FORESrCITY COURIER Published Every Thursday in the interest of Forest City and Ruther ford County. Entered Aug. 22, 1918, at the post office at Forest City, N. C., as second class matter under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. C. E. ALCOCK—„--.Editor and Owner CLARENCE GRIFFIN.—News Editor MRS. C. E. ALCOCK- Society Editor ARVAL ALCOCK Asst. Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance One year SI.OO Six months $1.50 per year outside of Rutherford County. ADVERTISING RATES Display, per column inch 30c Reading Notices, per line 10c Classified Column -lc per word ' S THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1929 ...... r. /£l* MOTHER'S DAY /fiofc .. Mother's day is comparatively new in one sense. It is ancient in another, for mankind from earliest times has recognized that the greatness of any race or nationality is determined by the character, integrity and strength of the mothers. In all religious, in every mytholo gy, and in the earliest historical writings, the mothers are accorded a place of honor along with heroes, philosophers and rulers. When we pause next Sunday, therefore, to honor the mothers of this land, we are observing an old custom rather than a modern idea. It is/ijdiffteiritfor the editor offer much -new on this subject; The greatest artists - have beeii inspired, to their finest works through Yevef ence for their Brothers. Fine paint ings, great boofijs, beautiful musical compositions have been dedicated to mothers. But, we offer, at this time, a little reminder. Don't let the day pass without giving due thought to its proper observance. There are, cjays set aside to honor the memory of men who served their country in iftnes of war. Let us not forget the day set aside to do rever ence to those who have served it well both in times of war and in times of peace. * r ? ? » SMALLER INDUSTRIES x-x • ■ • Economic us that a new era in the industrial development; of this nation is in the offing. They j inform us that one trend has reached j its limit and that another is about j to set in. \ | E. W. McCulldjuigh, of J department of industry of tnie u.'S. j Chamber of Commertfey:fee ffae of -the latest to call attention to this new eraT that is just dawning. In part lie says: "The sun is rising upon the era of small factory development :a., period in which the great plant flourished. The small factory*' equipped, can compete successfully with the greatest industrial organisa tions." Big industries, such as the steel j corporation, the farm implement manufacturers, and so forth, become -unwieldly. They create great indus- • trial centers in which living is expen- { sive, labor costs become high, and j discontent runs rampant through the j ranks of the workers. The small plant, located in the small community, where workers may have wholesome living conditions at reasonable costs, has many natural advantages. It can give its laborers more of the good things that life af fords and still operate with lower la bor costs. It can concentrate its sales efforts in a limited territory and j greatly reduce, thereby, the costs of j selling and merchandising. Its opera tions come more closly under the direction of capable management, while the great industry often oper ates inefficiently in many depart ments because of the scarcity o much needed executive ability. All this is of significance to us here in Forest City. Small towns and rural districts have suffered in the past through the overdevelopment of great industries. They will natur ally prosper through the change t6 smaller unit industry in the future JOBS FOR LOCAL ST AND GIRLS. "Keep the Boy on the Farm." All of our readers have heard this slogan hundreds of times. A few* « years ago an intensive and campaig* along this line was wagea throughout ( the agricultural areas of the entire nation. Economic "forces have made it difficult to maintain this campaign,, but the time has arrived for some- thing similar to apply to communi ties such as Forest City. It may be worded thus: "Let's furnish employment for our boys and girls in Forest City." How to do this is the next ques tion. Nor is it an easy one to answer. To furnish employment to the boys and girls of this city, it is necessary for the citizens of the community to work together to promote the indus trial and business assets of the com munity. We need new factories, we need more prosperous local business, we need to keep our dollars circu lating here in Forest City. The ultimate goal of all of our community promotion efforts should be to provide jobs for local boys and girls. The community needs the spirit and enterprise of its young people. It is unfortunate if we must lose our best young blood because there are no more local opportunities open to the youth of the community. PROVIDENCE NEWS School Closed Friday—Memorial at Providence May 19—Large Num ber Attend Floyds Creek Memorial Forest City, R-2, May 6.