! The Wayside Gang ♦ polished weekly "» 'Ac interest of the Rutherford County Wayside Gang ♦ jji.-S MYRTLE WILKERSON (Damfino) __ Editor ♦ MRS. W. L. HORN (Bunny) Associate Editor ♦ Contributions solicited from members and others. Mail all letters to Miss ♦ Slyrtle Forest City. THE TRIO. j know three young boys in our little town, Who :v"-' doing so much of this flirt- | ing around, I fear they have already joined, j the flappers gang, the first thing I know, they'll! go K bang! These three young men are pals; from their hearts, \nd you'll be wise, if you get them apart. They love girls in Forest City, Shelby, and all round, gar where they fall out, they'll comei back to town. These young men's names, I am i afraid to relate, I p u t when they call up the girls can't wait, They are tall and handsome, and Oh! so neat, That the girls come falling, right at their feet. One is a blonde, the other two are brunetts, They call their girls, dear, love and. their pets, But when they linger, and are a little late. The girls wonder, if they are filling another date. Three shieks from their hearts I don't mean maybe, If the girls will let them, they'll run them crazy, My advice to give, is to leave them alone, And they'll not be left, a broken heart to moan. SNOOKS, Spindale. * ♦ * DIPPY SEZ. After listening to a few radio con certs we have just about arrove (or do you prefer "arriven") at the conclusion that the ultimate in musi cal harmony would be a tonuge-tied quortet, with its upper plates miss- singing "The Volga Boat Song" ♦ i ▲ \ . f • I Is your investment : protected? { You know how much your new home £ cost you, yet fire may destroy the house ♦ before you move in. If that happened *♦ would you lose the home and its, money I value too? It is wise to protect your in t vestment from the very start —protect it : ♦ ! with insurance in the Hartford Fire Insur- : m I ance Company. J Fire insurance has saved many a home I builder from severe financial loss—pos sibly ruin. This agency knows, for it has ♦ the records. ♦ { For safe and sure insurance, call 64. ♦ 53 SECURITY | ISpl Insurance & Realty Co. ♦ *liMI HARRILL, Sec'y--Treas. ♦ PHONE 64 I Forest City, • - - N. C. in French with a Yiddish accent. Anyway, that's how it sounds to us. Why-I'm-not-going-to-marry-note- Hand That Rocks Cradle Pauses To "Rock" Mate From Home. "My life is on the rocks", wails despairing hubby as he flees under heavy bombardment. v Wilbert, the Woman Hater says:. If there's anything that makes me want to say ((censored) and throw the kitchen stove out in the back i yard its this, all-fired possessive at • titude of females toward us pants • wearing males. Personally, I ain't j going to be no lap dog husband for no woman, negatively speaking. Take the case of Louisa. Louisa is twelve and several persons have already told her she is very image of Glora Swan son. When Louisa sees an unusually nice Little Lord Fauntleroy she al ways heaves a deep Swanson sigh and gushes to her fond parent, "Ah! Mama, see the nice little mans. May I have him for my cbllection?" Phut! And a couple of wish-whoshes! —"DIPPY" * * $ 1 The stone you might have lifted out of a brother's way; The bit of heartsome counsel you were hurried too much to say; The loving touch of the hand, the gentle, winning tone, Which you had no time no thought for, with troubles enough of your own For life is all too short i And sorrow is all to great, To suffer our slow compascion Until it is all too late, It isn't the thing you do, It's the thing you leave undone, Which gives you a bit of heart ache at the setting of the sun. —"JUST ME." 9 THE FOREST CITY COURIER, T HURSDAY, OCTOBER .3, 1929. TO WAYSIDE BROWN. Mr. Wayside Brown, in his easy roll ing chair, He rolls all around, as if he didn't care. For he's happy each day, as happy as can be, Because of the wearing, of the little goat-tee. Now if Jim, and Eddie, and all the rest, Want to wear one, and look their very best, They can not out shine, Mr. Way-, side Brown, For he's quite the nicest, -looking, man in town. He knows how to win the ladies so fair, j Because of the silver streaks in his hair, , He is graceful, and neat, and oh! so nice. That the young ladies come around loving him twice. There's Smiley, the