Rutherford 4 County pf fcrt Unequalled Opportunities To Manufacturers and Others VOL. XII—No. 40. LARGE NUMBER CAST VOTE IN SECOND PRIMARY; Total Vote Exceeds That of the First Primary—Hardin, Jones, Blanton and Deck Were Nominated. Approximately twenty more peo ple voted in the second primary held last Saturday than voted in the first, primary held one month ago. W. C. Hardin Won over his op- • ponent, H. B. Doggett, for nomina- ( tion to office of sheriff by a ma jority of 451 votes. J. P., Jones, George Blanton and A. W. Deck,: were nominated to office of coun-, ty commissioner, eliminating H. H. j Tucker and W. G. Harris. A total, of 4,876 votes were cast in the com-, roissioners' contest., J. P. Jones led j the commissioners ticket with George Blanton a close second. A. W. Deck defeated H. H. Tucker for third _ place on the board. j Based on the sheriff's vote a total j cf 5,203 people voted Saturday, as; compared with 5,187 voting in the j first primary for the same officers. . All precincts reported a quiet day, ( no disorders of any nature occuring. j The returns were received Satur-; day night by Mr. J fc. Anderson, j chairman of the Board of Elections i and Messrs. P. C. Rollins and W. J. j Mode, also members of the board j of elections, in the recorder's court j room in the court house. The returns were immediately telephoned to the 1 Rutherford County News office, j where the official board was placed.» The street had been previously rop- . ed off from the postoffice to the in-; tersection with Route 20, and ap-j proximately 2,000 people filled the j huge arena to get first-hand infor-1 matiqg on th& elertroflk| Mt. Vernon was the first precinct to report, the registrar, Mr. York, 1 bringing in the' returns at eight ■ minutes after eight. He was follow ed by Owens, Union and Avondale ! precincts. By nine o'clock fourteen of the twenty-seven precincts had reported. They came in slower after this. Rutherfordton reported about; ten-thirty o'clock, leaving only Cool Springs No. 2 to report. This pre-; cinct reported their returns shortly j after eleven o'clock. I j THE GENIAL DOCTOR j WINS ANOTHER SILVER CUP ! - Dr. A. C. Duncan is one golf en thusiast who is bringing renown to j the city by his success in winning a silver cup every now and then, j The genial doctor's latest exploit was to win another cup at the an nual open tournament of the Tryon Gclf and Country Club on July ( fourth. In the first flight, Fred Webb, the j Bobby Jones of Shelby, was winner, with Dan Rion, of Tryon, as runner ( up. In the second flight, J. Hamp I of Atlanta, was winner, with Duncan as runner up, for which j the local man won his fourth cup in £ If competition. J HEWITT AUTO WORKS ADDS NEW DEPARTMENT I ■ The Hewitt Auto Works has been | growing by leaps and bounds and, has proven a most popular and profit able enterprise since its inception. The latest addition to this en terprise has been the addition of a painting and ducoing department, which has been placed under the capable management of Mr. J. C. Hushing, who comes to Forest City highly recommended as a man of ex perience and integrity. He was formerly in business at High Point, J-andrum and Tryon, coming hefre irom the latter point. He is thor oughly familiar with every detail of the painting business and with his experience and ability, should get the i ew department of the Hewitt Auto Works on a paying basis. His com ing is an added asset to the growing city and a forward mqve by Mr. Hewitt in maintaining the city's P'estige as the business center of the county. FOREST CITY COURIER FOREST CITY—"ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIFUI. CITIES IN THE U. S. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT-OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AT CAROLEEN Rev. J. A. Brock, pastor of the J Caroleen-Henrietta Baptist churches, opened Daily Vacation Bible schools at Henrietta and Caroleen Monday. Over 300 pupils were enrolled dur ing the first day's session. Much in- j terest is being shown in. .the schools, j MRS. C. A. HARDIN DIED SUNDAY Funeral Held at Late Home j Tuesday Morning—lnter ment at Pleasant Grove. ' Mrs. Cyntha Ann Hardin, aged 69, died at her home on Church street! : here Sunday after a lingering ill— | .ness. Funeral service was held from j j her late home Tuesday morning at I '9:30 o'clock. Interment followed in j | the Pleasant Grove cemetery. Rev. Z. D. Harrill was in charge of the service assisted by Rev. L. N. Epley. j 1 Mrs. Hardin is survived by her] husband George W. Hardin and five I children, as follows: Mrs. J. M., Wil- j i liams, Forest City, R-2; Mrs. Cleve- ; ;land Harrill, Spindale; Mrs. J. M. | ! Jenkins, Forest City, Mrs. Arthur j ! Jenkins, Harris and Dewey Hardin I Forest City. Two brothers survive. They are !S. Harrill, of Forest City and D. j 1 Harrill, of Forest City, R. F. D. I , Pall bearers were Messrs Chivous; i Williams, Frank Williams, Paul Wil- i I # 1 I liams, Charles Williams, Coy Wil- 1 j liams and Martin Harrill, all grand-; sens orf the deceased. i The beautiful floral offering was, ! borne by Misses Allie Mae Williams, i Jennie Hudlow, Pauline Hudlow. i Morie Hudlow, Virginia Hamrick, Inez Hamrick, Grace Reid Jones,! 