PAGE FOUR FOREST CITY COURIER Published Every Thursday in the interest of Forest City and Ruther fo»d County. Entered Aug. 22, 1918, at the post offi£»at Forest City, N. C., as second class matter under act of Congress of Marph 3, 1879. C. E. ALCOCK - Editor and Owner CLARENCE GRIFFIN-—News Editor tfRS, C. E. ALCOCK. Society Editor ARVAL ALCOCK ... Asst. Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year SI.OO Six Months— T -60 $2.50 per year outside of Rutherford County. r THURSDAY, JNAUARY 15, 1931. RANDOM NOTES Despite the rain and cold, a num ber of visitors were in the city last Monday—Trade Day. Should the day have been as fair, as Tuesday, a record breaking crowd would have been in town, according to the judgment of some of the best in formed business men. A check up on those business men offering specials for the day that all were well pleased with the responses to their co-operative advertisement. - Forest City business men are in earnest in their proposal to make Trade Day an important event in this city, and are going to make a strong bid for larger and larger crowds. * * ♦ It is most gratifying to glance over the statements of the Ruther ford county banks, published this week. If you. have not done so, turn to this particular news right now, lead every statement and you will not Only be gratified, but strength ened in your faith and support of the institutions which are doing so much for the welfare and progress of our people. * ♦ ♦ Remember, please, to keep the debt-paying checks in our city on the go. According to Babson, the sooner debts are cleared up the sooner will prosperity return;':, Witji- thousands of men returning to work all over the country, with renewed confidence being shkwn everywhere, to look now that 1931 will be a good year after all. As W£ see ?; itj,. the greatest stimulators will be the "pay ing of debts and work—good old -'honest" hard work. ' ' • ft The Welfare Drive is on today in Forest City and something must be done for the needy and unfortunate. A lot of good people are feeling the effect of unemployment, some are sick and disabled and others have suffered other reverses. In making your donation, please remembei' that those who have been blessed with health and plenty owe a duty to the unfortunate—and to the Giver of all their blessings. If God has blessed you, don't withhold from the unfortunate in this drive being! made today. % * If. Lots of folks have been paying their subscriptions lately. Kind read-J er, please take a peep at the label. on your paper and see_ r . how you | stand. The Courier works for the j welfare of your city and coun- j ty, so why not suggest to some friend j of yours, who happens not to take j the paper, to subscribe. NATIONAL THRIFT WEEK JANUARY 17. The week beginning January 17 is National Thrift Week. It is a good idea to turn people's minds to the subject of thrift at least once a year. This year it is particular ly .timely. We have been going through a year of hard times, and those hard times were brought about in large part by unthriftiness. There is thrift that is injurious, to be sure. The sort of thrift that hoards mon ey in stockings and keeps it out of circulation benefits nobody and is a definite deceriment to prosperity. But that is not the cause of the financial depression which now stems to be passing. Much of our trouble has come from thriftless spending. One can spend money and still be thrifty. The careful buyer, who insists upon getting his money's worth, is thrifty so long as he does not spend or promise to pay more than he is_ certain he will be able to pay. The thriftless ones are those wk« obligate themselves, with out regard to their ability to meel their obligations. In the investiga tion of applicants for unemploy ment relief in New York recently, one family whose head earned $l5O a month, but who was destitute be cause he had committed himself to installment payments on an autom installment payments on an auto mobile, a radio set, an electric washing machine and an electiic refrigerator, which called for pay ments of more than his total sal ary! That is a perfect example of thriftlessness. Installment buying in itself is not vicious; it is only when it is done without regard to conse quences that it is harmful. e think that the normal business con dition for the next few years will depend less upon installment pay ments and more upon careful sav ing of earned money, put out at interest in savings banks or in mortgages or bonds. We do not believe we shall see soon a return of the speculative wave in which everybody seemed to be gambling o n the stock market and trying to get something for nothing. Thrift., as we understand it, means spending less than one earns, buying carefully as to value and also as to ability to pay out of surplus earnings, and building up a reserve that will tide one over a period of unemployment or illness and eventually take care of old age. It is that sort of thrift which those back of National Thrift Week are trying to teach. More power to them.