forest City tb e Business Center of the County XI— No - 20 * IMGE SCRUGGS MS OF INJURIES I RECEIVED SUNDAY ... , i Lr Cliffside Boy Hit on I'ld With Stick of Wood I By Shelby Boxer Lfride. Feb. 21—Funeral sew- I {or George Scruggs, former tex m ork er of Eastside mill, was held Ktfednesday afternoon at two : ■ George Scruggs, a son of Mrs. Sal- I Scruggs of this place, and a ■•4 of Rutherford county, died ■ : ; ne shelbv hospital at two o'clock j lesday morning of an injury receiv- j ■ Sunday afternoon when he was j fc k in the head by A. J. (Kid) , Knbuckle. Shelby boxer, with a K k of wood, following an argument. ■ Although no definite details of R encounter have as yet been made II r to police officers, it is under ■oodthat Hornbuckle hit Scruggs II ■ the head with a stick of green ■rdwood about 3 or 3:30 Sunday af- Irnoon near the railroad crossing ■ Lineberger street in Shelby. Sever other men were about at the time, id they have informed officers that !lv a few words passed between the rD men before Hornbuckle swung e six-pound stick of wood and | ught Scruggs, who was said to be (ring, across the head. Hornbuckle id made his getaway before the po ;e were notified of the occurrence, ne report was that one or two of e m en were drinking, while another port is that there was no drinking, ne explanation given in the section ,out the fight is that it was over me gambling, while still another ason advanced was that trouble iveloped over a debt between the •o. but officers have no clear infor ation as to either explanation, lief Richards of Shelby, states. Scruggs was immediately taken to e hospital in Shelby where he re lamed in a semi-conscious state un -1 death claimed him Tuesday morn- B* He is survived by his widow and wo small children. His mother, Mrs. iallie Scruggs, resides in Cliffside. tree brothers and two sisters also arrive, as follows: Jackson and fames Scruggs, of Cliffside; Daniel Scruggs, Mooresboro; Mrs. James shepherd, Shelby and Mrs. Viola Cur y, of Gaffney. The deceased was a native of Ruth erford county, and lived at Cliffside until a short time ago. Hornbuckle is being sought by the Shelby police force on charge of having inflicted the fatal wound. At latest reports he has not been ap- | prehended. UNA THEATRE TO REPORT FIGHT / Arranges for Specially Leased Wire To Report Stribling- Sharkey Contest Manager Hughes of the Romina Theatre has practically concluded arrangements to have a specially leas ed Western Union wire run into the theatre, over which they will give a detailed press report of the Strib 'in S - Sharkey fight on Wednes % night, February 27. If negotia ti°ns for the lease of the wire are c °mpleted, Romina patrons will be ?:v?n a detailed ring-side report of this interesting battle of heavy f«*ehts. This is a most enterprising n^°Te upon the part of Mr. Hughes in a report to Forest City which town of this size will likely have this interesting contest. h - e picture for Wednesday night, L ruary 27, will be Rod La Rocque ,n ' Love Over NigKt." • MR A. C. ALLEN CRITICALLY ILL A. C. Allen, who has been c "tically ill at his home for the ! ' a / u ' e ek, was removed to the Ruth tl °rd Hospital Tuesday night for thorough examination and was Ur -d to have double pneumonia and e, tral other complications. He is a sick man and his many friends are greatly worried over his condi- FORESTCI jry COURIER FOREST CITY— ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND rf ® TTT pittpSJ TXT mTT? tt o *»» TT « BE .5 CQ UL CITIES IN THE U. S. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST ( J Q REST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY - 1 ip mm ■■■/■■• . ■ .. ">> f . | V R*» * '* '4ti ' f HI jr w I ißv ; : y\v., : ' ''• j - -|r islMF' Hpi rig". pHH mlm Jhhh Sglm r- 'gk "2 A A " 'Mm * -t* >- ■ v^^a| R M"' |i -'.' «[. HI ■ • *' BBft WMffl 'I 0 ■-" • -v I -iyV 1 M||| H Br ,;Jw MRS. ROBERT E. WATKINS The above picture is that of Mrs. Robert Ernest Watkins, who prior to her marriage February 10, was Miss Myrtle Gudger Harrill, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. June Harrill, of Forest City. She became KIWANIS CLUB HEARS SUPT. CLYDE A. ERWIN County Superintendent Dis cusses County Schools in Masterly Manner An unusually enthusiastic meeting of the Kiwanis Club was held Monday evening, at which the attendance was splendid, although not quite up to the standard set by the Kiwanians recently in boosting their attendance records. The feature of the evening was the masterly address of Supt. Clyde A. i Erwin, who presented the school j problems confronting the county in a manner, showing his intense in terest in ' the educational work and his familiarity with his subject. Mr. Erwin was introduced by "Doc" Howes, who had been placed on the program for a speech but passed up his forensic classic when he found an opportunity to secure Mr. Erwin for the occasion, knowing that 'our silver-tongued County Superin tendent is a prime favorite of the ; Kiwanians. 