Rutherford County Offers Unequalled Opportunity To a nd Others VOL- XII* 50 LOCAL FARMERS COTTON PER ACRE "Rale Per Acre" Wi'l A "^ P ' ; n Charlotte Jan "uarv 9-Get Good Results. . , and boys in Cool > have averaged :« r:, t. tho acre ,n the 1 , i by the forest C ° nte t'- ••,»i. ; iu!). and conducted by City ' 0 f Agriculture of 1001. These men nd the bale-per held at the C ar- f c rv, a mber of Commerce on Jan ' ; compiled by the , Committee of the Ki -1 , h ov. that on 200 acres - ' nls clu i, on-i h«l*« !,,y, made 20,! bal.. , ~t a cost per acre of cotton. • i i ii . , i; Thi , ni ,r .price includes .he " .;♦ ?m c- SIO.OO per acre, following item. . ~,i -J.i0.00 an acre ior v.nt on i'"" l ' labor at 2(; cents for 15 cents , i " , o *••• an acre for aepre _ . 50 cen.s for ginning, ed and fertili zer. The total value of the cotton in til'' contest ?11,!»ia.64. I The total cost, including the items listed above,. MS $10,713.56. Practically all the cotton in the contest was Coker No. 5, or other inch-staple! cotton, and brought a premium of . from 1-2 to 3-4 cents a pound at j the Alexander Mills. The Agricul- j [oral Committee is gratified at this showing, in a year when the ci°p j Conditions were such as to cut all j crops far below a normal yield, and . frhen cotton is selling as low as it i has tb'« yw; r h ? gunil boys are to be congratulated on the results of this contest. f The men making the required bale- j per-acre average on their •ontest i jlots are: P. V. Bostic, S. T. Towery, j L. Hunt, Frank Gregory, L. D. j fittman, K. P. Hamrick, P. L. Ken- j ledy, W. L. Upton. G. W. Hardin, 1 fates Holland, J. A. Grose, M. D ! "arson. T. C. Matheney, .J. B. Ham- j ick. Clyde Hamrick, Xorman Mor- 1 |sn, Sam Flack, J. M. Price and j »eorjre P.lan ton. J Tht- boys making the required ; ield are: Bela Morgan, Vonnie iamrick. Teddy Walker, Lonnie umraers. Glen Hollifield. Ray Pad ett. Frank Washburn, Baxter Dog- Ptt. John Withrow, J. O. Toms, J. • Lewi?, Lester Bailey, H. C. Vick- Hay Hunt. Marshall Matheney, nice Price, James Holland, Jake "ce. John Reid Hamrick, Pai l amrick, Arrow Summers. Robert Paul Toms, Fay Matheney tin Toms. I west City Gets Praise On Looks Li some years past the enter l!: ~ ;tni attractive little town of ! n - * ity. turned for the beauty parking system, adorn- Georjre Jones of the Bostic with plants and flowers of brightness of color, has spe "u;(l ln out-door decoration for | 'hiisuuas season, but travelers Kh Forest City tell The Ob- p 1 the town has out-dec r this year, in both pro |°v n a,u ' taste. On each approach I e "wn hlazes an enormous f. and on P"fh side the highway f ' Un Osteons make an avenue I ' n attractiveness, while in f corporate limits the streets I 1 1'" in tine fashion. L d!e lines of Christmas [ aiu ' of brilliant loon ci-.» ... I . while every store ii'iine is garlanded and I. an,! i'.fhted, so that the ablaze with Christ- I When it com jp(;. r H p ,: ', t ' or Christmas this j v 1 county munici- I prize.—Charlotte | rv er. |;\ L f Ura K: "? -pent the Christ- I • , ~ • 1 relatives m Spar- FOREST CITY COURIER FOREST CITY— "ONE OP THE TEN BEST PLANNED AND MOST BEAUTIFUL CITJES IN THE U. S. A." U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SURVEY. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORWfIiIii&ITY LAUNCH PLAN ! TO PAY DEBTS i ' f Debt Paying Checks, Released Tuesday, Will Pay Over $6,000 of Town's Debts if Plan Carried Out. I The suggestion of Roger W. Bab ! son, to clear any town's debts by : circulating debt paying checks, has been accepted by the Forest City Kiwanis Club, and a movement was started by the club Tuesday that | will clear off the books of local busi ness men more than $6,000.00 if the I j plan is fully carried out. Only fifty , $5 debt paying checks will accomplish : the task, and the number of checks j in circulation, if increased —ar*l this :is likely—will clear more debts in proportion. The plan is this: A business man pays $5 for a certified debt paying i check with the promise that he will j immediately pay a local bill of like I amount by giving this check. The re | cipient takes the same check, endors es it, and immediately pays a local ; bill of $5. The check goes through | twenty-five hands and with the , twenty-fifth