—Danville (Ky.) Messenger. THE PRESS AND THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. On the whole, Governor Gardner's message is warmly applauded by the press. The Greensboro News com mends its doctrine of State control of local affairs, its insistence upon the simplification of government and the emphasis which is laid on the expenses of the administration. "The counsels of the documents," says The Greensboro paper, "are es sentially prudential. The Governor takes occasion as always, to present those ideas of essential economy for the state with which his name is es pecially associated; his basic policy [of preparation for eventualities; the effort to make North Carolina* as ! nearly as possible, a self-contained state. Every constructive measure that is proposed has the dauhle ad vantage of being adapted to a future good or a future *evtt fortune. If the clouds are to be darker and the winds of political and business ad versity higher, then the ship of state will need the strongest, most prac tical sort of gear for meeting the storm. If there are fair skies and favoring breezes to be encountered, then the better she is equipped the more progress she will make." I The Charlotte Observer, like the , Greensboro News, is impressed with the Governor's recommendation that the processes of county consolidation for economic reasons should be un dertaken and in some instances made mandatory. The Raleigh News and Observer considers the message a great document and says: "No State paper of many years has been so full and informing or contained so many wise and truly progressive recommendations. Some of them have the merit of needed revolution, though they are in fact wholly .con servative, judged by the Tennyson ian standard." The News and Ob server, reviewing the message in detail, especially the Governor's plea for a thoroughgoing reorganiza tion of the State government and agrees that a constitutional conven tion for North Carolina is "over due." In the opinion of the Winston- Salem Journal, "No chief executive of North Carolina in our time has struck out so boldly for sweeping reforms in the administration of State affairs." The Winston-Salem paper hopes that the Governor "will have the enthusiastic and aggressive support of the people for the states manlike program he has presented in his really great message to this General Assembly." It disagrees with Governor Gardner, however, on his proposed cut of ten per cent in the salary and wages of public employ ees, declaring that this would retard business recovery and if generally followed would prove calamitious; and it disagrees also on the proposal to increase the gasoline tax to six ' cents. But how are taxes on land to ,be reduced, as the Winston-Salem j paper insists that they should be, [unless the counties are relieved of : the maintenance of county roads through a gasoline tax and unless the costs of government operation ■ are lowered?—Asheville Citizen. THE FOREST CITY COURIER. FOREST CITY, N. C. MONEY SPENT AT HOME HELPS HOME FOLKS One of our exchanges from a western community, speaking edi torially, says that a business men division of the local chamber of commerce is inaugurating a cam paign to bring about a real under standing on the part of the people as to the, necessity of doing their buying at home. As the campaign progresses the facts will be given to show the consumers that when they spend a dollar in another commu nity, their own is being robbed of the very life blood of its existence and prospei'ity. This group of western business men propose to point out that if lo cal residents would do even 75 P? 1 ' cent of their buying at their local stores, their town would be prosper ous and there would be no unemploy ment. Furthermore, it is to be dem onstrated to the business men them selves that when they go elsewhere to trade for merchandise obtainable at home, they are not being loyal to their own best interests. Judging from our brother edi tor's comment on the plans and purposes of the campaign, the business men are going to be fair enough to view the situation from the different angles. For he says that, "a business man who does buying elsewhere that he aould do at home has no grounds f .o complain if someone else does the same." They are, evidently, going to the root of the problem to awak en the public conscience to its civic duty along this important line. And in so doing they show wisdom. It is often to be found that merchants themselves are to blame primarily for the exit of so many local dollars from the community, out into large centers and from whence there is little likelihood of its returning. Some business men fail to cooperate with civic organizations that are striving to bulid up the commu nity, and along with it build up local businesses. The home dollar is needed at home to pay home taxes which keep up public conveniences. Home people should realize this and; work together with other borne folks for their common in terests.—Jeffersontown (Ky.) Jeff ersonian. SALES TAX. North Carolina must not adopt the sales tax method. To dot so is to admit that our boasted wealth is a bursted bubble, and that we must resort to placing the burden of our taxes upon the poorest citizen of the state. A tax upon the luxuries may b$ o.k. But a tax upon the fiecfessities df life is an unbearable thought iri a great state like North Carolina. Who wants the washerwoman to bear the burden of the state by plac ing a tax upon every article she buys? Who wants the laundry work ers, the common laborers, the ten ant farmers, the small farmers, the clerks and office girls, to pay the taxes of the state, The poorer a person is, the greater is Jhe percentage of their payment in sales tax. The poor must of neces sity buy in small quantities; the merchant, in selling in small quanti ties, must charge a higher rate than he could sell the same goods for in bulk, or in large quantities. Hence the fact is brought out that the small purchasers would pay the bulk of a sales tax. The idea of a sales tax is hate ful, because it is wrong in principle and a form of robbery in practice, unjust, unfair, heinious, hellish, and has no place in a commonwealth's affairs.