Rutherford County Offer# Unequalled Opportunities To Manufacturers and Others VOL. XII —No. 33. GEO. C. M'NEILL DIES OF INJURIES Rutherfordton Lineman Passes After Receiving Electric Shock and Broken Neck Saturday. 4 Rutherfordton, May 21. —George C McNeill, age 37 years, lineman of , he* Rutherfordton, Light and Power Co. died in the Rutherford hospit-j ;:1 Wednesday morning at 7:20 o'clock f injuries received Saturday night when he fell from an electric posit. . fter coming into contact with a high powered electric line. \lr. McNeill climbed an electric ieht pole to connect the lights in a 01116 Saturday night and came in | contact with a high voltage *rirej -.vhich carried about 2,300 volts. He fell about 18 feet. Realizing that he was shocked, it is supposed that McNeill kicked his climbers loose and that let his body fall. His neck was fractured in twio places. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where he remained conscious most of the time until his death. He is sur vived by his widow, three small child ren, his mother and one sister, Mrs. Edgar Hill, of Rutherfordton. Mr. McNeill was a native of Georgia He came to Rutherfordton in 1919, and has sinc£ been connected with the Rutherfordton power and light epartment. He was an active mem ber of the Rutherfordton Baptist church, and took an active part in the Sunday school., • Funeral services will be held Fri day morning at ten o'clock from the Rutherfordton Baptist church. Inter ment will be in the Rutherfordton • A cemetery. To Decorate Graves Of World War Vets ♦ The American" Legion Posts, of Forest City and Rutherfordton will cooperate in placing a wreath on the grave of each World war veteran buried in Rutherford county on na tional Memorial Day, May 30. The Posts have appointed special com mittees for that purpose and they will make every effort to locate every grave and place wreaths on them. The people of the county are re quested to donate wreaths to the Legion Posts for that purpose. The ladies of the Legion Auxiliary will receive flowers at Forest. City or Rutherfordton. Donors of flowers are requested to bring in the flowers on Thursday, May 29, so they will be on hand on Friday., Every veteran is requested to re port to the committee graves of ex foldiers in the county, especially those of soldiers who have died since the war, or the graves of ex-soldiers last resting place is unmarked. A FINE GIRL. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Watkins are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a little daughter, born Wednesday, May 21. The mother was formerly Miss Sara King. BEE SPECIALIST COMING. Rutherfordton, May 20. —C. L. > s am?, of State college, will be in -utherford county Monday to assist Mr. Patton in a bee study course, j ?ney will hold a session at the home ( oi ' Mr. J. H kf Walker, of Rutherford- j on > R-l, Monday morning at 10 o'clock, at Mr. B. B. Sanders at 2 ostie at 6:30 p. m., the same day. All bee keepers and others interested ar e cordially invited to attend. ENTHUSIASTIC SIMMONS MEETING HELD TUESDAY A meeting of the Rutherford Coun ty Simmons Club was held in the city tall here Tuesday night* which was attended by a good representation ;''om practically all of the townships. county chairman, Z. O. Jenkins, "resided. Plans were made at the to register and vote as many Emmons supporters as possible. Miss Marie Hughes had her tonsils Removed Wednesday morning and H icing nicely. FOREST CITY COURIER FOREST CITY—"ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIFULL CITIES IN THE U. S. A." U. &. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY. Local Boy Hurt In Charlotte Eugene Keeter of Forest City was: slightly injured in Charlotte Wed-j nesday, May 14, at 4:30 p. when' he was struck by an automobile driv- J en by Mrs. B. B. Bishop of Tryon, at Mint and Morehead stt^ets. Witnesses said tnat Mr. Keeter. was running to get .in an automo- i bile when the Tryon car struck him. ' Mrs. Bishop driving west on Morehead street. Mr. Keeter was' taken to the Charlotte Sanatorium where he received treatment for his injuries. He was able to return to his home here Friday. COUNTY G. OTPT ; NAMES TICKET | Republicans Hold Enthusiastic Convention—Hamrick Re- Elected Chairman. Rutherfordton, May 19. —The re- ■ publicans of Rutherford county held an enthusiastic and largely attend-' »d convention here Saturday after-! noon. It was a harmonious and op timistic meeting. Brownlow Jackson of Hendersonville, republican candi date for congress of the 10th dis trict made an address, discussing the general organization work of the party. The county chairman of the ex ecutive committee, Fred D. Hamrick made an enthusiastic address and discussed the platform. He was re elected chairman. The convention endorsed the candidacy of Attorney J. S Dockery of