Rutherford County Offers Unequalled Opportunities To Manufacturers and Others VOL. XII—No. 48. LOWER TAX RATE IF UTILITY PLANTS ARE SOLD Former Banker Dies After Long Illness JAMES MINER THOMAS CLAIMED BY DEATH THURSDAY MORNING Stricken With Paralysis in July, —Buried in Kentucky Saturday by Masons. [ Leaves Large Sums To Banks Mr. J. H. Thomas, late offi cial of the Farmers Bank and Trust Company, left a large sum of money, in the form of insur ance policies to the banks of this county. The Farmers Bank was carrying a policy of $60,000 on the life of Mr. Thomas, in addi tion to this he assigne,d a policy of $50,000 payable to this bank; a policy of £30,000 payable to the Rutherford County Bank & Trust Company; one policy of SIO,OOO payable to the Chimney Rock Trust Company and $30,- 000 to the Mooresboro Bank, at Mooresboro —a total of SIBO,- 000 which will be, collected by those four institutions. A policy was left to Mrs. Thomas, also a policy which will pay $l5O per month during Mrs. Thomas' life. James Hiner Thomas, former president of the Farmers Bank & Trust Co., and who before losing his health was one of Rutherford county's biggest business men, died at his home here last Thursday am el'fart to regain his health Mr:h [Thomas went ;to Fltorida anfi ire [turned to his home here feltfghtly improved. On July 24th Mr. Thom [as was suddenly stricken with !paralysis and from then until his death last Thursday he was con lined to his bed and could talk but | very little and that was almost a whisper Funeral services were held at his home Friday afternoon at 2 p. m. with Rev. M. F. Moores, pastor of the First Methodist church, in charge. The Spindale Quartette, composed of Messrs. G. B. Howard, D. C. Cole, T. 0 Hendrix and J. W. Starnes, had charge of the music and they rendered three selections in a most beautiful manner. At the beginning of the service they sang, '|lt Is Not Death to Die," af ter which Mr. Moores read two pas morning at 6:20 o'clock. Mr. Thom 'f a d been in ill health for about two years, his condition becoming rtrious in January of this year. In Scripture. A beautiful .Piay-.r was offered by Mr. Moores for ipe family and other relatives of debased. The Spindale Quar- L ' then sang, "Sometime We'll ■Understand." glowing words Rev. Moores wonderful tribute to Mr. 1 -ling the great char— L.V,, ll . ?s v> hich he possessed, his - rsonality, his great lirj/ V- abilit y aiK l last but not -"I. his democratic friendship for ■;-•! i". Thomas did not extend his ~* tn ''-" ill P to only the big man, but h'in , Un est an d lowest could call : i nend. stated Mr. Moores. He told of Mr. Thomas' Christian ; i( - ind how interested he was in " e Wol 'k >f his church. Is t Jl p f B " formerly of For or>A x'' .^ )Ut now superin iivi- -»°* She] by schools, then ' 'p. Mr. Smith also told of some J .the tine things in Mr. Thomas' Ul , u 'hich he was 'familiar, '1 " *" at he had known him for l \ e . years and that never in all •v lle had he, by any act of Mr. was. any cause to think any less him. He told of Mr. Thomas' nd + / ym P ath Y f° r the unfortunate those in sorrow, saying that he l °- le p remarked on this great h I ac "t ristic of the deceased. At Z C Q or ! csupi °n of Mr. Smith's talk 'pmdale Quartette, in closing sang, "Does Jesus care." • body of the aeceased was l* n ; to Asheville and placed V'uL ' ar °li n a Special of the h, - in Railroad and shipped to ~ " n,e °1 Mrs. Thomas, at Plea- L r " ! "' R y- Services were held ( Saturday by the Pleasureville hil 6 Nn - 410 ' A. F. & A. M., :oiiw i aVfc a Masonic burial as a ?o 10 Forest City Lodge kO A »*}, A. F. & A. M. , tllve pallbearers for the service v. ,Vei 'e : R. L. Reinhardt, J A. C - King, E. G. Aber- L. Hicks, and F. I. Bar rvc> On Ppcre Four) FOREST CITY COURIER FOREST CITY—"ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIFUL CITIES IN THE U. S. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE" SURVEY. SUCCUMBS ill 1 - - I f-jSiwfiiffijMl^^ - 't^Mw^SSßSS^ * • - jlllkr; *? *s*' "il *£ - .JaFKlßaggafil'i £' lift, ' ll 1 4Ti toMße* ;s.: •.' r. *]B£?3®flJ l Xr ; l ir ,-n \ I irTlA' I MUjt v if 1 ,i 1 • "V> 'aw l ( v-jj" * i, , !j fi i M ' . • JM '|^.^|>;f| I ,''V'V 'ISpIP /i ! ;" J ./'"' . '■ WA^.^ajjjSßP' r . /:. " :, : :: ' -- r i■" I '" ,,; V ,: "■ . y : .;:' $ ,- ;: ... : -,v--'|S^^. J ,.; "'".^. '^' , ' i :;; l :* ;;V; f l !