'Butelle Gamble, Bessie Jones, Katp | Padgett, Mrs. Edgar Huntley, Mrs. . ' Baxter Freeman, Lela Harrill, cue —_ : i - 1 WILLIAM CHIVIOUS BOSTIC, 111. i j Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Bostic, Jr., ; announce the birth of a son, William Chivious Bostic, 111, born Wednes day evening, July 2. "5 NO ACTION ON | UTILITIES SALE I . f Rutherfordton and Spindale to Hold Election Sept. 9. Local Board to Discuss Matter Friday. To date Forest City has taken no action in calling for special election, asking for confirmation of the re cent sale of the city's public utili ties plants to the Southern Public [Utilities Company, of Charlotte. | However, it is expected that this matter will be brought up Friday ' night of this week *when the board meets. ! At a joint meeting of the boards of aldermen of Spindale, Ruther | fordton and City, (recently held in Spindale, the matter was dis cussed, and Rutherfordton and Spin j dale afterwards selected September 9th as the date for their elections. . Registrars have -oeen nailed for Spin ; dale and Rutherfordton, and a new ' registration will be called for. All who register and fai) to vote in the special election will be casting a vote 'against the proposition, as the vote 'will be agaijist the registration. 'PYTHIAN HOME SINGING CLASS COMING SATURDAY ! , ! The Pythian Home Entertainment •Class will be in Forest City Satur day, and will give a concert at the Ihigh school building Saturday even ' ihg at eight o'clock., This class is 1 made up of children from the Knights of Pythias orphanage, and their ap pearance here is being sponsored by the Forest City Lodge, No. 82, Knights of Pythias. A small admis sion fee will be charged, all of frhich will go to the K. P. orphan age. ; | The program which these children : ( will give, consists of fifteen numbers cf vocal selections and readings. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY CAUGHT H WING I By Charles H. j - i TODAY'S D. LITTLE iA,:**, " i The textile industry of the South, if it has done nothing j I else, has afforded the opportunisr fp r many good men to at-j | tain positions of responsibility through the development of j their native ability. One of the latest examples of, this is D. j D. Little, who is awarded Today's Bouquet for the genuine in-, terest he has always taken in the residents of the mill villages! jwith which he has been identified. That Mr. Little's efforts: have not been unappreciated is shown by the fact that just yes- j terday he was elected president of a string of mlils in this sec-! tion including the American Spinning Company of this city. ! W y? >• Mr. Little is a unique type of sociated, such a degree of good will j ' mill man, as viewed by a news- as perhaps is rare. Throughout the paper man, .There is none of the air years in which h « has bee n connect-! » , . . ~ . TT w ith the textile industry, Mr. • •of mystery, of pomp about him. He x .,,, . . , . , . ' j I Little has made friends in each com |is easily approached and is just rfs munity where he has worked _ j j easily interviewed. He speaks out in friends who have been drawn to him 1 j meeting, and otherwise, to# and because of his sincerity and his in-' (While his views may not-Always co- mankind. j incide with those of his fellow mill Today's Bouquet, is awarded Mr. j executives, he is both firm an 4 sin- Little, ,*rho is both one of the most ! cere in his convictions. Unique and one of the most deserv-j | This friendliness, this thing of be- ing of that large army of men who ! |ing "one of the people," has j*re engaged in the textile industry j :for Mr. Little the genuine goodwill -of the Carolinas.