{uc"rerr ore! County Otfers Unequalled o D por» n,t,eS Manufacturers ' a „d Others VOL.* 1 "'" - ftijTSTA^DING EVENTS ffl VEARI939 Li. * -j --. | HaPP eningS RUth Culled From erf ° r °Fiies in Chrono frttsr!er r " C ° !o gical Order. - Moore, well contractor, killed in at Sandy Mush. Jenkins, aged instantly hilled kb, ('. C. 1 ° - i.n ns Tabernacle January . . (1 ,.,. r s in ' hffside. l: ' ~ v • visit!d by i be 1" ta uavy , Qual nc-d m . and wickl;'- . [■ v ' • * ' 'i • „ t oi M. i'-theri'ord County •nd branches at Union kill! am! - iiivulak; the Faimersj te k *Tra* C«'ipany Forest City ranch at n close doors. Lipaiiy. at Chimney Hock, closes B February 17.- -Union Trust Com- A„y. oi Sbelhv, opens two branch Kiik> in County —one at Rut her-« Brrftcn and one at 1' or est City. * j ■ February "2*7. —Juhn Kennedy, aged j B. voW-V.nown Confederate veteran j Kd busings man. and son M. B. Kennedy, dies at Avondale. I March ]. JJnifln Trust 'ompanv. ■ § oju ns haidTafCaro- Bn. ■ March 10— W. L. Long, of the Ba Ridge community, loses $2,100 | Hem povke while on way to hank t » i Hpuiii the money. j ■March lib Disastrous tiro sweeps I (:' Chiunev R»ck, destroying' j Be building, resulting in a lossj H SiiD.OOO. H'u::rdi 21- Rutherford Conn-; ' B' »ives ' live-at-hi me" luncheon Mi p. .-gram to farmers of county H meeting in Spindale. IWilliamstim. X. named by ■ :> Stat: Bank Kxuinim r John Bchvl! a> li(|tii«iator »! In- defunct ■iherford county l-inks. ■ B c 'P (, i'> Gap, kii: (| v. ■! 1 in sisting J I ■ ' s ■i (W V Tin,l' T ■ 111 s iiith; rford county j I and i. )ciation j ■" •jpnns n ; n forest: City. | ■ ' ' kepovi of tftc Farmers ■* ""'! l'ust Company filed with ■ 'lerk ( ,f Court. Hpril i;i __Tii„ ■ I • nu county Election ' iresl City's population ""Seventeen (.Confederate I ' 11 h: annual reunion irt ■ ' !i .i-(|tn r , .'''|' ;, nnual banquet of 1 ; n plsothermal I ounty Re | ' eld in Ruther ■ ■ IV(I \\ if . . Br l!ntv . ' " a nincls re-elected ■l 1 . lu, an, and county G.. By :jo. » . . B«n> i " 1 " ' ! ' ta n Legion posts Biting ol ' ld War (lead b y ■>ne 2. T. i, WK So!(i LlU( ; dam ilnl Pow- nU l loi 'frclosure sale ■ fWd .'° unly ' s POPO - a &ain ■ tcIISUS. FOREST CITY "ONE* OF THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIFI L CITIES ! ':r. s. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY cjUST KSB-.J Sfcutsrcsy T'loram'! s¥■ g y c ar { er ! //x V ,■'»>-\ >\ \ r\' > 4 -'///, |-—:^f>-n^am&tn3icis!cin.-u tmrrms-c£7x V 7"7~"|j / ... ' f / /// / fy / j ///f YOO BOYS RI&HT" . I INSIDE 1 DOri'T T" YOU "BE VJp NONE DOBS j POWIS WiTh THE CROUP? W' SHE? fV /// // i/ T\t -- ■■ /--"z~ /. -'nCNN/ /\/ mmm' ' •h ! |i //j /21 W/^McWW/^ few I fr , I yA ' 4// • 3? - .v /"Mil/ /// A i —i VMj/wa I ■ /> - ,// mwy///y i 7 W/A, / y . 'y//y/'/f ~ v • U V/# j|v// • y /Af/k /7 *'"7'//y/////// - y f-■/ . y'//yyy/'//v tv / *—• / v, VV/ 7/ 7 7-7/ V 7/. ' y, ' ///„ / // ill Official figures 011 Forest City's popu— | lation given at 4,008. June 7.—Democratic and Rjeputy- j lican primaries held. •June 8." -Fay Green, of Spindale,] killed in auto collision in Forest City, j June 12.—Methodist Women's | Missionary Societies of the Marion, District hold annual meeting in the j Spindale Methodist church. June 1 *). —Thomas. Tate, well-j known Insurance representative o1 j Ci iff side, killed by accidental dis-- j charge of shotgun. June 21. —Gordon Green, 21, of j Spindale, killed by accidental dip- ' charge of shotgun. June 28. —Rutherford county Democratic conven : on held in Ruth -1 erfordton, and delegates to state convention named. July s.—Second primary held. July 10.—Mrs. R. Led better, of HtnikUa, succumbs to heat; the first death resulting in county from I extreme heat. July 21).—-Fred E. Wel.b, aged 43. member of board ol aldermen 'Forest City and prominent, business man die 4 in hospital in Atlanta. August 12.—County tax rate fix - * l ed by county commissioners it $1.75 j on ii.e SIOO property valuation. \i.; ust 1 -1. .Mrs. Fannie W. Car.