—The Brevard News. GARDEN SPECIALIST COMING SATURDAY Rutherfordton, Jan. 13.—Miss Leah Parker, garden specialist for the Chilean Nitrate of Soda company will be at the court house here Sat urday afternoon at 2:30 and give a discussion on gardening. All inter ested in gardening, either flower or vegetable, are cordially invited to attend the meeting. Lincoln county farmers cooperat ed to sell over 6,000 pounds of truk eys during the recent holiday mar ket season. Apple growers of Alexander se curing the finest fruit this part sea. son used an average of three gallons ° S^ t0 tree ' re Ports county agent D. H. Osborne. FEDERATION TO OPEN HATCHERIES Spindale, Sylva and Asheville Plants of Farmers Federa tion Have Total Capacity of 70,500 Eggs. Three hatchery plants in Western North Carolina, with a combined ca pacity of 70,500 eggs, will be open ed in the next few weeks by the Farmers Federation, it was announc ed Monday night by Geo. E. Evans, promotion manager. j The first hatchery, at Sylva, has , a capacity of 17,500 eggs and will ; open January 14. The second hatch ery is located at Spindale and has a capacity of 21,000 eggs. It will open January 24. The largest of the three is located in West Asheville and has a capacity of 32,000 eggs. This plant will open February 2. The Farmers Federation, with these plants, operates the second largest hatchery in North Carolina, the largest being the plant of Mrs. F. B. Bunch, at Statesville, which. has a capacity of 76,000 eggs. Million A Year. Through its development of the poultry industry in this section, the Farmers Federation paid to the farm ers of Western North Carolina last year more than $600,000 in cash. The year before when prices in the poultry market were stronger the total reached $1,000,000 and during the coming year the total is expected to approach the latter figure. "In the next three years," Mr. Evans said Monday night, the poultry department of the Farmers Federa tion expects to be paying at least $2,000,000 in cash annually to the farmers of this section. Western North Carolina is ideally situated for the development of small poul try units and this industry repre sents a great potential reservoir of wealth for this section." The Farmers Federation Hatch eries are operated under the Educa tional Development Fund, raised by James G. K. McClure to assist in the development of the agricultural in dustry in this section. They are members of the State association known as the North Carolina State Hatchery association, formed recent ly at a meeting in Greensboro. The object of this association is to place pure blood tested breeders on all the i The average feed cost of the high farms in the state. \ milkers was $145.64 a year and of E. F. Howard, of Dunn, is presi dent of the body; G. E. Evans, of Asheville is vice president and Dr R. S. Dearstyne, head of the poultry department of State college, at Ra leigh, is secretary-treasurer. I Two groups of directors wtre named by the association, one for each half of the state. The western directors flffeJ Cat'l Coffey, of North Wilkesboro; S. L. Cilne, of Valdese: and Mrs. F. B. Bunch, of Statesville. To Advertise Products. The association plans to conduct an advertising campaign which will boost the poultry business in North Carolina. At the present time the Farmers Federation in Western North Carolina has set as a goal a mini- mum of 100 producing birds on every farm. This will add several hun—' : dred thousand dollars yearly in cash , | to the income of western North Caro- . j lina farmers, officials of the organ- , I ization point out and can be easily j brought about with a small outlay | and comparatively little extra work |on the part of the farmers. The as ; sociation represents plants with a ca- ; Ipacity of 450,000 eggs, i All hatching eggs, for these hatch- , | cries, will be supplied by flocks that have been blood tested by the Poul try Extension Department of the North Carolina State college, and : every box of baby chicks shipped will bear a label carrying the slogan of the State Hatchery Association, which is "North Carolina Chicks from Blood Tested Breeders Approv ed by the State Department of Ag riculture and North Carolina State college." The Farmers Federation Hatcheries will comply with every requirement of the Poultry Exten sion Service of the State college, l thereby guaranteeing its customers pure bred baby chicks of the very highest quality possible. They feel that it is important to do this in order that the poultry business of western North Carolina may con tinue to grow and develop as it should Section Has Advantages. "Western North Carolina should be one of the largest poultry pro ducing sections of the south and with the proper supervision and careful study by our farmers it should be producing millions of dol lars in poultry and eggs in the next | few years." Mr. Evans added. "The ( depression for the past two years has hit the poultry industry of this section hard, but we believe that it • has reached the bottom, and now, is the time to start building a real poultry business. j "The Farmers Federation is look jing to the future with a great deal jof optimism as regards the farming industry in western North Carolina, and it plans to operate hatcheries, poultry cars, wood products depart ment and canneries on a larger scale this year than ever. The poultry cars will run on regular schedules. Sylva Hatchery with a 17,500 egg capacity, will