TUBBY No Piker At Window Shopping. ( A f 1 AIMT GOMWAA ' ~ f^ZVL.&Zt 5= HE'S SOT A SNMELL tOT W F»Se, A OF WTES IN THE / t?. J rpuis' 7 ABE VoU . ,%> OUST VOAOTA / .. _ * BUY AMY LETS CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisements inserted foric per word each insertion. Cash in advance. Bean Beetle Dust. Any quantity ready for use. Farmers Hardware Co. Garden seed, two packages for five. Farmers Hardware Co. Have you tried MILAM TONIC for your blood? Successful Remedy for Rheumatism, High Blood Pres sure, Eczema and Stomach Trouble. SI.OO at Druggists, or Postpaid. D. W. Alexander, Connelly Springs, N. C. 41-tf FOR SALE— Underwood Typewrit er in good condition. Will take S3O cash. Mrs. R. B. Watkins, Cliffside. 48-2t. The automatic iron fireman saves coal bills and makes your home com fortable. Farmers Hardware Co. Calcium Arsenic, farmers Hard ware Co. HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT —Two first class theatres in Forest City. Good shows every day. Come. Biggest stock of coal heaters in Rutherford county at the Farmers Hardware Co. LOST—One new ten dollar bill. Liberal reward for return to Farris Bailey, Bostic, R-3, or Courier office. 47-2t. WANTED—Cut at once, 1,000 cords four foot pine wood. Will take up and pay cash every Saturday afternoon. Geo. W. Jones, Bostic, N. C. 47-2t Professional Cards DR. FRANK WILKINS DENTIST National Bank Bldg. FOREST CITY, N. C. New X-Ray Lady Assistant DR. CHAS. S. McCALL DENTIST 313 National Bank Building DR. R. R. HOWES DENTIST Phone 156 Forest City, N. C. * - ■ m* Memorials Call on us when in need of monumental work. J. R. Jordan & Co. Forest City, N. C. ♦♦♦»»»»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ I Have Leased the i > ♦ BROADWAY INN ♦ ▼ Corner Florence and Broadway Sta. + Am prepared to take Boarders ♦ or Roomers. Furnished Rooms i > 7 for Light House Keeping. Rea- o I sonable. MRS L.B.PADGETT ► "For Better Eyes" it SEE i DR. D. M. MORRISON J! At office of Dr. Duncan on ► every Thursday from 8 to 9 ► a. m. and 2 p. in. to 3 p. m. o Eyes Examined; glasses fitted and repaired. [ Texas Lands For Sale —lmproved and unimproved farms for sale, no crop failures, no waste lands, low prices, easy terms, country adapted to Grain, Stock, Dairying and Poul try. Good Markets, Roads, Churches and -Schools. We also have many ranch bargains. For descriptive printed matter write John L. Rymer, Capitol Reservation Lands, Farwell, Texas. 47-tf. FlSH—Fresh dressed fish, 25 cents per pound on Friday and Satur , day. M. C. Phillips, Corner Broad way and Powell streets, City 48-lt FOR SALE—Small farm with four-room house. See A. J. Sherrill, Spindale, N. C. 48-2t. FOR SALE—Seventeen houses and lots. One-fourth down, balance 1, 2, and 3 years. See J. L. Butler, Forest City. 47-6t. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for light house keeping, also board. The Broadway Inn. • 48-lt. Turnip seed at the Farmers Hard ware Co. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND ' By virtue of the power of sale 'contained in a certain Deed of Trust ■made by J. C. Gordon and wife, Eva 'Gordon, to the undersigned Trustee, April Ist, 1928, and duly rec orded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, in the Record of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. jA-5, on Page 248, to which refer ence is hereby made and default hav jing been made in the payment of the 'indebtedness secured by the said jDeed of Trust, whereby the power lof sale contained therein has be ;come operative, said Trustee will on iTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 19, 1929 jat 12:00 oclock noon, sell for cash to Jthe highest bidder, at public auction, !at the Coutft House door, in the Town of Rutherfordton, North Caro ! lina, a certain lot or parcel of land in ! or near the city or town of Spindale, i County of Rutherford, Township i Rutherfordton, and more particular ity described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the [ Northeasterly side of North Caro lina State Highway No. 20, which j stake is located 280 feet South 63 .degrees and 30 minutes East from the corner of the Northeasterly in tersection of said Highway No. 20 [and Illinois street, the same being | J. C. Gordon's Southeastern corner; J and running thence with the North easterly side of North Carolina State Highway No. 20 South 63 degrees and 30 minutes East 70 feet to a stake, M. A. Carver's corner; thence • with M. A. Carver's line North 26 degrees and 30 minutes East 150 feet to a stake, Lester Culbreth's line; thence with Lester Culbreth's jline North 63 degrees and 30 minutes IWest 70 feet to a stake, J. C. Gor jdon's line; thence with J. C. Gordon's (line South 26 degrees and 30 minutes [West 150 feet to the place of the I BEGINNING, duly recorded in the ; office of the Register of Deeds for Carolina. This the 19th day of August, 1929. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL TRUSTEE, BY R. R. BLANTON, ATTORNEY, j 46-4t. • THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1929. