Tb Wayside Gang Page Editor - Damfino • Adv. Mgr -- - Old Sol | News Editors ~ Tim and Skeeter. Asst. Mgr. - - - Bunny. I THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929 I 4 BRILLIANT WEDDING j J OTie of the most brilliant weddings) ever held in Forest City was that of j Miss Damfino and Mr. Cliffdwellei . which took place Wednesday evening j at thirteen minutes after twelve ini the "Church of the Holy Rollers", j The church was a veritable flower j garden decorated in a profusion of j onion Lops, garlic and milk weeds.] The altar was made of barbed wire artistically covered with string beans, daisies, and cauliflowers. First to enter were the musicians, Mrs. Editorial, the organist charm ingly draped in the American flag and wearing an artistically hand , painted rush hat, next the violinist, "Eddie, of Lindslide," wearing a magnificent suit of rose-colored pa- J jamas, with a high silk hat. Then came the soloist, Miss ' Pat , who was a lovely picture in her corsage of American beauty turnips, with hat and shoes to match. As the muscians struck up the wedding march "who In the world, would have thought it," the little ribbon bearers carrying ropes came down both aisles. They were "Hula and "Susie" dressed in purple and red "Cindrella" and "Hot Dog" dressed in red and yellow. "Mollie and "Jackie," in green and orange; "Mary Ellen" and "Betty" dressed in black and white. i After the ribbon bearers had taken their places, "Pat" started to sing "The Fight is On" and "Susie" in sisted on helping her out each one trying to sing louder than the other until it looked like the fight really j was on. At the conclusion of the solo the organist struck up "Just Before the Battle, Mother" and the bridal party entered. First came the brides maids, "Andy Gump' v of Cliffside, chain'ingly gowned in a red kimona, the same shade of her hair, and car rying a shower spray of sunflowers. Next came "Mandy" of Charlotte, dressed in solid black and carrying a white poodle dog. Following Man dy" was "Peaches," of Hamlet, dressed in burlap and wearing a lace hat. Next was "Tim" in striped i overalls. Following the bridesmaids) came the groomsman, "Radio Fre-j quern y" in white flannel trousers and j no shirt. "Sam" of Piedmont, S. C. j in umonalls; "Noll" of Spring Hope ! in B. V. D.'s and "Bedbug" of Black j Mountain in his grand pap's cast off) red flannels. The groomsmen all entered at one j time. Immediately following this came the flower girls "Stryk" and "Polly anna" dressed in black and purple, followed by the ring-bearer "Travel- j er" of Rutherfordton, in a little I "Lo/U Fauntleroy suit, and carrying j -the ring on~ a pair of water wings. Nt came the maid of honor, J 'The Mosquito" dressed in a brown pet o.xt trimmed in cream lace. Th bride never looked more beaut'.'ul than she did in her pink "ba J i"suit and real fly-netting •veil, entered on the arm oi'the groom wVio iot only took her, but gave her j in carriage as well. The ceremony wa : formed by the Rev. Wayside Bi . the ring ceremony being use I diately after the ceremony, Mi I Mrs. Cliffdweller left fori a]• ;rip to the. Puzzle Creek) He ; Sandy Mush. For traveling ! th e wore a red checked ging- j ha ss with accesories. r j ride of today is the daughter of ather and mother. She was ed I at "Frog Level University" ha eceived her U. A. M. (under stc : all men) degree. r j -room is the son of his pa rei d has advanced as far as the th ade at our leading primary sc He holds a prominent posi tic h the Universal Shade Tree Cc ay set out trees and he sits un hem. \ vish them no happiness on tlj martial journey but hope th "catch it" fast like all the re. o us married folks. e Wayside "Dope'* on next page. The Wayside Gan£ Pa£c Published by the Rutherford County Wayside Gang for the Benefit of the Shut-ins. Wayside Gang Gossip There's springtime in my heart today, While spring's in Caroline, And ev'ry thing