Rutherford County Offers Unequalled Opportunities lo Manufacturers an d Others VOL. XHI-No. 10. FAMILY WELFARE ASSOCIATION ; REORGANIZED; v. P. Bodie, President; Mrs.! r E Alcock, Secretary- j Treasurer Will Open Drive For Funds December 18. | j . me tin" 1 was held on Mon \ mass nit •- , night in ihe city hall at which Un)e the Family Welfare Associa-. For -t City, was re-organ tion, r . d The meeting was called to or der by Mr. ChaS - Z ' Fl3Ck and a ; general discussion was had as to the | benefit of the organization to For t Pirv SevaVal interesting talks „,ale. Prof. W. R. Hi,,, of Rutherfordton, made a splendid taliv an d told of the progress they have made in their schools there in pro viding the proper nourishment to the underfed or undernourished child ren in the schools. Last year the j Rutherfordton Kiwanis club spon-i sored this work and took care of 1 twelve children. This year they are f-ponsores for 28. The Woman's club, ; of Forest City is now selling Christ- j :>ias Seals for this purpose. Seventy five cents of every dollars worth of > seals sold is kept in our city to pro- , vide the proper nourishment for! our underprivledged children in cur city and schools. When any of | these ladies call to sell you these , seals buy as liberally as possible. ' Other short talk?, were made by Rev. j J. \V. Williams, of the Methodist' church and Rev. W. A. A.yers of the First Baptist church. Mrs. S. J. As bury, president of Parent-Teachers' Association, Prof. J. W. Fakes, Mayor V. T. 1 avis, Mr. C. C. Moore and. others. By having this organiza tion it will l»e of special benefit to our merchants and all places of ' .isiness, for every day there is some one asking aid and they can be sent t'» the organization headquarters where their case will be investigated ; iid aid will be given where deserv ing. Ihe officers elected for this year were: M. P. Bodie, president; Mrs. A \\. Falve.v, vice-president; Mrs. ' • E. Alcock, secretary-treasurer. jl! - ( . h. Alcock will have charge o! the distribution of the funds, etc. A drive will be put on to get h.nds, clohing. fuel and canned goods 1 all kinds. The drive will be mads I'.uiMiay, l>ec. 18. The town is di •' "I into six sections and captains named tor each district an.i r,t > aie to select their workers for day tit the drive. Every busi— and residence are to be solicited !: Thursday, Dec. 18. If any home ' place of husines - should le ov"- • (lk ' ,l please notify Mis. C.'E. Al k and give her the amount you " W1,1,n - to donate to this work. A meeting will be held Friday, Dec. -at , ::)0 p. m .. i n the city hall *"' l "dicers and captains to por pians for making the drive in ! s^; " lna tiu and thorough manner. u, Wntly desired that all be l' 0,1 Friday evening, Dec. 12. ,:,i " a t the city hall. captains for this drive fol ti( I '' Slnct X(l - 1: Union Trust Co., j. Aboard Railroad f north side Shit Ch ma ' n st,eet ' ' nc^U( ling west J herry Mountain street. Cap u'n; ilrs - C. A. McDaniel. I, Grocery store j. t ' :in( ' () - Depot, north side of .^' un stl 'eet, including East 's. ,J. p Alexander. y \ l U . * N "°' National Bank to Mot«.r Co., South side of ' a "' street, including west , "treet, Captain Mrs. A. • I'uncun. ' ( K; Peoples Drug Store 0 v p ( Railroad, south side i.n street, includes east -'(-■ it. from Bianton's ' «Ptain, Mrs. G. C. McDaniel. ; No - ®: A. a Nanney's ;, _ . 1 ells home on both '' Broadway street. Captain, S. Hartley. Florence Mill: M. FOREST CITY COURIER FOREST CITY—"ONE OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIFUL CITIES fclE U. S. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY. W. N. C. ATHLETIC CONFERENCE FORMED . Morganton, Lenoir, Marion, , School For Deaf, Wilkes boro, Cliffside, Ruther fordton. ! —_ Recently a meeting was held at | ! Marion of representatives from the schools interested the purpose ' of which was the organization of j - ian athletic association to be known as the Western North Carolina i Conference. I The following schools compose this association: Lenoir, Morgan-- 1 ton, Marion North Carolina School fc*r the Deaf, North j Wilkesboro, i Cliffside and Rutherfordton. The purpose of which is to spon sor and develop athletics on a basis of physical education for the many, rather than as major sports for the few, to develop strong boys and girls rather than star athletics, and to develop the spirit of good sportsman ship among the pupils rather than the desire to win. \ i An appropriate loving cup,^which I will remain in the permanent pos -1 session of the winner, will be awarded on the basis of percent age in conference games played. i I NATIONAL BANK DIRECTORS