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain deed of trust made by J. F. Flack, W. A. Harrill and D. W. Crawford to D. D. Duncan, Trustee, dated the 16th day of August, 1928, and recorded in Book W-11, Page 273 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rutherford County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured and the holder thereof hav ing directed that the deed of trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale at the court house door in the City of Ruther fordton, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1929, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate in the Town of Forest City, County of Rutherford, State of North Carolina, more particularly describ ed as follows: All that certain lot or parcel of land, together with the improve ments thereon, located, lying and being in the Town of Forest City, County of Rutherford, State of North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the North margin of Clay Street at a point North 33 degrees and 15 min utes West 150 feet from the inter section of Clay Street with Harrell Street, and running thence along and with North margin of Clay Street North 53 degrees and 15 minutes West 50 1-2 feet to a stake in the North margin of said Clay Street, Byrd's corner; thence North 40 East with Byrd's line 190 feet to a stake in line of Southern Railway Right-of- Way; thence South 45 East with said Railroad Right-of-Way 50 feet to a stake, B. F. Collins's corner; thence South 40 degrees and 30 minutes West with Collins and Charles B. Harrell's lines 182 feet to the be ginning, the same being the lot of land which was conveyed to R. G. Hill by deed from Charles B. Har rill and wife, dated March 23, 1927, which deed was filed for registration on the 7th day of April, 1927, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, recorded in Book 142, Page 54, and conveyed by Carolina Mort gage Company, Trustee, to John E. Bridgers Company, Inc., by deed dated March 12, 1928, recorded in Book 135, at page 545, of the Ruther ford County Registry. It being the same land which was conveyed by John E. Bridgers Com pany, Inc., to said J. F. Flack, W. A. Harrill and D. W. Crawford by deed dated August 16th, 1928. This property will be sold subject to all taxes ior tne year 1929. This the 6th day of August, 1929. D. D. DUNCAN, 45-4t. Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE i Having qualified as administrator lof the estate of Rolan Logan, de ceased, late of Rutherford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Henrietta, N. C., on or before the 22nd day of August, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of August, 1929. SMILEY WILKINS, Administrator of Rolan Logan. Oscar J. Mooneyham, Attorney. 46-4t. "Judge Jim" One Of # State's Fine Figures : • ' ~"r> •- Judge James L. Webb of the su perior court bench has announced that at the end of his term in 1930 he will retire from active duty. He has passed the age of seventy and has behind him a quarter century or more on the bench. Prior to that he had served several terms as solicitor. Judge Webb enjoys the distinction of never having had to really contest for public office. He was appointed solicitor and was renominated without opposition from his party. He was elevated to the bench by appointment and throughout his long political career has had no opponent within his party. Few men who have served the state have consequently been so free from political obligations as the Shelby jurist. The Shelby judge is one of the fine figures of the North Carolina judiciary and is respected and be loved throughout the state. He has never' been an exponent of harsh sentences, but has preached the certainty of punishfnent rather than its severity as the best pre ventative of crime. His opinions i i : | — —7 -« j j j Are You Going Away i! 1 To School? || Does this coming fall mark the beginning of those opportunities ,\ \ H that higher education affords. ► H Are you prepared to go to college? !! S If not, and if lack of money holds you back, start saving today. \ \ 3 Open a bank account for the purpose of acquiring a college education !t § and save something out of each pay check. ► S This is the one way to happiness, comfort, and freedom from fi- " B nancial worry. ~ ° § Farmers Bank & Trust Go. (f '•Home of the Thrifty" o 1 FOREST CITY and CAROLEEN j! - j ;igimfzrgjafzigigiaiaraiafaigjgiaraiziaf2fZiarzrEH[FiiiiHiHizizrafziHrafZJ'HraJßfZfZJZJiJgraiHJaJZJZJgJzrarara in civil matters have always car ried the weight that his thorough knowledge of the law justified.— Lexington Dispatch. Thomas Bradley of New York ran behind the targets at a shooting gal lery on a wager and was shot in the arm tlf you have any of the following symptoms I have the remedy no matter what your trouble has been diagnosed: Nervousness, stomach trouble, loss of weight, loss of sleep, sore mouth, pains in the back and shoulders, peculiar swimming in the head frothy like phlegm in throat, passing mucous from the bowels, especially after taking purgative, burn* ing feet, brown, rough or yellow skin, burning or itching skin, rash on the hands, face and arms resembling sunburn, habitual constipation, (sometimes alternating with diarrhoea) copper or metallic taste, skin sensative to sunheat, forget* fulness, despondency and thoughts that you might lose your mind, gums a fiery red and falling away from the teeth, general weakness with loss of energy. If you have these .va, symptoms and have W.C.ROUNTREE.M.D. taken all kinds of I medicine and still f* sick, I especially want you to write for my booklet. I C Mrs. J. D. Collett, Route No. 4, High Point, N. C., 9 ; whose picture appears here, writes: "During the JUt winter of 1927-28 I took your treatments, and lam glad to say that my family doctor says I have no symptoms now. I look, feel, and am a different BjWL person altogether. I cannot thank you and your medicine enough". if FOR FREE DIAGNOSIS AND LITERATURE " Wmrlmm WRITE: W. C. Rountree, M. D., Austin, Texas. MRSi j, D> COLLETT wmm IMMIW * iiar'vxsnQMtr- VF &.%+***%■ •> TT —- Mile. Eloise Challier, daughter of a banker in Marseilles, eloped with the family chauffeur, formerly an army officer. Police raided a prize fight in Dres den in which the combatants were two nude women, and more than 200 spectators were arrested.

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