open for business January 14, Spindale Hatchery with a 21,000 egg capacity about January 24, and Asheville Hatchery Haywood road with a 32,000 egg capacity February 2. Poultry cars will be in charge of C. C. Proffitt, who is an experienced poultryman. The Wood Products Department will be under the supervision of Harry Rotha, who is an expert in this line. Hatcheries and Canneries will be under the supervision of George E. Evans, Pro motion Manager of the Farmers Fed eration. It is hoped that the people of j western North Carolina, who are out of work, will start back to the farms and help carry out Governor ! Gardner's "Live-at-home" program ; officials of the Federation said. I I Low Yielding Cows j Make No Profit i | Tabulating yearly records from j 2,326 cows in the six herd improve ! ment associations in North Carolina, ; John A. Arey, dairy extension .specialist at State college, finds a ; difference of $54.08 in profits be tween high yielding and low yielding cows. t j "Those animals producing an av •erage of S3OO or more pounds of ( butterfat a year gave an increased .profit of $54.08 over another group j which produced less than 250 pounds 'of fat a year," says Mr. Arey. "The 1 average of each cow in the high producing group was 7,797 pounds |of milk and 323 pqunds of fat. In this group were 464 cows in 18 dif ferent herds. The average of each jcow in the low producing group was 5,197 pounds of milk and 219.5 'pounds of fat. In this group were 857 cows from 31 herds." I jthe low milkers was $108.72 a year. Therefore, says Mr. Arey, it cost $36.92 more to feed the high pro ducing cows for one year but in return an additional s9l worth of j milk was secured. j. ...Mr. Arey says he considered the feed costs only In making- these cai j culations. He is convinced had he .inquired too closely into all "costs, as the expenses of delivering milk , and other items, the cows in the j low producing group would not have returned any profit whatever. Some of them were carried at an actual . loss and should be sold for beef if ! their production could not be in , creased by better feeding and care. There are twice as many brood sows on Rowan county farms as were there eight years ago and the owners are preparing to feed and fatten pork as a new farm enter prise, says W. G. Yeager, farm agent Horn's Theatre WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Jan. 14 "MEN ON CALL" With Edmund Lowe, Mae Clarke, William Harritfan others. Some one told him the girl he loved had 1M • perience and he believed it. He had lost his heart. V-"' lost his faith. She had lost her heart but kept her ra Also a beautiful technicolor "Flower Garden." FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Jan 16" "REDUCING" A Movie Wow. More fun than you -have been loom!? in "Reducing." With Marie Dressier and Polly Moran. greatest feminine comedy team. FOX NEWS and "INDIANS ARE COMING MONDAY and TUESDAY, Jan. 19-20- "THOROUGHBRED" Al#o FOX NEWS and VOICE OF HOLLYWOOD Thursday. J,,.. KIWAN.S ANN^e^S "The birthday 0 f r national will be H City during the week o ft !n Poj to 24, when Kiwanian "u " Uar V| -ith the 1,869 ortev I''! * k United States and r ir i t memorate the ißth • 0 the founding 0 f the President R. R. club announced today. 1 lfj( The first club Was or „ . Detroit in 1915 On I that year the ft r ' st The orga„i 2ation M rapidly and today there j bership of approximately* J* Raymond M. Crossman.'„ f is the International warns International will , lol(1 * annual convention j n \r; nT •' 3-7.1931. nu "The Forest City dub is m years old," said President p" Howes, "and we haw o„ ioi , t growth and development , ha , come to the international tion of wmeh we are a charter,, active unit. Our prog ram f anniversary meeting will be , n „ of the committee „„ K , ' cation." The matter of city deliver mail, better mail schedules and er business was discussed at meeting: Monday night. Plan Farm Business For Coming Seai Because 1931 will likely |* hard year based on the present c look for crop prices, more than c al attention must be paid to t ning the farm business. "The starting point from tr ; any grower must ,reckon. is present condition. An inventor? resources should be made a? « as possible," says Dr. G. W. Fori head of the department of ap ture economics at Stj|te "In addition to making an in* tory of his resources in detail.: farmer should also make a list of liabilities or the amounts he 01 others. The difference betwa I assets and liabilities repress b. net worth. The difference bsw the net worth at the end of the? and at the beginning- of the j will give the net gain or loss farming operations for the year Dr. Forester also suggests a of simple accounts to record all: crop and livestock enterprises of 1 farm. A record should be kept oil cotton crop, the tobacco crop, or: hog project showing- the expenditc and the income. This will «ii which enterprises have been 2 profitable and which have 10-t n: ey. With this knowledge in to the farmer can determine wtyp were made or losses Incurred an( can then make the proper ad'J ments. Dr. Forester also urges the of the outlook material released i winter by State college and the I' ed States Department of Agricutd The object of this service is top the farmer some idea of the cos tion of the market during the ing year. This outlook inform# he says, can be used effectively • the set of simple f|rm 1 accc* By using the two. the grove: tell what crops to expand or ones to contract, based on hi- i experience and the outlook M particular crop during the f-'- year.