PAGE TWO SOLICITOR AND JUDGE RECORDER'S COURT APPOINTED Fred Mcßrayer Appointed Re corder and O. J. Mooney ham Solicitor—Take Of j fice January Ist. Rutherfordton, Nov. 17.—At a joint meeting of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners and County Board of Education held here Wednesday afternoon, November 12, Hon. Fred Mcßrayer was elected Judge of Re corder's court to succeed Mr. W. J. Mode, and Attorney Oscar J. Moon- OLD DOCTOR'S IDEA j'i IS BIG HELP TO ji ELDERLY PEOPLE >' In 1885, Dr. Caldwell made a dis covery for which elderly people the world over praise him today! Years of practice convinced him that many people were endangering their health by a careless choice of laxatives. So he a search for a harmless prescription which would be thoroughly effective, yet would neither gripe nor form any habit. At last he found it. Over and over he wrote it, when he found people bilious, headachy, out . of sorts, weak or feverish; with coated tongue, bad breath, no appetite or energy. It relieved the most obstinate cases, and yet was gentle with women, children and elderly people. Today, this same famous, effective prescription, known as Dt. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is the world's most popular laxative. It may be obtained from any drugstore. What Will t : , h- i When your Children Cry for It There is hardly a household that hasnl heard of Castoria! At least five million homes are never without it. If there are children in your family, there's almost daily need of its comfort. And any night may find you very thankful there's a bottle in the house. Just a few drops, and that colic or constipation is relieved; or diarrhea checked. A vegetable pro duct; a baby remedy meant for young folks. Castoria is about the only 'thing vou have ever heard doctors advise giv ing to infantr Stronger medicines are dangerous to a tiny baby, however harmless thay may be to grown-ups. ■ Good old Castoria 1 Remember the name, and remember to buy it. It may spare you a sleepless, anxious night. It is always ready, always safe to use; in emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of the day or night that Baby becomss fretful, or restless. Castoria was pever more popular with mothers U Way. Erary acruggist ft. ♦ 1 JAMES T. PADGETT ♦ :: LICENSED EMBALMER 4 * 0 > ► ► With Padgett and King Undertakers 1 > Night Phone, 27; Day Phone, 41. Forest City, N. C. i t ti tM jeyham of Henrietta, was elected so j licitor of the recorder's court to j succeed Mr. R. R. Blanton. These I two officials will take oath of office }j The Legislature of 1929 enacted ja law whereby these two offices be jcome appointive, instead of elective, ■'and placed the solicitor on a salary ; basis instead of a fee basis. This *■ new arrangrement takes effect the J first of the year. The new law calls I for the appointment of these offi icials on or before the first Monday 1 1 in December, and in compliance with - j this law the two boards, in session I last week, appointed these officials. r ' The salary of the recorder will .| be $2,400 per year, while the soli citor will receive SI,BOO per year. Mr. Mode's salary has been $1,500 I per year, while the solicitor has been 1 working on a fee basis, making ap proximately $6,000 per year. I Mr. Mcßrayer's father, the late Hon. Matt Mcßrayer, served Ruth 'erford county as recorder from 1917 ,to 1921. Mr. Mcßrayer is one of Rutherfordton and Rutherford coun | ty's best known attorneys. Mr. | Miooneyham is a promising young j 1 attorney of Henrietta, and has an ; 1 unusually large practice in the I county and state courts, i * IsPINDALE TAX i RATE REDUCED i i Will Be SI.OO on SIOO.OO Prop erty Valuation —Let Con tract for Paving. * j Spindale, Nov. > 11.—Spindkle ! Town Board met Nov. 11, and fixed; the, tax rate for 1930 at $1 on each SIOO worth of property. The rate last year was $1.30, a reduction of 30c over last year. This was made possible on account of the sale of the municipal water and light plants to the Southern Public Utilities Co. The j town of Spindale operated last year, within its budget by a margin of j $7,000. In other words it lacked j that much of using up its budget j as outlined a year ago. The bud-| get for the coming year is over SBO,OOO. The board awarded a contract to j the Biltmore Concrete Co., to put) down a second coat of tar and gravel on Spindale street, which! runs from the the railroads North , about a mile. This will cost around j $3,500 and work will be done at j once. ! The board passed the first read ing of the franchise of the South-! ern Public Utilities Co. Acidity The oontßon cause of digestive diffi culties is excess acid. Bods cannot site* this condition, and it burns the