—The Greenville) iof those with whom he hasi)een as- Piedmont of June 24, 1930. j- jfH;* *T ! DEATH CLAIMS JLF 1 MRS. ARROWOBD 1 • i , Funeral Held Saturday wo* j Young Forest City Mother' —Burial at Mt. Creek. ; i ' JH Mrs. Ollie Lee Arrowood, ag£d 28, j died at her home here Friday, after, I ' 4 jS Jan extended illness. Funeral i vices were held at the Missiqpary- Methodist church Saturday 'after noon at two o'clock, witli brt* pas tor, Rev. Hill Kiser in charge of the service. Interment was in ifee I£ou»- ;tairt Creek Baptist church is We* i children, as follows: Bonnie Mae, Henry, Wilford, Eugene and B. G., all at home. Two brothers and two sisters survive, as follows: Bob Head pnd Burle Head, of Earl, and Mrs. Cautus McDonald, Forest City, R-2, | and Mrs. Louvenia Williams, of Earl. i | Pall bearers were Messrs Ralph Bradley, Howard Freeman, Baxter Freeman, Lawrence Pinson, Bud Sisk,; Roy Baynard. Flower bearers were Mrs. Hester Freeman, Mrs. Lawrence ' Pinson, Rhoda Condrey, Georgia Baynard, Ruth Freeman, Mrs. Ralph Bradley, Mrs. Charles Owens, Mrs. ! Ethel Nanney. i j \ Mr. Reid Wells, of Erwin, Tenn., is visiting his parents, Mr. and i Geo. Wells. Official County Vote, Second Primary, July 5,1930 Sheriff County Commissioners * -S 1 .22 Sic *j *g 60 i £ -s 2 » •* b • « -= . 3 ° » =' g i * PRECINCTS & K " | " * * ißutherfordt'on | 526 150 2771 172, 460; 555| 500; Ispindale 234! 176 117| 202| 239| 368 ! 241; I Green Hill _ 63 31 53! 22 l 62 88 5C i 'Pleasant Hill _ 10 17 24; 1| 23| 24 4| j Union « 30 24 18. 62| 64] 47; j Sulphur Springs 66 128 117 43 1431 126J 83.; Owens 46 19 18 11 j 471 51 49,; j i Haynes 50 66 75 22 j 98 j 62 89; Cliffside 129 152 195 69 248| 238| 78j Henrietta 116 70 50 46 158j 1471 146j Avondale 74 70 56 71 118! 115 64; Caroleen 90 94 75 96 140 j 138 (Colfax No. 1 179 90 69j 218 174| 231'; 68j ; Colfax No. 2 69; 160 721 140 1571 185[ 51 j Bostic 57 37 171 85 44 1 84 39i | Cool Springs No.i 1 92 174 66 j 159 2001 194 1 119 Cool Springs No. 2 299 365 206 j 423! 483! 474j 282 Cool Springs No. 3 124 149 46! 156 208| 200: 161! Duncan's Creek 26 32; 11 41 451 42j 20, ' Golden Valley 53 46 20! 101 64; 75! 4| Logan Store 117 111 31 120 114 129 177 Mt. Vernon 56 28 24! 34; 62' 55! 57: ' Camp Creek 110 34 83 26 124 106 79j Morgan 57 29 24 60 50 27| 58; Chimney Rock No. 1 54 39 35; 51 62; 35' 63 j Chimney Rock No. 2 31 17 26! 23 37! 20| 26; » Gilkey 57 57 25j 32 95; 97| 68; 5 TOTALS j£B32 | 2371 Y836;244213717[3930 [2 703! — —— •—r FOREST CITY NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930. I I PADGETT i P: DIES AT HARRIS n|i6B at Home of Daughter,! jjjjys.' Pink Robbins—Fun ■Kfcl Held Tuesday Af ternoon. i jftufis, July B.—M,r. Sylvius ( S| aged 84, died at the | his daughter, Mrs. Pink HB: here Monday n\oming at f« : after a short illness. •'tf&eral service was held Tuesday |t . o'clock at Holly terment was in the Holly Springs cemetery., Mr., Padgett is survived by four children, one brother and three sisters. His wife preceded him to the grave several years ago, and he lias been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Pink Robbins, since that time. Eight grandchildren an-1 20 great grandchildren also survive. i ; The pall bearers were grandsons, as follows: Smiley Champion, Willie Champion, Olin Henson, Henry Rob bins and T. Padgett. i ! Mr. Padgett had devoted the last years of his life to collecting objects i of interest, of more or less histcri ! cal value, and had accumulated a I large collection at the time of his j death. WOMAN'S CLUB All members of the Woman's Club are asked to pay their dues at once to Mrs. G. C. McDaniel, as the year book for 1930-31 cannot be printed until dues are paid for a complete membership list. Please attend to this at once, as dues must be paid before they are entered on the year book. CLIFFSIDE MAN DIED TUESDAY Mr. D. P. McDaniel Passes Af ter Long Illness—Fun eral Wednesday. ClifFside, July 9.—Mr. D. P. Mc- Daniel who has been ill at his home on Fourth Ave. East for several weeks died Tuesday morning, July Bth at two a., m. Mr. McDaniel had been gradually growing weaker for some time and his going was not unexpected. As we write this Tues day morning the tentative plans for the funeral are as follows. The funeral service will be held at the ClifFside Baptist church where the deceased was a member at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon. After the ser vice at the church the body will be taken to the Sandy Run Baptist church at Mooresboro and interred in the cemetery there. Rev. J. A. Hunnicutt assisted by Rev. I. D. Harrill and Rev. D. G. Washburn are expected to conduct the service. Mr. McDaniel is survived by his wife who before her marriage was Miss Gaza Bridges, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Bridges; one daughter, Miss Patience McDan iel at home; four sons, Bernard Al ton and Herbert of ClifTside and Phifer McDaniel of Dover Mill, Shel by. He also survived by his fath- C. Lovelace, one sister, brothers: Rev. Ed McDaniel, of Lat timore; 8., C. McDaniel of Caroleen; Dewey and R. A. of ClifTside. Also six grandchildren. Mr. McDaniel had made his home in Cliffside during the past twenty years and has a large number of friends who will mourn his passing. CELEBRATE FOURTH ! AT FAIR GROUNDS Harrill