Skeeter and! Dam-fi-no, How many others to Charlotte would ■ want to go, To see Mr. Brown, and make love to him Because of the whiskers, he wears on ' his chin. Why, Ifear, Susie, Hot Dog, Tim and j others, Would want to bunch up, and go . along together, An.d then my advice, would be to Mr. \ Brown To get away fast, as he could leave j town. For this bunch of girls go crazy as j a Loon, ] If they are only looking, at the man j in the moon, And he don't even wear, a little goat-tee, But they just stand, and look and laugh, Tee-he. SNOOKS, Spindale. » m m THE FOREST CITY GANG. * j Lest you forget, I'll tell you yet, ! We need you in the line, City Hall is the place, And eight o'clock the time. . . The second Tuesday in each month, The night we can't forget; For if we do, the crowds are slim, And this won't do you bet. The Program Committee right busy got, So we do understand. If you desire to see the fun, Be sure to be on hand. New members too, we want right bad So get your friends to sign up. Let's get a gang so very large 'Tis hard to get lined up. So Gansters now, come one and all, 'Each one bring in a member 'Twill swell the fun for every one And great benefit render. —"FLOSSY" t ELLENBORO BUILDING THIRD POTATO HOUSE Ellenboro, Sept. 30.—Work on the construction of the third 5.000 bush el sweet potato storage house at El lenboro began Monday, by J. K. Blanton and C. B. Harrill, contrac tors. They expect to have the house completed within two weeks ready for storage of potatoes which begins on October 15, 1929. When complet ed the Ellenboro sweet potato curing plant will consist of three houses with a total capacity of 15,000 bush els. MOST people know this absolute antidote for pain, but are you careful to say Bayer when you buy it? And do you always give a glance to see Bayer on the box—and the word genuine printed in red? It isn't the genuine Bayer Aspirin without itl A drugstore always has Bayer, with the proven directions tucked in every box: 1 WHOLESALE FLOUR CO. MISDEMEANOR TO IMPORT . OPENS TOR BUSINESS 1 HOGS WITH CHOLERA The Littlejohn-Poole Company have 1 recently opened their wholesale flour. warehouse, near the Seaboard depot,' in the building formerly occupied by , Chambers and Turner. They will han-; die the celebrated Dunlop Milling} Company's products, which consists' of the Point Lace, Mother Goose and ; other flour and Dunlop's feeds and; meal. They are prepared to give im-' mediate service in delivering flour' direct to the merchant. They will be' wholesale distributors in Rutherford j and Polk counties. For further de-! tails see their quarter page adver- j tisement in this issue of The Courier, i i i i BOILING SPRINGS HAS j LARGE ENROLLENTj i Boiling Springs, Sept.. 30. j Boiling Springs College is now en- j tering its fifth week of the new! fall term. There are about two hun-! dred and thirty-five students enroll- j ed. Approximately one hundred and j fifty are enrolled in the college de- j partment. New students are still en- i tering daily. ' Miss Mary Ayers, of Forest City, | has b»en added to the already large \ faculty as college secretary. The football team is looking for-' ward to a great season. Many new players have been added to the squad during the past few days. Below is the schedule for the sea son as outlined by Coach Rackley: Oct. s—Gaffney, (there). Oct. 11—Mars Hill, (there). Oct. 16—Belmont Abbey, (there). Oct. 26—Oak Ridge at Shelby, (pending). Nov. 2—Asheville School, (there). Nov. 9—Wingate, (here). Nov. 16—Campbell College (there) Nov. 23—Appalachian Normal, (there). Nov. 28—Open. We're still waiting for the politi cal genius who can explain how to increase the price of everything we sell and lower the cost of everything we buy. igiHiajEiZjHfSfHJEJEJzrzriH ANNOUNCEMENT GREETINGS: Folks of Forest City, Rutherfordton, Spindale and Other Communities Ajacent We are here. We have cast our lot with you good people and we came to stay. Believing there was a demand here for a high grade flour distributor we have opened a wholesale flour and feed store in the old warehouse of Chambers and Turner on the S. A. L.,'Ry tracks. We are sole Distributer for the DUNLOP MILLING CO. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Flours listed below: Dunlops Point Lace Flour Dunlops Mother Goose Flour Dunlops Beauty Flour Dunlops Mary Jane Flour Dunlops Best Flour Dunlops Feeds and Meal For thirty years the Dunlap Milling Co., have maintained quality regardless of conditions and of cost. We are prepared to give you instant service delivering your flour right in your store eliminating any trouble on your part. We are awfully glad we had the opportunity to come to your community and here is our hand shake it and say you are glad too. And incidentally buy your flour from us. Sincerely, BE Litllejofin-Poole Co. wc Deiiver Wholesale only. A word to the ladies: Buy your groceries from your local home town Point Lace Flour costs a grocer. BECAUSE little more than the ordi- He helps with his taxes to run the Schools, pays nary flours. Worth lots Aftin D EMEU/ID ED the preachers, gives to lAVll) KlltlLltlDEl\ charity, keeps his money more: If you try it and a £ h ome) invests in his „ ' home town, takes a civic don t think so youi groce interest in his hometown, will refund your money— member chamber of com merce, member luncheon Fair? clubs. If you douht that your own home town merchant deserves your patronage ASK THE CHAIN STORE MANAGER to contribute to any civic enterprise. The answer will thrill you. • The following law was passed by . the last Legislature to promote hog raising in Rutherford county by pre : venting the spread of cholera. • Chapter 225 Sec. 1: ' That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to im . port into Rutherford county for the • purpose of sale, barter or exchange, ( any hog or hogs without first hav ; ing said hogs treated for hog chol ; era by an application of serum un- I der the supervision or provisions I prescribed by the State Yeterinai*- | ian according to the Consolidated 1 Statutes of North Carolina, Section J 4881. | Section 2. That any person vio j lating the provision of this act shall ,be guilty of a misdmeanor, and ! upon conviction shall be fined not ' to exceed the sum of SSO, or impris i oned not to exceed thirty days, j This act shall be in force from ! and after its ratification. Ratified, | 11th day of March, 1929. IT'S BILL PAYING TIME. Forest City merchants have been sending out a good many bills this week and most of them report that collections are picking up. It would be better for all concerned if all i would pay their bills when due; it j would keep more money in circula-j tion and at the same time give the 1 merchant a chance to be better pre-1 pared to discount his own bills. j We hope there are not many like j the one who wrote a Forest City j merchant as follows: "I got your letter about what I owe you. Now be pachunt. I ain't for got you. Pleez wait. When some folks pay me I pay you. If this was Judg- 1 I ment Day and you was no more pre- j j pared to meet your Maker than I j j am to pay you, you sure would have J j to go to hell. Trusting you will do j \ this, I am. Yours truly " j i I • ; I Misses Hilda McDonald, Dorothy j j McDonald and Glen Harris spent last I week in Washington, D. C. T mm TRAIN SCHEDULES Seaboard No. lOt*. st»utn. Arr 10:30 a. m. No. 21, South Arr. 12:18 p. m. No. 22, North Arr. p. m. I Southern No. 113, South, Arr. t>:ls a. m. No. 36 North, Arrive 10:27 A. M. No. 3i*, South, Airive b:L'i I'. M. No. 114, North Arr. 8:40 p. m. Clinchtield No. 37, North, Arr. 10:45 a. m. No. 38, South, Arr 4:48 i>. nv No. 110, North. An* U >2O n. m Arrival of trains at Forest City. Schedule is published for informa tion only, and is not guaranteed cor rect. Acfd^ | The common cause o! digestive diffi culties is excess acid. Soda cannot alter j this condition, and it burns the stomach. Something that will neutralize the acid ! ity is the sensible thing to take. That is i why physicians tell the publie to use { Phillips Milk of Magnesia. I One spoonful cf this delightful prepk ! ration can neutralize many times its volume in acid. It acts instantly; relief is quick, and very apparent. Ail gas is dispelled; all sourness is soon gone; the whole system is sweetened. Do trv this \ perfect anti-acid, and remember it is just . as good for children, too, and pleasant j for them to take. j Any drugstore has the genuine, pra » scriptional product. PHILLIPS r Milk . of Magnesia