1 Mr. Erwin opened with some of his inimitable jokes, the first being i his thrust at the bachelors, saying ! that he viewed with alarm the in | corrigible bachelorhood of the club. ; He told the joke of the boy and girl, I courting in the moonlight. The bash ful boy was slow in his courting, and finally when the girl wanted to know jwhy he did not kiss her, responded, "I can't, for I have sand in my mouth." "Swallow it," said the girl, "you need it." All of which evident ly went to show that the speaker thought some of the Kiwanis bache lors need "more sand." Then leaving the field of fun, Mr. Erwin returned to the serious, and held the audience spell bound while he told of the educational work of the county, opening with the state ment that it takes courage to face the responsibilities devolving upon him as County Superintendent. He then ably discussed his policy and cT the work of the various schools of j the county, the completion of the 'consolidation plan and the accomp lishment of the teacher training, de claring that Rutherford county is ahead in this work. It was also brought out that we will have nine .accredited elementary schools in the 'county before the end of the year. \ The speaker paid a glowing tribute FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 Recent Bride the bride of Mr. Watkins Sunday morning, February 10, in a beautiful church ceremony held in Pleasant Grove Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins have returned from their wedding tour and are now at home in Forest City. to the County Board of Education, the school boards and also the heads of the various schools, declaring that the fine work accomplished was through their wise judgment and splendid co-operation. He also ex pressed his appreciation of the fine support and loyalty of the Kiwanis Club, saying that all these things— the fine spirit and co-operation— made Rutherford County what it is educationally. And The Courier wish es to add here, that the splendid work N of the County Superintendent has had a large share in contributing to the wonderful strides the County is making in its educational system. He is ably qualified for hi,s work, and his wonderful faitk and enthus iasm is contagious and draws to him the .support of all elements. He is doing a splendid work and the coun ■ty is fortunate in having such an able superintendent. Mr. Erwin paid glowing tribute to the local school board, and the school heads, enumerating many of the splendid accomplishments of Cool Springs Schools. He was enthusias tic in his praise of the great work being accomplished by the agricul tural students of the county, saying that these courses would do much to advance the county in its important agricultural work. He warmly ap proves the plan to train our boys and girls in home economics and agricul ture, which fits them better to stay in our homes and help in the devel opment of our county. Mr. Erwin also ably discussed the tax situation and is a warm support er of the eight months school term. He does not want any additional tax es on the people, but says the un touched resources should be tapped. * * # Among the visitors Monday eve ning were W. S. Moss, R. E. Bigger staff, E. E. Smart and Supt. C. A. Erwin. Have you noticed the new Kiwanis signs- That was the question asked by M. H. Hewitt, when reporting the new markers just erected by order of the Kiwanis Club. It is reported elsewhere how and why the club appointed a Hotel Com mittee. I x Miss Mary Crowell has returned to Shelby after spending, two weeks here on account of illness. FOREST CITY TO I PLAY SHELBY AT j SPINDALE FRIDAY; - 1 Cliffside Highs Lose to Cool Springs Tuesday 24-14 -i —Last Game of Group 7 Friday Forest City, Feb. 19.