PAGE TWENTY MRS. W. R. HILL IS ; CALLED BY DEATH I i r Wife of Former County Super intendent Passes in Phila delphia Hospital After Operation. . ■ i Nov. ' 17.—Mrs. 1 W. R. Hill, aged 40, died Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock, in Phila delphia in the University of Penn sylvania hospital. Mrs. Hill was tak en there about six w ieks ago for treatment, and three weeks ago she underwent a major operation on her head. She was thought to be improv- j ing, but complications set in last j week, which caused her death Thurs-! day. The body arrived in Kings Moun-1 tain Friday morning at 10:50 o'clock. 1 Funeral services were held Sun-/' day afternoon at two o'clock with i her pastor, Rev. E. B. Jenkins, in 1 charge of the service). Interment c was in the Rutherfordton cemetery. 1 Mrs. Hill is survived by her hus- s band, four children, two brothers, 1 | HAVE YOBS THANKSGIVING DINNER AT ! I LAKE LURE COFFEE SHOPPE g X MENU ♦) t TABLE D' HOTE DINNER t Served from 12:00 to 9:00 P. M. t't i SI.OO |i : |i MENU Xj Grape Fruit Cocktail + j Choice of Soup: Si Chicken Qonsomme with Rice £l. Fresh Vegetable Soup Celery Hearts, Spiced Grapes, Olives Choice of 1 J>j; Stuffed Young Turkey With Oyster Dressing or * ► Baked Virginia Ham t With Candied Pineapple !► Cranberry Jelly Steamed Rice Giblet Gravy J[| Carolina Candied Yams " New Green Beans Baked Macaroni with Cheese ! Lettuce and Tomato Salad \ i Choice of Dessert: ♦ Mince Pie or Pumpkin Pie ♦ ** With Whipped Cream " t I „ Green Apple Tarts with Cheese ]| ; / Ice Cream and Cake > , Hot Dinner Rolls, Corn Muffins ► Milk, Tea, Coffee, Cold Drinks !t Phone for Party Reservations. NOTICE j TO ALL TAX PAYERS I OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY: I I will be or have a Deputy at the fol- I lowing places and time specified below: I RUTHERFORDTON TOWNSHIP— At the court house at all times. I COOL SPRINGS TOWNSHIP —At the Industrial Bank I at all times. I HIGH SHOALS TOWNSHIP—J. W. Bridges at all I times. Caroleen, Nov. 20th and 27, from 10*00 I a. m. to 4:00 p. m. 'I Cliffside, Nov. 22nd and 28th, 10:00 a. m to 4*oo I p. m. I Avondale Bank, Nov. 21st and 29th, from 10:00 I a. m. to 4:00 p. m. I SULPHUR SPRINGS TOWNSHIP— Harris Station I Saturday, Nov. 29th from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 d. m I C ° L 9mf TOWNSHIP—EHenboi-o, Saturday, Nov f 29th, from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p m I DUNCAN'S CREEK TOWNSHIP-Hollis," at With row s Store, Nov. 26th from 10:00 a. mto 4 -00 o I m. 1 l LOG from fo .?n E TO WNSHlP_^ unshine; Nov . 26th irom 10.00 a. m. to 4:00 p m I CA Tom R fo E 00 T a ° WN f H, , P^ Union Mills ' Nov " 25th, irom 10.00 a. m. to 4:00 p m I CHI^h EY f R ° C I K n TOWNSHIP-Chimney Rock, Nov. 28th, from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p m GRE Nov " B L th Ir°om ?0 H no P - Ben H?mpton ' S * -oth, irom 10:00 a. m. to 4*oo d m Nov Mercalltile Store, o\. irom 10.00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. I tioned'tfme Zt ZcZXIM 3b ° Ve men " which will be allowed if paid duriL H?"" 1 November, 1930. No discount after December Tst °* M. J. HARRILL, C. B. and M. D. Justice, of Ruther •fordton; one half-brother, James D. Justice, of Salisbury; and a half sister, Mrs. Byron Carson, of Ruth- I erfojrdtion. i Her husband was county superin tendent of Rutherford county schools jfrom 1914 to September 12, 1925. jwhen he resigned. He is now prin cipal of the Rutherfordton elemen tary school. | Mrs. Hill was a loyal member of the First Baptist church here and was an active member of the daugh ters of the Confederacy. She was a talented musician and was held in high esteem. She was a daughter of | the late James D. Justice, of Ruth- j erfordton. | MONTFORD'S COVE j I > Union Mills, R-l, Nov. 17.