*'' \* ;: ;^;SmHIR JIB ./ ?yf : jg ' ; aSll 1 iit 5 ' "''^ : : ; C : ' ,: ■■ .itdjy * '^iiiE|BMß!iW JAMES HINER THOMAS. Party To Honor Chairman Mull Asheville, Sept. 2.—Dem««cr*tic leaders from the ninth and tenth congressional districts have been in cited to attend a banquet to be giv en at the George Vanderbilt hotel here, September 19, in honor of Odus M. Mull, state Democratic chair man. The banquet is being arranged by local Democrats and Robert R. Reynolds, attorney, is in charge oi> the arrangements. He says he ex pects to have 250 prominent western state democrats at the banquet. King land Can Winkle, Asheville lawyer, and president of the Buncombe coun ty Bar association, will act as toast master. Among the prominent leaders who will be honor guests are Governor Max Gardner, form er Congressman Clyde Hoey of Shelby; Josiah W. Baijey, Ra leigh, nominee for United States senate; Zebulon Weaver former 10th district congressman; A. L. Bulwinkle of the ninth district; and Senator Lee Overman. THIEVES ABANDON CAR AND STEAL ANOTHER Chief Charles R. Price found an abandoned tudor Whippet car on Cherry Mountain street Monday even ing about ~ighi o'clock. The car had a Kentucky license tag on it, and was stolen from Asa- Barber, 'of Winchester, Ky. The thieves run out of gas on Cherry Mountain street, and abandoned the car, and took a Buick sedan, parked nearby. The Buick belonged to Mr. Ezra Moore, of Alexander. The motor number of the Buick is 1888679 and the li cense is N. C. 331-356. MISS EUNICE HICKS AND HOWARD CLARK ARE WED Cliffside, Sept. 2.—Mount Plea sant church, near here, was the scene of a beautiful wedding August 24, when Miss Eunice Grace Hicks be came the bride of Howard Clark at High noon. The church was beau tifully and attractively decorated in native evergreens, ferns and lilies. The ceremony was impressively performed by Dr. T. C. Holland pro fessor of Wake Forest college and formerly of Porto Rico. Mrs. Clark is an attractive and cultured young lady. She was edu cated at Limestone college, Gaffney, S. C., and Lenoir-Rhyne, Hickory. She has been a successful teacher in the Rutherford school. Mr, Clark is the oldest son of Haywood Clark of Lenoir. He was educated at N. C. State college and is now- employed in Martinsville, Va., as an electrical engineer. Immediately} after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Clark left for Virginia. You vpll find a complete line of school sfipplies at all times, quality and prices right, at Scanl's 5-10-25 c Stores. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOR EST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY ROMINA THEATRE IS RE-OPENED First-Show Monday Nifht by B. & A. Amusement Corp. —New Sound Equip ment Installed. Much interest was shown in the re-opening of the Romina Theatre under new management Monday evening. Interest developed swiftly during the past week while the house was closed for the installation of new talking equipment which stands pre-eminent among the finest equip ment made. The Romina will be under the per sonal supervision of Mr. E. F. Dar dine, who has been in active asso ciation with the picture business since its inception. Mr. Dardine comes to Forest City with a reputation and prestige in the motion picture circles that count for as much as any other one indi vidual in the business. He is virtual ly known to every exhibitor, produc er and film booking house represen tative in the Southeast, and knows the theatre as few people do. His knowledge, along with the benefit of his long practical experience, will unquestionably be reflected at the local playhouse. Mr. Dardine has a fixed idea about ideals of service and responsibility to the community, and that is to create a distinctive and homelike atmosphere to the theatre, and to stabilize admission prices. The admis sion prices under the new regime will be ten and thirty cents to all. Associated with Mr. Dardine will be his assistant manager, Mr. Dick Chastaine. To him goes the credit for the wonderful sound installation which was so agreeably received by the first night audience Monday night. Mr. Chastaine has risen to his position through application of himself and a studiousness that has revealed a native ability and talent for the things that are entrusted to his direction. In addition to being assistant manager, Mr. Chastaine, will be in personal charge of the pro jection department, as he is fully grounded