, December 18, 1930. *" ' A? > f O \ . ■; .; ■: /'vA N 1' i 'jj 3 I #w ' ' ' > !"i 5 §/ P - - i ! *' V /• v ! . .: .... IfiTERS TO SANTA Wants Airplane. y„rri City, Dec. 5. , . s-rnia Claus: I have been a K ' a litt \ e bov. I «»" ei * ht years ° M H I L second grade. Will you, LMM » "» airptaDe ' nUt ' . a "' ; '"XvEY PRICE. Cowboy Gloves. Forest City, Dec. 5. Dear Santa Clau.c I have been a L boy. Ig» i" sch ° ol :,t Mt " " . Will you please bring me a ..on and a pair of cowboy gloves. I ' v , nt «w nuts, candy and oranges, j p. X. McCURRY. ♦* * j Doll for Second Grader. Forest City, Dec. 5. ; Dear Santa Claus: I have been a , ,od girl. 1 fro to school at Mt. , easant. Will you please bring me . doll and a carriage and a pair ot ( oves. I am in the second grade. ] RUBY HENSON. j * I Remembers Teacher. Cliffside, Dec. 8. | Dear Santa: 1 am in the fourth ■ade. My teacher wants you to re- f ember her same as myself. Please t ring me a pair of gloves, a doll and i book satchel. You can leave some 1 ruits, candies and nuts for I am ( HIGGINS' CASHf STORE December 19 and cqntimz- i' uary 1, wa will offer the h •• i R specials at our store: * EH ; :os. ( ream cf the Lake Flour $2.65 mof the Lake Flour $1.40 N Cream of the Lake Flour 75c | ' ewel Lard Ssc jjj! "* •" too -'-t Mnrirny's Favorite Coffee ?Cb I .it 1 m'cJ L/cil'd I'U'C p kj 'oz LO* m ! v • ■ ■ ■ \ \ i c i r. ?'■' 1 • v * ° 9 -' n • v •' - j , v »;-! s e, \- I • gi r.A g -luGches 5c j| 4 fts. Pinto Beans 25c §; p!' !u ' ; ' special Mixture, lb. 1234 c 1 )eolate Creams, lb. - | ' 1 bugar stick candy 2\lb. box 35c | MEATS p tdA ' 25c lb., or 5 lfcs. for SI.OO st T> - - lb. 15c £ v •r. lb. 12V2C ! 5 P e( i Sausage 15c Ham sage 20c ; as-. gl "IBGIBS' CASH STORE very fond of them. Remember others too. With love, JESSIE LEMMONS. Six Years Old. Forest C'ty, Dec. 5. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl six years old. I am in the first grade 1 wanl you to bring me a big doll carriage, nuts, candy and ap pk s. RUBY RUMFELT. »fs v :jc Dc!! and Carriage. Forest City, Dec. 5. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl six years old, I am in the first grade. I want you to bring me a doll and a carriage, also nuts and candy. EDITH MORGAN. I Saved Money. Cliffside, Dec. 8. Dear Santa: I am a little boy and some times I am mean, but my mama says I am smart because I go to the store for her. Santa I have saved i my money for you so you can bring me a tool box, a football and boots. I also want candies, nuts and some fruits. Hoping to see you Christmas. A little friend, CHARLES LLEMMONS. ♦ ♦ A Good Boy. Forest City, Dec. 5. i Dear Santa Claus: I have been a good boy. I go to school at Mt. Pleasant. Will you please bring me an air rifle, candy, nuts and oranges. PAUL GREEN. « v v Raincoat. Cliffside, Dec. 8. Hello Santa: I am a little girl in j the first grade. I have a very good i teacher her name is Miss David. I i want lots of things, but please bring j me a raincoat, over shoes, big doll,, a ball. You can bring me some nuts , candies and fruits too. Don't forget | my little friends. Good Bye. CHARLES LEMMONS. ♦ * . w Thinks of Parents. Cliffside, Dec. 8. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little ( girl eight years old, and I am in the j third grade at school. Please bring' me a doll a doll carriage, a little broom, a pair of gloves, candy, pair of bed room slippers. Also bring me THE FOREST CITY COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. n. some apples, candy, nuts and cr j anges. Don't forget father, mother | sister and my brothers and my lit tle friends. Your friend. MILDRED CALLAHAN. * * * i Wants Air RrHe. - ' Forest City, Dec. 5. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little 4,' boy six years old. I am in the fir: t - grade. I want you to bring me an air rl fie arul a truck, some nuts and candy. JAMES RANDALL. * * * Bed Room Slippers. / Forest City, Dec. 11.—Dear Santa i Claus—l am a little girl eight years 1 old. I am in the third grade. I am go • ing to school at Harris high. I want you to bring me a pair of bed room slippers, and a box of water colors, candy, apples, nuts and please don't forget other little girls and boys. I Your little friend, i • ELIZABETH GREEN. * * * Thinks of Many Others. Forest City, c o Alexander Mill, Dec. 15.—Dear Santa: I am a little ' girl five years old. I was almost a fraid you had forgotten me. So I jam writing so you will know that I am still here. I want you to bring me a raincoat, cap, overshoes, an ! umbrella, telephone, crayons and a | doil if you have one left over, and Santa bring Mr. Mathis a sweetheart ! with red hair, Wood Halford one; named Grace and I think that will be all thev will ask for. | ! Santa please don't forget my lit- ! i tie cousin. Buddy Morrow, his little j sisler died the fourth of July and I jknow he is very lonesome. Bring him ; lots of things and don't forget the;' j little children at the Alexander ( schools, Union Mills. Pleasei don't! i forget, these and remember all. I go jto the kindergarten and try to be! 1 a good little girl. With love, JOYCE TATE. j ♦ ♦ * Wants Little Sewing Machine. Forest City, c o Alexander Mills, [ j Dec. 15.—Dear Santa: I am a little | girl five years old. I go to the kin-' jdergarten and sure do enjoy it.. San ta bring me a pretty doll, doll bed, j and little sewing machine. Bring my little brother, Jetonne something nice also, and don't forget all the rest of , the little boys and girls, Santa please j j don't forget my little uncles, J. D., i and Bill Smith. With love, HAZEL HAWKINS. I i * * * i Gloves and Pocket Book. i Forest City, Dec. 11.—Dear Santa Claus:—l want a watch, a pair of gloves, a doll a pocket book and lot of fruit. I am in the first grade. Your friend, RUBY LEE MOORE. ' . He * * i ; Indian Sni*. Forest City, Dec. 11.—Dear Santa Claus:—Please bring me som.' fruits Bring me a football and a air rifle and an Indian suit. Your friend. BILLY MOORE. Story Book. Forest Citv, Dec. 11.—Dear San f - —I am a little girl and study the fourth grade. I want a story book a pair of gloves a watch for Christ mas and lots of fruit. our friend, FRANCES MOORE :Je * . * j W m«s Testament. Fore-: . City, Dec. II -De ir San ;, i I a us— l am writing to you to let j let you know wh it I want. I want j a 'J 'sianient ? > I can learn more ■ about Jesus, and a new bicycle and t a pair of boots. That's all I will I ask for myself. a Dear old Santa I will not ask to I much for myself Those that don'c | have a father and mother I want you 1 to send them something. I will close | wishing you a happy Christmas. EARL BAXTER FREEMAN. * $ * DoJI and Doll Carriage. Mooresboro, R-l, Dec. 15.—Dear Santa—l am a little girl seven years old. I want you to bring me a do'l. doll carriage, apples, granges and candy. Please don't forget my little brothers and don't forget my little brand new cousin, Vivian Hawkins. Bring her a rattler. I will close with lots and lots of love. LOIS DOBBINS. Helps Mother. Rutherfordton. R-l, Dec. 15.