- j treii appoint d superintendent of ! in/;' re welfare, succeeding Mrs. V ' , B. .toss, resigned. * , August 10. -Dillon Mode, aged J i 2 L Spindale, killed by lightning iwhilo praying near bis home. I Augi.st 21. -Fire destroyed plant of Forest City Laundry, located in old public school building, resulting in $15,000 loss. August 28. -James lliner Thomas. fon» er head of Farmers Bank and Trust Company, and leading business man of Rutherford county, dies. September I). Rutherfordton and Spindale voted almost five to one in [ favor of selling public utilities plants | to Southern Public Utilities com-j pan>. September 16. —Forest City re-j jeets, by small margin, proposition to sell water and light plants to South: i n Public Utilities Company. September 22. First of a series of joint debates between Fred D. Hamrick, Republican county chair-- man, and S. P. Dunagan, I.)emocra +~ J county 'jhairman, held in Ruther fordton. September 23.—Rutherford county fair opens. September 20. —Second of a ser ies of debates between Hamrick- Dunagan held at Caroleen. September 30.----Final Hamrick PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CljgE|ftD RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURjg* DEC. 25, 1930. | Dunagan debate held at Ellenboro. j October 1. —Harvey Propst, well-! iknpvvn (/older Valley farmer and former office* >iu)t 'and lallfid.-by.vun. j "known parties from ambush. I ' October 2.—Green River Bapti-t Association opens annual association 'al meeting at Bills Creek Baptist ! church. r j October B.—-Forty-first annual ses-j jsion of the Sandy Run Baptist church (convened with the Spencer Baptist i church, Spindale. j October 20. —\V. P. Ilall, aged j 11, of Ihe Hall-Rudisill Drug Com -1 panv. Forest City, dies. October 30. — George Tate, of Cliffr ide, kills wife and wounds self in attempt to commit suicide. Novi rnber 4. —Democrats carry all district and county offices, ex cept one, in el ction. November 10.- - First National Bank of Forest City, opened for business. November 11. --Several thousanel people attend Armistice Day celebra tion in Forest. City. November 11.- —Commissioners of Town of Spindale announce a re duction of :;0c on the SIOO valua tion in town taxes. Xovemb r 12.—Fred Mcßray.r appointed county recorder and 0. J. Moeneyluim solicitor, to take office January 1, by boards of commis I sinners and education. November 28. —Chimney Rock Mountains, Inc., sold "under tore closure sale for SBOO,OO. December I.—New county offi cials take oath of offiee. George H. Blanton elected chairman of board of county commissioners. December 5.—C. C. Moora % ap pointed county tax supervisor. December 11). —G. B. Howard elected president of Rutherford | County Club at meeting held in Spin j dale House. . Ministers To Meet Monday Ministers' conference of the Sandy jßun association will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday morning. Dec. 29th, at ten-thirty o'clock, at the Alexaneler Baptist church. All ministers of the association are urg ed to attend. -A good program has been arranged by the committee and business of importance is to be at tended to. Brother ministers and pastors be sure and come help carry en the great work of the association. SULPHUR SPRINGS -7— ~ Forest" City, R-l. Dec. section was visited with one of the! biggest snows on Wednesday, that ! had been in a long time. Traffic was almost stopped for several lav« The Harris school closed until Dec- j 31. The crowd at Sunday school was small on account of the bad weatb er. o>i Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 a short program will be givm ar the church, and the children treated. Messrs Kenneth Dobbins and Zon Robinson were present last Sunday night and organised general leaders for our D. Y. P. U's. Miss Paulino Cole was elected leader with Mis: Joyce bland associated leader, Miss Zennie Randall, secretary; Mr. Mar vin Ha> r»s chorister and Mrs. .Lao Robbins organist. We hope our B. Y. P. U's. work will grow. