The Cliffside News The Cliffside News is published each week in connection with The Forest City Courier. B. E. ROACH Editor THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES For a long time our Sunday school has been very much like a "teeter board" in the matter of attendance. One Sunday it is up and the next it is down, but for the past several Sun days we are glad to note, that there has been a slight gain each Sunday over the last one. At the close of Sunday school last Sunday the Dorcas class gave an in teresting program. Mrs. R. B. Wat kins, president of the class in charge. Mrs. Watkins stated several things that some of the members had ac complished during the past year. Four have memorized more than one hundred verses of the Scriptures in cluding entire chapters. Several read the Bible through while others had read the New Testament . through. Mrs. P. R. Greene is teacher of the class. Mrs. E. D. Crocker made the closing talk which was very inter esting. •' The text for the morning was Luke 5:4, and the subject was "Ex pect great things of God; attempt great things for God." The B. Y. P. U.'s are still going strong, but they all regret very much to lose the director, Mr. Put- ! nam who with his family are mov- j ing to Gastonia. Letters of dismis-j sion were granted to Mr. and Mrs. Putnam Sunday and also to Mr. J. V. Kendrick and family who have moved near Mt. Pleasant (Cleveland County.) The pastor asked his audience Sunday night to read Luke 15. His text was Luke 15: 12. The subject: "The portion that falleth to me." Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Smith had for dinner guests Sunday evening Misses Huskerson; Haggard and Jefferson and Messrs. Clarence Little and Thad Yelton of South Mountain Institute. | . AMERICAN LEGION MEETING | The hall was erowded last Friday : tiight for the American Legion meet- j ihg and many could not get seats. -The audience sang "America" after \ which Mr. Zon Robinson made the address of welcome. Then followed a very interesting program by the ( local school. There were numbers by the Avondale Quartette and the local \ high school quartette which were gen- • erously applauded. Prof. F. S. Hall, • principal of the Avondale school in- ' troduced Mr. Powers, Commander of 1 Fred Williams post at Rutherfordton j who in turn introduced Mr. Stover I Dunnagan, lawyer of Rutherfordton who presented the speaker of the eve ning, Mr. Thomas Bird, Past Com mander North Carolina American Legion. FUNERAL OF G. W. SCRUGGS The funeral of Mr. George W. Scruggs was held at the local Bap tist church on Wednesday afternoon of last week at 2:00 o'clock. Mr. Scruggs died at a hospital in Shel by Tuesday morning after being struck on the head with a stick late Sunday. Rev. Henry Waldrop of Shelby and Rev. R. C. Smith of the local church officiated after which the body was interred in the local cemetery. The grave was covered with many beautiful flowers, silent tributes from many friends and lov ed ones who mourn his untimely pass ing. Mr. Scruggs was born August Bth, 1900 and at the time of his death was a member of the River side Baptist church of Greenville, S. C, • '• s, Miss Virginia Moore is absent from her place in the Store account • of illness. About all that some people can save are cigar coupons, trading stamps, and tinfoil. Congress will soon be asked for an appropriation for the Chicago World's Fair. No doubt it will come under the heading of war expenses. The Cliff side News SENIORS ENTERTAIN The boys of the Senior class of i the local High "School delightfully entertained the Senior and Sopho more girls basket ball teams Monday night at the Memorial building. The jroom was tastefully decorated with the colors of each class. The colors jof the Seniors is the "Rainbow," while that of the Sophomores is "Gold land Lavender." A number of con gests and games were enjoyed during the evening and refreshments were served. Local . Happenings Mr. Jesse Honeycutt is ill at his home here with tonsilitis. * * * Dr. F. Bobo Scruggs has moved his office equipment to Shelby where he is now located. His many friends here regret to lose him. * ♦ » Dr. G. Oren Moss occupies the of- j fices formerly occupied by Dr. j Scruggs and himself. New equipment j arrived last week for the office. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Grover Riddle of Spindale spent the week end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sargee. • * * * Mr. and Mrs. Luther Campbell spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Roach of near Harris. * * * Miss Ethel White of the Floyd's Creek section spent the week end , here the guest of Miss Eloise Sar-, jgee. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Carpenter ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hall of Avondale visited at Chimney Rock Sunday afternoon. !