this place for solici tor of the 18th judicial district. The following ticket was named for county officers: Legislature, Fred D. Hamrick; sheriff, J. Edgar Mc- Farland, Rutherfordton; register of Blaine B. Logan, L6g»r'sta tion; clerk of court, . W. Gordon Scogginj Union Mills; county com missioners, L. Purgason, Bostic, R. I.; Okie Biggerstaff, Forest City, and G. Arthur Callahan, Rutherfordton; board of education, E. E. Smart, Bostic; Mrs. R. E. Price, Ruther fordton; B. and W. L. Smith, Hen rietta; coroner, Tom E. Keeter, Rutherfordton. The platform adopted unanimous ly calls for the abolition of the of fice of county treasurer, to be com bined with county accountant, fa vors rigid economy in county gov ernment, pledged the people that the republican board of county com missioners would issue no bonds ex cept in case of fire to public build ings or dire necessity, advocated the abolition of the county recorder's of fice and condemns the present board | of county commissioners for deposit : ing $332,000 in the banks of the county without adequate security bonds. i ALEXANDER SCHOOLS, INC., COMMENCEMENT SOON '"■ V j Rutherfordton, May 20.—Com— ' mencement exercises at Alexander Schools, Inc., at Union Mills, this i county, a home for motherless and ! orphan children, said to be different j from any other institution of the I kind in the state, will come to a J close Friday with the seventh grade ! graduation exercises at 10 o'clock in l the morning and the high school graduation program at 8 in the evening. Dr. J. W. O'Hara, of Asheville, su-. perintendent of the Mountain Mis- j sion schools, wili deliver the address in the morning and County Super- j intendent Clyde A. Erwin will speak, in the evening. j There are 20 members of the sev-j enth grade graduating class, and 12 j high school seniors. j Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, as a j feature of the commencement pro-) gram, a reading and declamation contest will be held. , Mr. and Mrs l , Clyde Hardin and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrill moved this i week to the O. B. Biggerstaff apart- ment on East Main street. - Misses Ruth Doggett and Mayo 1 Mayse will spend the week-end with Miss Thoy Templeton in Charlotte. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST REST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY HEAVY SENTEN' I GIVEN IN (Jj ,T h4 W ~ £ . afc Sixteen Receive From Four Months to Ten Years Sat urday Morning—Others Sentenced. Rutherfordton, May 19.—Sixteen men, white and colored, were given sentences here Saturday morning, ranging from four months on the 1 roads to ten years in the state pri-! son when Judge Walter E. Moore! ! # I handed out sentences for violators 1 tried during the first week of the criminal term of the superior court. 1 i Tom Walker, Sam Small and Hen-, ry Warlick, three young white men who were tried on three charges of storebreaking were sentenced, Walker and Small each receiving terms of three years in the gtate prison. Henry Warlick was. given a sentence of two years on the roads, isuspended for a period of five year? i provided he showed good behaviour j during that period and paid the ; costs and a fine of S3OO. Attorneys ifor Walker and Small gave notice, of j appeal and bonds of SI,OOO each i and appeal bond of. .SIOO was assess ed. 1 E. C. Hilton, young white man, tried earlier in the week on charges of forgery was given a sentence of three years in the state prison. Leroy Green, negro, also charged with forgery, drew a two years pen sentence. i Tom Moore and R. L. Teague were each given a pen sentence of ten .'years for housebreaking. 1 Howard Walker, young Forest City bby, was found guilty of fora ery, but on evidence offered to sho»jP r : him mentally incompetent and ihal his father had made good, the. checks which he had forged, a sentence if months was imposed, ed on good behavior. ! In the" case of Gil, Lewis and Ar chie Taylor, three young white men, brothers, found guilty of store breaking, the two younger brothers, ! Archie and Gil Taylor were given from three to five years in the state prison, and Louis Taylor, the eldest was given 5 to 10 years in state prison. J Rube Miller, found guilty of lar ceny, was given two years in state | prison. ! Roland Hamilton, negro, -was con ' victed on a seduction charge and a 'sentence of two years on the public roads of Rutherford county was giv en. | Perry Suber, young negro, a form er employee of the Jones Grocery i Company was convicted of embezzle ment. of money from the company with which he worked. He was given a two years sentence on the Ruth erford county chain gang. Attorney C. O. Ridings made an appeal to the judge t 0 send the negro to the coun !ty home. The judge's response was that the negro would not, stay there two weeks. "Very well," replied