—The i little six-months old baby of Mr.! and Mrs. Clyde Hall, of Marion, was , buried at the Montford Cove Baptist ] church, on last Tuesday, November I 11th, at two o'clock. The baby was j sick only a few days with meningitis The bereaved parents have our heart lis I THE FOREST CITY COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. felt sympathy in the loss of the lit | tie one. | Little Virginia 'Brown, the 19- months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown, of this section was bur jied at the Montford Cove church on last Thursday, November 13th, at one o'clock. Little Virginia was sick only three days with croup and diphtheria. She is sruvived by one sister, Myree Brown and brother, T. D. Brown, and her parents. The be reaved parents have our heart felt J sympathy in the loss of their little jone. j Mr. and Mrs. J. Burgess and three -children and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. i Nanney and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller and little daughter, all of this s?ction and Mr. and Mi-s. Fred Nan iney of near Union Mills, were the 'd'nner guests on last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Nanney on this route The dinner guests of Mr. and L. D. Hemphill last Sunday (Were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Justice and daughter and Mrs. Millard Flack and Mr. Zeno Flack, all of near Gil key. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I W. E. Miller is sick with a cold at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frady spent last week-end in Forest City with relatives. Mrs. Pearl Harris is improving after being on sick list for several days. Mrs. M. F. Nanney spent Sunday J afternoon with Miss Naomi Rhodes. Mr. D. M. Arrowood is sick at home of his son Mr. G. M. Arrowood an this route, we hope he will soon j 3e better again. SHILOH NEWS I f, ( Rutherfordton, R-l, Nov. 17. Rev. E. P. White filled his appoint ment at Shiloh Saturday and Sunday ind was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Allen on Saturday night. Rev. B. M. Hamrick is taking treatment at the Rutherford hospi tal. Miss Odessa Jones spent last week in Spindale with Mr. and Mrs. Gil ford Ledbetter. Mrs. Gaston Abrams j continues very sick and don't seem to improve any. Born, recently to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Thompson a baby boy, John B. . Mr. Paul Hawkins and family of Alexander, Mr. tand -Mrs. Charlie Smith, of Ruth, visited at Mr. J. A. Smith's Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Champion spent the past week in Spindale with Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Champion, j Mrs. Worth Owens and little daughter, Bonnie Blanch, of Spin dale, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ruppe. SMITH'S GROVE I Forest City, R_3, Nov. 17.~80rn, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hardin, Sunday,' a fine girl, Betty Ophelia. Miss May Wilson Hardin and Ethel I Andrews spent Saturday night with! Misses Ruth and Lucy Crowder. Rev. W. M. Gold spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bridges. Mr. Earnest Lee spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. Marvin Towery Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hardin were the dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fortenberry. ' Miss Vonnie Crowder had as her : guest Sunday, Miss Louise