stomach. Something that will neutralize the acid* itv is the sensible thins to take. That is why physicians tell tie public to use Phillips Milk of Magnesia. One spoonful of this delightful prepa ration can neutralize many times its ; volume in acid. It acts instantly; relief is quick, and very apparent. All gas is dispelled; all sourness is soon gone; the whole system is sweetened. Do try this perfect anti-acid, and remember it is just as good for children, too, and pleasant j for them to take. Any drugstore has the genuine, pre »criptional product. PHILUPS r Milk . j of Magnesia THE FOREST CITY COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. DENTAL SOCIETY :! MEETS THIS WEEK >! IN RUTHERFORDTON - i ♦1 . . j Tenth Session of First District 3 | Dental Society Will be >, Held in Isothermal J Hotel - j 1 I 7 1 Rutherfordton, Nov. 17.—The tenth 1 annual meeting of the First District 1 Dental Society of North Carolina will ' be held at the Isothermal hotel Nov. and 20. The program will open ' on the 19th at 5 p. m., with regis ' tration at the hotel which will be 1 followed by a banquet at 6:30 p. m. | 1 jAt eight o'clock the following pro-, gram will be given in the court house jto which the public is cordially in cited to attend. Called to order by i the president, Dr. T. A. Wilkins, j !of Gastonia, a native of this place;! .Invocation, by Rev. E. B. Jenkins, 'Address of Welcome, by County! iSupt., Clyde A. Erwin; Response' jby Dr. I. R. Self, of Lincolnton;j j President's address, Dr. Wilkins. j At 8:30 p. m., Dr. E. A. Branch,, j Director of Mouth Hygiene of the: j State Board of Health, will speak ! jon "Mending Our Nets." This will \ be followed by the election of offi- j cers and other business. This will be a most instructive j program and every parent and j j teacher in the county should at-j tend this meeting. Thursday, Nov. 20th the session | will be held in the Isothermal 1 ! hotel. The program will open it 19:30 a. m., with an address by Dr. W. F. Bell' of Asheville on "Dental Diagnosis." At 10:30 a. m., Dr. F. E. Gib bins of Buffalo, N. Y., will dis cuss "Economics." i At 2 p. m., there will be a circle "Periodontia," by Dr. Robert I. i Dement, Atlanta, Ga. I The convention will close in the i afternoon with the installation of Jifew officers, business, etc. NEW STAR ROUTE ! IN OPERATION Leaves Rutherfordton for Shel by 2P. M.— Arrives from i Shelby at 5:30 P. M. ! | Rutherfordton, Nov. 18. —The j star route from here to Shelby be- ' gan operation Nov. 10., and will be j operated six days in a week, leaving ihere at 2 p. m., and arriving in | Shelby at 3:30 p. m. Returning it | will leave Shelby at 4p. m., and 'arrive here at 5:30 p. m. The dis tance is 28 miles and will serve Spin dale, Forest City, Bostic, Ellenboro, Mooresboro, Lattimore. in addition , ;to Shelby and Rutherfordton. i Mr. S. B. Jolley, carrier on the 1 Spartanburg - Rutherfordton Star J • Route will also be carrier to Shel ' by, until Dec. 7, 1930 at least. His j ibid was $1,173.75 per annum. Seal-j jed bids will be received until Nov. j 25th for the period ending June 1, ! 1932. There will be no box de livery or collection service require ! ed. Only first-class mail, news- j 1 papers, special and delivery mail J , will be handled. i ! The route will not be operated l on Sunday. It is expected that plans will be arranged soon where by mail leaving here at 2 p. m., can go direct to Gastonia, or Char lotte and catch main line trains, North and South on the Southern Railway. While this new service will be helpful it would have been more helpful to this county had it left here early in the morning, East bound and returned about 5 p. m. Mr. J. K. Hendrix Dies At Bostic Mr. J. Kelly Hendrix, aged 70, well known citizen who lived near '.Bostic died Monday, Nov. 10, after {an illness of five or six years and | was buried Tuesday afternoon, Nov 111, at Concord Baptist church with the pastor, Rev. I. D. Harrill in ; | charge. The deceased leaves a widow •jand several children and was a loyal ► j member of Concord church. He was ! j one of the county's best citizens. ► i ► _ [ Hunting Licenses sold at Farmers ► Hardware Co. i ► [ 65c, 85c and 95c Flash lights [ complete. Farmers Hardware Co. ► ► Auto Glass replaced while you > wait. Farmers Hardware. MRS. GROVER KISER GIVEN SHOWER Ellenboro, Nov. 12.