endorsement the holder can cash the check at the Nation jal Bank here. | Fifty of these checks were re leased here Tuesday and more are to follow. The plan, faithfully car j ried out, will work wonders in clear . ing up local debts, and work a hardship on no one. Keep your debt paying check on the move. Florence Mills Treats Employees The Florence Mills, of this city, treated all employees Christmas giving each one a large bag filled eral hundred bags were given out to the employees. A large number of bags were also given to the needy of the city, regardless of whether they were employees of the mill ov not. The names of several needy families adjacent to the Florence village and in the town were furn ished to the mill office, and each family were remembered. SMITH'S GROVE Forest City, R-3, Dec. 30. —Mr. ' Cliiford Fortenberry and Miss Liz-! zie Millwood were married Wednes-j jday afternoon, Decembei 24, at the | home of the bride's parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Will Millwood. The cere- ! ; mony was performed by Rev. W. |P. Crowder. Their many friends and. ] relatives wish them much joy. j Mr. and Mrs. Forest Fortenberry j , entertained the young people with 1 ! a tacky party Thursday night. Those j j enjoying the occasion were, Misses j Lorena EJridges, Vonnie Gross, ! ' Mossie Yelton, Pearl, Mary E., Ruth , and Lucy Crowder, Be.rtha anil i Ethel Ford, Beulah Millwood, Ger- j trude and Gladys Fortenberry and • Messrs Summey Grose, Harvey Yel-, ! ton, Grady Bridges, Clarence Roi ilins, Lawrence Ross, John Carpen- • ! ter, Paul Crowder, Theodore Lucka doo. Vonnie Grose won the prize ( 1 for being the tackiest girl. Paul j ; Crowder( and Theodore LuckaJdoo I won the })rize for being the takiest i • boys. ! Misses Pauline and Lorena Bridges, j and Macy Humphries were dinner. : guests Sunday at the home of Mr. j and Mrs. Paul Crowder. I Mr. and -Mrs. W. T. Luc-kadoo * I spent the Christmas holidays in Shelby visaing i\2rs. Ludkadoo's ■ mother, Miss Gettrude Fortenberry ' en-1 i } tertained her friends with a party j i j Saturday night. A large number were present and many interesting gamos | were played. All enjoyed the oc- • casion very much. I WARNING. | 1 Chief C. R. Price, of the local' police force, warns the citizens of Forest City to keep house and garage j doors locked and to watch articles outside which are likely* to be stolen, as there is quite a bit of petty thievery occurring in the city. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1931 j Officers Get Negro And Stolen Goods Haywood Smith, negro, of Char lotte, was taken in custody here Mon day charged with entering Harrill Brothers store near West End and taking approximately S3OO worth of | groceries, dry goods and notions Saturday night. The store of Harrill Brothers was entered Saturday night, : the , burglar utilizing a very ingen ' ious plan to secure entrance. He crawled under the floor with a brace •and bit and bored a number of holes , through the floor and broke a hole through large enough to permit his ; entrance. He then opened the back I door and carried out a large quantity l of goods. The theft was reported j Sunday morning to Chief Price, and iby good detective work he and Mr. ! Martin Green located the negro Mon \ day morning in Grahamtown. He was placed in the county jail. On i Monday afternoon officers Garret Edwards, Chief Price and Detective , Carl Johnson, Seaboard Railway of ; ficer of Charlotte, took the negro \ oack to Grahamtown and after a ! search by the officers the loot was ! i found. The negro then admitted the | theft. Smith came here sometime | ago with a show, and had been spend- I ing his time since in Grahamtown. : Sergeant Austin Price arrested two white men Thursday night who | were found in Mr. Clarence Hunt j ley's garage, attempting to get a j way with his car. ! On Saturday night Chief Price and ! Austin Price arrested two negroes ; charged with stealing coal and wood. TO BROADCAST. Mark and A. C. Lovelace, Jr., sons of Prof. A. C. Lovelace of Caroleen, will broadcast a program of popular songs over the Spartan burg, S. C., radio station WSPA. Thursday afternoon, beginning at 4:m*«fclock. ' • MAYOR V. T. DAVIS MAKES STATEMENT In the Dec. 18th issue of The j Courier, Mr. R. L. Leckie, of