—Forest City defeated Cliffside at Boiling Springs | 24-14 Tuesday night in a hard fought game to eliminate the Cliff side team from the State Champion , ship Contest. The Cliffside team put up a game fight and encouraged by the presence of hundreds of scream ing Cliffside supporters - possibly . played their best game of the season. i The "Golden Tornado" team was sup j ported by their usual enthusiastic j cheering squad of students and town ! fans. j By eliminating Cliffside from the •Championship series Forest City won | the right to play Shelby at Spindale Friday night in the last game of i Group 7. Shelby has defeated Stan ley High School and Claremont (The winner of the Fallston-Claremont game) while Forest City has defeat ed Central High School of Ruther fordton and Cliffside (winner of the Henrietta-Caroleen and Cliffside game). Of the eight schools starting ;in group 7 only one will remain af !ter Friday night and it is needless jto say that both Shelby and Forest ! City will put up a hard fight to stay :in the series. Interest in the game iis high and a large crowd of fans 'from all over Rutherford county will be present to cheer the remaining | Rutherford County team to a victory 1 over the Cleveland County team. ! Should Forest City win a new sched ule will be made out for the eight teams left of the sixty in the West ern District. The final game for the State Championship between the win ner of the West and sie winner of the East will be playied at Chapel Hill on March 9th. - • j SPINDALE SCOUTS ENJOY BANQUET Anniversary Week Activities of Spindale Boy Scouts Closed With Parents- Scout Banquet Spindale, Feb. 20. —A Boy Scout Parents-Son banquet was held in the gym of the Spindale House Tuesday night, and was well attended, twenty five Boy Scouts and eighteen scout officials and parents being present. The banquet was the closing event of the Nineteenth Anniversary week of Boy Scouting. During the past week the Spindale Boy Scouts have appropriately observed anniversary week in excercises in church, school and outside activities. Mr. Fred C. Kinzie was toast master. The fine repast served to the scouts and parents was served by the local Parent-Teachers Association. Immediately after the luncheon Mr. Kinzie requested Mr. J. H. Hill, scoutmaster of the Spindale troop, to make any cQmments he desired on the Scout work. Mr. Hill told of the work of the Spindale troop, and gave some statistics on the troop. He was followed by Prof. Clyde A. Erwin, county superintendent of schools, who commended the scouts for their good accomplishments. Mr. R. M. Schiele, scout executive of the Pied mont Council, next spoke on Scout ing in a general way, appealing both to the parents and scouts. After the talks were concluded the scouts gave a number of yells, and the meeting was concluded with the Indian benediction. Eighteen scout officials and par ents and twenty-five Boy Scouts Jwere present. REBUILDING FIRE DAMAGED STORE Mr. Cowan Blanton set a force of carpenters at work Monday working to rebuild his storeroom damaged by fire recently. The work will be push ed rapidly and upon completion the building will be re-occupied by Mr. Jack Michalove with his Leader Store. Forest City May Get New Hotel Kiwanis Club Appoints Special Committee to Work For Badly Needed New Hostelry — i Opens Drug Store 0 \ i • MR. MOONEYHAM Mr. 0. J. Mooneyham, of Henriet ta, is opening a drug store in con nection with the Haynes Store No. 1, at Avondale. Mr. Mooneyham has been connected with the Henrietta Drug Company for sometime, and is a first rate druggist. He will carry a complete line of drugs, toilet articles and a general line of other items us ually found in first-class drug stores. DEATH CLAIMS AVONDALE WOMAN ! Mrs. Essie Hunsinger Dies in| Hospital Monday After Long Illness Avondale, Feb. 20.—Mrs. Essie Hunsinger died Monday morning in the Rutherford Hospital where she was taken for treatment. She had been in ill health for some time and was taken to that institution last week, where her condition become worse, death claiming her at 8:30 o'clock Monday morning. Funeral services were held Tues day at High Shoals Baptist Church, with her pastor in charge of the fun eral services. Interment was in the High Shoals cemetery. Mrs. Hunsinger is survived by her husband, three small children, sever al brothers and sisters, and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baynard, of Alexander. Mrs. Hunsinger was thirty-three years of age. j MEETING WITH SUCCESS IN NEW YORK CITY I Miss Ellis Credle, who was a mem ber of the Forest City Grammar school faculty a few years ago being head of the art department, has met with great success in her art work since going to New York City. Specimens of her work in drawings for Saks, used in a New York shop ping guide, have just been received by a friend here. These drawings show great merit and her art work is in great demand in the great met ropolis. Miss Credie made many friends while in this city who will be pleased to learn of her success. KIWANIANS TO TAKE VETS TO REUNION Rutherfordton, Feb. 19.