— A shower, honoring Mrs. Grover Kiser, a [ recent bride, was given by Mrs. E. j |E. Harrill at her home in Ellenboro' jon Thursday evening of last week. | The home was beautifully decorated with autumn leaves and chrysanthe mums. During the evening games and contests appropriate for the oc casion were er joyed. Mrs John K. Smart was awarded a prize for be ing the most enthusiastic speaker a debate, Resolved: "That Mar ried Life is Better than Single Life" Mrs. A. B. Bushong received a prize for finding first her husbands face in a group of puzzles. A prize was | presented to Miss Ellen Hamrick ,for writing the best essa/ on house j keeping for the bride's benefit. After a salad course was served the bride displayed her numerous and beau tiful gifts. I Epworth Leagues | Hold Meetiing The union meeting of the Ruther ford County Epworth League was ■ held Friday evening, November 7, | at Salem. 1 The devotional program was con j ducted by the home chapter and was | led by the president, Mr. Logan. The j following program was given: j Songs, "America" and "Come Ye | Thankful People Come," Introdlic- Ition by president. Scripture lesson, j Psalm 107, Edwin Carlisle; prayer ! was offered by Howard Wells, j Thanksgiving story, Eleda Green; Piano solo, Johnnie Washburn; "Whta ' I am Thankful For," by a number - of Epworth Leaguers. Solo, Miss | Hord. Poem by Wayle White. The ! Star Spangler Banner was used as the J closing hymn. Following the splendid devotional j program a short business meeting! was entered into with the president j presiding. The roll was called and | the following Epworth Leagues were represented: Pleasant Grove, Salem, Rutherfordton, Hopewell, Oak Grove, Spindale and Alexander. The presi dents of the different chapters were asked to stand and tell something of the work their Epworth League was doing. Salem reached the highest on the standard of efficiency for the 'month which was seventy-five per cent, and was awarded the cross. i Oak Grove was given the banner for having the most present which was thirty-four. ! The meeting adjourned to meet at Alexander the first Friday night in December. After the League Benediction a social hour was enjoyed down in the basement of the church where games were played and,, refreshments were served. MM THOUSANDSj An old Chinese Proverb says, "Nine ' in 10 suffer from piles," but the pain t and itching of blind, protruding or bleeding piles usually are alleviated i within a few minutes by soothing, healing Dr. Nixon's China-roid, for > tified with a rare, imported Chinese ! Herb, having amazing power to re duce swollen tissues. It's the new est and fastest acting treatment out. You can work and enjoy life right from the start while it continues its healing action. Don't delay. Act in ) time to avoid a dangerous and cost j ly operation. Try Dr. Nixon's China roid under our guarantee 'to satisfy j completely and be worth 100 times ' the small cost or your money back. Peoples Drug Store. Doubtless you are one of millions who have found prompt relief from that occasional headache in Ba\ er As pirin. But until you invoke its aid for more serious pain, you'll endure much needless suffering! Try it for neural or neuritis. Even for rheumatism It comforts quickly, and harmlessly. Doctors prescribe it; say it does .ot affect the heart. Genuine Aspirin ha# Bayer on each bo-Ti and tablet. ®\SPIRIN 4mtrtm la Um tnd« mik al 4 MOMM tUmatdmfr « t SfttterUaMtd i LE —^ • • Harrill & King ! o Real Estate Bought and Sold i 0 Auction Sales a Specialty. ! 1► I 1 ][ We buy and sell and cut the earth to suit the man ♦ I; SEE US— | ![ If you want to sell. 5 ;; If you want to buy. J 1! Office Phone No. 59. i > Ret. Phones 245 and 188 Forest City, N. C * 'I t *** ************************************ >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»,,} FRANK P. STRATFORD Certified Public Accountant (Member American Institute of Accountants) General Practice in Public Accounting, Federal and State | Tax Matters Rutherfordton, N. C. I GOAL ] I BUY Your Winter COAL ! \ NOW! I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ X Those who want the very best call for Virginia Lee J ♦ Coal. J { The steadily increasing number of customers i- ♦ ♦ sufficient proof that this coal is without enemie3. ♦ I Lay in your winter's supply before the advance in ♦ ♦ price comes. Now is the time to buy. It will be consid- ♦ ♦ erably higher this fall and winter. ♦ ♦ ♦ I Forest City Seed & Fertilizer Company ♦ X Forest City, N. C. Phone 132. * ♦ ♦ All Wrought Up Over Nothing Didn't sleep last night; too much work; dren are fretful; the Boss is cranky; Mrs. De didn't invite you to her party. . Ordinarily you don't mind any of these things, today they are simply unbearable. You are nervous, that's why. Did you ever try Dr. Miles' Nervine? Just two teaspoonfuls in a half glass of water will quiet your over-taxed nerves and bring yoa a feeling of calm and peace. Dr. ICSes' Ngrbe is now nuuU fa felTlli l| thm mum ther*- At all Drug Stores. lV)e SLOO HH Thursday, November 2n

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