Bos • tic, had a communication criticising ithe dumping of garbage and refuse !on the highway, near Second Broad | river bridge. In his letter, Mr. Leck |ie requested the Mayor of Forest | City to "persuade the sanitary de j partment to find a dump not on the Mayor Davis asks The | Courier to make this statement for .him: "So far as I know, the city has dumped refuse on pri i vate property, or this place com i plained of by Mr. Leckie. The city j has a dump of its own." It seems that the dumping com plained of by Mr. Leckie has been I done by private parties and without 'consent of city or county .authori ) ties. I SHILOH NEWS Rutherfordton, R-l, Dec. 2i). — Mr. Birch Hamrick and Mr. Char lie Davis of Detroit, Mich., are spending two weeks here with rela tives. ■ The young folks enjoyed a party at Mr. G. N. Mcßrayer's on last Fri day night. ! Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Germane Huntley on December 18, a fine boy. i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hawkins of i Alexander, spent Christmas day with Mrs. Hawkins parent's Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith. i Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Ledbetter j Misses Annie and Ella Hamrick of . Spindale, Mrs. Lela Davis of Green Creek, Polk county, Messrs Birch Hamrick and Charlie Davis of De : troit,' Mich.. Mr. Beryman Hamrick and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Jones during the holidays. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pintuff spent ' Saturday and Sunday with the lat ! ters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. ; Smith. | Misses Nell and Grace Mcßrayer | who teaches at Mill Springs and at 1 Gaffney, spent Christmas with their Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Mcßray i er. Mr. and Mrs. Price Hand and son "Bill" spent the holidays here witii Mrs. Minnie F. Blanton. AMERICAN LEGION ORATORY CONIES' ORATORY CONTEST! State Wide Contest —Willis Towery Post Wiii Give Prize to County Winner. I • The Willis Towery Post of The i American Legion 'is urging every j high school student in Rutherford i county to enter the State Wide Oia-! torical contest which the North Car olina Legion sponsoring ' this spring. They feel that some Ruther ford county boy or girl can win one of the valuable prizes which are of fered in this contest. The prizes are: a gold medal and $75.00 in cash for the speaker, $50.00 in cash to the second best speaker, $25.00 in cash to the third best speaker, and $15.00 to the fourth best speaker. The Willis Towery Post is offering a county prize to the best contest ant in Rutherford county. This prize will be enough money to take the contestant to the district contest and they also offer to pay the way of the local winner to Raleigh -:o take 'part in the final contest. j The subject of the oration is "The j American Legion." W. L. Brown, j Post Commander, has secured enough i copies of a complete history* of tliG jN. C. Department of the Legion for j every high school in the county to j have one. These books, which are a j valuable addition to any school li ! brary, will be presented to the I schools entering the contest by The 1 | Willis Towery Post. The finals in the county contest , i will be .held in the county court j i on February 20th. The district! elimination contest will be held l Match 6th, and the state finals will be held in Raleigh March 20th. All j the high school principals in the I I county have received the rules and regulations of the and a ■ TTumb'ef'' - have signified f their intention of entering. Mr. Adam Street Died Friday Mr. Adam Street, aged 52, died at his near Sandy Mush Fri day night following an illness of five days of pnetimonia. Funeral services were hekL Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at Florence Baptist church with Rev. L. N. Epley and Rev. C. C. Matheny in charge. Tn |term,ent was in the Cool Spring;- - cemetery. j Mr. Street is survived by his wid ow, eight children, one brother and i two sisters. He was a member of the ! First Baptist church, of Forest City. j HOLLY SPRINGS I j Harris, R-l, Dec. 29. —Rev. I). J.' j Hunt filled his regular appointment at Holly Springs Saturday and Sun-, j day. j The Woman's Missionary society met Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'- clock and had their regular meeting as usual. Following the program new i officers were elected as follows:; iPresident, Mrs. Annie Briscoe; vice-! !president, Mrs. A. N. Henderson; secretary, Miss Ina Robbins; treasur-: !er. Mrs. J. T. Robbins; organist, j Mrs. G. M. Cole; program committee, j Mrs. E. M. Roach. The personal ser vice committees will be elected at 'our next meeting. J We invite all our members to be ; ! present at our next meeting to help !us have a good program at the be-. ginning of the new yeai. | On account of the bad weather there was no B. Y. P. U.. Sunday 1 night. i Mr. J. L. Robbins (better known as. Bud) of Forest City died Sunday , and was buried Monday at HolU ! Springs Baptist church. He leaves a . wife and nine children which are as., follows: >irs. Junior Splawn, of Harris, R-l; Mrs. Jim Early, of p (Cherokee Falls; Mr. Paul Robbins,,! •of Atlanta, Ga.; Carlan, Alfred, J-j 8.. and William, Misses Arrie and p | Sarah, all who are at home, six brothers and two sisters and a num-, ! ber of relatives and friends. ;M. M. Huntley and D. J. Hunt had ' charge .of the funeral services. j Mrs. Sam&ntha Cole is on the bic-A list again, we are sorry to r.oze. Officer! ?%, Man Afte-V^. 'd Chase Shelby, Dec. 29* A driver of a j motor express truck, alleged to have i been intoxicated, used his big truck to battle off officers in a wild chas° between Shelby and Forest City ; Wednesday night. Thursday he and • his companion were in jail here and the automobile of Dr. R. C. Hicks, ' which was struck by the truck Is badly damaged. ' Thursday night Deputies Ed Dix !on and Bob Kendrick were called to ■ the Ora mill where the two men— Enoch Arden, the truck driver, and ; George Wall— were said to be caus ing trouble. As the officers arrived |the two men fled in the express ; truck. Without lights the truck sped jup the Forest City highway. Every ' time the officers' car got near the | truck would slow down to block the : car in such a manner that the officers i were held back. Near Forest City . Dr. R. C. Hicks, of Shelby, caught 'up with the truck and the pursuing | car. As he started to pass, the truck | driver thinking perhaps that it was the ear of the officers coming alon side, stopped, threw the truck (reverse, shot back at a 20-mile per i hour speed, and crashed upon the I j Hicks automobile, badly damaging •it. Then the truck dashed forward j again, the officers pursuing. Just jout of Forest City on the Henrietta j road the officers caught the truck 'just as it crashed into another car | and a post. Both men were brought {to jail here. It was necessary to get ja wrecker to move the Hicks car !from where the truck backed into ; it. Deputy Dixon said Thursday that jhe was of the opinion fhat the truck ! meant to crash his car as it had , thrown in reverse once before ■the car of Dr. Hicks was struck. As ; it. was the truck barely missed the i car of the officers as it hit the other car, ;R. R. BLANTON MOVES LAW OFFICE TO FOREST CITY - ! Mr. R. R. Blanton, former coun- I ! ty solicitor, moved his law office from j Rutherfordton to Forest City Wed nesday, and is now occupying offices on the third floor of the Union Trust ' j Company building. Mr. Blanton had [.been in Rutherfordton six years as L i county solicitor. lie formerly prac ticed law here, and upon the crea [ tion of the recorder s court in Jan luary, 1013, Mr. Blanton was ap pointed as'the first recorder. He wa v then elected for one term and serv ied two years. He was succeeded by . the late Matt Mcßrayer who serve ! two terms. Others holding this or ifice have been O. C. Erwin, three terms. John Bean, one term, W. J. j Mode, one term, and the present recorder Fred Mcßrayer, who \%a> sworn in Thursday. He was elected county solicitor in 11)24 and has served since in that capacity, being succeeded Thursday by Mr. O. J. Mooneyham. During Mr. Blanton's six years in office he has prosecuted over 7,000 criminal cases. Death Claims Mr. J. T. Carver Forest City, R-l, Dec. :)0. —Mr. Jackson" Taylor Carver, 81, a veter an of the War Between the States, ■ died at his home on this route 1 ues- ' day night after suffering a stroke of paralysis. He had been in ill health , several months. Funeral services