, .-Hav January 15, 1931. 'f]l nl'hCW* _ i ALADES makeyS^l| WM/ DOUBLE -EDGE W (old **e?mo % BETTER RAZOR - or your money back *S^cWat.ON Safety Razor Co.. lot- M V. C. Are you When your Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at timet. All four care cannot prevent them. But tou ma be prepared. Then you can do what wjr experienced nurse would do— wha* most physicians would tell you io d*-- «ive & few drops of plain Oastoria. No Bocner done than Baby is soothed; reliaf ii iust a matte- of moments. Yet you have eased vour child without, use of a single doubtful drug; Castor ia is vegetable. 6o it's safe io use as often as an infant bas anv little pain you cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the cruelet yuigß of colic, or constipation, or diar rhea; effective, too, for older vhildren. Tvmty-five milium bottle* toert bought Mtt ytar. Harrill & King Real Estate Bought and Sold Auction Sales a Specialty. We buy and sell and cut the earth to suit the man. SEE US If you want to sell. If you want to buy. Office Phone No. 59. Re«. Phones 245 and 188 Forest City, N. C. Muscular Pains V They may attack you any \ ; ;dliHi!! IS 18/ w^ere —your back, your legs, WmW y° ur your neck, These Pains may be mis -11 taken for Neuritis, Rheuma tism, Lumbago, Sciatica. ny> wP p®® with that modern, pleasant, mint-flavored tablet, • MILES ASPIR-MINT. It's quick in action and effective, i- ior Headache, Colds, n-nd Neuralgia. , __ _ __ f Two Sizes DR.MILES 15e and 2Se Qbbir-lllint RUTHERFORD'S LIVESTOCK AND TAX FIGURES Livestock in County Worth Over Half Million—Tax able Property Over 34 Million. The total value of all property listed for taxation in Rutherford county in 1930 was $34,663,301.00. About one and four-tenths per cent of this property or $485,806.00 is listed as livestock. Real Estate led with a total valuation of $25,296,- 176.00 or about 72 per cent. The above figures' are taken from the Abstract of Listed Taxables of the county for the past year and shows many other interesting figur es. There are 345,929 acres of land in the county which is listed for taxes at $11,792,790. Manu facturing properties outside of in corporated towns is listed at $3,- 894.60 while 1907 acres of miner al, timber, quarry and waterpower lands are listed at $8,202. The 9417 town lots in the county were listed last year at $9,601,124, mak ing a a total real estate valuation of $25,296,176. In 1929 the total value of all real estate in the county was listed at $25,223,478 while in 1928 it was $25,201,899. There has been little change in the value of real estate in the county the past three years, as these figures will indicate. Livestock. There were 609 horses listed for taxation in 1930 at $21,580 as compared to 640 in 1929 with a valuation of $24,448. The latter is an average of about $38.24 each. In 1930 there were 4005 mules in the county listed on the tax books at $213.18 as compared to 3906 mules in 1929 with a valua tion of $215,622. The latter is an average of about $55.20 per mule. Two jacks were listed at S3O as compared to four in 1929 at $35. j In 1930 there was listed on the jtax books of the county 2254 head 'of cattle, other than milk cows at •$29,060 as compared to 1956 in FOREST CITY COURIER, FOREST CITY. N. C. 1929 with a valuation of $24,764. The latter averages $12.66 each. In 1930 there were 4807 milk cows listed at $191,474 as compar ed to 4635 in 1929 with a valua tion of $197,337. The latter is an average of about $42.57 per cow. In 1930 the county had 4057 hogs listed at $29,230 as compared to 4836 in 1929, listed at, $34,996 or an average of about $7.23 per head. Since there were 40,449 people in the county last year this averages about 1 hog for every 10 people. In 1930 there were 27 sheep in the county valued at $142 as com pared to 26 in 1929, with a valua tion of $65, or $2.50 each. There were 17 goats in 1930 valued at S2O as compared to 36 in 1929, valued at $67. Dogs Valuable. In 1930 there were 62 dogs on the tax books valued at $1,089, which ia an average of around $17.50 each. There were a total of 1014 male dogs last year that netted $1,014 to the school fund and 399 female