Every one of the Worthwhile T&lking snd Synchronized Photo Plays will come to this Theatre. • » Also Vitaphone and Movietone screen presentation acts. THE ROMINA THEATRE, Forest City, N. C. EFIRD'S CHAIN SALE / Breaking all Previous Sales Records. Just 8 More Days Commencing Friday Morning, June 21st and all through Next Week THE FOURTH BIG WEEK OF THE SOUTH'S GREATEST MERCHANDISING EVENT. New Specials Added For Friday Morning Thousands of Bargains Not Advertised 350 y^S al LLo g I M For the Fourth Week of Efird's Chain Sale Cloth, Friday morning rr _ grt , and while they last, per mm mm, Boys' Keen Kut 85c yard £ I ■ ■ ■ Blue Overalls, very spe- 5 C ( g II II I cial while they last Extra Special | 1 H . - Rayon Silk Bloomers New printed baptistes, / f 1M I summer styles, sheer OA \ £v l%lnii/ IIPACCAC 44 quality, perfect short T^\WSm 11l T, lA/ 111 * Ladies' pastel colored lengths, values up to 1 4 |gg|f|/ IIV IV I VUi/Vv rayon silk bloomers, 25c yard, while they [ VAK nKggtife. Sell at most places for c -A 14 mm Silk Dresses Silk Dresses Extra Special W® Hb $6.00 $7.00 Men's $1.25 Shirts Yard-wide bookfold u j Ladies' silk dresses including A rack of beautiful silk dresses 7QC novelty percales, good , / ' 1 \ S " ew Summer colors, sport flat «e P es, printed sport dress- /" •i. j x i j: j / \ \ mm dresses and early season dress- es, etc. A special lot you win p. + Q "hlo cn n P o tahlp printed styles for dress a L \ Ml es up to sio, ail go at this spe- want to buy two or three from une tame special taoie shirts, etc., very special /fl m 4 \ cial price. this rack. of men s soit collar, lac QyH Q ' \Mr . $1.25 value dress shirts 1" W Rayon Dresses Silk Dresses j n white or colors, all Silk Pongee $2.79 $9.00 sizes. 33 w Ladies'new Summer dresses in- Our most wonderful dress val -i-« •-a . . eluding novelty rayon sport ue, exquisite styles, made of White L/UCk "ants Friday morning we cut . dresses, etc. Values worth the best silks, values up to _ our own price on 12 about double the price. $14.50. 0Q Mme all silk imported 77 —— Men ' s and boy's white thai "S F a seZ at Specials in Toilet Articles Children's Dresses at Chain Sale Prices # II i 1 other stores up to 75c Co^ at s^ cial powder and compact com " 69° Print Dresses at per yard. Children's pretty print dresses. A big value OTC Cretonne Pillow, "Sp'TL - 3° -«*«"■« » Felt Slippers 25 C 15c tooth rC Children's plain color batiste and solid color JOC lot Of Ladies Felt Another shipment 65c Brushes O voile dresses. New Summer colors W IJeQL'OOm all Cretonne Pillows to go 25c Keep Klean tooth lAC Mi«P« nrM«« SIZeS on Sale Friday morning Brushes IU M,sses Ur * Bße * e 25 Electric Irons kwTr !!! .25 dresses, $1 7QC d t X eS wash ea tfV f -7A Silk Dresses Assorted color handles. value styles, wash- mi yn Guaranteed 1 year. 50c Nationally known oQ c a SPECIAL Tooth paste Bal >y Dresses A wonderf J g ilk dress es «/IA Dr. West's 50c OQC Baby washable silk dresses, new pastel Q|-C styles, qualities and make that » »*' Tooth Brushes LAV colors vv looks like double this price. 60,000 YARDS COTTONS GO ON SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN TEN YEARS Efird's Department Store Forest City, - - * - North Carolina THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929