—A large number attended the closing exercises of the Providence school Friday. The occasion was enjoyed very much by all who attended. j Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Harrill and fam ily had as their dinner guests Sun 'day Mrs. B. E. Price, Mr. and Mrs. (Avery Grayson, of Shelby; Mrs. Sam j Harris, of Caroleen; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Harrill, of Charlotte. A number from this community attended memorial services at Floyd's J Creek church Sunday. Mr. J. W. Phillips and family spent last Sunday visiting his son, Walter, of near Henrietta. Miss Bettie Fanning, of Ruther jfordtort, is visiting her sister, Mrs. iW. L. Smith, this week. Mrs. J. F. Daniel and daughter, | Miss Lillian, of Forest City, spent ithe week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smith, of Sul -1 phur Springs, visited Mr. Smith's j parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith, ; Sunday. j We are glad to note that Elmer j Smith is able to be up after a two I weeks illness. j Mr. Dennis Butler and family spent j Friday with Mrs. Butler's brother, I Mr. Lester Lancaster. ! Mr. Harrison Hopper spent the | week end with his sister, Mrs. F. I Costner. j - Misses Mildred and Kathleen.: Mc j Daniel spent last Wednesday night j with Miss Reba Buff, a school mate, J jat Harrilltown. Miss Louise Harrill has accepted at the Alexander MilL Y* Memorial services will be held at' Providence church the third Sunday j (May 19). Services will be held in j morning at 11 o'clock and per-j flaps in the afternoon. %■ CENTER NEWS Mt. Harmony Memorial Service* HeltT Sunday—Prayer Meeting" HeldT afj Mr. Melton's Home—Locals. Bostic, R-4, May 6.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Hntchins. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mauney, of AI- exander, spent part of last week with ( Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Mauney. .. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McCurry Sunday were the following: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McCurry and children and Mr. and Mrs. M. Mode and their family. I Mr. and Mrs. Grady Propes and \ family spent the week end with the Hatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Self. Rev. W. M. Gold held a prayer meeting at Mr. A. B. Melton's home Sunday afternoon. Mr. Melton has been sick for some time. He dees not seem to be improving very much. | Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Mauney and j family and Mr. and Mrs. Webb | Luckadoo and their family visited | relatives in this community Sunday. Her friends will be glad to hear that Mrs. Martha Melton is improv ing after a few days of illness. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Mauney and family spent Tuesday with Mrs. Mary and Miss Lucille Mauney. Mr. Charlie Self spent the week end with home folks. Several in this section attended •memorial services at Mt. Harmony Sunday. Hitch up the old gtey mare and drive to the Milt Tolbert Teat at For est City this week. THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1929 ELLENBORO SCHOOL CLOSED MONDAY Commencement Exercises Well Attended Dr. John Kirk Addresses Class Ellenboro, May B. Ellenboro school closed one of the most suc cessful terms of school in its history last week. The commencement exer cises were held on Friday, Saturday Sunday and Monday, and were attended by a large number of peo ple from over 'the entire county, as well as from the surrounding coun try. A musical recital was given Friday evening, the program, under the di rection of the music supervisor, Miss Rogers, being varied and interest ing. / The grammar grades gave an op eretta Saturday night, which was at tended by an audience which taxed the capacity of the building. Dr. John Kirk, of Asheville, delivered the bac calaureate sermon Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The class day exercises were given Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock. The program was opened with a song: "Hail Ellenboro," by the senior class. The salutatory address was made by Frank Hamrick, while Jessie Martin read the class superlatives. Follow ing the class song Misher Green gave the class history. Miss Gertrude Phil beck rendered the class poem. The respects of the school were paid to the class in the song "To The Class of '29." The clads prophecy, by Mabel Jones, and the last will and testament of the class, by George Hilton, brought the exercises to a close. The graduating exercises were giv en Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. Superintendent Clyde A. Erwin de- livered the literary address, and was at his best? giving the seniors much valuable advice. Certificates and di plomas were awarded at the close of the address. NEW HOPE NEWS Dr. C. H. Trowbridge to Speak at New Hope Sunday—Sandy Spring's Observed Memorial Day Sunday— Locals. Harris, R-l, May 6.