EAST AVONDALE Avondale, June 3. —Mrs. ; H. H. Jenkins left last Friday for a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. F. Lewis, of Scotland Neck. Mr. Jenkins accom panied her but returned home Sun day night. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Owens spent Sunday at Chestnut Hill. Friends of Miss Amanda Haynes, of Cjfcffside, and Miss Nannoy of Rutfejtfordton, are delighted to know that teach in Avon dale this comfcpg year. Miss Haynes graduates frogftßandolph-Macon col • lege this high honors, while Miss Naffley is graduating at Meredith and is also and honor stu dent. Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wells, graduated at Cliff side, high school last week as vale dictorian of his class. We are proud of his record and are expecting still greater things of him. Mrs. Grace ] Cantrell was voted the prettiest girl > of the class. Little Miss Alice Mar- ] garet Wiseman made a most attrac-; tive mascot. Mrs. P. H. Wiseman is Improving slowly after an injury to her back. Mrs. Fannie Hicks and guest Monday with Mrs. Z. 0. Jenkins. We j are sorry to note that Mrs. Jenkins i has not been well for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Hamrick! and daughters, spent Saturday in* Forest City. j 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Haynes, of 1 Winterhaven, Fla., visited in Avon-;; dale Thursday. It May l JS4 \JF When your " Children Ciy for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby it fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease. If restless, a few drops Boon bring contentment. No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors' word for that! It is a vegetable pro duct and you could use it every day. But it's in an emergency that Castoria means most. Some night when constipation must be relieved—or colic pains— or other Buffering. Never be without it j some mothers ke?p an extra bottle, un opened, to make sure there will aivrayn be Castoria in the house. It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it. G. M. Huntley & Son I Funeral Directors Licensed Embalmer. I Free Ambulance Service. DAY OR NIGHT, PHONES 292 AND P5. WEST MAIN STREET. FOREST CITY, N. C. | CAROLINA COAL CO. I C. C. & O Depot ♦ Forest City, N. C. ♦ Now open to serve you. Call us for your winter supply of good Clinchfield coal while prices are low. Suitable for your furnace, J cook stove, grate or heater. More heat and less waste. It burns 2 anywhere. + ♦ LOOK Z Egg lump coal 2V2*4 inches, per ton „ $6.00 J Large Lump, per ton $6.25 ♦ Mine Run, per ton $5.25 I Telephone: Office 283.M Residence 1511 ♦ 'THIEVES ROB SAFE OF MOORESBORO CREAMERY * —— | Mooresboro, June 9. —Th e safe of the Mooresboro Creamery was open ed and robbed some time Monday i right or early Tuesday morning of 'last week. i Only about fiv e dollars, in change, i was taken, according to Mr. J. U. j Rollins, head of the creamery. | Checks made out to the creameiy 'were left in a pigeon-hole by the j thieves, who apparently were dubious jof taking the checks because they j might drop a clue to officers. ' Sheriff Irvin Allen investigated [the robbery but states that so far 'there are no clues which can be *made public. It seems as if the com 'bination of the safe was smashed land that something was then used to . ; blow the door open. I i U Mr. Average Farmer broadcast ing from Station YFBL —YOURS FOR BETTER LIVESTOCK. I guess I should be ashamed of ; myself but I had to laught when , my neighbor's cow got into the i granary one night, last week ami ; almost foundered. It wasn't real- j ly funny, but he had been ai'guing j with me just that day that cows don't need any grain while on pas ture. It tickled me when his cow showed him that, she would like to have the grain. A cow may not know what shr; needs but when she shows that she wants grain, even if she has been on pasture all day, she means it. ; And she shouldn't be treated a little handful of nubbins, but \ should have a well balanced ration 'just as in winter, though not quite !so much, of course. Feed probably wouldn't help much if cow gives only half a gallon of milk, each night and morning, but if she doesn't give any more than that she isn't worth milking anyway. The cow that produces enough to pay for the milking, however, should have a balanced ration with a pro tein concentrate. A good ration that has been tried out. and proved as a profit maker is composed of 400 pounds of ground corn, hominy, or barley; 300 pounds of ground oats; 100 pounds of wheat bran, and 100 pounds of linseed meal. This mixture should be fed one pound for each six pounds of milk if the pasture is good and in larger amounts if the pasture is poor. And don't forget to keep one eye on the pasture; it may be pretty short and not furnish as much feed as you think. If you need any feeding hints just drop a line to XYZ, Box 420 New Londqji, Wisconsin. Station TFBL—YOURS FOR v BETTER LlVESTOCK—signing off. THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 193 a Ir. L. Leary To Head Spindale School ! Spindale, June 9.