■rr-hnraHav. February 12, 1931. TUBBY . Back to Primitive Methods. SW |[ ~ I MIFFIFI' ~~ .~I 1, ; 1 i I WISH STAV VMDOoftS S HELLO SPIDEfe. CAn \ •« f-l! I SMlwMm X — V 111! I Aoo COME OVEG ? - \ / COME OM CA/EC A /uPV \ 11 '|' CALLS YOU CAN answer / S/MO, CAM SOO COME . \ CAM HOO COME \ - • 7 / nt I, \ II ' - THFM YoY HAY ItoVER HERE** MOM AM ] ( QCOB?. fVMuie/ / / ArN » > l\ 1 A\ C ■\ k * W V* SAID. COME ON / . VWMTA MINIT'/ I "v/FJ LFE-31. COME ON I m ! iwiti ''l m « CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisements Inserted forlc per word each insertion. Cash in advance. FREE TO FARMERS —During the month of February, The Courier will run ads for our farmers of not more than 30 words, in this column free oi all cost. If you want to rent a farm. sell your farm, buy or sell any crops, live stock, farm implements, etc., phone or send in your ad. It \v#l be run free during the month of February. SALE— Cabbage plants; 32.00 per thousand; 25c per hun dred A G. Hamrick, Rutherfordton, R-l. 17 " 3t - Butcher supplies at Farmers hard ware Co. j FOR SALE —Household furniture, like new; including electric radio, piano, rugs, lamps, parlor, bedroom and breakfast suits. Bargain to right party. Write box 605, Forest •C-ity. or inquire at Courier office. 18-2t. Garden Seeds, two packets, sc. Farmers Hardware Co. ' WANTED— Some boys 16 years old or older, interested in Amateur Radio. I will train them to be wire less operators, free of charge. Geo. P. Tate. 18-lt. Vigoro for your lawn. Farmers Hardware Co. Professional Carcte DR. H. L. ROBERTSON DENTIST l if Cliffside, N. C. DR. D. M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST Eye Specialist « SHELBY, N. C. Will be in Forest City Every Thurs day. 8 to 9 a. m., and 2 to 3 p. m. Office up-stairs, Farmers Bank Build ing. Room 306, opposite office of Dr. Verner. Eyes Examined, Glasses fitted and repaired DR. FRANK WILKINS DENTIST Union Trust Co., Bldg. FOREST CITY, N. C. New X-Ray Lady Assistant DR. CHAS. S. McCALL DENTIST 313 Union Trust Co., Bldg. DR. R. R. HOWES DENTIST Phone 156 Forest City, N. C. C OAL Clinchfield Coal .will keep yolu "warm and save you money. Call us. Carolina Coal Co. C. C. & O. Ry. Depot. Phones 283-M—lsll V. M. ARERNETHY Radio Repairing Trouble Shooting e ys duplicated for all standard locks AVONDALE, N. C. Phone 251 j FREE EMPLOYMENT ADS—For the month of February, The Courier j will run free of cost all ads of those Jwho have employment for any one jin the county. Phone or write us at jonce. We want work for the unem ployed. If you have work for any one, ;any color, any kind of a job, notify 'this newspaper. I Gun shells, all size shot.. Why | purchase No. 6 shot when you want j No. 4 shot? Farmers Hardware Co. j FOR SALE—Baby chicks, Reds, Rock, Wyandottes and Leghorns. Forest City Hatchery. 18-tf. W T ANTED—OId stamps. Prefer those still on envelopes. Send des cription. Box. 276, Forest City, N. C. WANTED—To list a few small farms of from five to fifty acres. Chas. Z. Flack, Phone 40, office over A&P Store, Forest City. 18-2t. Pictures framed while you wait. Farmers Hardware. SEE H. L. Kanipe for your auto mobile work, welding, brazing, re building and charging batteries. WANTED TO RENT —Three partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, close in.—Gen. deliv ery ; W. X." Forest City. NOTICE OF SPECIAL CIVIL. TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT Notice is hereby given that a spe cial Civil Term Superior Court for Rutherford County to convene March 9, 1931, and continue for two weeks, or until the business of the Court has been disposed of, has been au thorized by a commission from the Governor, authorizing the same. This, the 3rd day of February, .1931. RUTHERFORD COUNTY. By G. H. Blanton, Chm. Board Com. 18-2t. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF PROPERTY State of North Carolina, Rutherford County, Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain chat tel mortgage, made and executed on the 6th day of September, 1930, by Crawford Powell to L. B. Hines, and recorded in the Register of Deeds , office for Rutherford County in Book | 10, page 138, I, the undersigned j mortgagee will offer for sale to the I last and highest bidder, for cash, on j MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1931. at about the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., at the L. B. Hines Store Build ing in High Shoals Township, just South of Main Broad River, the entire stock of goods being located in the store building of L. B. Hines and be ing in High Shoals Township just South of Main Broad River, and also the fixtures in said building, consist ing of two show cases, one set of scales, one cheese cutter, etc. This being the stock of goods purchased by Crawford Powell from L. B. Hines on the 6th day of September, 1930. This, the 24th day of January, 1931. L. B. HINES, 17-3t. Mortgagee. Stalk Cutter, $25.00. Farmers Hardware Co. More than 200 business men of (Alamance county attended a banquet 'tendered them at Graham by farm |ers of the county to discuss a farm jprograip for 1931. THE FOREST CITY (N. C.) COURIER TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Notice is hereby given that the undersigned trustee under and by virtue of the powers vested in him in that certain deed of trust made to him by A. L. Hardin, et al, under date of August 20, 1930, and which deed of trust has been duly regist ered in the office of Register of Deeds for Rutherford County in Book 5, page 529, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auc tion at the Court House door in Rutherfordton, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1931. at 2:00 o'clock p. m., the following real estate to wit: First tract: In Rutherford County state of North Carolina, containing 47% acres, more or less, and being the same land described in a deed from Jas. L. Green and wife, Mat tie D. Green, dated December 13, 1890, and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ruther ford County, N. C., in deed book 63 at page 533, to which reference is here made for more particular des cription. The foregoing tract is conveyed subject to the prior lien of a deed of trust executed by W. P. Hard'n and wife, Mary Lou Hardin to Fed eral Land Bank of Columbia, South Carolina, to secure the payment of $600.00; said deed of trust bearing date of March 8, 1928, and being of record in said Register's office in Farm Loan Mortgage Record W-7 at page 232, to which reference is here made for 'all purposes. Second tract: Situated in tlie Town of Forest City, Rutherford County, N. C., containing 11 44! 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land described in a deed from J. D. Ledbetter and wife Affie Ledbetter to W. P. Hardin, dated November 13, 1918, and of record in said Reg ister's office m Deed book 143 at page 390, reference to which is here ntade for more full and complete description. Third tract: Lying and being in the Town of Forest City, Rutherford County, North Carolina, containing 3 161100 acres, more or less, and being the same land described in a deed from J. D. Ledbetter and wife, Affie Ledbetter to W. P. Hardin, dated August 23, 1919, and of rec ord in said Register's office in Deed book 147 at page 391, to which ref erence is here made for all purposes. There is excepted and reserved from the tract of land next herein above described as "Third Tract," all that certain lot of land contain ing about one-half acre, more or less, and described in a deed from W. P. Hardin and wife M. L. Hardin to R. C. Burgin, dated the 17th day of November, 1925, and of record in said Register's office in deed book 142 at page 44, reference to which is here made for all pur poses. . ! Fourth Tract: Lying and being in the town of Forest City, North Carolina containing 3--02 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land described in a deed from J. D. Led bette'r and Wife, Affie Ledbetter to W. P. Hardin, dated November 18, 1918, and of record in said Register's office in Deed book 147 at page 392, to which reference is here made for all purposes. Fifth Tract: Being lots Nos. 108 and 109 of the C. M. Harrill estate land, in Rutherford County, North Carolina, and being the same prop perty described in a deed from J. L. Collins and wife C. A. Collins to W. P. Hardin, dated November 0, 1925, and of record in said Register's to which reference is here made for all purposes. Sixth Tract: A certain piece or parcel of land on the waters of Floyd's Creek Rutherford County, N. C., containing two acres, more or less, and being the same property described in a deed from G. W. Rol lins and wife, Malinda J. Rollins to William Hardin, dated January 26, 1890, and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ruther ford County in Deed book 136 at page 430, to which reference is here made for all purposes. (The six tracts of land herein above described being the lands be longing to the estate of William P. Hardin, deceased, which descended to the parties of the first part as the heirs-at-law of said William P. Har din.) Sale will be made to satisfy the aforesaid deed of trust default hav ing been made in the payment of same. This, the 16th day of January, 1931. 