TUBBY j ; High Flying. f SAV po you NJWfcMTA I-- -Fl 1 . ttl IfSMI ___, SEC THC BEST OLW \ \M\ —>, / \ / \ Mm m S~ >y KITE IN THIS TOWN? 1 Mill / VOU SHOULD* \ / M»K)E W*S Ut> \ Iq J 'M WjJ / OH. HO,HQ DO \ LOOK Ricwr HEfcE. TWEQE I V# I —( SEEM MY KITE. V 4 H\6H IT TOOK J a s§r i m yoo CALL *TMAT \ SHE l£! I SET IT WfcS / [{ 1 n \WEMT SO tt\6H ME HAIPA'HOOCi I a&» V HIGH?-MV KITE 1 \ ALMOST A M\LE UP / W rifcri'lkl NO6OOV COULD VTOREtLITIIM /rt m ' . il , Ml///. VAJEXJT SO HIGH \_rw-TME Aia. j| V cm f \SEE q ASMOKE / ' x 1 I MEUEB o*o GET/ /V CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisements Inserted forlc per word each insertion. Cash in advance. FOR RENT—One house on Yar boro Street. See Mrs. J. H. Gettys. 39-2t. . i Garden seed, two packages for five. Farmers Hardware Co. HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT —Two first class theatres in Forest City. Good shows every day. Come. LOST—One electric Otoscope and Diagnostic lamp for examining ears and sinuses. Satisfactory reward for return. Drs. Bostic & Bostic, Forest City, N. C. 39-2t. Calcium Arsenic. Farmers Hard ware Co. > JERSEY BULL—Registered. Fee $2.00 cash. R. V. King, Forest City. 34-8t FOR SALE—Nice No. 1 Timothy hay. Twenty-six dollars per ton. | Coffield Feed Co., Ellenboro, N. C. j 39-2t. j FOR SALE—One used Carbide Light Plant. In splendid condition and at bargain price. Also for sale, one Fairbanks-Morse gasoline .engine, 1 1-2 horsepower. In good condi-1 tion. J. W. Matheny, Forest City. 39-2t. Bean Beetle Dust. Any quantity ready for use. Farmers Hardware Co. FOR SALE —Car load 5-v galvanized roofing. See Champion Lumber Company, Spindale. N. C. 28-tf James Benson of Chicago was ar rested for pulling the ears of several women shoppers on State street. Henry Welden, a dog collar maker of Willesden, Eng., was fined for allowing his dog to run at large without a collar. Professional Cards DR. FRANK WILKINS DENTIST National Bank Bldg. FOREST CITY, N. C. New X-Ray Lady Assistant DR. CHAS. S. McCALL DENTIST 313 National Bank Building • \ DR. R. R. HOWES DENTIST f Phone 156 Forest City, N. C. - DR. B. M. JARRETT CHIROPRACTOR New Facers Bank Bldg. Tues., Thurs.j Sat., 2 - 7 p. m. Forest City, N. 3. Memorials Call on us when in need of monumental work. J. R. Jordan & Co. Forest City, N. C. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of S. J. McKinney, de ceased, late of Rutherford county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having 1 claims against the esate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home near Ellenboro, N. C., on or before the 25th day of June, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, the 25th day of June, 1929 OCTAVIA McKINNEY, Adminis tratrix of S. J. McKinney, deceased. 38-4t. C. O. RIDINGS, Atty. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the Will of J. D. Gault, deceased, late of Forest City, Rutherford County, North Carolina, said Will having been duly probated and of record in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Ruther ford County, the undersigned exe cutor will, in acordance with the pro visions and stipulations contained in said will, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1929 . at 2 o'clock P. M., expose for pub lic sale at auction to the highest bid der for cash, on the premises here inafter described, all of the follow ing lots and parcels of land, together with the dwelling and buildings lo cated thereon, to-wit: The home place of J. D. Gault, de ceased, being lots No. 12 and 13 of the Yarboro Estate as shown on map of plat of Yarboro Estate made by J. H. Wood, Surveyor, on the sth day of September, 1913, which map of plat is recorded in the office of Register of for Rutherford County, reference to which is here to made for further descriptions. Also lots No. 14 and 15 of the Yarboro Estate in the town of For est City, N. C., as shown on map of plat of the said Estate, made by J. H. Wood,- Surveyor/which map of plat is on record in the Register of Deeds office for Rutherford County, North Carolina, reference is also made to