in the? fundamentals tof projection and theatre technology. * * * (By C. C. Whitacre.) On Monday night the Romina Theatre opened to the public for the first time under the new manage ment of the B. & A. Amusement Corporation. ,Mr. E. F. Dardine, of Charlotte, one of the owners, is the new manager of this popular play house and in coming to Forest City will give this town the benefit of his long experience in the motion pic ture wcrld. Mr. Dardine has been connected with moving pictures since their beginning, having owned and run one of the first theatres in Chi cago, 111. For the past eighteen years Mr. Dardine has lived in Charlotte, where he was both a distributor and FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, * THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1930. VOTERS REGISTER FOR UTILITIES SALE EECTION *1 • ' Nearly 900 Register in Spin dale and Rutherfordton— Believe Towns Will Sell. Four hundred and sixty voters registered to vote in the special election to be held in Rutherford ton next Tuesday to determine whether the public utilities plants shall be sold or retained. A total of 480 voters registered in Spindale to vbte on the same question. . The election on the utilities sale will be held next Tuesday in those ■•two towns. Mr. Baylus Justice was registrar in Rutherfordton and Mr. J. H. Hill was. registrar at Spindale. Indications are that, the elections ifi the two towns will be overwhel mingly in favor of the sale. Accord ing to reports, eighty percent or more of the Spindale voters are in favor of the sale, while it is thought that the greater portion of the Ruth erfordton voters are heartily in fav or of the sale of their plants to the Southern Public Utilities Company. The registration books closed at Rutherfordton and Spindale Saturday evening. Much interest was shown during the last day. Several advocates for sale of the plants singled out unregistered voters and carried them to the place of registration, where they registered to vote. Superinten oents of the Spindale textile plants Saturday morning urged their em ployees to register for the election. First Pale, Of Cotton Ginrted Tuesday • ,/ ♦\ f . *ri > « ■ 1 - A . y* V * Mr. *W. %**&arrill, of near Avon* dale, Hid m bale of cotton ginned at the Ayondtele Mills gin Tuesday morning. This is the first bale of cot ton reported ginned this year. MR. B. H. LONG RESIGNS. Mr. B. H. Long, who has been con nected with the First Industrial Bank, of Rutherfordton, as Cashier, during the past two years, resigned his position September Ist. Mr. Long is one of tjie best bankers in the State, as well as one of our most substantial citizens. He will take a short vacation before assuming a new position. BIG GOLF TOURNAMENT. On September 11, 12, 13 Ruth- I orford Country Club will stage its | first invitational golf tournament. Golfers from ail of the nearby clubr have been invited to participate in this tournament, and it is expected j to be the largest golf event in the ! history of the local club. Suitable ' and valuable prizes will be awarded ! to, the winner and runner-up in each j of the four flights. The tournament is arranged m 1 such a manner that regardless ot whether you are very efficient at th-e ! game or just an ordinary dubber, | you will be placed in the tournament | in proper company. For that reason ! it. is expected that a large number will enter. The public is cordially invited to witness this event and see some real golf matches by such well known players as Allen Smith, of Asheville, Fred Webb, of Shelby, who were so prominent in the lime'light during the southern tournament at Sedge field this spring. The local club has experienced its most successful year. The course is in the best shape in the history of the club and many more are palying daily than ever before. NUMBERING HOUSES. The Town of Forest City is having all houses and places of business in j Forest City numbered, in anticipation of securing free mail delivery in the city. The work oi placing the num bers began last week, and will be finished within a short time. % an exhibitor' in the motion picture world. The Romina has installed new! sound equipment and the friends and patrons of this popular theatre will be most agreeably surprised at the improvement of the new sound. The Romina will bring to Forest City only the latest and best in talking pictures, comedies and news and will