Luckadoo. L M J S ' W - W - T - Luckadoo spent | [bunday afternoon with Mrs. Rov* 1 j Hardin. y " j TABOR-SHORT WEDDING ' ; ANNOUNCED LAST WEEK I Miss Rebecca Short of Wadesboro N. C., and Rev. J. B. Tabor, Jr., were married Monday, November 10, at the home of the bride. Rev. J B Tabor performed the ceremony. Af ter a bridal trip in the mountains of western North Carolina, Mr. and Mrs j Tabor will begin housekeeping at Weddmgton, where the young pastor has been assigned by the bishop for ensuing conference year. It has not been our privilege and pleasure to know Miss Short, but we know J. B Tahnv Tr U ' • He ls ' as I name md.cates, the son of R ev . j ith» w !' th 6 youngest «W man ir, "oM» i? conference. We sav old because he has the honor of siding at the head of the effective i men of the entire conference. J R Tabor, Jr., is a young man of great' ■Promise and to his bride and himself' e extend good wishes and congrat C - ChriStia " Ad ™-*e. the Pi Tabor ; vas formerly pastor of 1 , h.e .Pleasant Grove Methodist church, s NEW HOPE NEWS Harris, R-l, Nov. 17.—Rev. P. T. Dixon filled his regular appointment at New Hope, Sunday morning and delivered an excellent sermon, Mr. Dixon has returned and will be with us another year, and we are certain ly glad to have him back, our Sun day school at New Hope is progres sing nicely now also there was a good sized crowd present Sunday, despite the bad weather. Mr. Golden Thompson has been elected superin tendent for another year and the oth er teachers and officers elected are as follows: Miss Lela Thompson, primary; Mrs. Elizabeth 'I Roddy, junior; Mr. Golden Thompson, inter mediate; Mrs. Will Deck, senior and Mr. Will Fagen, adult. Mr. Wesley Thompson, secretary and treasurer, Mr. John Eplee singing clerk and Miss Belle Wilkie, pianist. Mr. Burloe Green spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. T. E. Randall. j Miss Ruth Lancaster, visited Miss-; |es Feme and Bernice Hines, Sun- I day. ! | Miss Clara Randall spent Wednes- j day at the home of her uncle, Mr | L. D. Wilkie. Mr. T. E. Randall spent one night last week at Mr. Gordon Toms near Harris. Mr. Jerome Harris and family of j Clifxside, were the week-end visitors j of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Harris. j Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Blanton of near Forest City, spent Saturday' night with Mr. and Mrs. James Tur- I ner. | Miss Mary Edna Gossett of near Trinity, spent Friday with her si:j-- ter, Mrs. Buford Kennedy. ' Mr. Herbert Randall and family of near Tanner's Grove, were visi- i tors at the home of Mr. C. M. Har- J ris, Friday. |2 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, and ! j Mr. Hollis Taylor, were visitors Mr. Monroe Honeycutts, Saturday. | Mr. L. D. Wilkie and Mr. W. P. Wilkie were visitors in Spartanburg. Mr. T. E. Randall spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ran- dall near Tanners Grove. ' Mr. Buford Kennedy and family ' spent Sunday at the home of his father, Mr. T. D. Kennedy. Miss Mary Randall, spent Sunday night with her cousin, Miss Bell Wil kie. ( Mr. and Mrs. Wofford Davidson,! of Spindale, were visitors at thj' home of his father, Mr. W. P. David- j son, Sunday. Miss Roxie Tanner entertained a j number of the league members with = a paity Saturday night, those pres ent were Misses Mary and Gladys Randall, Vera and Martha Ruth Harris, Esther and Callie Deck. Aliene and Alberta Simmons, Nettie, j Faye and Pantha Thompson and j Elsie Tanner, Messrs Wesley, Golden I and Roy Thompson, Virl, Dennis and j Dewitt Jenkins, John Padgett, Earl j Randall, Everett Turner, Roy Deck, Elbert Westbrook, Horace Coving | ton, Ben Cole, Fred Fagen, Dan j Christy, Gilford Culbreth and Edgar Tanner all report a fine time. Ice | ci earn and cake were served as re freshments. I Miss Elsie Tanner of Tryon, spent Saturday night with home folks. BE^l^A^^7^^oTES | Forest. City, R-2, Nov. 17.