At j torney Ridings, "you try it, and if he don't stay, I'll take his place." This brought chuckles from the court | spectators,- but the judge was set. in ; his course, and would consider no 'substitute for the road sentence. i In the- case of Dude Kennedy, , charged with violating the prohibi tion law, the jury returned a ver ' diet of not guilty. Fred Biggerstaflf, , also charged with violating the pro hibition law, was given a six months road Frank Elliott was al so given a four months sentence on the same charge, and John Miller was fined $25.00 and costs, and giv en a suspended sentence for a pro hibition law violation. In the case of Clarence Phillips, the judge imposed a sentence of three months. A mistrial resulted in the case of Leon Wall, charged with non-support. In a larceny charge against Kate Ford the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Zed Han-ill pled guilty to a charge of reckless driving, and sentence was suspended on payment of the costs of the case. Furman Gladden was given a twenty days' jail sentence for jail breaking. Matthew Watkins, young negro (Continued on Last Page) FOREST CITY, NORTJ £ )LINA, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930. HIGH SCHOOL CLOSING EXERCISES BEGIN SUNDAY 11l •*» I H —|! | Commencement Speaker i W* I j a " J9 I Dr. Harrold D. Myers, of the Uni versity of North Carolina, who will i deli' ver the annual commencement ad dress at Cool Springs high school on 1 Frijiay evening, May 30. TWO FIRES CAUSE I $4,500 DAMAGE C fey House Burned Friday j fight- Home of Fred ! Smart Destroyed Sat urday. I ' I i *.i i he residence, belonging to Fred Snmrt, on Broadway street, was prac tically destroyed, together with all oi • his househould furniture, Sundav I " v * A at 4 o'clock. The cause-ci fht fire is undetermined but is irr lieved to have been started from s defective t wire. Mr. Smart and his family were sper■dirsr the night with relatives and were not at home wher the fire started. None of the furniture was saved the entire house being a blaze wher neighbors were awakened by th crackling of the flames and turne' in the alarm* The loss is approxi mately $2,000 and was covered b] insurance. Friday night about 10:30 o'clocl a house belonging to Mr. H. E. Cof fey, of Alexander, located in th Florence Mill section of this city was destroyed by fire. Mr. Coffey was moving into this house, part o1 : his furniture already being in it when it was burned. The damage tc | this house was about $2,500. It was insured. Forest City has suffered a largt loss from fires within recent months five residences being destroyed ir the past two months at an estimatec j damage of $15,000. BAPTIST WOMEN TO HOLD RUTHERFORDTON MEET ; Rutherfordton, May 20.—Th( Charlotte division .of the Baptisl State Woman's Missionary union will meet in Rutherfordton at the Firsl Baptist church on Thursday and Friday, June 5 and 6. Abojut 30C visitors and delegates from 19 dif ferent Baptist associations are ex pected to attend. A full two-day's program will be given. EXHIBITS BIG HAIL STONES. Ittatherfordton, May 20.—Mrs. U. Si.. Gibbs, of Chimney Rock town ship, near the Rutherford-Polk line, was in town Monday afternoon and exhibited balls of hail that fell re cently in hep section which had been preserved in an ice house. Some of them were as largi as a hen egg. GRADUATES REMEMBERED. The Romina Theatre will give pass es, good from May 31st to June 15th, to graduates of the local high school. One paragraph on the passes reads: "May we take this opportunity to extend our congratulations for your accomplishments during your last high school year and wish you con tinued success in your future en deavors." Dr. Harrold D. Myers To Deliver Literary Address > v • Dr. W. W. Peele Will Preach Baccalaureate Ser mon—Fifty-One Members in This Year's Senior Class. I The Cool Springs township school; ivill close a very successful school > term this week. The commencement! exercises will open Sunday evening, with the baccalaureate sermon. Di\ Wi. W. Peele, of Charlotte, will preach the sermon, ,and services at the Forest City churches will be sus pended on that evening ,in order to allow as many as wish t 0 go to the j school auditorium. Special music will be furnished by the church choirs and the congregation. The program for Sunday evening follows: Prelude; Invocation; "Come Thou, Almighty King," Congregation led by choirs; Scripture; Anthem "Send Out Thy Light," Introduction of Speakerf Baccalaureate Sermon; Hymn "Tomorrow" Congregation led by choirs. Senior Play. On Tuesday evening, May 27, the senior play will be presented in the school auditorium. The title of the play is "What Anne Brought Home." The characters are as follows: Sam Bennett, —Kenneth Bostic. Mrs. Hattie Bennett —Lila Gordon King. Alma Bennett —Madge Moore. Herb Hardcastle— Sj&lem Suker. . , " v' ■- fc-. it - ffefory Bennett —James Moss. Anne Bennett Purdy—Delle Wof ford. ' Dudley Purdy—Fred Blanton. Nina Bennett —Leona Hardin. J. T. Raymond—Rudolph Blanton ! Time—Seenimek. , | Place: A small village in the northern part of Indiana. I A small admission fee will bt , charged. No reserved seats. Piano Recital, j On Thursday afternoon, May 29 at five o'clock, Class Day exercises will be held in front of the hig> school building. 