were held Wed- ' nesday afternoon at three o clock Pleasant Grove Methodist church, near Forest City, with Rev. J. W. Williams, pastor of the Forest Cry Methodist church, in charge. Inter ment was in the Pleasant Grove ceme tery. Mr. Carver is survived by eight children, as follows: Mrs. H. L. Sane, Forest City, R-l; A. C. Ca •- ver, Roebuck, S. C.; Mrs. Jim Nor mon, Forest City; E. M. Carver, Hai lington, Mont.; E. C. Carver, Ruth erfordtor.; Martha Carver, Forest City, R-2-, Bob Carver, United States| Army and Mrs. W. B. Green, For est City, R-2. Three brothers and one sister also survive. Mr. Carver was a veteran of the War Between the States, having been a soldier in Company E, 1-ith Battalion, North Carolina Troops. 8 Pages 48 COLUMNS SI.OO Per Year in Advance EX-SHERIFF J. V. M'FARLANB DIES Was Sheriff of Rutherford County in 1894-98—Funer al Held Christmas Day. Rutherfordton, Dtc. 2i>.—James (Vance McFarland, aged 72, who ! served Rutherford county as sheriff | from 1894 to 1898. died at his hone .here Wednesday afternoon, Decem jber 24, after an illness of three year*. His son, J. Edgar McFarland, is now Rutherford county's sheriff while his father, the late John E. McFarland, j was sheriff of the county from 1872 |to 1878. j Funeral services were held Christ;- j mas day,at three o'clock, at Brittain j Presbyterian fchulch, with Rev. T. ;S. McElroy, pastor of the Ruther ; fordton Presbyterian church In charge, assisted by Rev. J. W. Hoyle, ! pastor of the Rutherfordton Metho j | dist church. Active pall bearers were ex-shtrii? Eel Beam, ex-sheriff J. W. Beason, ex-sheriff C. E. Tanner, C. B. Ju>- : tice, 11. 11. Harton and J. M_Hodg.. Ex-slieriff W. C.Hardin was proven • Jed by illness from attending as an j active pallbearer. A large number Jof Rutheri'ordton's leading busin. i anc| professional men v - attended as j honorary pall bearers. j Mr. McFarland was Dorn May 28. i 1808, and at the time of his death [was 72 years and six months of age. He was first married to Miss Lucy Hampton, who died in 1916. His | second marriage was to Miss Belle Halmer, of Shelby, who survives. He was one of the county's leading citi zens, and during his lifetime took an active part in the civic and com mercial activities of the county. Mr. McFarland leaves five daugh ters, Mrs. W. F. Green, of Green, -wood, S-. C;~M-rs>-Jr- t Sr MtFarlarff: —• of Forest City; Mrs. Maurice Hen drick of Cliffside; Mrs C. I). Mc— Ewen, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Percy Helms of Bessemer City. Four sons, Augus A. McFarland, Charles L. McFarland and J. Ed. McFar land of Rutherfordton and John'e McFarland of Hickory. Two sister . Mrs. Addie Lewis of Gainesville, Ga . and Mrs. W. J. Alexander of Aril more, Okla., also survive, with one half sister, Mrs. Belle Duckett, of Forest City and a half brother, J. E. McFarland, of Hollis. MIDNIGHT SHOWS AT THE LOCAL THEATRES . ■ A special midnight show at Horn's j Theatre will go on at 1 I :30 Wi 1- 'nesday night. December 31, for the | entertainment of those who wish to | watch the old year out. The special Offering will be Paul Whiteman ant' his band in "King of Jazz," present ing a new era in sound and color | I entertainment. Words can not des l ! cribe its exquisite beauty, its melo dies and breath-taking spectacuhi;* magnificence. A wonderful program 11- r the occasion. The Romina for its midnight show will entertain with "Tom Sawyer". , which will appeal to all, old an:! young alike. i Wednesday night, December 01, should be a gala one in Forest City, (With these magnificent offerings by local theatre men. I Mrs. J. R. Packard Dies In Cliffside l Cliffside, Dec. 31.—Mrs. J. R. Packard, aged 50, died at her home here Wednesday morning at ten o'- clock, after an extended illness. She had been in ill health several month and her death was not unexpected. As The Courier goes to press fuo eral arrangements were not com pleted. Mrs. Packard is survived by her husband, seven sons and three daughters, also several brothers ami sisters. POSTPONE CLUB MEETING. Caroleen, Dec. 30.—The Commu nity Woman's Club, of Henrietta, has postponed their January meet ing from New Year's day to 1 hurs day, January 8, at which time th meeting will be- held with Mi's. J. F. Timmerman in Caroleen.