Rutherford County Offers Unequalled Opportunities To Manufacturers and Others VOL. XII— No. 43. C. E HUNTLEY . VINDICATED OF UGLY CHARGES Gar Bursin and Lee Philbeck Held Under Bond to Su perior Court. Parties Were Arrested Charg ed With Conspiracy to Burn a House. At a hearing here Wednesday af t -noon before Mayor V. T. Davis, C irence Huntley, charged with con cpring to burn a certain dwelling v ise here was vindicated. At the ie time Garfield Burgin was ound to the November term of the Superior Court under SI,OOO bond. ,e Fhilbeck, who waived prelimi nary hearing, was released Wednes . v morning under $2,000 bond. The charges against the trio was "conspiring together to burn and des 3y a certain dwelling house lo cated in Forest City with intent and purpose to collect insurance, and the said Clarence Huntley and Lee Phil beck dyl conspire with and together to employ one Gar Burgin to set fire to said building." In order to vindicate himself Mr. Huntley demanded that a trial be held Wednesday, after Mr. Philbeck had waived preliminary hearing. C. O. Ridings acted as solicitor, while Thomas Moss appeared for Lee Philbeck and M. L. Edwards for Clarence Huntley. Before hearing all testimony Mr. Ridings announced that he would not ask that Mr. Hunt ley be bound over to Superior Court, as there was no evidence that he was coimtcted with ffie ■=■ Mr. R. A. Smith, the first witness, who resides in the house alleged to have been the one marked for burn ing, stated that he saw Philbeck and Burgin pass near midnight. Chief C. R. Price next went on the stand and related briefly what Burgin told him Saturday. Gar Burgin was next placed on the stand and told of meeting Philbeck Friday morning, who asked if he wished to make some easy money. On inquiry it developed that he had a house he wanted burned, stating at first that it was located at Hen dersonville. He agreed to the propo sition, but said he had no intention of burning the house. His plan, he said, was to pretend that he would burn the house, find out its location and who the house belonged to, and trap the conspirators. He said he did not see Huntley, or talk to him. Lee Smart next went on the stand and said Burgin told him that some one wanted him to burn a house, and that he thought he would find out its location and catch the crooks. Walter Settlemyer, told of Burgin's visit to tl'e barber shop Friday, and told him he had an offer to burn a house. Each of the witnesses testified that Huntley had nothing to do with -he transaction. At this point Mr. Ridings announced that he would not ask that Ivlr. Huntley be held. Attorney M. L. Edwards, counsel 101 r * Huntley, requested that, in further interests of his client, oth -1 witnesses would be allowed to ap peal. Mr. G. 8.. Harrill was the first witness, and testified that Mr. Hunt had no interest in the house. The property, according to Mr. Har »H, belongs to Mr. Boyce Wilkie, and the Industrial Bank holds a Mortgage on the house, while an insurance policy of" SI,OOO is held the bank. This testimony was in troduced to show that Mr. Huntley had no interest in the property. Crockettßßutlerr r George Blanton ° n d Hope Harrill testified as to the .eood character of Clarence Hunt ley. Lee Philbeck, who had earlier 5: the day waived hearing and was on $2,000 bond, was plac °u on the stand, and stated that Clar ence Huntley had nothing to do with ; te conspiracy. His name was used !n the conversation to give color to l ho trade, and had been used with out the knowledge or consent of Mr. Huntley. Mayor Davis then set the bond of (Continued On Last Page) FOREST CM COURIER FOREST CITY— "ONg OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIfrUI> ||STIES IN THE U. S. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT-OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY Terrific Electric Storm Does . Much Damage Monday Night j ! Crops, Telephone and Electric Lines Damaged Barn Burned Near Ellenboro —Baby Shocked. I ; The severe electric storm of Mon day night did much damage over the county. The rain, which fell in tor i rents about nine o'clock, and again at midnight, was a welcome relief I from the heat of the past twenty four hours, and was hailed with glad- I ress by many. While the rain broke I the long drought from which crops jwere suffering, it also did much ! damage to the crops. j '} The lightning played havoc with the telephone and electric lines in all parts of the county. Poles carrying .telephone lines were blown down; j were broken in many places by trees and branches of trees fall ing on them. The telephone and pow er company's crews were busy Tues day in repairing the heavy damage. Telephone service in some parts of the county was demoralized tempor jarily. Tuesday morning the Ellen boro line was out of order. # i / j At midnight Monday a scene of confusion greeted the passerby on Route No. 20, from the Cool Springs school to West End. The road was ; almost blocked in some places by !the electric wires and poles which were blown down. Emergency crews working Tuesday night cleared the highway. A car belonging to Mr. E, Baber was damaged by a falling ! telephone post, while parked near the "Cool Springs High school. The dance hall at the Dutch Grill was destroy-, way along a number of roads in the county were cluttered with advertis ing and bill boards, which were blown down by the heavy wind. ; A small fire in the Spencer Mill, at Spindale, resulted when a line leading into the mill was hit by light ning. The fire was quickly extin guished, and before any consider able damage was done. Several mo tors and transformers were burned out, which placed part of the town | , I in darkness, and interferred tempor arily with the operations at the Spindale mills. j The principal damage wrought in tl\e Avondale-Henrietta section was to the growing crops. Corn was broken down and tlown over, while | even cotton and smaller crops suf fered heavily. j The eighteen .months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Putnam, of near Henrietta, was severely shocked Monday afternoon about three o'clock The cljild was on the porch, in its j cradle, when lightning struck pearby, Daily Vacation Bible School Henrietta-Caroleen Baptist Churches *■■' '■ '. -■£ '• -V , L''y- ,J, * .. >. ■' - ■ V/' \ *• - ; ..' *' \- , '!*'••'Sit Ji w .1 * a&m - BMMy j» yiy>» /gL.4 TiiT' JV Jli®' aa:'- ' ' '• j»l!&£&2l(&\^jk&JlßSß(&«HHraMll^b9uiHSKi2^9iflHiit!ii ShS -- f ' iSmB ill Ifl i 's■ ■ ■II ' ireSwllg wH&m gli^R l #?• "'4L i'h iir it ?'' >r ft|lSP^fflß|^^^^S|^wKwß[ ■ . jj£p* . jj Jr J S^?F gßPy^^Jj-yj*. , Mrifl§ •-■'•s j&gml •' * '? ** - ■;# |*"l3\ £. VH *.• ...• • "^ i - . —j The above pictures show the groups of children taking part ip the Vacation Bible. School activities t the Henrietta aqd Caroleen Baptist churches. This school was held at fas|tlfc churches Iron nd during the ten days a total of 415 children were enrolled, 209 at Caroleen and 206 at Henrietta. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF TORllft CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY IK is * v ""^-•! j ' • ' !■■■■■> '"■■■ j•• ■ -« st, 'fckkil ? '4 A. -> •* v % -"• " ' . ;• - Vi \ Mr. A. "C. Alexander, of Waverly'. Hall, Ga., who was recently nomi-j, rated by the Democrats of thej Eighth Senatorial District, of Geor-j j.ia, as a candidate for the State s6n-» ate This nomination is equivalent to' election in Mr. Alexander's |jgi;rict. j Mr. Alexander is a native of Jftuth erford county, and is a brother of the V late Hon. J, F. Alexander, .of fforest C ty. He is engaged in the* Maabsr business Jn Georgia. . MASS MEETINdfSF:; HELD MONfgp "Rutherfordton, July 29i.—^SHroXf' iirately two hundred people"*»pnd-; ea the mass meeting, h|t4 c» urt houfee here to # discuss ways and meg re- 1 -cornty leryi ' commissioners were In attendance, j Mr. W'„ W. Hicks was elected chair-j r an. A j£ew suggestions, practical; and otherwise, were made as to ] methods to pursue in reducing the county's tax A cofirimittfee, ! consisting of one member from each J township, was appointed to study ! the matter and make further recom- J mendations at a later dat£. I v ; 1 j injuring the child. It was rushed to j Dr. Wiseman's office, and given' medical attention. It regained con-,; scioijsness after about thirty minutes.. * J A barn belonging to Mr. Charles; Davis, of the Walls community t was ; struck by lightning and burned Mon-, day afternoon at three o'clock., A•, mule in the barn was burned to death. Mr. Dayis' loss is about $500.. Vefy little roughage and feed was in the barn at the time. Heavy damage to crops, especial ly corn, was reported", irom Sulphur Springs township and in Golden Val ley. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLI THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1930. NOMINATED FOR STATE SENATE AUCTION SALE OF THE FAIR GROUND PROPERTY TODAY | Harrill and King Selling A gents—Will Also Sell Val ] jpf uable Rutherfordton Property. , ■ -SMI ——. ~, l&arrill and King, real estate deal ers will sell at auction on Thursday, Jn|y 31, (today), some of the most variable property in Rutherfordton, sljgt) the Rutherford County Fair Gfbunds, near Spindale. This real es tate is the property of the old Ruth erford County Bank and Trust Com pany, and is being sold by order of tfte liquidator, John D. Biggs. \Jhis property includes the build ing formerly occupied by The Ruth erford County Bank and Trust Com pany, and all the equipment. Locat ed in the heart of the business sec tion of Rutherfordton, this building [presents a fine opportunity for some 'investor, as it is the most valuable I piece of property in the town. This ! property will be sold at eleven o'clock Thursday moi*hing. I same day, at two o'clock, ■tfi£ Rutherford County Fair.Ground vfrill be sold- This Apiece of property includes about five hundred acres of land, wie race track and grand stand, the exhibition Hii and the stock and poultry barns. In addition, some of the faP* ground land along the high ,%y fes been subdivided into lots and wnall fafms. Included with this property is also, an eight room, two story building will be sold. I'| A GIRL AND A ROY. i - en Monday, July ZBtn, a lOvely lTt- S tie daughter, weighing 7 pounds. I Mother and baby both doing nicely, f Born, to Mr., and Mrs. Horn, i July 29, a fine boy. j SHELBY GIRLS MISS "•QUAKE BY 4 HOURS ! Shelby, July 29.—Two girls, i Misses Nancy Suttle and Kathleen j Hord, missed the earthquake dis i aster in the Naples section of Italy 'by about four hours, according to ■ cabled information received by their ; i elatives here. Misses Suttle and ; Hord fcre on an European tour with one of Miss Boyte's parties out of , Charl&tte. • , i • OPENING FURNITURE STORE. i Messrs Clyde Hardin and Carl Huntley will open a new place of business here Saturday morning. They have purchased a large bank rupt stock Of furniture, and will (•pen up in the old Cooper stand. Fred E. Webb Dies Tuesday In Atlanta Passes In U. S. Veterans' Hospital—Death Shocks Entire County—Funeral To day (Thursday) At 10 A. M. J. H. THOMAS IS 1 CRITICALLY ILL Suffers Stroke Thursday Af ternoon at Sale—Condi tion Critical. I Mr. J. H , Thomas suffered a stroke of paralysis Thursday after noon while attending a sale of prop- J erty of the Farmers' Bank and Trust j Company, of which he was at one time president. Mr.. Thomas was standing in a lo cal grocery store at the time he was stricken, falling to the floor immedi ately afterwards. He was rushed to his home and medical aid summon ed. It is feared that his condition is critical. He has been in ill health for some time. Mr.. Thomas came to Rutherford county from Kentucky in 1910 and organized the Caroleen Savings Bank at Caroleen. In 1915 he helped or ganize the Farmers' Bank and Trust Company, which was consolidated with the Caroleen Bank. The same year Mr. Thomas and his associates acquired and merged with the First National Bank of Forest City. Later on another National Bank was formed in Forest City and this was also merged with the Farmers' Bank, which at one time was the strongest the teulff ®H!WSg Mu., Thomas was also connected with several large lumber compan ies and one of the outstanding busi ness leaders of the county. , For the past several months, on account of ill health, Mr. Thomas has not been taking an active part in any business. Improving. As The Courier goes to press in formation to the effect that Mr. Thomas' condition is slightly improv ed was received. MR. E. 0. THOMAS HEADS BOICK CO. President ancKGeneral Mana ger of Thomas Buick Co. at Asheville. Mr. E. O. Thomas, general mana ger of the Forest City Motor Co., has entered the