PAGE TWO WILLIAM WRIGHT CALLED BY DEATH Prominent Rutherford Busi ness Man Passes In 62nd Year. Rutherfordton, Jan. s.—William X. Wright. 02. one of the leading business men of Rutherford coun ty, died Friday afternoon at 1 :35 o'clock at the Isothermal hotel, where he resided, following a brief illness due to pneumonia and com plications. He is survived by one son, Norman Don't Wait until your home or your household goods burn up and then wish you had insured them. A few dol lars a year will protect your life savings. We need our insurance most when premiums are hardest to pay. Rates will gladly be furnished with out any obligation. Ohas. Z. Flack Phone 40 Office over A&P Store /I DON'T let it get serious Don't take chances with a sore throat. At the first sign of trouble, gargle with full strength Listerine. It kills germs that cause colds and simi lar infections. Heals tissue. LISTERINE KILLS GERMS IN 15 SECONDS Makes Life Siveeter Children's stomachs sour, niwi need an £1 t .V/! cid - Keep their ay atoms sweet with -I h;il:ps Milk of Magnesia! When'tongue or breath tells of acid •conelit ion,—correct it with a spoonful of J lnlhps. Most men and women ha*» i" . comforted by this universal ener more mothers should invoke ilt aid for their children. It is a pleaaaal thing to take, yet neutralizes more acid , r: harsher things too often em j.ioyed for the purpose. No household be without it. is the genuine, prescriptions! pror.j;et phyoic:ans endorse for general iisr: the name is important "Milk O has been tne U. S. registered n- uu mark of the Charles H. Phillipa and its predecessor Charles Phillips since 1875. PHILLIPS , Milk • of Magnesia Wright, of Weona, Ark., and one daughter, Mrs. Depont Drames, of New Haven., Conn., two sisters, Misses Alice and Florence Wright, and one brother, Fred J. Wright, all of Memphis, Tenn., Was With Lumber Firm. Mr. Wright was a member of the Christian Science church and was associated with the Wright-Bachman Lumber Company. He had made Rutherfordton his home for the past 10 or 15 years, living at the Iso thermal hotel most of the time. II? was a native of Buffalo, N. Y., and enjoyed a wide friendship in the business world. He was known for his loyalty to his friends. He was a member of a prominent and wealthy, family. His sister, Miss Florence Wright arrived here t riday afternoon -0 complete funeral arrangements. She left Saturday for Memphis, Tenn., accompaning his body, t uneral set - vices were held Sunday in Memphis and interment was in the family plot in that city. MOORESBORO MAN SOUGHT BY RELATIVES ; .Newton, Dtc. 29.—Search is being made for Ed Goode, formerly of ' Mooresboro, whose bachelor uncle, 'L. L. Goode, has died leaving $28,- 000 cash and valuable real estate and other property. Goode is about five ' feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds with light hair and blue eyes. He wears glasses and is 40 years old. He was last heard from in Newton ;two years ago. A pitiful letter from his old moth er to Newton police says in part: "I am 65 years of age. I need my son so very much. I am praying that you will find my son and show him this letter. We want him as early as pos sible." Goode is married, and has several children in Mooresboro. FORTENBERRY-MILLWOOD. Forest City, R-3, Jany. 5. —Miss Mary Lizzie Millwood, charming daughter of Will Millwood was mav ried on Christmas Eve to Erwm Clifford Fortenberry, son of J. C. Fortenberry. Both are from well known families of near Forest City. Rev. W. P. Crowder performed the ceremony. FLORENCE MEL NEWS Newton-Crawley. Miss Hazel Newton and Mr. Char les Crawley were married December 24, at Spartanburg. Mrs. Crawley is tne attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Newton. Mr. Crawley is the young est son of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Craw ley. We wish for them a long happy life in their new venture. Mr. Plato Daniel and family spent part of last week with his mother, near town. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brady spent Christmas with Mrs. Brady's parents in Danville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Prestwood and children, of Louisville, Ky., spent part of last week visiting Mr. .S E. Blackburn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Laxton Mayse, of Spindale, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. elton. Mr. Horace Sisk and family, of Shelby, spent Thursday night here. Those on the sick list are little Chivious Richardson, Mrs. H. C. Kiser. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Turner spent j Christmas with relatives in Green-j ville, S. C. | Mr. Worth Allen and family spent j the holidays at Cliffside. Mr. and Mrs. Laxton Hardin, of Newton, spent Christmas here. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Epley spent Christmas near Union Mills. Mrs. Lillie McCluney and children Mrs. Myrtle Sisk and son, spent Christmas with relatives here. Mr. J. J. Padgett of Concord, was the dinner guest Saturday at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. C. Hud low. Mr. M. M. Connor, of Old Fort, visited Mrs. H. S. Connor and fam ily Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hudlow spent Christmas at the home of Mr. A. C Hudlow. Mr. and Mrs. Delias Hopper spent j the past week with her mother, Mrs. ;H. L. Connor. Misses Pauline, Jonnie and Moree j Crawley visited friends in Spindale : Sunday. Do not buy a radio until you have triod a Brunswick. Best on the air. Farmers Hardware Co. FOREST CITY rnnnlEß. FOREST CITY, N. C. MINISTERS' OF SANDY RUN HOLD MEETING The ministers' conference of Sandy Run association held its re- gular monthly meeting Monday morn- ing, December 29, at the Alexanaei Baptist church. Rev. J. A. Brock, president, called the meeting 10 order at ten-thirty. The beautiful old hymn, "Down at the Cross Where My Saviour Died," was sung with enthusiasm, after which R ev B. P. Parks lead the opening pray er. Rev. J. A. Hunnicutt conduct ed the devotional service, using Phil. 3:8-17. His thoughts am} applica tion to verses eight and thirteen were fruitful to our hearts and each was touched as he looked forward to the things ahead and gave up the things behind. "Brethern, I count not my self to have apprehended: but this one thins I do, s forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before," was Paul's great message unto all. The minutes of the De cember Ist, meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report was adopted. President Brock in troduced and welcomed into the con ference Rev. R. G. Melton and Rev. M. M. Huntley. A motion was made and carried, that the Sandy Run association Ministers' conference meet at Boiling Springs Junior col lege in joint session with the Kings Mountain association Ministers conference and the Gaston associa tion Ministers' conference on Mon day, January sth, 1931, in a regu lar quarterly meeting. All minis ters of the Sandy Run association are urged to attend that joint ses sion at ten-thirty o'clock. Dr. W. A. Ayers was the speaker of the morning. His subject was, 1 "The Paramount Values of 1930," | Dr. Ayers discussed some wonderful ithoughts pertaining to the values of 11930. In part, he reminded us of the failures in the material world, and how God was using these things to bring about His work here on earth. People are learning the wonderful lesson of putting first things and people are coming to realize more and more that the material things 'are only temporal and only means |to an end and God is increasingly working in the world. God's plan from the beginning is one-seventh of our time and one-tenth of our income. Christ is the only necessity for man and Christ is the answer to all lives and with this great truth which has come upon us, the next year should be a great spiritual awakening and revival period through I out the land. "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are tem poral; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2-Cor. 4:18. Many thanks and appreciation to Dr. Ayers for his great soul filling mes sage on God's truths pertaining to man's possessions and God's owner ship of all material things intrust ed to man to glorify Jesus Christ our Lord and Master. At the next regular meeting Dr. Welchel will discuss, "The Outlook for 1931." How we shall face the future. There being no further busi OVER NERVEs |JP TO your ears in work— every nerve at high tension. Nc wonder you snap at the wife and bark at the children. Watch out! Overworked nerves may lead to Sleepless ness, Nervous Headache, Nerv ous Indigestion and a host of other unpleasant disturbances. Why don't you try Dr. Miles' Effervescent Nervine Tablets? Just one in a half glass of water makes a pleasant, spark ling dri?ik delightfully soothing to over-taxed nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine is now made in two forms—Liquid and Effervescent Tablet. Both are the same therapeutically. TT -1 DR.MILES' ness to attend to the meeting ad journed with prayer by Rev. C. C. Matheny to meet again on Monday, January 26th, at ten-thirty o'clock. Those present were: R. G. Mei ton, C. C. Matheny, B. P. Parks, N. L. Wright, W. A. Ayers, T. M. Hes ter, J. A. Brock, J. W. Jones, E. P. White, J. A. Hunnicutt, S. E. We!