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hen son a line girl on Dec. 8. Miss Ruby Robbins, of Boiling Springs college is spending the holi days with home folks. Mr. X. F. Wcssingi r is improv ! ia°' after several v. . vl: s :l«ness Misses and deyce tfland spent last Friday night with Mr. and Mis. P. R. Greene of near Cliilside. Mr. and Mrs. Guilford oung are j visiting Air. and Airs. AI. AT. oung. Wishing the Courier and its many readers a Alerry Christmas and Hap py and Prosperous New Year. Rutherford Woman Dies At Lattimore Lattimore, Dec. 22. —Mrs. J. P McCurry died at eight o'clock Sat urday morning at her home one mile west of Lattimore, following an ill ness of five weeks with a liver tio.i bie. Mrs. McCurry before marriage [was Lucinda Tessener and was 47 years of age at the time of her death. ! She joined Wall's Baptist church ii Rutherford county at the age of IT and was married 23 years ago. Sur viving are her husband and five chil j dren, Erastus, Howard, Blanche. El | mer and Lula. 1 • Also surviving are two brothers j Columbus and Dolphus Tessener and one sister, Mrs. Andy McCurry. The ! funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at Walls church, serv ices being conducted by Revs. Z. and I. D. Harrill and Bert Bridges. The McCurry family moved into ) Cleveland five years ago. COUNTY BUYS COLFAX BONDS One SI,OOO Colfax Township Road Bond Purchased at Commissioners' Meeting. Rutherfordton, Dec. 22.—At the last meeting- of the Board of County Commissioners it was decided to purchase Colfax Township road bonds and the following resolution was a d opted: Upon information furnished that R. S. Dickson & Company of Char lotte, holds Rutherford County Col fax Township Road Bond in the j principal sum of SI,OOO, same being one of a series of bonds dated 15 day of February, 1918, and due l n . 1948, bearing interest at 6 per cent I ■ per annum. ■ And said R. S. Dickson & Com j pany having offered same to Ruth ! erford county on this the sth day |of December, 1930, at par and it | appearing that the sinking funds | provided by Colfax Township, Ruth erford county, to meet said bond.-: i upon their due dates, is bearing only 4 per cent interest. It is thereupon ordered and di rected by the Board of County Commissioners of Rutherford coun ty that said offer of R. S. Dickson &: Company for thf redemption of said bond at par be accepted, and the Treasurer of Rutherford coun ty is hereby directed and authoriz ed to purchase and redeem said bond according to offer, out of the [sinking fund provided for Colfax Township Road Bonds. | JAMES M. ROACH DIED THURSDAY » | Widely-Known Citizen of Hoi j ly Springs Community Suc cumbs to Illness of Two Months. I Harris, R-l, Dec. 22.—The-entire community was shocked last week 'to learn of the death of Mr. James M. Roach, which occurred at his home near Holly Springs church Thursday night at eleven o'clock. M; - Roach had been in ill health about • two months, and had undergone j treatment at the Rutherford hospi jtal. Upon his return home it was •thought he was improving, but deat'i ! claimed hiai Thursday. | Funeral services were held Sa - ! urday afternoon at two o'clock at | Tanner's Grove Methodist church. 'interment was in the church ctnr itery. Rev. D. H. Rhinehardt, ol' j Cliifside, pastor of the deceased, wa-- 'in charge oi the funeral service. | Despite the heavy snow, a large num ber of sorrowing friends and rela j tives were present to pay their ia -c I tribute of respect to the deceived. ; The pall bearers were Messrs T \\ :.. ; and Ed Huskey, Edward Allen, I* rar .