ANNUAL BOY SCOUT j MEETING JAN. 12! Several Hundred Men From Eleven Counties Expected At Annual Banquet. Gastonia, N. Dec. 29. —Tne annual meeting of the Piedmont Council of the Boy Scouts of A merica, according to information received from the headquarters of thiss organization which is giving supervision to the Boy Scout work in the counties of Gastonia, Cleve land, Lincoln, Rutherford, Polk and Iredell, and extension service in Catawba, Burke, Caldwell, Mc- Dowell and Alexander counties, will be • held at the hotel Shelby, on Monday night. January Buy hondkerdikfs with what it saves It isn't necessary to pay f>o c or more to pet quality in a dentifrice. J.islerine Tooth Paste, made by the makers of Listerine. comes to you in a larsje tube at 25®. Note how it cleans, beautifies and protects your teeth. More over it saves you approrriiaately S3 a year over 50£ dentifri.-es. liny things you need viith that saving LandUi-n L.K's are merely a suggestion. ri;:.n-l Gs. LESTERENi TOOTH PASTE 25 e What Will you • ' 0- : When your Children Ciy for It There is hardlv a household that hasn*| heard of Castorfa! At least five million homes are never without it. If there are children in your family, there's almost daily need of its comfort. And any night may find you very thankful there's a bottle in the house. Just a few drops, and that colic or constipation is relieved; or diarrhea checked. A vegetable oro duct; a baby remedy meant for young folks. Castoria is about the only thing rou have ever heard doctors advise giv ing to infantr Stronger medicines are dangerous to e tiny baby, however harmless thay may be to grown-ups. Good old Castoria! Remember the name, and remember to buy it. It may spare you a sleepless, anxious night.* It is alwaj'S ready, always safe to use; in emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of the day or night that Baby beoomss fretful, or restless. Castoria was Heyer more popular with mothers than i| |b today. Every druggist it. G. M. Huntley Funeral Directors Licensed Embaln^er. Free Ambulance Service. DAY OR NIGHT, PHONES 292 AND 95. WEST MAIN STREET. FOREST CITY, N. C. FRANK P. STRATFORD Certified Public Accountant (Member American Institute of Accountants) if ' General Practice in Public 'Accounting, Federal and State ,Tax Matters '> : Rutherfordton, N. C. | 12th, beginning with a banquet |at 7 o'clock. } This meeting of the Piedmont ! Council will bring together sev | eral hundred representative men from the counties over which (supervision is given. Reports will Ibe received covering the work oi j the year, which according to the i executive of this council, has surpassed thl? records ofprevious years with a distinct growth of I membership, an increased attend j ance at the summer camp at | Lake Lanier and with an unusual •record of advancement of boy c in the program of Scouting ; Statistical reports of the Na jtional Council of the Boy Scouts jof America show the boy mem bership of the Piedmont Council 1 the second largest in the South land the largest in the Caro lina's. More than 1,600 boys are ! enrolled in the work of the Pied jmont Council, half of this num ber having attended the Scout 'camp at Lake Lanier, near Tryon, N. C., during the past summer. The council maintains admin i istrative offices at Gast'onia, J. W. Atkins, of Gastonia, is presi dent of the council, B. L. Smith, jof Shelby; A. F. of j Sbitesville; F. P. Bacon, of Tryon; Eugene DeF. Heald, of Hick ory; Harry Page, of Lincolnton, and D. P. Stowe, of Belmont; are vice presidents. Rev. G. R. Gillespie is ; the commissioner; Warren Y. Gard ner, of Gastonia, treasurer and R. M. Schiele, Scout executive. G. M. YORK NEW JAILER. Rutherfordton, Dec. 2i».—Mr. Or ! Ir.nd M. York, well known young man of Forest City, R-3, has been ap pointed jailer by Sheriff McFarlard and will take charge the first of the year. Mr. York is a single man and i will live in the jail. His friends ex i tend congratulations to him on ac ' count of this appointment. |l Painful I |j Condition j «H ' WHEN I was just a girl P g,l at home," writes Mrs. B. F. || 3 = Riggan, of Baird, Texas, ||( M|| "I took Cardui for cramp- |§ i || ing and pains in my side || ft,§| and back, and it helped | ( $ H me at that time. a, 1 Jj ii "After I was married, =='! JH I found myself in a weak, jE 1 , *= run-down condition. I suf- =i jtH fered a great deal with ||| my back, which was so l| f |s fjH weak it hurt me to get li® «,=|: up or when I would stand §3s |||| on my feet. I foil off in jjp Sjjjff weight. EEfd "A friend of mine, see pjll ing how bad I feli, ad- |p "vised me to take Ccrdui, 0g which I did. By the time.?:p Pjhe I had taken two bottles, I l| gpi felt stronger and better p'| f than I had in a long tim*." =jj ( Ij ~ Helps if; || Women £e> Health R Take Thedford's Black-Draught for Constipation. Indigestion. Biliousness. THE FOREST riTV rniiRIER. FOREST N - c - Hold Third Father Son Banquet Ellenboro, Dec. 19.