COTTON MARKET Cotton, lb. 19 l-4c 100 lbs. $2.10 Prices Quoted Wednesday, 2 P. M. VOL- Xi—No. 6. [LLENBORO NEWS , OF LATE INTEREST j^| rS . J. E. Bland Hostess to Civic Club Locals of Interest Ellenboro, Nov. 14.—Mrs. J. E. gland was a charming hostess to the members of the Civic Club at her home Wednesday evening, which proved to be a delightful event of the past week. Different matters were discussed, one was that of refurnish ing the First Aid room for the teach ers and children of the High School. It will be newly furnished with ! lounge, tables, folding screens, med icine cabinet, chairs and cushions. Tour of inspection is made each week by the civic ladies of the different trrades. Among those present were Mesdames J. A. Martin, Fred Har rill. E. E. and A. S. Harrill, W. H. Payne, Van Harrill, Gidney Hamrick, ' Miss Cleo Burns and Carrie Harrill. Hostess served sandwiches, wafers, candy and Russian tea. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres ■j byterian church had a very interest ing meeting at the church Tuesday afternoon, at which time they plan ned for a Thanksgiving program. The , ladies of the church are expecting to pack a box of gifts to be sent to the children of the Barium Spring orph anage. as a Thanksgiving offering. There are about 17 members of the Auxiliary. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church had a nice lunch room fitted up during the election. Sandwiches, salads, cakes, pies, can dy and coffee were served. A nice sum was realized. The ladies of the Baptist church will have a Bazaar on the Bth of De cember in the Pythian hall. Nice and palatable meals will be served, din ner and supper. Also a beautiful line of fancy work, of various kinds and description will be on sale. Mrs. Price from Henrietta, and Virginia Helms of Monroe were pleasant visitors at Rev. and Mrs. Harrill's during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bushong have returned from an extended trip to relatives in Virginia. Misses Zudie Harrill and Mantie Smart have accepted a position in Forest City with Vassey and Hemp hill. Mr. Bruce Byers and family of Tryon were pleasant visitors during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Blanton. Mrs. A. B. Jones has been quite sick for the past few days, but is much better now. Mrs. J. E. Bland spent several days in Charlotte during the past week, visiting her daughter Mrs. Williams. Mr. J. C. Elliott is spending the week with his son J. L. Elliott. Miss Alexander of the High School is quite sick, in her absence, Mrs. Proffit of Rutherfordton is filling her place. Mr. E. E. Fulgum of Wilson was a pleasant visitor at the home of A. S. Harrill for the past few days. Miss Louise Teddar from Raleigh is spending a few days with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Teddar. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Odell Padgett is real sick with diphtheria. Mr. and Mrs. Everett McDaniel of i Shelby were here Monday to attend ' the funeral of Mr. John C. Mauney. Mr. and Mrs. Pegram and children °f South Shelby were visiting rela tives here the past week. The Ellenboro High School has resumed work after a delay of two weeks' on account of repairs to the heating plant. BIRTHS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Poole ol * Monday, November 12th, a fine ten pound boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Broad Ham rick on Sunday, November 11th, a lovely little baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Watkins are deceiving congratulations over the arrival of a fine boy baby, born Sun day, November 11th. Robert Edgar Catkins. Ten years ago many a doughboy , anxious to get home and see his f sweetie; now quite a number of them ar ® anxious to get away from home ln order not to see the same sweet ie. FOREST Q SIF COURIER FO RgSTCITY "ONE OFTHE TENBEST PLANNED AND MOST BE 2 L CITIES IN THE US. A." U. S. DE PAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY. »« ">■ Ho. pandering .... i„ "Mi.. Tnwn Amenca ,n the Nat.onw,de Beauty Conte.t. They are, left to right: Mi„ I.abel De Lap, Norri, City, 111 • Mi.. r ' N " C " ! Mi " Wil,ie Lou Jon "- City, N. C.; Mi., Dorcae Edna, Port Allen La • ... uc.lle Brusie, M.llerton, N. Y.; Mi« Erin Godfrey, Chipley, Fla.; Mi.. Eleanor Grimm, Arlington, Neb.' The above picture was sent out this week by Editor Fred J. Runde, of Autocaster News Service, New York City. He says that thousands of photographs of entries in the con test from all sections of the United States are being gone over by the judges, and that they hope to soon MRS. J. K. BRIDGES DIED SUNDAY Death Claims Mooresboro Woman Funeral at Sandy Plains Mon day Mooresboro, Nov. 14. —Mrs. James K. Bridges, aged 