-: 1 Toney. Memory Morgan and ... ! Tate. The large floral ofrermg v. . borne by Misses t lara Lynch, Ala! i Gjrt/en, Lou Amos, Daisy Ilenson. Irene Green, Mary Crow, Ehzabtto Owen, Reba Roach, Rutll Hens»*.! and Agnes Green. Mr. Roach is survived by his wid !ow and five children, i Catherine, j Herman, Iberia, Louise and James, ! Jr., all at home. Two brothers, II jc. and John Roach, of Avondale, |survive, also four sisters, Mrs. P. I*. Street, Union Mills, Mrs. J. B. Holli | fielc}, Gastonia; Mrs. Taylor i ale, jof Ellenboro and Mrs. D. B. Pu-- i nam, of Leona, Tenn. ! Mr. Roach was well-known thru lout the entire county; a pr gressiv farmer and a good citizen, a good : father and husband, and was held ! ir. high esteem by all of his nun erous friends. He was a member >' the Avondale Methodist church, wherj |he had held membership for a num : ber of years, and took a prominent | part in the work of the church. He ! was also a member of the Masonic , order. Mr. Roach was forty-nine years of I age. Miss Jean Andrews has beautiful ly planned a Christmas program to be given at Salem church Wedn's ' day 24th. 1 2 Pages 72 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance ALBERT MOREHEAD, AGED 46, DIED MONDAY HORNING Wide!y-K.nown Farmer and Community Leader Dies at Home on Rutherford ton, R-.4 Rutherfordton, R-4, Dec. 23.—Al bert Morehead, aped 46, widely known farmer and one of the com munity's outstanding- citizens, died at his home near Oak Springs Bap tist church, on this route. Monday morning at four o'clock, alter a short illness of pneumonia. Mr. Morehead was taken ill several days ago with a severe cold which developed into pneumonia, and resulted in dea. u Monday morning. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon at one o'clock at Oak [Springs Baptist church. Intermer. j .vas in the church cemetery. Mr. Morehead is survived by hi j widow, who before her marriage WJS | I Miss Minnie Johnson, daughter of M.. j and Mrs. Thomas G. Johnson. Three children survive, Mrs. Thad Connely, of Rutherfordton, R-4; Francis and J. C., at home. One brother, Ed Morehead, of Union Mills, R. F. D., and one sister, Mrs. Harvey Barnes, of Union Mills, survive, also his father and step mother and one halt brother and one half sister. Mr. Morehead was a member o:' the Camp Creek Baptist church, where he joined when nine years old. He had since lived a consecrated Christian life, and was always found at his post of duty in the church. Comments From Forest City R-2 Forest City, R-2, Dee. 22.—We have had the largest snow that has i'ell for a long 1 time in this county. It reminds me of the snow that fell when I was a boy. Mr. James Roach, who lived near Holly Springs church, was buried a( Tanner's Grove church last Saturday afternoon. I want to say that I enjoyed read ing Mr. Griffin's history of the j sheriffs ;f the county. Mr. X. E. Walker was the first j sheriff that, the writer remember-, i holding that office. I Mr. Walker was the one that eu: J the rope when Daniel Keith was han.:- u ' If taxes were as easiyl paid today !as they were back in those days ii j would not be so hard on the tax j payers as it is now. But we have to {pay big taxes, and we have to get up ■ the cash. It doesn't look fair for the Jtax payers to make good the money j ' hat was lost in the banks, i I think it would be fair for all 4 > ! curtail the schools of the county on month in t:"u year to help raisti that money, instead of making the tax payers pay it again. .J. W. HILL. AN EVENING OF MUSIC. ' On Tuesday evening, December 1(5, an appreciative audience assem bled to enjoy the annual recital giv en by the music pupils of Miss Katli lerine Goggans. With a background of Christmas warmth aijd cheer which radiated through the stage setting, the interpreters of music rendered ' their compositions in calivj simpli city and artistic technique. From the smallest child to the most advanced 'student, there existed a love of nvt ! sic which revealed itself in each in terpretation by the different stu ! dents. Varied in mood, in length and in maturity was the excellent program. Miss Mary Jones will entertain at 'a four course dinner on Wednesday , evening at the "Dutch Grill" in I honor of her brother, Mr. Bill Jone.-, and his guest, Mr. Bufcrd Turner, 'of Knoxville, Tenn. Covers will 'laid for ten. Misses Bernice Kanipe, j Lucy Shehan, Esther Rollins, Mary ! Jones and Mrs. Bess Jones, Messrs 'Joseph Womble, C. E. Brackett, L. I S. Allen, of Philadelphia, Pa., B.i ford Turner and Bill Jones, of Knox viile, 'lenn.