—Despite the inclement weather fifty people were present for the third father-son banquet held last Friday afternoon in the agricultural room of the school where the agricultural stu dents of the school banqueted their fathers. Professor Curtis Price who heads the school addressed the boys and their fathers. Rev. W. C. Rourke and Professor Nanney were among others who spoke. At the close of the banquet Santa Claus visited the room and left presents for many of the boys and their fathers. The meal was prepared and served by members of the Ellenboro Wo man's Betterment Association wit'i local girls assisting. AVONDALE NEWS Avondale, Dec. 22.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Wesley Smith and Mrs. John Henson spent Friday afternoon in Spartanburg shopping. Mr. Oras Biggerstaff of Lenoir- Rhyne college, Hickory, arrived home Friday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. . A. Bigger staff. Miss Ethel Hall, of Henrietta, spent Sunday with her sist?r, Mrs. J. B Hawkins, and Mr. Hawkins. Mr. J. B. Frye motored to States ville Saturday afternoon. He was ac companied home by his daughter. Miss Lucille Frye, of Stacesville, and Mr. Charles Frye. who has been in school in Whinchester, \ a. Miss Frye will spend Uiis week with her par ents, while Charles will leave January third to resume his studies The T. E. L. Class of the Memorial Baptist church held thei: - monthly business and social meeting with Mrs. Ed Gosey. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows; president, Mrs. Hatcher Melton; sec retary, Mrs. George Philbeck; treas urer, Mrs. John Henson. Mrs. S. E. Welchel was re-elected as teacher of the class. After a very interesting pa per on the "Birth of Jesus" read by Mrs. Welchel, delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses.- Miss Lila Freeman and Mr. Roy Corn were shopping in Spartanburg Saturday week. Mr. J. B. Watkins is able to be out again after a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson of Caroleen, have recently moved into the Henry Jenkins residence in East Avondale. We are glad to welcome them to our town. Mr. J. L. Hawkins and Mr. Floyd Ward spent last Friday in Charlotte on business. Miss Essie Ledford spent Saturday in Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Christy., daughter, Virginia and Miss Nell Hawkins were shopping in Forest Citv Saturday. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain Deed In Trust made and executed cn the 23rd day of April 1929, to W. L. Brown, Trustee, for Forest City Building and Loan Association, *4" the said Deed In Trust recorded n the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, N. C., in book 6 on page 92, to secure a cer tain indebtedness and default having been made in the payments of the said indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will on JANUARY 23, 1931. in front of the Union Trust Co., Bank building, in the town of For est City, N. C , within the legal hours of sale offer for sale to the last and highest bidder for cash or good security, the following des cribed real estate, to wit: Beginning on John Hardins cor ner in Broadway; thence South with Broadway street 125 feet; thence East 200 feet, more or less to the Southsi*i railroad; thence North with Southern railroad 125 feet to cor ner of John Hardin's lot on South ern railroad; thence with John Har dins lot 200 feet more or less to the place of the Beginning. Containing one-half acre more or less, with one seven room dwelling located on said lot. This, the 23rd day' of December 1930. W. L. BROWN, 12 - 4t - Trustee. Demonstration poultry flocks in Caldwell county paid their owners $2.51 a bird above all feed costs last year. SHERIFF MOVES OFFICE. Rutherfordton, Dec. 29.