HOLD ENTHUSIASTIC MEET I ' Directors of the First National Bank held an enthusiastic meeting at the new bank Tuesday afternoon. After reports were read the directors were agreeably surprised at the pro i gress made by the National, which only opened October 10. New deposi tors have been added every day and the bank has received the most en couraging support from the public. Over $130,000 in deposits have been received at the bank in the short time it has been opened, and the most encouraging thing about it all is the many expressions of confidence, and the support given by the public. I The National Bank is capably managed, has a low overhead, and has made a wonderful record for i the short time it has been open, i The only National Bank coun ty, it will prove a great factor in the development and progress of thj j county. ;THE CHRISTMAS SEAL AND j THE UNDERNOURISHED CHILD J > The Main objective for this Christ mas time is relief for the hungry. i relief for the needy. The United State- is going to spend more money n improvements so that more people will have em ployment. States, counties, cities and individuals are asked to do like wise. Then the community chest i comes along to help those remain - ing, and they have all reached their quota. There are many undernourished children in the homes of the well to-do, not because of lack of food, but for lack of knowledge in using that food. There are many other un dernourished and indeed hunger is gnawing at their vitals, because there is not sufficient food in the house. To all these the Christmas Seal comes i with hope and healing. The Christ ' mas seal in North Carolina direct ed by the North Carolina Tubercu losis Association and local associa tions and committees has for several ; years been working on this prob ; jlem and the people are becoming more and more interested, until this ; school year there will be more than ■ 200.000 undernourished children cared for and the Christmas seal > i "shall lead them." L P. Bodie, Dr. A. C. Duncan, Captains. Special committee for business • ,• ■ j district:: Mesdames C. A. McDaniel, A. C. - Duncan, J. F. Alexander, Broadus t Moore, P. D. Harrill, Sr., T. B. Love -3 i lace, S. J. Asbury. Messrs. T. R. - ; Padgett, W. S. Moss, Howard Dog s gett. G. B Harrill. i I Other workers in residential dis ., tricts are Mesdames B. B. Doggett, G. P. Reid, J. S. Rudisill, Walter . Smith and Miss Sudii Young. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOR EST Cl> SkND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSfr , DEC. 11, 1930. 1 5 « . THINGS THAT NEVE | d HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES«3Up i I - ! : 1 i ! | ( AOSot-uTtl-^ ) N\R. That W / vsJiFt CAKi Ltve ( A6LY TH€ fintEM mk \ poluaks A wfetK ALmonr \ X - if NOT i , Vro JO ST AS SO OKI i ' 'l(A.^NNeeiLrf~ MR. C. C. MOORE IS I TAX SUPERVISOR' | 'Appointed Last Wednesday? By Commissioners—New j Deputy Sheriffs. f • Rutherfordton, Dec. 8.-—Charles j C Moore, of Forest City, was Wed-! 1 nesday appointed tax supervisor of i | Rutherford county by the county . commissioners. He will go to Raleigh this week for three days' instruc-. tions and will start work around the .first of the year. He will have three! (assistants in each township and will j reassess all the real estate in erford county. j C. S. Royster was reelected super intendent of the Rutherford county! ; home. He has held this office for j I several years. Garrett Edwards was, reelected county traffic officer, while ! M R. Reed was reelected county ac -1 ' i 1 , countant. ! New Deputies. ; Mr. A. A. McFarland, brother of the new sheriff, will be chief de puty and jailer. Ex-Sheriff Hardin ' will keep the jail until about Dec. | 15th. ' ' i Sheriff McFarland has announced .* that the following deputies have; , been appointed: Spindale, Lester j IRobbins; Forest City, Furman Tonev.! i Alexander Mills, L. B. Callahan;. Caroleen. J H. Costner; Avondale. W. C. Smith; Cliff side, Leander Jolley; Ellenboro, Arthur Turner; Duncan Creek, Tom Price; Golden Valley, P. C. Hunt; Sunshine, Ab raham Smawley; Logan Store, Roy' Logan; Mt. Vernon and Ruth, W. L. Walker; and Green Hill, James Koon. Sheriff McFarland gave his de puties instructions about their dut ies and conduct. The Sheriff, un der the law has a right to remove any deputy whose conduct is unbe [ corring to the dignity of an officer, i The Board of Education is sworn . in next. April while the new Record .. er and County Solicitor will take office January Ist. All county of , fieers are elscted every two years, I except Clerk of Court, whose term .is four years. \ P.-T. A. NOTES. ' j j The P.