—Prof. R. L. j Leary will be principal of th e Spin- Idale school next year, succeeding R. i Wendall Eaves who resigned to go ! to Baltimore next year to teach, j Prof. Edgar J. Hargis will succeed | Mr . Leary at the high school accord jing to an announcement made by j Supt. L. E. Spikes, Other changes announced by him follows. I Prof. R. M. Morris of Concord, | graduate of State college, succeeds ! Mr. M. L. Treadwell on July Ist, as •' the latter will gt) into another field {to work. He is here now getting in touch with the local situation, j Miss Margaret Hunt succeeds .'Miss Bessie Sams as Science teacher lat Central High school. ! Miss Margaret Causy will be suc ! ceeded by Miss Alice Heiman of I Asheville, at the high school, ] There will be two changes in the j Spindale faculty next year and one leach at Rutherfordton and Ruth. Miss Gertrude Jones of Peach-i land will succeed Miss O'Lema ( Flack in the first grade at Spindale j while Miss Elizabeth Davis, of ? Hickory, will succeed Miss Flack in j the second grade. Miss Staples of Weaverville, will j be added to the sixth grade of the | Spindale school, due to an increase _ of the average attendance. Miss Mary E. Byers of Rock Hill, | S. C., will be added to the high j school faculty as librarian and his- j tory teacher. Miss Cora Lee Skyes of Char-1 lotte will succeed Miss Fannie j Dabbs in the first grade of th-2 \ Rutherfordton elementary school. Miss Helen Plant will succeed Miss Addye Henderson in the sth j and 6th grades of the Ruth school, i Prof. Wade B. Matheny has re- j signed as a member of the high I I school faculty to go into other j work. - i Funeral Held For Mr. Lewis H. Wells Caroleen, June 9. —Mi\, Lewis H. Wells, age 58, died at. his home in Caroleen Monday morning, June 2, early following a complication of diseases. He had been in declining health for several months but was seriously ill for only ten days. Funeral services and burial were held at Salem Methodist church * Tuesday afternoon June 3, with Revs. J. E. Hipp and Z. D. Harrill in charge. A larg e crowd attended. The floral offering were large and beau tiful. ' Mr. Wells is survived by the fol lowing children: Misses Johnie Myrtle, Mabel and Magdalene,, Messrs;. Jerude and James Wells, all of Caroleen; Russell Wells, Pickens, S. C.; Mesdames " Call Hamrick, Shelby; Ruth Atkins, Caroleen and Duette Whitaker, Hen rietta. Two sisters: Mrs. D. L. Poole, of Spindale and Mrs. Texie Bridges of Bostic also survive with one brother, Edgar Wells of Bos tic. Mr. Welis formerly lived near Salem church. His wife died irg the winter of 1929. He join ed Walls Baptist church early in life and was a devoted Christian. He was a faithful member of Caro leen Baptist church at the time of his death and was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends and relatives. CHIMNEY ROCK BANK DEPOSITORS MEET Chimney June 9.—The de positors of the defunct Chimney Rock Trust Co., met last week at Flynn's Filling Station and decided to em ploy a lawyer to represent them and see if some of their funds could not be recovered. The following commit tee was appointed to look after the details of the work: C. V. Freeman, Will M. Flynn and L. Logan. They . cpnferred with Attorney W. C. Mc- Rorie and retained him. Those pres ent made up SIOO to start the "ball ! rolling." About 40 enthusiastic de ; positors were present. j Ask Your Soldier Boy How "Cooties" Got Such a Hold. He'll tell you that the battlefronts ! of Europe were swarming with rats, which carried the dangerous vermin j and caused our men misery. Don't j let rats bring disease into your home, j When you see the first one, get RAT i SNAP. That will finish them quick. I Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold ; and guaranteed by Farmers Hard ware Co., Forest City, N. C. ~ ! forest city boy • i INVENTS AUTO APPLIANCE j ! A tire rack brace for Model A I. Fords, designed to prevent injury to the tire rack from collision and pre-j jven* theft of the spare tire, has been , invented by Robert L. Williams, eve ning school student in the elemen- } tary subjects for adults, at Dallas, Tgxss« I '. Mi% Williams' device has received | i ' the approval of the Ford Motor Com- { pany and is recommended by Ford! dealers. The braces are being man- j ; ufactured in Dallas by the Mosei j Manufacturing Company. - j. S Mr. Williams has attended the Dal las evening school for two years and:' is now doing third-grade, work. He r was born in Forest City, N. C. When , he was eight years old his mother died and soon afterward he went to Fngland with a step-brother who was j a jockey. H e soon became a jockey, j also, and for several years rode race j horses in England. j c j He returned to America, where hej continued as a jockey until theja I Southern Turf was closed. 