—A large crowd attended the memorial serv ices at Sandy Springs Baptist church Sunday. Mrs. F. T. Thompson, seems to be improving now, her many friends will be glad to hear. Mrs. James Turner and children spent one day last week with her sister, Mrs. Bertha Roach. Mrs. L. J. Hamrick of near Ellen boro, spent several days recently with her brother, Mr. L. D. Wilkie and family. Everybody is invited to attend mothers' day services at New Hope Methodist church next Sunday, May 12. Prof C. H. Trowbridge, President of Weaver College, Weaverville, N. C., will have charge of the services. Those visiting Mr. F. T. Thomp son's Sunday were, Mr. Simp Thomp son and family, Mr. Lloyd Hender son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Go forth of Converse, S. C., and Mr. Budd Canon of Tucapau, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Clement, of Chesnee, were visitors at Mr. R. F. Hines' Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Taylor, and Mr. Hollis Taylor were visitors at Mr. L. D. Wilkie's Saturday night. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Car tee, April 28 a baby girl, Evelyn Arbutus. Both mother and baby are getting along nicely. Mrs. Bertha Roach, spent Friday with Mrs. Hicks Wilkins at Harris. Mrs. W. P. Wilkie, who has been very ill for several days, is much im | proved, her friends will be glad to I hear. Miss Roxie Tanner spent last week with her sister, Mrs. W. P. Wilkie. | Miss Fannie Jones, who has been j sick for some time is able to be out again, her friends are glad to know. Miss-Belle Wilkie spent Friday I night with Miss Bernie Roach. . Mr. W. P. Wilkie and family spent Sunday at the home of his father Mr. i L. D. Wilkie. Miss Idella Lanciaster isn't im proving any, her friends will be sor ry to hear. i Mrs. Bertha Roach and children, visited Mrs. Weaver Scoggins one day last week. Mr. Clell Cudd, was a visitor in Spartanburg, Friday. MJiss Belle Wilkie has returned home after spending some time at the home of her brother, Mr. W. P. Wil kie. SOCIAL EVENTS OF HENRIETTA GIVEN Mrs. Asburv Hostess to Ele mentary Teachers —Music Recital Well Attended Henrietta, May 7. —Miss Margaret Kimsey, one of our most popular ele mentary teachers, invited the follow ing guests to spend the day with her Sunday at the home of her aunt in Fletcher, N. C. Misses Cleo Sane, Virginia Poole and Goldie Lee Mor rissette, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Neal. | Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Price were guests on Monday of Rev. E. O. Cole i and Mrs. Cole at their home on Lake James. A delightful dinner was serv ed to a number of the preachers and i their wives of the Marion District of | the Western North Carolina Con -1 ference. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mahaffee left Thursday morning for Louisville to | visit their sons, M. B. Mahaffee, Jr., and Gerald Mahaffee and family. I Dr. and Mrs. O. J. Mooneyham and 'family spent Sunday with relatives in Spartanburg. Mrs. S. J. Asbury, Jr., was hostess ;to the teachers of the elementary 'school on Wednesday at the luncheon served by the W. M. Society of the Methodist church in the show room of the Asbury Motor Company. Mrs. As i bury's guests included the following iteachers: Misses Brama Lane, Mar garet Kimsey, Pearl Gillespie, Pearl Neal, Cleo Sane; Mrs. W. B. Phil j lips, Mrs. Robert Neal and Mrs. B. B. Smart. Attractive gifts were pre sented to Miss Gillespie, whose mar riage to Mr. Cy Bradley will take j place in June, and to Mrs. Phillips | and Miss Lane, grade teachers of I Sammy and Tommy Asbury. ! A very large and most apprecia i tive audience enjoyed the musical recital given by Miss Lucille Wall, pianist, and her pupils on last Friday evening in Twin-Hi School Auditor ium. Miss Wall is a talented music ian and has taught music in this \ community and in the schools for i several years, deservedly earning for | herself a splendid reputation. Each i number on the program Friday eve ■ ning was well selected and render |ed in a most pleasing and entertain i ing manner. Mr. W. Lucas Smith spent Sunday in Gastonia with his sister, Mrs. Byron Hamrick and Mr. Hamrick. j Miss Mary Whitehead, of Pacolet, !S. C., was the guest of Miss Lucille J Wall for several days last week, j Mr. W. S. Moore, who has been j transferred from the Henrietta Mills, ;is now in Spartanburg. Mr. Moore's j family will move ta Spartanburg at j the close of school", as two of his sons, | Cody and Joe, are stuxfents at Twin- Hi- j WEST END NEWS Memorial Services WeTT Attended Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. Coster Mcßrayer—Local and Personal Rems. A large crowd attended the Mem orial services at Pleasant Grove Sun day. Dr. John S. Wood, of Forest j City, filled the pulpit at the 11:00 I hour and brought a fine and beauti ful message. Rev. E. A. Blanton of j CTiffside, was present in the after noon and preached a very fitting and i inspiring sermon;. Mr. Otto Williamson and family of" Charlotte, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grose, of Green ville, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Will Grose of Greer, S. C., attended mem orial at Pleasant Grove Sunday. The community is happy to learn and Mrs. J. I. Grose have returned home after spending three months at Belmont with their son, Rev. Chalmers Grose. Mr. Russell Long, who was operat- I ed on at the Rutherford Hospital Sat- I urday for appendicitis, is getting along nicely. Mrs. O. H. Carpenter, Miss Sara 