automobile field at Asheville and has been made presi dent and general manager of the Thomas Buick Co., in that ef fective July 21. Formal opening of the new company was held last Sat urday in the newly decorated show rooms on Cox street, Asheville, in ' conjunction with -the first public Showing of the new Buick eight. Mr. j Thomas expects to remove hi? family' to Asheville in the early future and) i make his home in that city. The Forest City Motor Co., will) continue in business in this city, aS| heretofore, With the samfe person-j nel, except that Mr., Thomas will! devote practically all of his time to j the Asheville concern, but retaining | his interest in the business here. Mr. Thomas is thoroughly versed in every detail of the automobile business and in addition Is possess ed of a genial personality that makes friends for him wherever he goes. His many friends here are assured of his immediate success in his new field of endeavor. L , \ Mr. J, V. Ogburn* of Smithfield, joined family here lor Jon 68* jgfc I » I'". 1 I ■* * 1 I. ■g.nnjr ri n \ 16 Pages 96 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance Mr. Fred E. Webb, aged ,43, died Tuesday morning at 8:20 o'clock in Atlanta, Ga., where he had been since July 18, undergoing treat ment. He had been in ill health for some time, and on July 18, entered the United States Veterans' Hospi tal in Atlanta, for treatment. His death was caused from a complica tion of ailments. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Minnie Carpenter Webb, two child ren, Lois and Fred, Jr., his mother, Mrs. Mary A .Webb, and one sis ter, Mrsi„ John W. Daniel, of Lin colnton. Mr. Webb had been prominently identified with the business life of Forest City for a number of years. He was connected with the Rein— hardt Drug Company, of this city for about fifteen years, and sold his interest in that place of business in 1926. He was one time director of the First. National Bank, of this city, and prior to that was a direc tor in the Farmers' Bank. After the consolidation of tnose two banks 'he again became director in the Farmers' Bank. At the time of his | death he was a director in the For ; est. City Building and Loan Associat- I ticn, and a member of the City j Council. 1 ML,.. Webb was a member of the 1 Forest City Methodist chuaeh, where !he joined a ntfmber of years ago. ' He served in the World War as a l j soldier in the Thirtieth Division, and ! was a member of the Willis Towery j Post of the American Legion. After "being discharged from the army in 1 1919 he returned to Forest City., He j was married to Miss Minnie Carpen j ter, of Cliffside, in June, 1925. Mr. Webb was born July 29, 1887, and died July 29, 1930, death claim \ ing him on his birthday. ( In the passing of Mr. Webb, For ; est City loses one of its most .prom | inent and useful citizens. He was a » man of many fine qualities and pos ] sessed a warm and kindly disposi j tion, these excellent traits bringing ,to him scores of warm and admir | ing 'friends. He . was generous, friendly and honest to the core and ' stood ever ready to help a friend or any one in distress. His popularity jwas attested ih the last race for Ciljy ■ Councilman, he having been given i a large vote after having been per suaded by his friends to enter the race. They wanted him on the j board because they knew ha was [eminently qualified fo£ the place and ~ ! would give his duties in this posi : tion the same honest efficient ! service that he rendered in every ' walk of life. i The cutting off of hi 3 useful career j just in the prime of a most prom ising life will be a great loss to j friends and the community at large. !The Courier most sincerely joins the j*?cst of friends in extending condol | ences to the stricken family. Funeral Arrangements. ! . Funeral services for Mr. Fred E. i Webb will be h£)d this | (Thursday) at ten o'clock, at the | Forest City Methodist church. Rev. I M, F„ Moores will be in charge of [ the service, assisted by Dr. W. A. ; Ayers. Immediately after the ser- J .vice here the body will be taken to J Pleasant Grove Methodist church for j interment. j The active pallbearers will got t JBmBF& W g

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