I go to say It makes a. little rhyme. An' if I steps upon your toes You'll bear with me, I'm sure, When ev'ry Wayside gossip brings An urge I can't endure. Gome listen to my round-de lay, I sing a springtime song, To ev'ry member of the gang I'll say it won't be long. "Damfino" is a courting lass, She loves and then forgets, All the way from Jimmie Quick To bald-headed men she pets. The "Skeeter" is an insect and She knows just when to sting, She stole my Harold 'way from me— The mean ole naughty thing! There's Mrs. Editorial So dainty and so neat, Whose head is fuller far of brains Than an egg is full of meat. We wouldn't take a million dollars For her and her ole man Because we grow by leaps and bounds Since they both joined the gang. There's Howard and Virginia both, Hello! How do you do? \ Just cultivate your voices and You'll charm a world or two. There's "Abe,'' who plays the violin, Whoopee! I've gotta yell, When e'er I hear his magic bow My heart with joy bells swell. Miss Goggins' fingers float along . _ Across piano keys & % Touching chords now here, now there, And music fills the breeze. \ There's Snooks and her ambition to— Oh well, it rhymes with fat— Ev'ry time her car drives up Somebody hides the cat. She's nuther mean ole gal, I'll say, In fact she makes me sick, , While I was courting Eddie Brown She snatched my Jimmie Quick. And now I guess she's got him safe -• Tied to her apron strings, But I don't care—Beneath the rose ; There grows a briar that stings. Go take 'em all, you naughty Snooks, Tfrey're fickle as can be; But if you get that Palmimus Don't dare come to me! There's Cinderella, I declare, t She knows her onions well, I skidded on banana-peel And, my how I did yell! She told me not holler 'cause I could not take it back; > I blazed up full of wrath and said "You go sit on a tack!" ■ ■"Now why should you get hot my dear, And flare at me like that'' "When I ain't got no 'curochrome To paint the place I sat?" There's "Blondie'' whom I'm'loving, dear, Come see me when you can And I will promise faithful not To kiss your sweet ole man. There's "Susie" with the dimpled cheek And come-hith-er-ish eyes, And tho her actions are so sweet That bird sho is wise. She winds the men around her thumb, Says that's the way to act, And if one should get peeved at her She knows how to "ker-smackj" There's I, and me, and my ole self— And sure I'm proud of it— ' The greatest deed that I have done Was spraying derned ole flit. .And there is that Palmimus, a Kew member of our gang; ' So far as his ole heart's concerned He jest don't give a hang. It flutters here and flitters there And settles where it will, .And like the butter fly that sips, Leaves when it gets its fill. I'm glad he upped and joined the gang, I'll say he is a wow! Oh, boy! The inspiration's great, 'Cause "He's my weakness now.'' There's "Pete" who is from Henderson Who joined our gang as well, Come on, gang, lets make a toast An' give ole "Pete" a yell: Here's to "Pete" of Hendersonville Who gets her biz in clutches She has a good time where she goes If it puts the town on crutches. Oh Dippy, Dippy, where are you— A-hiding in that corner— Just come right out and be yourself You aint no Jackie Horner. Leap year's past, I'll say this much . With thoughts just to relieve you, So if your conscience warns you, boy, Don't let the thing deceive you. Susie Kanipe, you little snipe, Yes you will, now, wontcha Ker-smack the boys aroun' the town, But Harold Brown—now DONTCHA! Harold Br4wn in Charlotte town (I'll shout this news in whispers) Has charmed the gals till the boys Are sprouting goatee whiskers. So take good care of that goatee, For therein lies your strength, sir, Because the gals all fall for it; Yep, that is what I mean, sir. Come, listen, members, one and all, I'll word it to the measure, We're going to have a gang meeting Chockful of fun and pleasure. So when you see the date