Forest City the Business Center of the County VOL. XI —No. 34 CLINIC TUESDAY AT GASTONIA FOR COUNTY CHILDREN Rutherford County Day Ob served at State Orthopae dic Hospital—Sponsor ed by Kiwanians Tuesday was Rutherford County! day at the State Orthopaedic hospit al. Tuesday morning six automobiles loaded with crippled and deformed children left Forest City for a trip to the hospital in Gastonia, for an examination. The children, some 21 in number, were accompanied by either their father or mother. The cars were furnished by members of the Forest City Kiwanis Club, and were driven by Mrs. F. I. Barber, Messrs. Amos Beam, J. M. Shuford, "W. L. Brown, John Dalton and Clar ence Morris. Rutherford county day at the state orthopaedic hospital was spon sored by the Forest City Kiwanis Club. The committee on underpriv ileged children, with Dr. A. C. Dun can as chairman, arranged convey ance, free of charge, for all who wished to go. Several communities of the county were represented. All children carried were examined free of charge by the hospital's doctors, and were advised relative to correct ing the deformities. One of the objectives of Kiwanis is to aid the underprivileged child. The good work of the local club in general and Dr. Duncan in particular, should be greatly appreciated by the public. This is the second clinic held at Gastonia, which has been sponsor ed by the Kiwanis Club. Last year's clinic resulted in much good, a num ber of patients from the county be ing admitted following examinations held at that time. Monday Night'* Meeting The attendance -at the Kiwanis Club Monday night was good. Dr. O. j L. Miller, of the State Orthopaedic; Hospital, Gastonia, who was schedul- j ed to speak, could not be present,' but Mrs. Miller substituted for her husband. Mrs. Miller is familiar with every phase of the hospital's work, as she is the field secretary, and comes in contact with practically all cases treated there. Mr. M. T. Duff, advance publicity i agent for the Redpath Chautauqua, was present, and spoke briefly in reference to the chautauqua and the program that will be given here be ginning Friday. Dr. G. P. Reid, Dr. T. C. Lovelace and Senator Amos R. Beam were guests of the club. Mrs. O. L. Miller won the attend ance prize. CAROLEEN NEWS Caroleen, May 27. —We continue to have plenty of rain. The many friends of Mr. Dink Buckner will be sorry to learn of his serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scruggs and Mj. and Mrs. Landrum Harris, of Cliff side, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lan drum McSwain. Mr. Lawrence Robbins and Mr. Clyde Mahaffee are erecting a new store building in Harrilltown. Mr. Oscar Duncan is contractor of Mr. Robbins, and Mr. J. P. Randall is contractor of Mr. Mahaffee's. They will both be ready for goods in the next few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baynard attend ed memorial services at High Shoals Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Beachboard was a visitor in Caroleen Sunday af ternoon. Miss Mattie Toms, who is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. J. P. Randall, attended the graduating exercises at Limestone College at Gaffney, S. C. She was the guest of Miss Matheny. Little Miss Mary Elizabeth Ran dall visited Little Miss Sarah Evelyn Allhands, at Cliffside, Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hamrick, of Gas tonia, visited at Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hmrick's Sunday. You will fijid the largest stock of merchandise selling from 5e to SI.OO in Rutherford County, at Courtney's FOREST CITY COURIER ** ♦ ' - ; : FOREST CITY—"ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED ANI f BEAUTIFUL CITIES IN THE U. S. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY. - PUBLISHED IN THE J IST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY BANKS TO CLOSE The Farmers Bank and the Indus trial Bank will be closed today (Thursday) Memorial Day. This is a legal holiday and those having business with the banks should note the closing. GEO. W. SMART DIED THURSDAY Prominent Farmer of Near Bos tic Succumbs to Brief Ill ness Rutherfordton, R-4, May 28. Mr. George Whitefield Smart, well known farmer and citizen of near Bostic, died Thursday after a brief illness. Funeral services and inter ment took place Saturday at Brit tain Presbyterian church, with his pastor, Rev. R. T. Baker, in charge. The deceased is survived by his widow, two children, George Dewey Smart and Mrs. Fred Rhoney, five step-children, J. E. and Charles C. Epps, Will Gray, Mrs. John Adair and Mrs. R. R. Tucker, and two brothers, F. P., and E. S. Smart, all of Rutherford county except Mrs. Rhoney, who lives at Gastonia. He was 58 years of age. FLORENCE MILL ; Forest City, May 28.