give the people of Rutherford coun ty the best in amusement at popular prices. WOULD ALSO BENEFIT RURAL COMMUNITIES Many Other Advantages Seen In Proposed Sale of Water and Light Plants to Southern Public Utilities Company. ■*>; —r— — - • By W. L. HORN. (The following article, with a lit tle resume of his experience with the light and water systems of the town will be of interest, and more convincing, since Mr. Horn has been on the job for a long time and has the interest of the town and county fully at heart. Furthermore, Mr. Horn is one of our largest taxpayers and is vitally interested in the progress and prosperity of this city. Every voter should read and ponder Mr. Horn's article before making up his or her mind as to the sale of the utility plants.—Ed.) In the year 1907 the writer pon- j dered how convenient electric lights would be for all who used the old I time oil lamps, more on account of I having to clean some of this type in | the store, opened a correspondence with the Piedmont Electric Co., of Asheville, N. C., asking them to send catalogues of their electric plants, and also asked them to send best prices on same. In about four days, Mr. Farr, the president of the com pany, bounced my heart into my throat, when he came into the store asking for W. L. Horn. Introducing himself as the president of the Elec tric Co., he looked down on me; the more he looked, the more he had to look down, for I drew myself up to about the size of a number six shot. I explained I only wanted the cata logue and prices to look over and did not wish to put him to the trouble of coming down to see about it. In less than two years I had the privilege to vote for the small sys-» tern", only a part of cfur present sys tem, which operated from about 5 to at night. ... . elected to my fix&t term Of office, niy this type of work caused the board to designate the electric plant as my duty to look after. Electric irons be came a vogue, and hearing com plaints that night service only caus ed them to have to stay up so late to • -do their ironing, and operating the/plant'just to let them iron would be very taxing on the town coal bill, and also the cpst of an extri? fireman • -woe ,M Alcn Oo . H. P., to run their cloth room. As j they had their engine overtaxed, too, this gave us a revenue of about $400.00 per month, and let tht house-wives do their ironing in day time, which brought about a slight increase from light consumers, but we were up against it having to run the same little engine 24 hours per day, from Monday morning till Sat urday night. A cross pin flew out the engine during day run "vhich shut down the ironing and the Florence Mills cloth room for a short while, and it was realized that the engine, with no time to rest, would not hold up long, and the writer again opened correspondence with the Southern j Power Co., and in answer, received • Mr. Jno. W. Fox, special represent tative for Southern Power-Co. Char-: lotte, N. C. Our troubles and predica- J ment were unfolded to him. After go- J ing over the matter, he assured me i it he could get the mills and some ot i the other towns interested so k j would justify their building line*-, j he would be glad to furnish power to us. A canvas was made and th: Florence Mills dropped into line anu on down the line till up came the line, and the day we got hooked on to their line our worries disappeaied, and you know the service we have been receiving since. These lines have been instrumental in bringing many large plants to Rutherfox d county, and other counties through which these lines were run. So much for the efforts in getting these improvements in our individual towns. Comes now anotner pi oposi- ( tion which I consider means morei than our first light plant, and get-1 ting our engine replaced with South ern power current. Forest City has spent hundreds of dollars in the endeavor to get out side money, with manufacturing ( plants, bakeries, laundries, etc., to give employment and get more peo ple. We have succeeded in getting the people, as our population incieas ed 75 per cent plus in the last ten years. We should consider this proposi-, tion an answer to part of this ao- J vertising, for there are more dol lars and cents involved in this deal than we could expect from any en terprise we could avail ourselves ot for some time. It should not be look ed on as a mere sale of the system, as it will