dogs that netted $798 to the school fund, total $1,812. The total value of all livestock in the county in 1930 was $485,806 as compared to $498,675 in 1929. Other Personal Property. The total value in 1930 of all stocks of merchandise and fixtures in the county was listed at $656,122 as compared to $740,114 in 1929. The materials in process of manu facturing and machinery, not affix ed to realty, which included mostly textile mill property, in 1930 amounted to $1,772, 404 as compar ed to $1,996,937 in 1929. The net value of above exemp tion, of personal property, from which exemption of S3OO is allow ed last year was $92,158 as com pared to $91,387 in 1929. Net solvent credits listed in 1930 amounted to $684,498 as compared to $840,402 in 1929. Value of other tangible and in tangible property in the county, not otherwise specified, $8,222 in 1930 as compared to $51,250 in 1929. Other personal property, listed under some other head in the county in 1930 was $798,111, as compared to $886,007 in 1929. Total valuation of personal pro perty in 1930 was $4,601,515, *is compared to $4,606,097 in 1929. Total of real estate and personal property listed for taxation in 1930 in Rutherford county was $29,793,- 497. Of this amount white people listed $29,147,357 while negroes listed $646,140. Corporation Values. In 1930 the railroad, telegraph, telephone, etc., valuation in the county as assessed by the State Board of Assessment was $4,209,- 494 as compared to $4,064,988 in 1929. Banks, Building and Loan and other domestic corporation were listed at $760,310 in 1930 as com pared to $603,208 in 1929. This make a grand total of $34,- 663,301 worth of property in the county on the tax books last year as' compared to $35,660,819 in 1929. Poll Tax Payers. There were 5167 white men in the county last year who paid .a poll tax and 468 negroes as com pared to 5026 in 1929 and 469 negroes. Total Taxes. The total amount of the 1930 taxes in this county amounts to $783,517.55 as compared to $690,- 223 in 1929. High Shoal Leads. High Shoal Township leads in the total value of real estate and personal property in 1930 with $6,- 608,436 for white people while Cool Springs is second with $6,- 069,100 and Rutherfordton Town ship third with $5,975,877. Chim ney Rock Township is next with $2,695,258. Colfax is next with $2,129,675. Logan Store is next with $1,437,129, while Sulphur Springs has $1,234,104. The total value of real estate and personal property in the other seven townships of the county for white people in 1930 was as fol lows: Green Hill, $649,823; Un ion, $367,943; Duncans Creek, $356,196; Golden Valley, $412,- 717; Camp Creek; $541,064; Gil key, $430,194 and Morgan, $249,- 836. The latter is the poorest i township in the county with Dun- J cans Creek second, j High Shoal leads in the number !of men paying p 4 oll tax with 1751 j while Cool Springs is' second with i 1360 and Rutherfordton third with 1287. Over half the poll tax pay- ers in the county are in these three I townships, or a total of 4398. Thel I othei 11 townships have a total of 3563 polls, making a total of 7961 ! polls for the county. Logan Store Largest. Logan Store Township leads in ! the number of acres with 39,251 ; acres while Chimney Rock is I close second with 38,616 acres. , i Gilkey Township is the smallest. with 11,933 acres while Union is | next smallest with 1E,052 acres | Rutherfordton Township is the , jthird smallest with 13,798 acres.- j Rutherfordton leads in total value lof town lots with $3,803,805, and ! has mora town lots than any other township in the county, 2971. Cool Springs is a close second with $3,-! 784,584 with 2818 town lots. Chim- j • ney Rock is third with $1,355,636 1 j with 2293 lots. ! r* . ! Colored Figures. | The colored people lead in Cool j | Springs Township with a total | valuation of real estate and person al property of $159,380. It has 162 j colored poll tax payers, while Ruth- i jerfordton has 163 and the colored j ! property valuation is $154,120. j WASHBURN SCHOOL NEWS. Bostic, R-3, Jan. s.