'Carpenter, Mr. Tom Carpenter and Mr. Plomer Carpenter and family of Stanley, were the week end guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. V. F. McMahan, and they at tended memorial at Pleasant Grove Sunday. i Mr. R. H. Long and family of Lake Lure returned home Tuesday after spending several days at the home of Mr. G. W. Long, Sr. , Mr. Homer Trout, and two sons, Mr. Charles and Master Kenneth # Trout spent the week end here with relatives and attended memorial at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Murph and lit- tie daughter, Gwendolyn, of Glen dale, S. C., are spending the week at the home of Mr. G. W. Long, Sr. Mr. Q. L. Womack and family of Oliffside, visited Mrs. Alpha Cole and I&r. and Mrs. D. C. Cole, Sun day afternoon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Coster Mc- Brayer, May sth, a fine boy. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. NEW CITY OFFICIALS EXTEND THANKS We, the undersigned, successful candidates in Tuesday's municipal election, wish to extend to the voters of Forest City our sincere apprecia tion for the fine support given us. We thank you for your vote and the confidence shown in us in voting for us. It will be our intention to serve you to the fullest extent of our ability, and to merit the confidence you have so liberally shown by elect ing us. V. T. DAVIS, G. BRYAN HARRILL, W. L. HORN, H. FRANCIS LITTLE, JR. W. E. MOORE, F. E. WEBB. GOLDEN VALLEY McCurry-Roper Wedding Announced —Memorial Services at First Broad—Local and Personals. Bostic, R-4, May 7.—Mrs. W. A. Blankenship is seriously ill. Mrs. W. T. Brandle is very ill. The many friends of the two wish for them a speedy recovery. Although it very much doubted whether they will recover or not. A marriage of much interest to many friends of Mr. Manly McCurry, and Miss Ellen Roper occurred on Wednesday! The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. K. N. Snipes, of Sunshine. The young couple are staying at the home of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus McCurry. Mr. and Mrs. McCurry have the wishes of their many friends for a long and happy life. The memorial services were held at First Broad Baptist church Satur ; day. A very large crowd attended, i Rev. Jenkins, of Rutherfordton,, spoke in the morning. Dinner was spread and after dinner the people were at liberty to go home. Misses Fannie Atchley, of Spin idale, Nannie Biggerstaff and Myrle | Hunt both, of Cliff side, spent the? | week end witfe the latter's parents;. Mr. and Mrs. Edley Hunt. Mr. Andrew Hunt and his sisters, Misses Essie 1 amf Ruth, all of Shelby, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Rush Rollins. Miss Nannie Melton spent Satur day night with: Miss Mary Fortune. Messrs. Will and Frank Freeman of South Carolina spent the week end with their ysrrents T Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Freeman. Those enjoying music on the Radio at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Crow r were as fellows: Mr. and Mrs. Creed Fortune,. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fortune, Misses Nannie Biggerstaff, Nannie Meiton, Fannie Atchley, Bon- f/M w ml ml mjjP* l ; Our Candy Will Bring a Smile to Mother's Face on Mother's Day Just get her one of our special Mother's Day selections of pure candy. Ail wrapped nicely with a special Mother's Day card on which you can pen a choice senti ment. i Hollingsworth, Whitman's, Russell McPhail. Our candy is delicious —every bite a delight. PEOPLES DRUG STORE Forest City, N. C. nie and Kittie -Fortune, Lucy Fortune. an d Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hensley Spindale spent the week end' .°' home folks. U ' th Mr. Ted Alcock, Miss Leo p ac j and Mr. and Mrs. Lolan Forest City, were visitors in this c °* munity Sunday. Editor and Mrs. Clarence Griff of The Courier, spent Sunday J ternoon in Golden Vallev. UNLUCKY THIRTEENTH LUCKY FOR COOL SPRINGS Hi Forest City high school baseball team defeated the Hickory school team here Tuesday afternoon by a score of 12-5. Mullins. Hickorv twirler, was knocked out in the fifth inning. While Hickory played a steady game, there were no out. standing individual players. This w a ? Hickory's thirteenth game, and the first defeat of the season. Pat Shore? who played with the Alexander club last year, is coaching the Hickorv team. Captain F. Blanton, the Whitlock | brothers and R. Blanton were the ou.l - players for the home tears/ Batteries, Forest City: McKeitt !an, Beam; Hickory, Mullins, Seaback ! and Bowman. J I CINDERELLA'S Exquisite Footwear On The Square Shelby, N. C. Miiue Sdummami^Heiiik urorld's most beloved prima donna 1 will be guest artist of ENNA JETTICK MELODIES Nationwide Badioßroadcast' Sunday Hayl2* Station WBT 7 P. M. Listen to Enna Jettick Melodies, sponsored by the manufacturers of Enna Jettick Shoes who specialize! in widths from AAAA to EEE and in sizes from 1 to 12. "You need no longer be told that you have an expensive foot." —ss.oo to $6.00 a pair, Dalton Bros. The Place To Trade FOREST CITY, N. C.

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