—Sheriff Ed McFarland has moved his office down stairs in the Northwest corn er of the court house in the room which has been used by Solicitor R. R. Blanton. The office which has been used for the Sheriff on the main floor of the court house is now oc cupied by the County Tax Collector M J. Harrill and his co-workers. Develop Local Markets For Poultry Products i There is no valid reason way j North Carolina markets should buy | a large part of their poultry and egg | supplies from outside of the State. ; Present importations are large and !therefore the opportunity exists for ! poultry growers to develop local ma> !ets in a profitable way. "Local growers may capture these 'markets if they take the same pains as their competitors to produce a I quality and do a little judicious ad vertising," says N. W. Williams, jpoultryman at State college. "It is most important, however, to produce a quality product. In marketing eggs, j careful grading is of utmost inn - j portance yet few of our local poul trymsn pay any attention to this, therefore, they place on the market, eggs of a wide range in size, shape, shell-color, and shell texture. Then jtoo, these mixed eggs go in any kind |of container that may be handy. When these local eggs are placed side by side with those produced by | the large out-of-state concerns, the i locally grown product looks bad. : It is not alone that the eggs must be packed in attractive containers iand be well graded, they must also be consistently good, says the poul try man. They ought never to be over j4B hours old and preferably infer | tile. One bad egg slipped into a con- Itainer by accident might ruin th? trade of a valued customer. Then, too, fresh eggs are used largely in the diet of babies and invalids. Those purchasing for such purposes right fully expect consistency in products. The same fundamental reasoning applies to marketing broilers locally, says Mr. Williams. The grower must j study the demands of his market and endeavor to meet them. The season 'of best prices should also be studied. Milk-fed broilers, finished in good ' shape, when everyone else is not j selling them, will return a good pro fit to any local poultryman. i I I Grates, grate fenders and stoves at Farmers Hardware Co Backache Leg Pafns If Getting Up Nights, Backache, frequent day calls, Leg Pai:is, Nerv ousness, or Burning:, due to function al Bladder Irritation, in acid condi tio is, makes you feel tired, depressed and «iiscouragcd, try the Cystex Test. WC.KS fast, starts circulating thru the system in 15 minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid Jind positive ac tion. Don't give up. Try Cystex (pro nounced Siss-tex) today, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, improve lest ful and energy, or money back. }xily 60c at ® Peoples Drug Store. r~m iKji ■ Ii ' L j« 1 iii.-MhJgHW, W-' ) Ml Acidity The common cause of digestive d' culties is excess acid. Soda cannot this condition, and it burns the Something that will neutralize the itv is the oensiblo thing to take. Tiia 1 wHv physicians teil tne public to Phillips Milk of Magnesia. One spoonful of this delightful , ration can neutralize many tune.-. i volume in acid. It acts instantly; rel is quick, arid very apparent. All dispelled; all sourness is soon gone; .. Whole system is sweetened. Do try I\> perfect anti-acid, and remember it is jus good for children, too, and pleasu:: lor them to take. Any drugstore has the genuine, pn ■criptional product. PHILLIPS r, Milk . of Magnesia | Harrill & King $ Real Estate Bought and Sold | Auction Sales a Specialty. { We buy and sell and cut the earth to suit the maj ♦ SEE US— • X If you want to sell. ♦ If you want to buy. » Office Phone No. 59. £ Res. Phones 245 and 188 Forest City N « Why Count To Go to Sleep / ■- ■TOO much work, too much worry. Tired but too * nervous to sleep. Counting imaginary sheep, re laxing your muscles, making your mind a blank all r,n use. YonH feel "all in" tomorrow. Just dissolve a Dr. Miles' Effervescent Nervine Tablet in » half glass of water. Drink the clear sparkling beverage Drift off into deep dreamless sleep and get up in themorna* refreshed in mind and body, and ready for the day's duties or pleasures. Dr. Miles' Nervine is now made in two forms—Liquid and Bffe Tab let. are the same therapeutically. ? ; jgggi& ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ! Could you buy | them tomorrow? * ♦ t If fire swept awav your honu: i Cl t and all its furnishings would you• ♦ insurance enable you to replace ♦ t them at once? | ♦ Adequate insurance is simply ♦ a matter of good business—the 5 protection of your possessions a | gainst every disaster. ♦ ♦ You put time and money into j ♦ acquiring a home; take every ; precaution against losing it. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t For safe and sure insurance, call 64 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ | ig| SECURITY i IggSlj Insurance & Realty Co. ♦ G. B. HARRILL, Sec'y.-Treas. ♦ wmmmi phone 64 t Forest City, - * - ft. C. ♦ Thursday, .January j u

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