1 Miss Katherine Goggan's piano re cital will be given Thursday evening at the high school building. A list oi the numbers of the piano recital art as follows: Duet—Tiny Waltz, Roger Cok and Charles Moore. Kinscella. Solo, In May, Katherine Blanton Martini.. v Solo, Evening Bells, The Raii: Song; Bernice and Frances Dorsey Kinscella. Solo, Melody with Variations Marie Huntsinger. Solo, Fall in Line; Russell Blan ton, Southerland. Solo, Vesper Hymn; Dorothy Hunt singer, Kinscella. Solo, Long, Long, Ago, Mildred Mcßrayer, Kinscella. Solo, At the Party, Martha Greene, Kinscella. Solo, Home, Sweet Home, Margar et Hamrick, Kinscella. Solo, Slumber Song, The Robin, Eugenia Harrill. Solo, Memories of Spring, Dorothy Turner, Bert Anthony. Duo, Sonatina in G, Melody in F, Bennie and Johnnie Washburn, Cleminti and Rubenstein. Solo, Stolen Kissed, Marjorie Pad gett, Walter Rolf. Solo, To a Wild Rose, Sybil Moore, MacDowell. Solo, Hunting Song, Bennie Wash turn, Mendelssohn. Duet, Amaryllis, Mary Frances Harrill and Teacher, Ghys. Solo, Valse (|racile, Doris L|ed t>etter, Horatio Parker. Solo, Lotus Land, Frances Led jetter, Cyril Scott. Solo, Scottish Tone Poem, John lie Washburn, MacDowell, Duo, Sonata No. 3, Doris and Frances Ledbetter. On Friday morning, May 30, the leclamation and recitation: contests will be held in the school auditorium. 1 4 Pages 84 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance A list of the contestants will be giv en next week. Dr. Harrold D. Myers t 0 Speak. Dr. Harold D. Myers, of the Uni versity of North Carolina, will de liver the annual literary address Fri day evening, May 30. The program for that evening follows: Girls Glee Club, On Music's Wings by Mendelssohn. Awarding of Medals, Mr. C. C. Erwin. Trio—(a) May Music, by Bliss; (b) By and By, by Dvorak. Introduction of speaker, Supt. Clyde A. Erwin. Address, Dr. Harrold D. Myers. Awarding Diplomas, Mr. J. W. Eakes. * , Boys' Glee Club, Sleepy Hollow- Tune by Kountz. Fifty-One Seniors. The following is a list of > the names of the senior class of the Cool [Springs high school. This is the lar jgest class in the history of Rutther ' ford county. Charlotte high school has 252 in its senior class. This is only five times as many as the local senior class. This is only a ratio of 5 to 1. This shows up well for Coo!! Springs high when we stop to con sider that has a popula-^ Springs Township. This would ljiake the ratio of seniors at Forest City twice that of Charlotte in propor tion to the population. .>* «v ; Kenneth Fred Blanton, Ru dolph Blanton, Sarah Bridges, Joy Brackett, Jessie Blanton, James Car son, Charles Duncan, Tom Dorsey, Dorothy Dogg£tt, Mary Frye, Roy Freeman, Alfred Gilliam, Hoyle ( Griffin, Claxton Horton, Al bert Harrill, • Oscar Harrill. Inez Hamrick, Alma Hardin r Leona Hardin, Sara Holland, Pearl Erwin, Alice Keeter, Charles Kirby. Lila Gordon King, J. P. Lewis, Gladys Long, Woodrow Matheney, James Moss, Eleanor Meares, Kathleen Mc- Murry, Virginia Mills, Katherine Moore, Mary Moss, Madge Moore, Joe Neal, Margaret Neal, O'lema Philbeck, Jack Rudisill, Zennie Ran dall, Christine Sutton, Salem Suber, Carter Thomas, Lee Tate. Frances Tinsley, Rosaline Thompson, Ruby Toms, Reid Washburn, Anna Belle Ware, Delle Wofford, Horace Yelton. A Mt. pleasant Commencement. The Mt. Pleasant Grammar school closed one of the best sessions in the history of the school Friday, May 16th. The progress of the students and the average daily attendance was far above the average for the school. The commencement program was very entertaining It was varied and in such a way as to keep interest up to the highest pitch all the time. The following was on the program: A group of songs by primary grades. Reading, Mattie Smith. Awarding of certificates and diplo mas. Friday afternoon at Coon Creek •chool. Little Orphan Annie, Mary F. Ran lall. Negro night school, Grades six and «ven. Group of songs, Grammar grades. The following received diploma?: ifarshall Matheney, Eugene Walker, •'lay Hunt, Bruce Price, Robert Ail ed, Paul Toms, Henry Toms, and Jlanche Towery. Misses Catherine Mc-Brayer and fcuby Moore, of Davenport college spent the week-end here with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben ilcßrayer and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. tfoore.

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