16-4t. C. O. RIDINGS, Trustee Recorder's Court Now Self Sustaining Rutherfordton, Feb. 3.—Report of cases handled, fines and costs col lected, sentences imposed, etc., in the Recorder's court of Rutherford County, for the month of January, 1931. Total number of convictions, 60. Total number of acquittals, includ ing nol. pros, with leave, 28. Bound over to the Superior Court 30. Total road sentences imposed, 55 months. Total jail sentences imposed, 130 days. Total County Home sentences im posed, 4 months. Appeals to Superior Court, 2. Total fines collected, $555.00. Total solicitor's fees and, court costs collected, for county $495.10 Total : $1,050.10 Total amount of costs assessed a gainst county in cases of acquittals and nol. pros $354.74 NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. State of North Carolina, Rutherford County. In The Recorder's Court. McKnight & Company, Inc. vs. C. D. Powell The defendant, in the above en titled action will take notice that on the sth day of February, 1931, the plaintiff made the following af fidavit before the clerk of the Re 'ccider's Court of Rutherford Coun jty, North Carolina, to-wit: "That the [defendant C. D. Powell is indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of three hundred thirty-fivfe and ' 991 100 $335.99) dollars for goods sold and delivered to the said defendant from | the 15th day of November, 1930, 'until the 16th day of January, 1931, ■ that the said defendant is a-non resident of the State of North Car 'olina." The defendant will also take no ; tice that a warrant of attachment j was issued by said clerk of the Re corder's Court on the sth day of February, 1931, against the proper ty of the said defendant which war j rant is returnable to the Record er's Court of Rutherford County, held in the Town of Rutherfordton. North Carolina, on the 9th day of March, 1931, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be grant ed. This, the sth day of February, 931. M. O. DICKERSON, 19-4t. Clerk Recorder's Court. TWO GIRLS OFFER BODIES FOR MONEY 1 , Raleigh.—A. S. Brower, comptroll-1 r at North Carolina State collegs,! ° ' / as received a letter from two I ftorth Carolina girls who want to • j ell their bodies for medical re-! j earch. j "Times are so bad, i and a friend j !of mine must have some money J immediately," the letter reads. | "If there is -any chance of our j selling our bodies and getting the j benefit of the money while we are ; still living, we guarantee that youi jcould get. our bodies upon ouri death," it adds. j Mr. Brower refused to divulge the | ■ ames of the girls, but said they: lived in one of the larger cities of j | the state. The girls asked that their' jr.ames be kept strictly confidential, j I PADGETT & KING ! FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING ij ♦ Licensed Embalmer ;; | and . I Ambulance Service ;; | DAY PHONE 41 NIGHT PHONE J Harrill & King \ Real Estate Bought and Sold | J! Auction Sales a Specialty. 2 O We buy and sell and cut the earth to suit the man. £ j| SEE US— I ;; If you want to sell. | ► If you want to buy. | it Office Phone No. 59. i Res. Phones 245 and 188 Forest City, N. C. 1 All Wrought Up Over Nothing Didn't sleep last night; too much work; the chil dren are fretful; the Boss is cranky; Mrs. DeVert didn't invite you to her party. Ordinarily you don't mind any of these things, wH today they are simply unbearable. You are nervous, that's why. . mL Did you ever try Dr. Miles' Nervine. I Just two teaspoonfuls in a half glass of jMjL water will quiet your over-taxed nerves A&UWL and bring you a feeling of calm and peace, Dr. Miles' Nervine is now made in lERYIH two forma—Liquid and Effervescent tFBt « Tablet. Both are the same thera- [C|j I At all Drug Stores. 666 LIQUID or TABLETS Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever 666 SALVE CURES BABY'S COLD " I Night and Morning to keep I them Clean, Clear and Healthy Write for Free ""Eye Care" - or "Eye Beauty'' Book B Murine Co., Dept. H. 5.,9 E. Ohio St., Chicago 8 PAGE SEVEN