announced Put on your bib and tucker, And get yo'self up to the place Or you will miss your supper. Everybody's invited, The thing's as free as air, Come to our Wayside gang meeting And joy will replace care. TIM, Spindale, N. C. LOCALS Eddie of Forest City is home from the hospital after having his hand removed—below the knee. * * * Radio frequency is home after spending a week very pleasantly with Miss Ofeelya Knees. * * * The many friends of Hula fear she will never get over it —"Waf v g ton's Monument." * * n Our old friend Sut and a member of the gang met with a very serious accident last week (at least we tho't so) but after rushing him to the doctor he said it was only a mis placed eyebrow. Long may they grow, Sut. w * » Knutty says if you get hungry during the night, take a roll in bed. • • » The Scotchman took his boy out of school because the teacher said he would have to "pay attention". WISE CRACKS FROM THE GANG Dippy: are you doing now?" Radio Frequency: (Just home from Hollywood) "I'm working in the movies." Dippy: "What did you ever do in the movies?" Radio Frequency: "I went for the doctor in 'The Birth of a Nation'. Traveller: "What are you doing now" Dan-O-Day: "Digging holes for the Saturday Evening Post." Traveller: "Since you're so smart, can you tell me who climbs the Saturday Evening Post?" Dan-O-Day: "Yes, sir; The Coun try Gentleman." Mrs. Editorial: Why is the hand on the "Statue of Liberty" just eleven inches long? Joe Dennis: If it was twelve inches it would be a foot." Kat:-. How would you punctuate this sentence: "Mary lifted her skirt,' crossing the muddy street." The Janitor: I" would make a dash after Mary." She wears the smartest kind of Clothes and of course she wears Sterling Hose. Sterling Hosiery Co. X If we can make "Damfino" and "The Skeeter" look pretty, just think what we could do for you. Gilbert's Studio. Emerson Radio— Cabinet model. Dynamic Speaker. Installed SIIO.OO. A. L. McDaniel. ; Cinderella met with a serious ac- L cident last week. She fell down and I broke her contract and bruised her elsewhere. / ! r i i | 2 lbs. of elbow grease, 1 lb. i "I will not cease," is the key ■I • to the situation that puts you over the top in the Building & ' Loan Association. ) 1 TRY IT! > 1 I i j Ready-to-Wear of the better x I kind at lower prices. | If you've got any cents, buy j at i i i Stein's Dept. Store. t I , j ! i 1 See Our New Beds i t If [ We stand behind everything we sell. Moss Furniture Co. i I I \ I j If you want to take a ride I \ i C. DAN FORD i I Doggett Motor Co. 4 What ails ye, Bill? . Ah! tryin' to swaller a pill.j If you'll get yours where I gotj mine, You can swaller 'em| every time. Hall-Rudisill Drug Co. v I Toilet Goodsj Tooth Paste, j and Towels, Pots, Pans and j Pencils, Brushes, Bloomers and Balloons, Rugs, Rings and Rub i er Pants. l COURTNEY'S (5, 10, and a Dollar) Rugs, Radios and Records Tables, Trunks 'n every thing. Forest City Furniture Co. LADIES' DRESSES l "HALF OFF" | H PETTY'S SHOPPE ? | " j During the Big June Sale I Men's Pants "WAY DOWN I Efird's Department Store. . _ You can find it at Horn's We can supply your wants on both sides. Horn's Cash Store. A full line of Ready-to- Wear Groceries. All kinds of Soup, Cheese and Tobacco. Sanders Groceteria. If you feel you are hopeless Try a Bottle of our Tonsor fl ialtis DeLuxe. Palace Barber Shop. Glenn is there and so is Gus. If your Buick fails, no need to fuss. Take it to Forest City Motor Co. That We Sell ! Pianos, Talking Machines J and Radios on the square is no j trick. I . V I Give us a call, or ring, but v no kick. W. G. Magness. [ You gave me a drink from j the Old Brown Jug, I That sat behind the door, : You gave me the same, that you gave to me as in the days of yore. A wee drop is there for the passer by to cheer him when'er we can. We choose to live by the side of the road and be a friend to man. Farmers Bank & Trust Co.