—Last Satur day afternoon, Mr. Charlie Walker and Miss Jessie Proctor motored to Gaffney, and happily married by the Probate Judge. They were c companied by Messrs. Guy Toney and ( Howard Daniel and Misses Addie Belle Jones apd Maude McCluney. J The bride is the attractive daugh- j ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Proctor and j the groom is the son of Mrs. Hattie: Walker. Both are employees of the Florence Mills and are quite popular! with their young friends. They are! making their home with the groom's i mother on Liberty street at present, j Mr. A. G. Morrow and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Morrow on Rutherfordton, R-2. Rev. and Mrs. W. V. Hardin, of Shelby are spending the week here with relatives. | Mr. J. C. Splawn, of Holly | Springs was a visitor here last Sun day. Mrs. U. G. Morrow and children are spending the week with the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Towery at Sunshine. ■ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. "Lum" Mc ! Craw, recently, a fine baby. i I | CANCEL SUMMER SCHOOL AT BOILING SPRINGS Boiling Springs, May 29.—The summer school, scheduled to be held iat Boiling Springs Junior College this summer, has been called off, ac- J cording to an announcement made today. The entire school plant is un dergoing renovation in anticipation of a large student body next year. Popular Jugo-Slav Orchestra to Open Redpath Chautauqua I w Is ES ~ a ■f A mm A iVfl ; B? " T iM: j Ml| S m K * waSimmS frapp — warn ■, »BejFE JUGO-SLAV TAMBURICA ORCHESTRA ♦'The Minstrels of the Balkans" is the name often applied to the Jugo-Slav Tamburica Orchestra which will J be one of the outstanding features of the cpming Redpath Chautauqua here. . . ~ j Wearing the gayly colored costumes of their* far-away homeland and featuring their native musical instrument, the tamburica, these Balkan players present concerts of great variety. Naturally, Balkan melodies form a pleasing part of the program but, so adaptable is the tamburica, operatic" selections and American popular songs are also delightfully rendered. Here is a company whose musical program innovations will long be remembered. FOREST CITY. NJ ° CAFfIQLINA THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1929. \1 \ 1 Where Lindy and Anne May Live —————— # 1 t ! i —^ View of "Honeymoon Cottage," at North Haven, Maine, where Col. Charles Lindbergh and his bride, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, may live after they return from their honeymoon. * *V ' OAKLAND NEWS OF LATE INTEREST Adaville W. M. U. Give* Pro gram. Many Visitor* in Community ''"fe ' v A* J* Forest City, R-2, Mary 28.—The Adaville W. M. U. gave a program Sunday after Sunday school. Mrs. 1 Stallings and friend, of Forest City were present and helped organize a ' Sunbeam band. ! Miss Grace McDaniel and sister, Mrs. Ernest Alexander, and children of Pickens, S. C., spent several days at Mr. B. G. Moore's, last week. ! Mr. A. C. Moore, Jr., of Charlotte visited his mother, Mrs. A. C. Moore, one day last week. ; Mr. Howard and Kennetfr Mc i Donald came home last I Boiling "Springs College. Mr. T. L. Mcßrayer is very sick. Mr. J. C. Hudson is improving af ter several days illness. Mr. Will Hudson and family, of i Mt. Vernon, visited at Mr. Crayton j Freeman's Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ruppe and daughter, Wilda and Mr. Gilbert Carver attended memorial services at Kistlers Chapel Sunday. Mrs. E. H. Dalton and daughters, Cora Lee, and Gladys were pleasant Callers at Mrs. A.C. Moore's and Mr. Monroe McDonald's one evening last week. . | SUMMER SCHOOL The summer school will open Mon day morning, June 3rd, at 8 o'clock, at the high school building. Pupils will be allowed to take two half sub jects that they have failed, or one whole subject. Pupils who wish to take any subjects are urged to get two or three other pupils, as it will be almost necessary to have two or more pupils so that there will be as large a class as possible. The sum mer school will run five weeks, six days to the week. All who wish to take any work should report to