-T. A will hold its regular —monthly meeting December 17, at 5 3:30 in the Forest City elementary ■ schiol auditorium. The teachers • social for Thursday evening has " been indefinitely postponed. Owing to 'so many calls through the welfare " department, the organization thinks > its funds could be used to no L ' better advantage at this time than helping the less fortunate. [MRS COGDELL DIES 1 NEAR ELLENBORO ! i 'Aged Woman of Wall's Com j munity Called by Death— Funeral Held Saturday. Ellenboro, R-3, Dec. B.—Mrs. | Nancy Cogdell, aged 86, died at her [home near Wall's church Friday af . ter an illness of nearly one year. She ! had been desperately ill only about jtwo weeks. | Funeral services were held Satur ? day at W : alls Baptist church and the service was in charge of Rev. Z. D. Harrill. Interment took place in tho jW T alls cemetery. j Mrs. Cog-dell's husband preceded I her to the grave several years ago. I She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Craton Lovelace, and Mrs. Bud ! Dycus, both of near Wall's church, and one son, Thomas, of Texas. ! Mrs. Cogdell was a native of Ruth erford county, and had spent prac tically all of her life in this county. She joined the Baptist church in young womanhood and was a faith , ful member and a regular attendant. ! WOMAN'S CLUB I j The Woman's Club will meet on ; Thursday, Dec. 11, at 3:45 at the ! home of Mrs. B. B. Doggett. Hos tesses will be Mesdames B. B. Dog gett, I. J. Edelstein, A. W. Falvev. C. 7. Flack. J. B. Flack, A. M. Glick man, Hoyle Elliotte and Miss Ruth Dorsey. Chairman, Mrs. Broadus Moore. Christmas reading. Piano Solo, selected, Mrs. I. J* Edelstein. Cantata. The Blessed Damsel, Debussy; Mrs. A. M. Glickman, Di rectress, Miss Kathleen H. Goggan= ? accompanist. Auto License Tags On Sale Monday Rutherfordton, Dec. 9. —New 1931 automobile license tags will go on sale here Monday. Hunter Motor Company will again conduct the sale of these tags. In order to avoid confusion and inconvenience in the plant of the Hunter Motor Company, the tags will be handled from the Rutherfordton City Hall. The office at the city hall will be open Irom 9 a. m.. to 4:30 p. m , each day ex cept Sunday and Christmas day. Purchasers of license tags may place them on their cars on and after De cember 15th. Ladies, you can now buy choicr of all my felt hats at one-half price Mrs A. C. Jones. FIRE DESTROYS CAROLEEN HOME ; Thursday Morning Blaze Re sults in Over $6,500 Loss As Home of Prof. A. C. Lovelace is Destroyed. - ( Caroleen, Dec. B.—Last Thursday i morning the home of Prof, and Mrs. ! A. C. Lovelace, which is located near j was destroyed by fire, entail ing a loss of approximately $6,500. The beautiful Lovelace home, recent ly built, was discovered to be on fire about, eight o'clock. Mrs. Lovelace had left a short time before to g.> to her school at Ferry, while Mr. | Lovelace had also gone to his office at the Henrieitta-Caroleen school. When discovered the fire had gained such headway that little could be done to check the flame. Neighbors succeeded in saving part of the household furniture. In the absence of any fire fighting equipment noth ing could be done to extinguish the flames. The origin of the fire is unknown. It is thought that the fire originated from a defective wire, or by rats lighting matches, as there had been no fire that day in the room in which the blaze originated. Mr. Lovelace's loss is partially covered by insurance. A large quan- ( tity of canned fruit was also destroy ed in the fire. |Mrs. D. H. Sutton Highly Honored At the Thirtieth annual meeting of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association, held in Ral jeigh last Thursday and Friday, Mrs. 'D. H. Sutton, of Forest City, was j elected third vice-president of the j association for 1931. Dr. Joseph C I Blount, of Raleigh, was elected | President and Dr. Paschal, of Wake I Forest, first vice-president. In nom : inating the officers of the association | only those who had rendered out j standing and distinguished service in jthe field of North Carolina history ir. j 1930 were considered. The session opened Thursday even ing in the Virginia Dare ballroom iof the Sir Walter Hotel, with ad- Id re sses by the retiring president, i Horace Kephart, noted author, ot ' Bryson City, and others. The Friday j morning session was also held in the j ball room, at which time several pa | pers pertaining to North Carolina ; history were read. Dr. Henry Seidel Canby, editor of the Saturday Review of Literature, of New York City, was the speaker i Friday evening. S The sessions were largely attend led, more being present than at anv previous session in thirty years, i Among those attending from Ruth erford county was Clarence GntTi.;, foijner official of the association. I CIRCLE NO. 1. W. M. S. MEETS j Circle No. 1, of the Woman's Missionary Society, of the Methodist church, met Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. R. Chambers. Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. P. A. McGregor were hostess- s The devotional was conducted by Mrs. Rowland. An inspiring and in teresting' session followed. SERVICES AT MISSIONARY METHODIST CHURCH Rev. John Thomas Sisk. of Gai -1 fney, S. C., will be at the Mission ary Methodist church Sunday after noon. .December 14, at 2:00 o'clock, with a male quartet, and render a musical program. Rev. Mr. Sisk is well known here, having sung here before. A number of singers are expected here from Shelby, Caroleen and oth er points. A rare treat is in store for all who may attend. LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET FRIDAY The Women's Auxiliary of the A merican Legion will meet h riday af ternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. D. H. Sutton. All members are urged to attend. 96 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance DEPOSITORS OF CLOSED BANKS TO MEET FRIDAY | Depositors of Defunt Ruther ! ford County Banks Asked to Meet—Will Consider Several Items of Business. Notice to depositors of defunct jbanks of Rutherford county: On i February 4th t several of our banks in the county closed. Sometime af ter the closing" th?re was a deposi tors meeting at the court house and at Forest City. These meetings stir ed up interest and indictments were begun before the Recordei. i Then spring term superior court icame on and the solicitor joined in ; and today several parties' stand in ' dieted by the grand jury for viola tion of the banking laws of the state. At the last term of criminal court there were other indictments and it 1 I was decided at that term of the court | to ask for a special term to try these indictments. 1 The commissioners of the county ' have asked the governor to call such 'a term and I understand it will be ! called soon to meet some time after ! the first of the year. Now every J depositor in the defunct banks are i ... Imore or less interested in the trial « jof these cases. The object of anoth er call for depositors to meet at the J court house on Friday, December 12. ( at 2:00 p. m., is to provides ,: if we may, means to aid !the solicitor in the prosecution of these cases, and for the purpose of seeing if we cannot devise some w:iy by which we, may have a report from >; the liquidator of the defunct ban!--. Ten months and more have passe:! I since the banks closed and deposi , i tors know no more today about th' t money than they did when the banks ( closed. . ; Some of the committee elected by i the depositors and other interested , depositor* and stockholders asked Sme to call a meeting to be held on day mentioned above for the piir i pose of discussing the matters set - out above. Let all who are interest ed come and join us at the meeting. 1). F. MORROW, Attorney for Depositors. - ! _ KIWANIS CLUB NOTES. ' ! j Attendance was good at the Clu; Monday night. Hon. R. R. Blanton had charge of the program, i Plans were formulated for help i ing in the welfare work, now undet way in the city, after which Mr. - r - W. Dalton discussed the trade day plans put into effect for the firt time Monday, wherein the merchants of Forest City made specials for ihe benefit of the many visitors here on that day. Although there had been no time in which to prenare for : the occasion, or advertise it, th** signs placed on the streets attracted a great deal of attention and those making the specials report a great trade for the day. This feature will be made greater for the next trad day, second Monday in .Janrary, and the idea is expected to grow into h feature that will attract more and more buyers here as the public be comes aware of the many great bar gains that Forest City merchants art going to offer th'm on these speci'i! trade days. A most instructive, as well as in teresting, feature of the evening was the short talk by Attorney B. T. Jones, Jr, in which he discussed and explained the steps taken before fore closure for delinquent taxes. Mr. W. R. Hill, former countv t school superintendent, was_ a gues* of the club, and s'ated for a talk, but as so much time had ben taken up in other matter.-, this wa 'deferred to another date. The K'wanis club girding itself j now for strenuous work :n the com ing new year and is sanguine of a pickup in business conditions through out- the county. The Family Welfare Drtve viil be made Thursday, Dec. 18. 16 Pages