—Dear Santa—l am a little boy almost six years old. I go to school, like it fine also my teacher. I help daddy and j mother all I can. I want you to bring me a big aero. * - j plane, candy, fruits and nuts for Christmas. Don't forget me, or my - little friends either. : By, by Santa, | GLENN COLE. * £ i / Wants Bib?e. j Forest City, Dec. 15—Dear Santa . lam a little girl six years old. : Pl€ase Wag me a scooter, a Bible . and a pockc-t book, also some candy, nuts and fruits. our little friend, BLLANCHE ALLEN. T nnis Itacket. Forest City, Dec. 15.—Dear Santa ( a. s I am a little boy eleven years old. I am in il,e fourth grade. Miss Andrews is my teacher and I love her very much. Be sure and bring her something. Please bring me a tennis racket, puzzle of Peter Rabbit, toy caps, steam shovel, candy, nuts, and fruit iße sure and bring the other boys 'and girls something. With love, RALPH WHITLOCK. AUCTION SALE j DECEMBER 22 i I _ Cyclone Auction Company Will Sell W. P. Hardin Proper ty and Some Residences in Forest City. i i j The Cyclone Auction Company will sol! at auction the property of the late W. P. Hardin, on the prem . ises, Monday, December 22. This ! ! property lies o nSouth Church street and comprises seventy acres. On the I property is two houses and out- j ibuildings, and running water. This: .property is being sold by the com- j j pany for Mr. H. N. Hardin, commis-; j sioner, in order to settle the estate' jof the late W. P. Hardin. A band ' J j j concert will be a feature of the sale.' [ Cash prizes will be given away. Terms , j and other interesting information ( i regarding the sale may be found in ■ an advertisement appearing elsewhere j ir this issue. On the same day at two o'clock' in the afternoon, The Cyclone Auc tion Company will also sell some resi- '• property in Forest City. I Christmas Gifts That Satisfy I I Beautiful Watch Bracelet ij I I Filigreef \l : r f yTJ'rfi A variety ofj I I •' - r ; )) / ■ I |[ Bracelets j{ .-j styles to select; i i ' i!u **'* ,ic '' l i Qsf D 7 i lrorn - i"«*K*G«i ; Q; v ; oc I biLvLl\ V¥ L i ot.y icb j j xl v.. m & 1 S 4* fafk j; ! c? 9 TZI **G ffcO 3 I S9w§ 0 . ~v * 'o t n- o ' «-> *»£) O«O" J "■{ -5- w a »_•' jj •" ■ jp" »" > *-v - 1 r |li r J - { | ~~~ Wm. Rogers silverware, 26' jj | piece set in beautiful Paris]" , 1 | Ring and Neck- f pattern. Stainless steel l-'nive j Leal! ;r Goods : [1 9 1 lace Seis. j Serving* Tray F:*e3 iy . j . ! ; P a,olid e-r lf] o-ov-'t- . r/. r - I t% a ' UliU &^- U ? (i : J PPspoons S r ol > i |rr-. -f, i , .. __ . . if n fr ? t x \ i* ; ! ' f o*oo"I7G! 1 _!L Ojl O ■ j , feV'-'W.- 01/, ivk HiJV.f ; ' _ ; g 1 I C old Aieat Fork : , j r ,^ I settings. fGra w Lad- 1 : r~i j j s J r 4 : ov " i T-Si» v * • ij * , (yt T -V /-l 1 "I'f- .' 1 - i. 1 I rj i.> fo -19 j oU£*ai oiiOii ci'-K i.lit.., ?r- -j r . t£l J! V*. -*■ v. U/ •' Jim ifei a 9 I T*T* • ft* *6 r **' J % • i 1 knne - - 81l Kj u-jno**** -*W wawifc r - ■ B 1 II Ladies and Men's Wrist Watches, Elgin, Bulova, Westfield, The | real gift. Priced.