Mr. A. C. Finch, June 3, at the high school building. J. W. EAKES, Supt. SCOUT CONFERENCE OPENS FRIDAY Scout Leaders of Five Counties To Gather at Camp on Lake Lanier The annual conference of the scout leaders of the Piedmont coun cil, which is composed of the coun ties of Gaston, Cleveland, Lincoln, Rutherford and Polk, will be held at the scout camp at Lake Lanier, Try on, on May 31, June 1 and 2, ac cording to' an announcement receiv ed from headquarters. The conference will open Friday, May 31, with supper at 6 o'clock and will continue until Sunday afternoon, June 2. The conference will be di vided into two periods for the con venience of those -~ %ho can only spend one day at camp. The first period will begin Friday evening at supper and will close with noon din ner Saturday. The second period will begin with supper on Saturday and close with dinner on Sunday. The usual camp fee of SI.OO for meals, per period, will be the only expense connected with the confer ence. Each official attending is ex pected to furnish their own blankets and other personal equipment, in cluding bathing suits. I | TO BUILD HANDSOME HOME | Mrs. C. M. Young has let the con j tract for the erection of a handsome new home, adjoining the property of Dr. Geo. P. Reid on West Main St. The work will be in charge of Mr. G. K. Moore, of Cliffside, construction supervisor, while the architect's plans were drawn by Asbury, of Char ! lotte. These plans call for a ten-room two story house of pressed brick with slate roof and of French style. The interior will be of the finest and ,with every modern convenience. Con j struction work has been begun and ; the handsome home will be ready for occupancy in about six months. Mrs. Young left this week for a visit to California, but expects to return to Forest City in August. CHAUTAUQUA WILL BE LOCATED ON KING LOT The Redpath Chautauqua tent will be located on the King lot, on King street. The tent will arrive here Thursday and will be raised in prep aration for the first performance Friday afternoon. MUSIC CLUB HOLDS FINAL MEETING • Interesting Program Given. - New Officers Installed and Committees Ap pointed ' The Music Department of the Woman's Club held the final meet ing of the 1928-29 season in the ban quet hall of Blanton's Cafe on Fri day afternoon, May 17th, with Mes dames T. R. Padgett, Oscar Price, C. i A. Petty and L. C. Edington as joint j hostesses. The hall was attractively decorat ed with Spring flowers, rambler ros |es predominating. The hostesses cre- I ated a delightful reversal of the usu |al order by serving a colorful ice j course as the members and guests ar i rived. The regular business was dispens ed with rapidly and an interesting program on Negro music presented, the composing parts being papers, spirituals and readings. Mrs. D. H. | Sutton brought the program to a [close with her inimitable reading of James Weldon Johnson's "Go Down ! Death," and "The Creation." j Installation of new officers and appointment of committees to func i tion during 1929-30 ensued. The new j officers are, Miss K. H. Goggans, !chairman; Mrs. J. S. Rudisill, vice ! chairman, Miss Princa Gaines, secre tary and treasurer. " ! Mrs. F. E. Webb, the newly elect ed President of the Woman's Club then presented a printed question naire, asked for co-operation of all members and requested immediate i payment of the general membership fee. The singing of "America the Beautiful" brought the meeting to a fitting close. SURPRISE PARTY i A number of Mrs. Frank Allen's friends surprised her with a party Saturday evening. Those present i were Misses Delois Hooper, Evelyn Jones, Lillian, Jeanete, and Ethel Phillips, Bula Godfrey, Jettie Ray burn, Myrtle Dean, Estelle McSwain, Blandena and Blanche Doggett, Wil lie B. Allen, Vella Hill, Mary Lytle, Louise Jackson, Vattie Belle Brack ett, Hutchins, Maude Mc- Cluney, Lillian Daniel, Louise Har rill, Winnie Bradley, Pearl Burgin, Minnie Sue .Keeter, Vonnie Haynes, Alifair Roberson, Rushia Haulk, Hat tie White, Huldah Freeman, Lillie Lynch, Janette Monteith, Carrie Burgin, Mary Hill, Annie Belle, Ed na and Bessie White and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vassey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, Messrs. Woodrow Roach, John Brackett, Charles Grif fin, John Lee Shirlin, Guy Toney, Henry Shehan, John White, Bennie Hooper, Paul Jones, Reid Vess, Troy Davison, David Garrett, Ernest Hunt, Howard Monteith, Dan Christy, Jen nings Hill, George Reep, Howard Daniel, George Willie Matheny, Guil ford Culbreth, Reid Waters, Robert Harrill, Louis Randall, Clifford Nave, Victor Shytles, Posey Lynch, Robert Jackson, R6bert Dobbins, Paul Mur phy, Luther Honeycutt, John Allen, Robert Lynch, Roy Branch, Kermit Phillips, Cato McGinnis, Audie Mc ; Daniel, Joe Jones, Lester Lynch, and Norris Hardin. 