—The school started at Washburn Monday, Dec. 29th, after the Christmas vacation, with a large attendance. The school was treated Tuesday afternoon by the teachers, Principal Lowell Glover, Miss Cary Mcßray er, Miss Lucretia Hord, and Mrs. Gilmore Philbeck. There was a party at Mr. Frank Weast, Thursday night, Jan. 1. There was a party at Mr. Edgar Wells, Saturday night, Jan. 3. Honor roll, first grade—Elma Lovelace, Aileen McKinney. Second grade—Dewitt White, Ruth Walker, Hazel Hollifield. Third grade-p-Inez Melton. Fourth grade—Aline Walker, Milis Reed Melton. Fifth grade—Edna Melton, Edith Rollins, Essie Mae Bridges, Fay White. Sixth grade—Edmond Rollins, Ro bert Philbeck, Hoyle Bowen, George Hollifield, Kermit Philbeck. Seventh grade—Ethel Wells, Wil ma Bridges, Milse Philbeck, Bennie Washburn, Glenn Norville. Report of the Condition of the INDUSTRIAL LOAN & INVEST- MENT BANK At Forest City, North Carolina, to the Corporation Commission. At the Close of Business on the 31st day of December, 1930. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $285,716.18 North Carolina bonds 26,944.13 Banking house 25,000.00 j Furniture and fixtures.— 2,530.04 Due from approved de pository banks Cash in vault 7,842.31 ! Other real estate 3,028.83 i i TOTAL $384,929.48 LIABILITIES ; Capital stock paid in —$ 91,100.00 ! Surplus fund 12,500.00 Undivided profits (Net Amount) 5,026.68 Reserved for deprecia ! tion 354.31 Installment Investment Certificates Hypothe cated 31,360.94 Installment Investment Certificates Unhypothe " cated 16,630.40 , Fully paid investment certificates 160,115.28 Rediscounts 10,013.87 Bills payable 37,828.00 Bills payable (for bank ing house) 20,000.00 TOTAL - $384,929.48 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA | County of Rutherford, ss. G. B. Harrill, Cashier, R. L. Rein hardt, Director, and T. R. Padgett, Director of the Industrial Loan and Investment Bank, each personally appeared before me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. G. B. HARRILL, Cashier. R. L. REINHARDT, Director. T. R. PADGETT, Director. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 10th day of January, 1931. W. L. BROWN. Notary Public. My commission expires March 23, 1931. Automobile glass replaced while wait. Farmers Hardware Co. Do not buy a radio until you have tried a Brunswick. on the air. Farmers Hardware Co. G. M. Huntley & Son Funeral Directors Licensed* Embaln^r. Free Ambulance Service. DAY OR NIGHT, PHONES 292 AND 9S. WEST MAIN STREET. FOREST CITY, N. C. BUY Your Winter COAL NO W ! Those who want the very best call for Virginia Lee Coal. The steadily increasing number of customers is sufficient proof that this coal is without enemies. Lay in your winter's supply before the advance in price comes. Now is the time to buy. It will be consid erably higher this fall and winter. Forest City Seed & Fertilizer Company Forest City, N. C. Phone 132. THE NEW FORD Everything you want or need in a motor ear THE more you see of the new Ford, the more yoa realize that it brings you everything you want or need in a motor car. • • . And at an unusually low price. Its substantial beauty of line and color is ap parent at a glance. Long, continuous service em phasizes the value of its simplicity of design and the high quality that has been built into every part* The new Ford accelerates quickly and it will do 55 to 65 miles an hour. It is an easy-riding car because of its specially designed springs and four Houdaille double-acting hydraulic shock absorb ers. It has fully enclosed four-wheel brakes and the added safety of a Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield. Operation and up-keep costs are low and it has the stamina and reliability that mean thousands of miles of uninterrupted service. See the nearest dealer and have him give you a demonstration ride in the new Ford. Check up every point that goes to make a good automobile and you will know it is a value far above the price. LOW PRICES OF FORD CARS *435 to *66© W. O. B. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers and spare tire extra at small cost. You can purchase a Ford on economical terms through the Authorised Ford Finance Plans of the Lnivertal Credit Company* PAGE THREE

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