mean greater expenditures later, and constructive, more em ployment, more conveniences for our countrv neighbors. I would re- j fer you to Mr. Holler's letter in las week's Courier. It will give them a) 16 Pages 96 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance Markers Arriving For Confederate Veterans J Bills of lading on government markers for graves of Confed erate soldiers have been re,ceiv>- j ed by a number of local peo ple, These monuments are be ing shipped to applicants through out the country, and are expect ed to arrive this week. More than five hundred ap plications for markers for Con federate Veterans have been. ; made by Clarence Griffin during the past eighteen months. The I markers expected this week are the first skipped into the county by the War Department in res ponse to the applications. chance to have water works in their homes as well as the light, as com plete systems are now manufactured ! driven with small motors which will ! give them the same pressure as we get from our lines in town. This will mean better homes with nyore con veniences than they can now have, J as S. P. U. aims to go out into every settled nook, which means more prop erty in the county. Would it not be more reasonable to expect a better feeling toward us. from our near neighbors should our vote for sale be cast so they can be reached by these conveniences? They can follow elec tric lines into town mentally, as well as they can our roads. Let's continue to throw the lines to make our town the centre, which is considered by S. P. U. in caae of puju-ba^, Their «ertice»-^ih A t)e more uni form, as they contemplate ing a regulator for our light lines, which will save the up-flaring of the lights and dimming which is so hard on radios and light bulbs, motors, etc. This will entail a considerable outlay of cash. y We can remember too that we are in the throes of the most severe de gression of us has ever ex >„u. There are more sales [ 01 land, houses and lots advertised by ! the Sheriff for sale for the taxes than has ever been recorded for the coun ty. When taxes are not collected it naturally puts the municipalities in a prospective emba v,, assing position to meet for bond ma turities and interest on bonds which are due at certain intervals, and they are cold maturities at this time as there are no bank resources to fall back on for a tide-over. Now for the monetary advantages' Refer to Mr. Stratford's figures in The Courier, August 28th. : He shows an advantage to the | town with S. P. U. as owner of $5.- [•>01.00. The writer considers his ;pj ibable tax fiom S P. U. under , estimated $2.0-17.00. ; Out of 700 light users it is esti | ». ated 400 are around 25 to 50 Kw 1 i.sers S. P. U. rate in this bracke | is 2 cents per Kw. under town rate, i which cn 2b Kw t-ntailing 50c p'" | month per ct:. toln?r, or $2,400 per : month, which makes a total savins j t J tov.n and the people of $10,0.'J8.00 Thoi will 1)0 an additional anioun. spved in county taxes which will be u saving to every tax payer in the county on account of this sale as the total bid for all this property is $920,000, which will automatically change from non-tax to a taxpaying enterprise. Some opposition to the sale is. made on the surmise that should S. P, U. own the plant the rates can b r i raised on the consumer, who has to pay the piper. This company, I deem, is like any other enterprise sarvint; the public. They want to please, they want to create a demand, and they want to fill the demand in the line which they are dealing, and as we are just one in the hundreds of towm which they operate, and they will not take any more advantage of the consumer than they would of town, and from this point you should be worrying under the same fear. If they wanted to raise, if they were permitted to, they could raise on the towns and the towns would natural ly raise on you, so one of the fears couid be balanced against the oth er and it amounts to nothing in that respect. Now, in conclusion, would say my connection with the town in an of ficial way is longer than any person in town, and no one has ever ac cused me to my face of working any selfish interest in all my connections with the town, and the foregoing are earnest and hortest convictions. But all of us, as separate indi viduals, have the right to vote as he or she pleases.

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