a deed from the Forest City Loan and Insurance Company to A. A. Street. SECOND TRACT. Being a part of the J. D. Ledbetter Subdivision of the F. B. Harrill farm at Alexander Mills, consisting of lots numbers 149 and 150 as shown on a map made by J. A. Wilkie, Surveyor, and rec orded in the Register of Deed's of fice of Rutherford County in Plat Book 1, and at page 1, reference to which is made for a complete des cription. Said sale will be held on the prem ises at the hour and date above set forth, in the town of Forest City, North Carolina, as provided in the Will of the late J. D. Gault. This, the Ist day of July, 1929. T. J. MOSS, Attorney, W. L. BROWN, Executor of Will of J. D. Gault. 39-4t. Advertising is the life of trade and the death of failure. 6 6 6 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929 NOTICE OF SALE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of power of J sale contained in that certain Deedj of Trust executed by J. W. Honey- j cutt and wife, Ollie Honeycutt on j the 25th day of May, 1925, to the un dersigned, trustee, default having been made in the payment of the money secured by the same, and the holder of the same having demanded of the said trustee that the property therein conveyed be sold for the pay ment of said indebtedness, the said undersigned trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash! at the courthouse door in Ruther- j fordton, N. C., on j MONDAY, JULY 15, 1929 at about the hour of 12 o'clock, M.,} the following described lands: • j Lying in High Shoals Township, j Rutherford County, N. C., described \ as follows: Being part of the S. M. Powell home tract adjoining J. W. Honeycutt and bounded as fol lows: Beginning on a stake in Hawkins': line, S. M. Powell and J. W. Honey-! cutt corner and runs with their old! line S. 83 W. 18 chains to a stone;' thence S. 9 E. 4 poles to a Cherry! tree; thence S. 60 W 12 1-2 poles toj I a crooked "Black Gum on the East j ! side of a big gulley; thence S. 45 3-4 E. 2.62 chains to a bunch of iron wood; thence a new line N. 70 5-8 E. j2O 1-4 chains to the beginning, con taining acres, more or less. This the 10th day of June. 1929. (Signed) S. P. Lmnnagan, Trustee. B. T. Jones, Jr., Atty. 37-4t. APPLICATION FOR PARDON Application will be made to the Commissioner of Pardons and the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Theodore Johnson, con victed at the Fall 1928 term of su perior court of . Rutherford County i'or the crime of forcible trespass and sentenced to . the chain gang for a term of 18 months. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protests to the Commis sioner of Pardons without delay. This the Ist day of July, 1929. Mrs. Theodore Johnson. 39-2t. - • i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I ! Having qualified as administrator lof the estate of Almeda McDonald, 'deceased, late of Rutherford county, ; North Carolina, this is to notify all ! persons having claims against the | estate of said deceased to exhibit I them to the undersigned at his home j on Forest City, R-2, on or before the 126 day of June, 1930, or this notice 'will be pleaded in bar of their re {covery. ! All persons indebted to said es jtate will please make immediate i payment. j This, the 26 day of June, 1929. j MONROE McDONALD, Adminis trator of Almeda McDonald, deceas ied. 39-4t i : 1 j You can be successful in boosting iyour town, but don't try to shove it. f • • ' A town is prosperous in proportion ; to the horse-power and horse sense of its boosters. I - !:> "For Better Eyes" !