65, died suddenly at her home Sunday morning, near Mooresboro. She had been ill for on ly a short while before her death. She was an excellent neighbor and a kind hearted woman, a consecrated Christian and faithful member of Sandy Plains Baptist church. She is survived by the following children: Messrs. Gus of Mooresboro; Lad and Cone of Hickory; Troy of Monroe; Worth at home; Mesdames Buren Spurlin, of Mooresboro; Robert Jenk ins, of Avondale; Rob Moore, in Tennessee; Oscar Ramsey of Latti more; Alvin Padgett, Shelby. Two sisters Mesdames Whitt Blanton, of Mooresboro, and Martha Bridges of Ellenboro. The burial was at Sandy Plains church Monday evening in charge of the pastor, Rev. Abernethy. SHILOH NEWS Rutherfordton, R-l, Nov. 13.—Shi loh school opened up yesterday morn ing with Mr. Howard Wells, princi pal, and assisted by Mr. Clyde Dav-, idson, of Polk County, Miss Mary Allen, Union Mills, Miss Mary Crow, of Oakland, Miss Nell Mcßrayer, Miss Iris Robinson, Cliffside and Miss Pauline Dedmond, Shelby. Miss Grace Mcßrayer went to Shingle Hollow Sunday to begin her school there on Monday. Miss Arrie Robbins of Caroleen, Estelle Jones spent Saturday night with Miss Velma Morrow. Mr. Herbert Bradley, of Spindale visited his brother> Mr. E. S. Bradley Sunday. « Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Thompson spent Saturday night and Sunday in Caroleen with the latter's parents. Mrs. O. T. Aldridge and children and Mr. Clarence Smith, of Sandy Mush, visited at Mr. W. C. Morrow's Sunday afternoon. Mr. Walter Nash, of Rutherford ton, spent Sunday with home-folks. 4 Misses Ruth and Pauline Morrow entertained on last Saturday night Misses Elva Spurlin, Odessa and Es telle Jones, Arrie Robbins, Messrs. Roy Mcßrayer, Leo Smith, Charlie Nash, Robert Pintuff, Oris Spurlin and Clyde Banning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobbins and children, of Spindale, visited at Mr. Cal Dobbins, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Champion, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cole, of Forest City were dinner guests at Mr. B. M. Jones' last Wednesday. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST | ™ EST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY *4 W A Few Possible Title Winiers in National Beauty Contest FOREST CITY. NORTH CARL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1928 announce the winner of the title "Miss Small Town America." Third from the left in the above picture will be seen Miss Willie Lou Jones, Forest City's entry in the nation-wide contest. That she has been selected as one of seven, out of thousands of entries, shows that she has an excellent chance of win ning in the contest. We will leave it to you as to whether any one in the Oyster and Chicken Supper Saturday The Auxilary class of the Presby terian church will have an oyster and chicken supper on Saturday night in the building next door to People's Drug Store. These ladies will also have cakes, candies, pies and many other good things to eat. Be sure to patronize these ladies on Saturday, Nov. 17th. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM HOLLY SPRINGS Green-Allen Wedding Saturday Dr. Davis of Boiling Springs to Speak—Local Items. Harris, R-l, Nov. 14.—Rev. D. J. Hunt filled his regular appointment at Holly Springs Sunday afternoon. Many visitors form other churches were present. Owing to the cold weather there wasn't very many people at the B. Y. P. U.'s and prayer meeting Sunday night. Messrs. Edward Cole of Union Mills, spent the week with home folks. - Mrs. G. C. Matheney, who has been on the sick list is improving, we are glad to note. Don't forget next Sunday night, November 18, that Dr. Davis, the "president of Boiling Springs Junior College will preach at Holly Springs about 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Ralph Green and Miss Clara Allen both of this section surprised their many friends Saturday by go jing to Spartanburg and getting mar iried. Mr. Green is the son of Mr. I Horace Green and Mrs. Green is the 1 charming daughter of Mr. Lowren Allen. We wish them a long and hap py life. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cole and family of Shiloh section visited Mr. and Mrs. Matt Splawn Sunday. Cherry Addresses War Veterans Rutherfordton, Nov. 13. R. G. Cherry, commander of the American Legion, department of North Caro lina, of Gastonia, addressed the an nual banquet of the Fred Williams Post No. 75, American Legion, Satu rday at the Isothermal hotel. A large number of ex-service men from all parts of Rutherford county enjoyed the able address of the State Commander, who dealt with the Legion history and organization the function of the Legion, and of the Legion to veterans in and out of (the hospitals, war memorials and community service rendered by the Legion. The Gastonia man was in troduced by R. E. Price, chairman for the local committee on the Ar mistice banquet. above group has "Miss Forest City" outclassed. The above picture was sent to ov er two thousand newspapers in America. "M;iss Forest City" has gained nation-wide publicity for our little city by entering the local con test, and Miss Jones' many friends here believe she has an excellent chance to win in the national con test. DEATH CLAIMS MRS. WILLIAM GRAYSON Bostic Woman Passes At Age of 81—Funeral Service Held Tuesday Bostic, Nov. 14.—Mrs. William Grayson, age 81, died at her home near Bostic Sunday night of pneu monia. She had been in her usual good health within a few days be fore her death. She was a Christian lady, sympathetic, cheerful and help ful. She served her time and gener ation helping to "bring Heaven a little nearer to earth." She is sur vived by three boys and three daugh ters; Alfred, William of Spindale and Joe, near Bostic, and Mesdames Lon nie Callahan, Rutherfordton; Sam Callahan, Columbus, Ga.; David Mc- Murray, Forest City. She was Miss Julia Melton before her marriage. She was a life long member of Mt. Lebanon Baptist church. Funeral and burial at Mt. Lebanon Tuesday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Conducted by the pastor, Rev. Z. D. Harrill. Spindale Organizes Scout Committee Spindale, Nov. 14. —A meeting of the men of the community was held in the office building here Tuesday afternoon and a local Boy Scout committee was organized. Mr. R. M. Schiele, scout executive, of Gastonia, was present and assisted in the or ganization. The council, as organized, will be the sponsoring body or the Spindale troops. One healthy troop is already doing good work in town, and plans for another troop are being formu lated. The following men were selected on the council for the town: Chairman, J. L. Thomasson; vice chairman, T. M. Plonk; finance, G. A. Williams; court of honor, N. A. Gregg; publicity, Herbert Crenshaw; troop organization and training, J. E. Berry; school relations and read ing, R. W. Eaves, camping, G. Lips comb; church relations, H. H. Cas sady; health and safety, Dr. J. F. Hunt; civic service, S. E. Elmore. Members at large: G. B. Howard, W. R. Wells, L. C. Finley, Ivy Cow an, J. O. Williams, Clarence Griffin, B. L. Smith, J. C. Wylie, J. W. Starnes, F. C. Kinzie. COTTON GINNED Up to Thursday, November 8, Rutherford county had ginned 8,811 bales of cotton. Up to the same time last year the county had ginned 7,- 713. The state had ginned 497,126 bales up to Thursday, as against 552,- 834 last year. Spindale Plays First Basketball Game j On Friday evening the Spindale ! Athletic" Club will meet the Spartan i burg Athletic Club at the Spindale ; House. This is the first 'heavy' game of the season. Both teams are in : the pink- of condition and a hard fought game will result. On Friday : evening, November 23, Spindale will j play the Spartanburg Y. M. C. A. !at Spindale House. COUNTY BANKERS MEET IN CUFFSIDE Members of Association Enjoy Delightful Dinner in Haynes Memorial Build ing Tuesday Cliffside, Nov. 14.—The Ruther ford County Bankers Association held its regular monthly meeting in the R. R. Haynes Memorial Building at Cliffside on Tuesday night at p. m. After enjoying a delightful din ner prepared under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hames the meeting was called to order by Mr. J. B. Watkins, president of the Association. A very interesting discussion was held on various subjects of vital importance to all bankers of Rutherford County, all members present joining in on the discussion. The meeting adjourned until next Tuesday night, November 20th, at which time it will meet at the Farmers Bank & Trust Co., Forest City. Those present were J. H. Thomas, J. A. Dennis, W. M. Giles, T. B. Lovelace, J. B. Watkins, J. C. Hames, W. H. Haynes, E. E. Harrill, R. L. Arial, W. B. Walker, J. L. Taylor, J. M. Killian. W. L. Hicks. LATEST NEWS OF FLORENCE MILL Lunch Room in Mill—Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Burgin Dead Births—Locals and Personals Forest City, Nov. 13.—The latest addition to the Florence Mills is a cafe or hinch room in the interior of the spinning room. This will doubt less be patronized by many of the employees, and especially the night help, who desire hot lunch. It will remain open day and night. Mr. E. W. Jordan, overseer of carding, was carried to the Charlotte Sanatorium Monday for treatment. Mr. Jordon is suffering from neural gia of the heart and high blood pres sure it is reported. His friends hope for his health and early return home. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tesseniar, last Thursday morning a boy. Mary Helen, fiften months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bur gin, died at their home on South Church street this morning about 10 o'clock, o¥ pneumonia. Funeral ar rangements have not been made at this writing, but will probably be sometime Wednesday, in charge of Rev. H. B. Hiatt, pastor of the local Weslyan church . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ranson Eppley last Saturday—a boy. Mr. J. B. Hardin and family were visiting in Shelby last Sunday. Mr. Author Goforth and family of Welford, S. C., visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. Walter Owens, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Owens, is quite sick at his home here. Mr. Archie H. Sisk is confined to his room, this week, on account of illness. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ham rick early Sunday morning— a big girl. Mr. F. M. White and family of Alexander Mills were pleasant visi tors here last Sunday. Little Miles Gettys Hardin is con fined to the sick room this week. The Florence Missionary Circle Nos. 1 and 2 sold cake, candy and refreshments, Sat. Nov. 10th with an oyster supper Saturday night. After expenses were paid there were $22,85 left which will go in the treas ure to be used by the Circle. We wish to thank all who took 'part anyway. We assure all the i money will be used for a good cause. 16 Pages 96 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Adra: ANNUAL RED CROSS ROLL CALL DATES NOVEMBER 22-24 Rutherford County Well Or ganized For Carrying Forward Work This Year Chairmen Appointed Rutherfordton, Nov. 13.—At a meeting of the Rutherford County Red Cross chapter, held in the re corder's court room in the court house here Monday afternoon No vember 22, 23 and 24 were set as dates for the county's annual Red Cross roll call. Prof. B. L. Smith, the county chairman presided. A goal of one thousand members was set for this year. Last year 577 members were enrolled in the county. In addition to the members enrolled the mills of the county donated $503.33. One half of the total amount raised in , the county was used in securing a | Red Cross nurse for four months. The treasurer, Miss Virginia Gray son, reported that the county raised $1117.93 for relief work in 1927 and $277 had been donated in the county this year for Florida and West In dian hurricane sufferers. Local chairmen were appointed for each community in the county to carry on the annual roll call. These chairmen are as follows: Cliffside: B. E. Roach, M. Hen drick. Henrietta: Mrs. Robert Neal. Caroleen: Miss Etta Head. Avondale: Prof. F. S. Hall. Alexander: J. R. Moore. Forest City: Rev. G. R. Gillespie, Mrs. Thos. Stone, Miss Nell Young. Hollis: Mrs. Grady Withrow. Harris: W. V. Tarlton. Bostic: E. E. Smart. Ellenboro: A. B. Bushong. Spindale: J. E. Berry. Rutherfordton: C. W. Keeter. Ruth: Miss Adna Norris. Mt. Vernon: E. S. Teague. [ Gilkey, C. F. Cline. Union Mills: Prof. W. E. Sweatt. Chimney Rock: Mrs. Cecil Cobb. MONTFORD COVE Nealsville, R-l, Nov. 12.—We are having some real winter weather this week. The farmers are beginning to kill fat porkers. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Nanney visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Ledbetter Sunday. Mr. L. D. Hemphill is having a corn shucking tomorrow. Mrs. Logan Davis is not improving fast we are sorry to note. Mrs. -J. P. Wilkerson spent last week end with her sister, Mrs. T. L. Nichols of Old Fort. Mrs. L. D. Hemphill visited friends at Rutherfordton Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Williams, of Rutherfordton visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hemphill spent the week end with relatives at Forest City. Mrs. E. C. Harris left Sunday for Knoxville where she will spent sev eral weeks with her son, Mr. C. C. Harris. Watkins' Grocery Sold To Mr. Beachboard A deal was concluded yesterday whereby Mr. D. F. Beachboard be came the owner of the Watkins grocery and meat market, he taking possession immediately following the deal. The Watkins stand is one of the best in the city and Mr. Watkins, by hard work, square dealing and perseverance has, in the past eight years, built a lucrative and strong business. Mr. Beachboard is an ex perienced merchant, a man of fine character and ability and should make an immediate success of his new venture. His many friends are much gratified to see him enter bus iness here and are sanguine of his success. Mr. Watkins has not decided upon his future plans. He will be with Mr. Beachboard for a while and later will likely engage in other business here. • A