1 LIBRARY NOTES i -•' , ! The Library wishes to acknowledge two books donated by Mrs. Wilkie Meares; also a book, "The Better i Way", by Mrs. Ethel Thomas, do noted by IVfce. G. R. Gillespie. This is a story founded on facts of life in a typical mill village of North Car | olina and should be ef interest to our people. i , j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carson, Mrs. ' C. W. Mayfield, Miss Wilma Butler 1 and Miss Elma Blanton the week end in Spartanburg, and at tended the birthday dinner of Mr. Bill* Dobbi*s, Sunday. 16 Pages 96 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advancr EFIRD STORES TO START BIG ANNUAL JUNE SALE Sale Starts Friday, May 31, in All Forty-Five Stores— . A Big Event An annual event eagerly looked forward to each year in the Carolinas and Virginia is the Efird June Sale. Following a meeting of the executives and managers in Charlotte, this year's event was announced to begin Friday, May 31, in all forty-five Ef ird stores. Forest City's Efird store, in charge of popular Charlie Curlee, is making all arrangements for the opening of the big sale Friday morning. Ad ditional help will be provided to ful ly care for the increased sales. The usual contest between differ ent managers will again take place during this sale, and his many friends are going to make a strenous effort to land Mr. Curlee ahead of his op ponent—not only as an evidence of the affection and high esteem in which he is held, but also as a means of showing to the state at large what a real trade center Forest City has become. Beginning this week, and through out the sale, Efird's will keep the public of this county fully informed as to the progress of the sale through the columns of The Courier. It will | prove interesting to follow this big sale through to its conclusion. GOLDEN VALLEY Bostic, R-4, May 27.—The mem orial services were held at Golden fValley Methodist church Sunday with a very large congregation pres ent. Rev. K. N. Snipes preached at i 11:00 o'clock. His subject being, "If a Man Die Shall He Live Again." It was much enjoyed by all. ' After dinner was >over at two o'clock, Miss Bertha Moore, of South Mountain Institute, preached • on, j "The Second Coming of Christ," which was much enjoyed, i The cemetery was very beautiful indeed. Some said that the "cemetery at Golden Valley was more beauti ful than any other in Rutherford county. i Miss Dessie Towery is spending a fortnight at High Point, with broth ers and sisters. I Mr. James Melton and family of Ellenboro, spent Saturday night with Mr. Melton's sister, Mrs. Julius Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cochran and little daughter, Louise spent Satur day night with the latter's grand par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Melton. Mr. Fred Melton is spending a few days with his brother, Mr. Claud Melton of Spindale. Mrs. W. T. Brandle who is in the Rutherford hospital is getting along very well after an operation. She is expected home within a few days, her many friends will be glad to know. CENTER NEWS I I / Bostic, R-4, May 27.—Rev. R. T. Baker filled his regular appointment at Center school house Sunday after noon. ! Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mauney ac companied by Mrs. Condry, all of Alexander, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Mauney. Mr. Baxter Melton who has been sick for some time does not seem to be improving to the regret of his friends. j Mrs. R. H. McCurry of Cramerton spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McCurry. i Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Julius Self Sunday were the following: Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Cash and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Flynn and fam ily of Cramerton. • Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McCurry Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Melton and two little daughters, Lillian and Lois of Cliff side, and Messrs. Romeo and Broadus McCurry. Mr. Charlit Self spent thp week end with home folks.