1 1 f He is now a sheet metal worker J a |at A. C. Horn's metal works, at Dal-jC ;las, Texas. j ll ! . »t Medicine Cabinet. |Q i Queen of Sheba —My gracious, the -A aby has a stomach ache. jq Lord Booter (excitedly): Page!!,y Call in the Secretary of the Interior. C SERVING MANY BUSINESSES Experience of large the unusual reliability of the new Ford A SIGNIFICANT TRIBUTE to the value of XX the new Ford is found in its increas ing use by Federal, state and city gov ernments and by large industrial com panies which keep careful day-by-day cost records. In most instances, the Ford has been chosen only after exhaustive tests of every factor that contributes to good performance—-speed, power, safety, com fort, low cost of operation and up-keep, reliability and long life. Prominent among the companies using the Ford are the Associated Companies of the Bell System, Armour and Com pany, The Borden Company, Continental Baking Corporation, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, General Electric Com pany, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com pany, Kellogg Company, Knickerbocker Ice Company, Morton Salt Company, Pillsbury Flour Mills Company, The Procter and Gamble Company, and Swift & Company. _ Each of these companies uses a large number of Ford cars and trucks. The Associated Companies of the Bell System use more than eight thousand. Modern business moves at a fast pace and it needs the Ford. Daily, in count less ways and places, it helps to speed the production and delivery of the world's goods and extend the useful ser vice of men and companies. Constant, steady operation over many thousands of miles emphasizes the ad vantages of the sound design of the Ford car, its high quality of materials, and NEW LOW FORD PRICES - r Three-window Model AA Truck Chassis, 131%-infh kS.* Wy, mE^wjt|p^g— Model AA Track Chassis, 157-ineli Model AA Panel Delivery . . . • (780 . :^i j r -__ ■•. ~— — All pricet f. o. b. Detroit, pint freight «m* m ~~ Universal Credit Company plan of timo payment* ofcTt another Ford «f»M»3f '. .. 1 FORD MOTOR COMPANY * BOSTIC LOCALS. | Bostic, June 9—Miss Lillian Wash burn, who has been attending Queens college, has returned home for her summer vacation. She is spending this week visiting friends in Char lotte, Durham and Greensboro and attending Duke commencement. Miss Alice Washburn has return led home after spending the school i I year at Davenport college where she won honors. Mrs. R. B. Martin and son Bob bie, Jr., have returned to their home on Long Island, N. Y., after spend ing a month with Mrs. Martin's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E, N. Washburn. Bladder Irritation j i If functional Bladder Irritation j disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn- j ing or Itching Sensation, Back-1 ache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches,. making ydu 'feel tired, depressed, j and discouraged, why not try the { Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give j up. Get Cystex today. Put it to the test. See for yourself how nuickly it works and what it does. Vloney back if it doesn't- bring iniick improvement, and satisfy ,-ou completely. Try Cystex today. Dnly 60c. Peoples Drug Store. unusual accuracy in manufacturing. Beneath its graceful lines and beautiful colors there is a high degree of me chanical excellence. An example of the value built into the Ford is the use of more than twenty ball and roller bearings. They are hidden within the car and you may never see them. Yet they play an important part in satisfactory, economical performance. Their function is similar to the jewels off a fine watch. Throughout the Ford chassis, a ball or roller bearing is used at every place where it is needed to reduce friction! and wear and give smooth, reliable me chanical operation. At many points, as on the transmission counter-shaft, clutch release, fan and -pump shaft, and front drive shaft, these ball and roller bearings are used where less costly types of bearings ipight be considered adequate. Additional instances of the high quality built into the Ford are the ex tensive use of steel forgings, fully enclosed four-wheel brakes, Rustless Steel, four Houdaille double-acting hy draulic shock absorbers, aluminum pis tons, chrome silicon alloy valves, torque-tube drive, three-quarter floating rear axle, and the Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield. The Ford policy has always been to use the best possible material for each part and then, through large produc tion, give it to the public at low cost. NEW LOW FORD PRICES * _r. M mi \mJ • Never tvait to see if a headaeh* vilj "wear off." Why suffer when th.-re's Bayer Aspirin? The many niillnr.s c f men and women who use it in ir. rcas ing quantities every year prove :>.i; ;j does relieve such pain. And a c >ure!v relieves that of neuralgia; neurit;/; even rheumatism. Doctors deciar-i uinc Aspirin ( with the Bayer Cn;j 0n every box and tablet) docs not afreet the heart. Any c'"i i gstore. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayor Mamv'i ( c£ S&lic) *.raciU