his arm Saturday when he fell from the porch to the ground. He was taken to the hospital where ; medical attention was given, and at ; latest reports the break is healing 1 nicely. i I | LOVELY BIRTHDAY PARTY i = On Saturday afternoon from four : to six Miss Helen Thomas entertain | ed a number of her little friends, cel ebrating her twelfth birthday. As the j guests arrived they were directed to j the sunroom and were served punch ! by Misses Frances Courtney and Mar !tha Anne Thomas. Rook was played at three tables. After the games Miss Margaret I Bostic gave several delightful read ings which were much enjoyed and appreciated by the children. The house was beautifully decorated in fall flowers and golden rod, carrying out the color scheme of yellow and pink, and which was also emphasized in the refreshments consisting of an ice course, cake, mints and fruits. The favors were yellow baskets fill ed with pink and yellow hearts and much amusement was had in reading their "fortunes" from the hearts. Helen was the recipient of many lovely gifts from her little friends making it an occasion long to be re membered by those present. The guests were: Misses. Ethel Young, Martha Moores, Kathleen Alexander, Mary Roberts Reinhardt, Margaret McKinney, Pearl Frye, Nell, Mary Leslie and Martha Anne Thomas, Marjorie Padgett, Mary Logan King, Kathrine Bradley, Frances Courtney and Miss Margaret Bostic. Mrs. Smart recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. A large number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of and Mrs. Reuben McDanM last Sunday to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. McDaniel. The Harrilltown circle of the Bap tist Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. D. B. Lynch last week and quilted three quilts. One will be sent to the Alexander school at ' Union Mills. The other two to South Mountain Institute.

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