—Rev. L. N. Epley filled his regular ap pointment at Bethany Sunday and delivered a fine sermon. I Mrs. W. E. Lewis is still on the j ick list. Her friends hope she willj soon be well again. | Miss Helen Miller spent last Thurs-■ ( day night with Miss Gladys Sherrill I Mr. and Mrs. George Cole visited Mrs. O. Morrow Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sherrill, Mi nd Mrs. Grayson Bostic spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sherrill. MISS MERLE PRICE HONORED AT LIMESTONE Miss Merle Price, of Forest City, student of Limestone college, spent he week-end of November 7-9 at Twin Lakes, a resort near Columbia. S. C., attending the student volun teer retreat. She was the official delegate of Limestone. The retreat was held to make plans for the State Student Volunteer Conference to be held in the spring of 1931. Also the tudents had the priviledge of hear ing Dr. Edwin Thomas, returned mis sionary from India, who brought seveial inspirational and education al messages concerning the mission work done there. Miss Price is a junior at Lime stone college this vear CARP OF THANKS 1 I i We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind t ness shown to us during the death i of our dear sister, also for the many beautiful flowers. May God's richest blessings be upon you all. * I MR. and MRS. C. B. VESS i ' ; i Subscribe to The Courier 'I j = IRQMINA 10c & 30cl 1 " OF THE | Where the Best Prevails. TOWN PROGRAM FOR WEEK 9F Wed. and Thurs. Fri. and Sat. All For Fun! Fun For All! If you love animals, voli'p j JACK OAKIE and JEANETTE ° VeStarll S S t the Wonder MacDONALD in in ' "LETS GO NATIVE" "PHANTOM OF THE DESERT" "Mind Your Business" ~n- , 4dded "Over The Air" ~S ced . Swee »heaHs" . ? Karmval Kid" Mon. and Tues. COMFNr MORAN and MACK T . UMIWG the TWO BLACK CROWS in '° f the Sh ™' World -fflmrc ur -mmex Added —T" "Accidents Will HaDoen" Th . "At Home e madcap at merriest! The Standard ! •«*. CJ, rtlth b , en T: | | OW prices as long as they last. j j NOW ON SALE j : at the lowest prices in years for Coats \ of such fashion and quality. ♦ Dress and Sport * COATS Jfflm I Sizes 14's to 46's Extra ► * One lot of |SH j NEW COATS AT $25.00 , ™ j I "r iSt 7 0f B,ack ' Br °wn, Blue and GrfScSs_ f ' mme with lovely Furs of Lapan, Beaver Wolf. J ► Fox and Pointed-Fox ♦ ► ♦ ► ♦ ► ♦ ► ♦ ► ♦ ► ♦ ► ♦ | One lot of Dress and Sport j j COATS $39.50 j ► ♦ j Rich fabrics in smart new winter colorings. Black. J rown > Bl "e and Green. Gorgeously furred with « ; qUlrreI ' Lapan ' L y" x - Fox, Wolf, Beaver and Caracal. J ♦ ♦ ► ♦ ; Come Early—While Selection Is Best ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ' ♦ » HOSIERY MENDING SERVICE ♦ Economize by bringing us your Hosiery to mend. ; Guaranteed work at small cost. t ——— —♦ ♦ ——_ # STANDARD CLOAK COMPANY I "Smart Women's Shop" « 120 E. MAIN ST. SPARTANBURG, S. C. ♦ -- ' * I BOX SUPPER AT FERRy j THURSDAY EVEN|N( , , Ferry, Nov. 17.-The.-e Wi „ , box supper at the Ferrv i a : Thursday night, Nov 20th '" 0 lon ; O'clock. Various contests « „ I* ;>n which all may take pan , hflJ jtion to the contests there 'Jit*?' ' b * f™* "»»»'«. Everybody U- ; ° ; t0 Come and enjoy the J Subscribe t o The

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