- chel and M. M. Huntley. FLOYDS CREEK NEWS Forest City, R-l, Dec. 29.—Rev. A. G. Meilton brought a splendid message to his people at Floyd's Creek Sunday night. School reopened Monday after be ing closed for the Christmas holi days. Mr. F. E. White and family spent Christmas day with Mr. Will Put man and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. White had as their dinner guests Christmas day, Mr. Gillet Hamrick and family, Mr. Elijah Holland and family and Mrs. Carl Ledbetter and little daughter, Marjorie. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Johnson spent the Christmas* holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Edwards near Ellenboro and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Johnson of Union Mills. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. White spent last Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Phillips of Henrietta spent Saturday night with Mr. Eula PhiTlips and family. Miss Olema Putman of Henriet ta, spent the wek-end with Miss Ethel White- Mr. and Mrs. G. E. White spent The BEST Gray Hair Remedy is HomeMade STo half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and one-fourth ounce of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. * Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is ob tained. It will gradually darken ■treaked. faded or gray hair and make it toft and gfoMT- Barbo wilt not color the acalp, ia Beftklrj pc gteaqr and, dow not rub off. THE 4iRK.VT AMKRICAX VALIR * At the National Automobile Shows Chevrolet wins first plaee for the fourth time First place at the National Automo- In fact, no previous (.hcvr>l»' bile Shows —a j>osition granted on has ever represented su« •' the basis of annual sales volume—is degree of quality and ad\at>«' 1 H again awarded to Chevrolet. and sold at such low price* a- 1 a . Chevrolet Si\. This is the fourth consecutive time that Chevrolet has achieved this —siri!**** * I All !• 1 » §»■ honor. And the reason lies in the exceptional value which Chevrolet Roadster, $175; Sport Koai-' ' i * f*! 1 * cars consistently provide. rumble scat. SWS; Coach or Window f'.oupc. $345; Phaeton. v This year, in its bigger and better ard (; oupe , $535; Sport o.j • Six, Chevrolet is offering an out- se ai). $575; Standard Sedan, standing example of the value which Sedan, $650. Special equip""' has brought it such record success. Prices f. «. b. Flint, NEW CHEVROLET SIX See vonr dealer below •/ Model Chevrolet Co. > Forest City, N. C. ALSO DEALERS INCHEVROLET SIX-CYLINDER TRUCKS, S3SS to SS9S, t. b. Hint, Saturday night at Cliffside the guests of Mrs. Ollie Honeycutt. Mr. Will Putman and family, spent Sunday at Mr. F. E. White's. Pklr. Tom Tate had the misfortune to get shot through the foot Christ mas day. i as milk ^^lp||!|g S!s lteelf! New^^l^ delight in Cheese flavor Still another Kraft-Phenix triumph! New digestibility, health qualities and delicious new flavor added to cheese. In Velveeta all the valuable properties of rich milk arc retained. Milk sugar, calcium and minerals. Good for every one, including the children. Velveeta spreads, slices, or melts and toasts instantly. Try a half pound package today. KRAFT V'elveeta The Delicious New Cheese Food G. M. Huntley Son Funeral Directors Licensed Embaln^er. Free Ambulance Service. DAY OR NIGHT, PHONES 292 AND 95. WEST MAIN STREET. FOREST CITY, N. C. Thursday, January s ft May i. When Children Cn for It Caatoria ia & comfV.rt wh»» t fretful. No *ot7*er taken tij« n one i» at eaae If »«»n bring contentment N 0 hi* for Caatona is a bab 7 for babies. Perfectly W. A* youngest infant; you h»v e !?«!*• word for that! It i. * l j* duct and you could use it evf r^ # J ttsjnan emergency Ui .t Cuto^ i U mglt wheQ conitiS must be relieved— or colie 2* other Buffering. Never be witt ■ome mothers keep *n *xtra bJi op.«d to mat, sur. be Castoria in the bou9e. It j, JJ for older children, too; ratd ■ tiukt coiooa with '