and King Sponsor In -1 dependence Day Celebra tion—Large Attendance. ) ' Several thousand people gathered the Rutherford County Fair I Grounds Friday and celebrated the Fourth in grand style. The celebra tion held there was sponsored and managed by Harrill and King, real 1 estate dealers of this city, and prov 'ed one of the outstanding events of ■ its nature held in several years. » ! The day opened with an automo bile race in which a number of cars, .not worth over fifty dollars, parti cipated. A gas contest, in which model A Ford cars participated was next held. Pony and mule races, a boxing match and a negro ball game completed the morning program. i A battle royal between several ne gro boys opened the afternoon pro gram at one o'clock. This was fol lowed by a horse race. The next hour was taken up with athletic events, such as fifty yard dash, 100 yard dash, running and high jump, etc. i A boxing match was held at 3:30 followed by a Charleston contest |and another negro ball game. \ contest was next held to determine ; who could walk around the fair ground track in the quickest time. Prizes were awarded to the man who had the largest family present: also to the man bringing the largest number of people to the celebration cn any kind of a vehicle. A big boxing match was held at 8:30 o'clock, which was largely at tended. ' Rides, shows and various kinds of entertainment were features of the day's celebration. A nice display of fireworks was given at nine o'clock, 16 Pages 96 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance JOHN PAUL LUCAS, UTILITIES EDITOR IN COUNTY SOON Southern Public Utilities Offi cial to Address Ruther ford County Club on July 18th. Mi*., John Paul Lucas of Charlotte, editor of the Southern Public Utili ties Magazine and vice-president of the Southern Public Utilities Com pany, will speak at the July meet ing of the Rutherford County Club, according to an announcement made Monday 4 • , The July meeting will be held at Gilkey Friday, July 18, at one o'clock Mr. Lucas is an excellent after dinner speaker, and is much in de mand. In view of the proposed sale of the public utilities plants of Spin dale, Forest City and Rutherford ton the speech of Mr. Lucas should be timely and appropriate. Mr. Lucas will also speak before the Rutherfordton Kiwanis Club Fri day evening, July 18. The public is cordially invited to attend the Rutherford County Club meeting at Gilkey. Anyone desiring to attend the luncheon should notify the secretary, Mr. S. E. Elmore. A ccrdial welcome awaits any who may wish to hear Mr. Lucas after the luncheon period^ Death Takes Martha Frances Morrow Martha Frances Morrow, seven years old daughter of Mrs. C. D. Morrow, died Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Rutherford hospital, of enlargment of the heart. dence Methodist church. Rev. M. F. Moores, pastor' of- the Forest City Methodist church was in charge of the service. Interment was made in the Providence cemetery, beside the child's father, Clyde Morrow, former county motorcycle officer, who was killed in an accident three years ago. The child is survived by her moth i er, Mrs. C. D. Morrow, one broth er, "Buddy", aged five. She was a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rollms. Pall bearers were Messrs. Dave Glickman, Grover Riser, Lloyd Lit tle, and J. L. Butler. The large flor al offering was carried by Misses Martha Moores, Catherine Bradlej 7 ", Martha Alexander, Madge Watkins, Gladys Allen, Blanche Allen, Hen rietta Price, Joyce Tate, Martha Jcc\n Harrill. A FINE GIRL. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hair, of Pineville, are receiving congratula tions over the arrival of a lovely little baby girl, Mary Catherine Hair, born Thursday, July 3rd, in Presby terian hospital, Charlotte. The moth er is well known here, formerly Miss Mary Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Long. Mr. Macon Hewitt, Jr., of Chapel Hill, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. He witt. and round and square dancing clos ed the program. Thrilling airplane stunts were featured throughout the day. Forest City defeated Spindale in both morning and afternoon games 5 to 3 and 10 to 1 Friday. Shippy cutpitched Jim McKeithan in the morning game and Little and Lee led the hitting for Forest City. Mc- Keithan and Branch led for Spindale. The morning game was played at Central High and the evening game was played at Forest City. In the afternoon game Pete Fow ler allowed Spindale one hit, a dou ble by Branch. Only 18 men faced Fowler in the last six innings, Mc- Keithan pitched both games for Spindale. Lee Bragg, and Cross led the hitting for Forest City.

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