— 510.50 to 525.00 | Special Ingersoll Pocket Watches . _ ... SI.OO Ingersoll night Wrist Watches, $5.00 W. L. Stallings JEWELER Phone 112 Romina Theatre Building - ' FUNERAL HELD FOB ;mks. mm walks i ----- i | Weli-Known Woman of Bost!c . j R-3, Passes After Brief Ill ness at of 55. ' Bo? ic, R-3, Dec. 10 M - I; . •t e Florence Walker, a._.ed 50 di at her home on this route Fri-' v 1 after a briel iliness. Funeral ; v ces were held at the Sunshine .Methodist church Saturday at two o'clock, with Rev. N L. Epley and ! Rev. Z. D. Ilai rill in charge of the service. Interment was in the Sun shine cemetery. [• Mrs. Walker is survived by fou>- j children, as follows: H. W. Walk r. •Caroleen; E. E Walker, C. W. Wal ker and Mrs. R. A. Long, of For • est Ci L y; one brother, H. \\ . Toney, and two sisters, Mrs. W. M. Wal ker, of Bostic, and Mrs. E. S. Dob bins, of Ellenboro, R-2. Pall bearers were Romulus Long. [Charlie Walker E. E. Walker, E. W. Walker, Carl Walker and C. 1.. Proctor. The floral offering was borne by Misses Hettie White, An jnie Bell White, Elsie Proctor, Sudie I Atchley and Delia Koon. | Mrs. Walker was a member of the ! Sunshine Methodist church. I HONORROLL I j Honor Roll of Forest City Grammar School for Sec ond Six Weeks Term of School. Grade -IB:—Jake Alexander, Tom Davis, Reburn Epley, Palmer Har-, | rill, Charles Mcßrayer, Gudger Wat. ■ j kins, Marjorie Green, Martha Jean j Harrill, Helen Horn, Wanda McAfee, 1 j Louise Richburg, Louise Luckadoo. 1 JAlmeda McMurray, Evangeline Gray- I son, Karolyn Jobe, Helen Burnes. i ; Jack Hamrick, Horace Doggett, Jr., , Kerwin Stallings, Robert Watkins, : ( Bill Hartley, Benjamin Cole, Brant j Horn, Grover Matheney, Thomas j Padgett, J. Mi. Jenkins, Billy Harrill, ! (*len Beheler, Henry Freeman, Ira Mae Woody, Ruby Moore, Olema Hardin. Grade 2-B:—Erastus Smart, Ruth Settlemyre, Louise Thompson, Rae ; Blantan, May ma Benniek, Mary j Helen I' rye, Lillian Huntsinger, Mar i garet Mcßrayer. Evelyn Roberson, . J° e oody, Robert Smith, Franci- Hardin. \ Grade 4-B:— Stanley MeDaniel, - Edna Bowes. Trilby H »vLt. Alfiv Callahan, Mary HvK-n Caldwe'] Madge Wat kins. Grade 5-B:—Mabel Sanders, Mar tha Akxandi r. Katy Rath Gr;:y,i n. ■ Virginia Searcy, Doyle Hardin, Na than Gordon, Marguerite Bodie Irene Gieen, Virginia Morris, I 1 Morrow, Eugenia Harrill, Violet Pad gett. Edith Pinson. Grade >-B:—Hugh Verner. A; I r-QJirc Jilii.uil iiijyv Ij i Rut her ford ton, R-l. lVe. 15. ~ Several in this community havo : mumps now. ' i Air Adam Williams nas been veiy •sick for some time. His friends h ju he will soon be able to be back in | school. j Mr and Mrs. Smith spent I last Wednesday n'ght in Spindale •with Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Ledbetter. j Rev. R. M. Hamrick is taking j tieatment at the Charlotte Sanitor— ■ ium. j Mr. Lionell Smith has accepted a j position with Yassey and Hemphill j Dry Cleaning, at Forest City. | Miss Virginia Cole entertained the i young folks with a party Satimby night. Those who enjoyed this part\ were: Misses Agnes Huntley, Velma jand Estelle Jones, Girtie Tate, Messr- Ralph Smith, Burton Ruppe. Geo re; • (•Jones, Eulas Davis, George Dobbin.- j Theodore Ruppn, R. I>. William*. Theron and Tom Spurlin. Fred and ; Clyde Banning, Garland Roach. ; Spurgeon, Columbus and ClaudeCoK | Richard and Hope Smith, Roy Mc ■ Brayer, Roy Tarry, Earnest Cham pion, John 1). Morrow, Worth Me— Daniel. i There will be a program aim C hristmas tree at Shiloh school house next I -1 riday afternoon, everybody invited to come. J The Family Welfare Drive will be made Thursday, Dec. 18. Being courteous is much more t one's credit than merely being re— pectable. PAGE NINE

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