—Plans are being made by the Rutherfordton Ki wanis Club to transport all Confed erate veterans who wish to go, to the Confederate reunion in Charlotte in June. Any Confederate veteran in Rutherford county desiring to attend, the reunion and have no way or means of doing so are asked to get in touch with Mr. J. H. Burwell, sec retary of the Rutherfordton Kiwanis club, Rutherfordton. 20 Pages 120 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advaice It seems that at last a definite move has been made to procure for Forest City the greatly needed new hotel; for with the appointment Mon day night of a special Hotel Commit tee, to work in co-operation with i the Industrial Committee of the Ki- I wanis Club, something should event uate from the efforts of the Club and this special committee. i President Charles Z. Flack ap pointed on the Hotel Committee sJohn W. Dalton, H. H. Doggett, Marshall Giles and C. E. Alcock. The purpose of this committee is to ad vise with certain individuals whom they think may be interested in building a hotel, to show the need of the hostelry and in every way co operate with any party or parties whom they may interest : .n the pro ject. It is an outstanding fact that the field is open for a new hotel in Forest City, and that, without any doubt, it lean be made a paying proposition. The committee will appreciate any suggestions or help from any indivi dual interested in the growth and prosperity of our city. If you know of anyone whom you think would be interested in giving this paying pro ject consideration, please report to jany one of the Hotel Committee, so (that they may advise with them and [show just why it is a profitable in vestment to build a new hotel in this I splendid field. Let everybody co operate in this move to get the new hotel, and we feel sure we can get the proposition over and have some one interested and willing to under take the building of the new hostelry. About all that is needed is for this committee to be in position to furnish self-evident facts on the need of a hotel, to be able to show interested parties that is a paying proposition and a safe and sound investment. If you are interested in your city's wel fare join in with the Kiwanians in boosting and planning for the new hotel. I The movement is now definitely under way. Let there be no let up un til the brick are being laid for our badly needed hotel. i * ■ CENTRAL HIGH STUDENTS VISIT POTATO HOUSE Prof. Robinson, teacher of voca tional agriculture in Rutherfordton- Spindale Central high school, brought a number of the students of his ag ricultural class to Forest City Wed nesday morning, where they were al j lowed to inspect the potato curing (house. Mr. O. J. Holler accompanied jthe class and explained the method lof storing and curing the potatoes, land answered other questions of the j class. » » J MR. J. P. CARPENTER I HURT IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK I I Mr. J. P. Carpenter, of Cliffside. Iwas severely cut about the head jand otherwise bruised and injured when the Ford car he was driving left the road and struck a telephone pole early Monday night. The ac cident occurred just beyond the res idence of Prof. Lovelace on the Car oleen road. The glare from the head lights of a passing car blinded Mr. I Carpenter, causing him to let his car jump from the road and cause the wreck. He was severely injured in the crash and suffered the loss of con jsiderably blood from a severe cut ifrom broken glass. A most fortunate 'circumstance was the passing of Dr. [F. B. Scruggs shortly after the ac cident, who gave him immediate at tention and then took him to his home. While severely injured, it is reported that should no complica tions arise, Mr. Carpenter should have an early recovery from his in juries.