- * * i Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Robertson were guests at a Washington dinner party last Friday night at the home of Mr. j and Mrs. Frank Edwards of Caro leen. * i i » » * Mr. and Mrs. John Beam of Ellen- j boro and son Thomas of Charlotte spent last Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Carpenter. m m m Mr. J. P. Carpenter who was some what bruised and cut about the head ! in a car wreck last week will be out again in a few days. Mr. Carpenter was blinded by the lights from an other car causing him to leave the road. * * * Mrs. Lorena Edwards of Ruther fordton spent the week end here with ! her daughter, Miss Una Edwards. * * m ' Miss Ocie Biggerstaff was away a few days last week because of the death and funeral of her brother-in law, Dr. Whisnant of Rutherfordton. mm* Miss Aileen Gold, student at Mars Hill spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Gold. * «r f , - * I There has been quite a bit of re modeling on the first floor of the R. R. Haynes Memorial Building. Mrs. jElam Hawkins has received more ! equipment for her Beauty Parlor and jhad to have more room. What was j formerly the Hand ball court at the i rear of the two barber shops was (divided by a wall. The room back of the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Biggerstaff is now connected by a door, while another door at the rear of this room connects with the la dies bath rooms. Mrs. Hawkins has now moved into these rooms and has one of the best equipped and arrang ed beauty parlors in this section. Mr. Sparks shop is. now located in the room vacated by Mrs. Hawkins while Mr. Biggerstaff occupies the one Mr. , §sparks vacated. - - - * * * We have been asked to state that Mr. A. R. Wall is serving as "deputy" in Cliffside and vicinity. * * * Messrs. Z. O. Jenkins and B. E. Roach attended a hieeting at the Iso-Thermal Hotel Thursday night of last week at which time it was de cided to hold the fifth annual Ruth-* erford County Older Boys' Confer ence March 15, 16 and 17. The con ference will be held at Rutherfordton. CLIFFSIDE'S HOME PAGE, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF LOCAL EDITORS Published in Connection With The Forest City Courier We are expecting a large number at the Rutherford county court of Honor here Tuesday night of this week. Last Saturday evening Miss Iris McCurry entertained a number of her friends at her home at Fairview. jThe house was beautifully decorated I with ferns and potted plants. Games, | music and contests were enjoyed af ter which the hostess served delici ous refreshments. Those winning in the contests and awarded prizes were, Miss Catherine Kendrick of Cliffside and Mr. Sam Hicks of Chesnee, S. C. * * - Troop No. 1 B. S. A., held their regular meeting Monday night with a very good attendance. The troop was glad to have with them Rev. R. C. Smith, pastor of the Baptist church which sponsors the troop. Rev. Smith made a talk to the boys which they appreciated and hope he will visit them often. After the meeting there were stunts and games. SMITH'S GROVE Forest City, R-3, Feb. 25.—Miss Annie Bell Yelton spent the week end with Miss Mossie Yelton. Misses Elaine and Lunette Gibson were the week end guests of Miss Lo rena Bridges. Mr. and Mrs.. Lee Crowder spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Crowd er's mother, Mrs. Carrie Small, of Rutherfordton. § Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson,- of Forest City, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bridges. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. P. .Crowder Sunday afternoon were Mr. I and Mrs. Andy Grose, Mr. and Mrs. jC. M. Yelton and children. I Mr. Roy Hardin took dinner with his grandfather Sunday, j Miss Gladys Fortenberry spent Sun day with Miss Alice Hardin, j Mr. and Mrs. Carter was the J guests of Mr. Willie Andrews Sun jday afternoon. | Misses Pearl Crowder and Mossie j Yelton spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Gertrude and Pinkie Forten berry. Misses Pauline and Lorena Bridges | were the visitors Wednesday night at i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles j Gibson. Little Mr. Palmer Crowder gave a birthday party Sunday afternoon. Fruits, candies and cakes were serv ed to the following: Norman Julian jand Clyde Yelton, Don and Hubert Bridges, Vonnie Mae Crowder and Emma Sue Fortenberry. NEW HOPE NEWS i ; Harris, R-l, Feb. 25.—Miss Idella Lancaster who fell several weeks ago I and got hurt very badly, seems to ibe improving now, her many friends will be glad to hear. Mr. G. S. Kennedy, was a visitor Monday at the home of his uncle, Mr. Crowel Bridges, of Columbus. Mrs. L. D. Wilkie and Miss Belle Wilkie spent one night last week at Mr. W. P. Wilkie's. Mrs. O. D. Smith, of Spindale spent Friday afternoon with her aunt, Miss 'idella Lancaster. Misses Lela and Vivian Kennedy, were week end visitors in Spartan burg. \ Mrs. J. B. Taylor spent one night last week with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Owensby. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charley Gil bert February 14, a big boy, Alton. Both mother and baby are getting along nicely. Mr. Landon Spake of near Gaff ney, spent several days last week with his sister, Mrs. G. S. Kennedy, and Mr. Kennedy. Mr. L. D. Wilkie spent Wednesday night at Mr. J. F. Blanton's, of Spindale. Mr. Wofford Davidson, of Spindale was a visitor at Mr. W. P. Davidson's Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Baxter Jones was a visitor in Spartanburg one day last week. Mr. Buford Kennedy was in Spar tanburg Saturday on business. Mr. Henry Greene was a visitor at Mr. W. P. Wilkies* Saturday. Mrs. T. D. Kennedy who had the misfortune to fall last Sunday morn ing and get very badly hurt, is now improving, her many friends will be glad to know. Mr. Eber Tanner, of Brevard is spending several days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tanner. Miss Ola Kennedy spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. E. H. Sanders. • Mrs. Joel Hensley is very sick at this writing her friends hope she will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Waters have moved to this Community from Spin dale. We welcome them back. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Taylor and son, Hollis, were visitors at Mr. L. D. Wilkie's Saturday night. Miss Ella Kennedy was in Spartan burg shopping Saturday. The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Green, has been very ill with "flu", but is improving we are glad to note. Mr. Harold Jolley spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. Clifford Roach. Mrs. Boyce Cartee, has been sick with" "flu", but is now improving we are glad to note. Those visiting Mr. T. D. Kennedy's Saturday night were, Mr. J. V. Hon eycutt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bate Wilson, Mr. W. L. Kennedy and Mr. Carlyle Kennedy. Mrs. L. D. Wilkie and Miss Belle Wilkie spent Wednesday night at Mr. J. B. Taylor's. Mrs. Lillie Bankhead, of Sharon, S. C., spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. C. M. Harris and Mr. Harris. Miss Martha Ruth Harris, who has IT'S TIRE, AT EXACTLY YOUR PRICE! Here's the place for you to get your New Tires, paying a lower price than ever for high-grade, first quality tires. WHY? Because the great Goodyear purchasing and manufacturing resources have been centered on build ing a tire that will beat anything ever offered at the price. This tire is the GOODYEAR PATHFINDER t / It's a good-looking, tough, stout tire that will wear, and wear, and wear, it Is designed, manufactured, and guaranteed by the same men who make the famous Goodyear All-Weather Tread Tires. And we give you regular Goodyear Service to keep you happy through out the long life of this low-priced tire. Cliffside Motor Co. The Home f Hudson-Essex and Whippet Cars Cliffside, N. C. been sick for a few days, is able to go back to school. Miss Alice Kennedy spent one day last week with her sister, Mrs. J. V. Honeycutt. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owensby, February 17, a big fine boy. Both mother and baby are do ing fine. Mr. L. D. Wilkie and Mr. W. P. Wilkie were visitors in Chesnee Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Randall, of the Tan- ner's Grove community spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Harris. Miss Belle Wilkie spent Saturday night with Misses Lela and Alice Kennedy. Mrs. F. F. Thompson is still crit ically ill, her many friends hope she will soon recover. Mrs. James Turner and children, spent Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. W. P. Davidson. Harvey, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wilkie, has been sick for several days. We are glad to note " ' improving. Miss Aleene Simmons, spent Sun day afternoon with Misses Roxie and Dora Tanner. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Clement, of Chesnee, S. C., were visitors at Mr. A. B. Tanner's Sunday afternoon. Mr. Herbert Cudd was a pleasant visitor at Mr. Baxter Jones' Sati day night. Mrs. Perry Cantrell, Mrs. Burt Cantrell and Miss Myrtle Cantr? spent one day last week at Mr. D aw son Miller's. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wilkie. antf children, Hoyt, L. 8., Howard a „j Harvey spent Sunday night at Mr L. D. Wilkie's. Mr. H. B. McMurray, and f am ii y were visitors in Spartanburg. ? a tur day. If an editor undertook to tell the whole truth he would be branded as an unmitigated liar. The new eight cylinder cars are wonderful, but they're not built for people with one cylinder incomes. 1 CINDERELLA BOOTERY Ladies' Shoes Exclusively On the Square SHELBY, - - - N. C. DR. If. L. ROBERTSON DENTIST Cliffside, N. C.

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