► j \ [ SEE \ > !;; DR. D. M. MORRISON JI i ► At office of Dr. Duncan on J [ , ► every Thursday from 8 to 9 ► | a. m. and 2p.m.t03 p. m. o Eyes Examined; glasses fitted L * * and repaired. • Revival Services At Brittain Church Revival services will begin at Brittain Presbyterian church Sun day morning July 14th, and continue through Sunday evening July '2lst. Rev. John D. Henderson, pastor of Second Presbyterian Church, Spar tanburg, S. C., will do the preaching. Mr. George M. Chenot, of . Tenth Avenue Presbyterian church, Char lotte, N. C., will lead the song ser vices and conduct special services for children. Mr. Chenot sings and plays the gospel. He is a vocal so loist, trombonist, musial saw player, and a young people's and children's worker. Miss Mary Hickman of Due West, S. C., will be the pianist. The Billy Sunday Club of Spar tanburg will have charge of the ser vices on Sunday July 14th. Come to the services and bring your unsaved friends with you. Services will be held each morning at 11:00 o'clock and each evening at 8:00 o'clock. I [ The hometown newspaper is the loud speaker for the community and it costs but a trifling sum a year to I tune in. Maiojiette N° other car in the world in the mod" and security. And a host of other fea erate-price class can match such thrill- tures wins your admiration. SO/ C ing performance —ioto 6o miles per Fisher bodies expressing' the best r OsJ hour in 31 seconds, in high. modern taste. An exclusive non-glare TO v Buick alone could achieve such windshield. Exclusive new upholstery, qualities of speed, power and stain- j? roof °9 am ? t water dust and wear. UAO C • j m. • x Four Loveioy hydraulic shock * I U OO ,na 0 COr SO raodera,e absorbers-and big Duo-Servo ah prices f. o.b ln ev ery phase of performance, enclosed brakes. Fhnt, MTchS* Marquette is entirely unmatched in its Marquette is complete with all the fine Consider the del field! A marvelous flow of power sends car characteristics. Yet the liberal ered^priatasweiils you flying up the steepest grades in G. M. A. C. terms make owning wmparing'automo 1 I h '9 h 9 ear - You can r ' de af 60 or 7° a Marquette very convenient and bile values. gj with a wonderful feeling of pleasure economical. See it. Driveittoday. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN Canadian Factories Division of General Motors Builders of McLaughiin-Buick, Oshawa, Ont. Corporation Buick and Marauette Motor Car* Forest City Motor Co. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT . . . BUICK WILL BUILD THEM DEALS WITH PROBLEMS OF DAIRY FEEDING Recommends Use of Various j • Home Grown Feeds j This season of the year when pas-j tures and meadows are still too j short to be profitably grazed, is often a trying one for the dairy farmer.] Under such conditions a more general use of home grown feeds, especially! ones which constitute a surplus or are unmarketable, would effect a con siderable saving to farmers. A bulletin entitled "Barley, Cull' Beans and Potatoes as Feeds for Dairy Cattle," by C. F. Huffman and A. C. Boetzer from the dairy de partment of the Michigan State Col-j lege reports the value of these feeds j to Michigan farmers. Potatoes can be introduced intoi the ration gradually this bulletin J says, and it is not considered advis able to feed more than 30 pounds of them per cow per day, though larger amounts have been fed with no ill effects. Chopping the potatoes is desira- ] ble in order to eliminate the ger of choking. Feeding after milk-! ing prevents any undesirable flavors j from entering the milk. It is report !ed that the butter fat is produced j from cows fed potatoes has a ten dency to be salvy. Feeding reasona ble amounts of potatoes along with a good legume hay and a grain mix j ture containing a protein concentrate ( jsuch as linseed meal seems to lessen | this effect. j The same bulletip deals with the ■ j feeding of cull beans to dairy cat > j tie. Cooking the beans renders them 11 more palatable, but due to the great .j er cost and inconvenience ground I j beans are usually fed. When com : j bined with a good roughage little or i no other grain is necessary except *; for cows producing more than 30 J pounds of milk per day. ]/Vhen I \ ground beans are fed a good grain : j ration to accompany alfalfa hay II would be 200 pounds ground corn .j or barley, 200 pounds ground oats, . 1100 pounds cull beans, 25 pounds 3 j linseed meal, 5 pounds salt. i j PALAi BEACH 'I BE4VIIES S&SZxs ' \ s//jy os& 3 ! A. fukte LEMON I VV * o A]\yfy CLEANSING II /fliKr CREAA* M/Zir cNatures * wai| to b«auti} PETTY'S SHOPPE "Just Around the Corner" FOREST CITY, N. C.