PAGE EIGHT WANT AD S FREE EMPLOYMENT ADS—For the month of February, The Cornier will run free of cost all ads of those who have employment for any one jn the county. Phone or write us at once. We want work for the unem ployed. If you have work for any one, any color, any kind of a job, notify this newspaper. LOST—License tag No. 405,182, Friday. Return to F. L. Frazier, For est City. 19 - U WANTBD —To rent hoe crop, m Rutherford county. Apply to Mrs. Bessie McCraw, care of J. A. Mar tin, Ellenboro. 19-3t. WANTED —To rent about ten acres land and house. Prefer location with in easy distance of some town or village in county. W. B. Sloan, Bostic. 19-3t. FOR SALE —Twenty-five shoats, at right price; cash or terms. J. L. Butler, Box 231, Forest City. 19-3t. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE —One ton Ford truck, 1926 model. Good tires. Will trade for farm horse or mule. T. C. Holland, Henrietta, 19-3t, FOR SALE —Good second hand Weaver organ. Will sell at a bar gain. J. W. Hill, Forest City, R-2, 19-3t. A big assortment of new lace at Courtney's Ten Cent Store. FOR SALE —Hatcning eggs, $2.50 per 15 from Byers Strain Golden Buff Orpingtons. Lester Toms, For est City, R-2. 19-3t. FOR SALE —Ten acres of land; about two acres in cultivation, bal ance in good timber. Near Southern Ry. station, Ellenboro. Apply to J. L. Hawkins, Avondale, N. C. 19-U FOR SALE —Ten H. P. Fairbanks Morse engine used very little, also corn mill. F. H. Jackson near Dun can crossing. Spindale, N. C. 19-3t. SHOATS —Have twenty head shoats wanting good homes on halves. Aver age 60 to 65 pounds. Cash prices for three heaviest hogs if all twenty are taken up. J. L. Butler, Forest City. 19-3t. BABY CHICKS—Bred to lay. Rocks and Reds at twelve cents each on Wednesdays. Quality White leg horns at ten cents, and mixed chicks from heavy breeds ten cents each. Custom hatching. Ellenboro School Hatchery. 19-tf. FOR RENT—Brick store building on opposite side of Highway from Ledbetter building. Desirable for cafe, barber or jewelry shops. F. H. Jackson, Spindale, N. C. 19-3t. FREE TO FARMERS—During the month of February, The Courier will run ads for our farmers of not more than 30 words, in this column free of al3 cost. If you want to rent a farm, sell your farm, buy or sell any crops, live stock, farm implements, etc., phone or send in your ad. It will be run free during the month of February. POLITICAL I ANNOUNCEMENTS i FOR MAYOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for election as mayor of Forest City, subject to the action of the voters in the municipal elec tion to be held May 5, 1931. Your support will be appreciated. R. L. REINHARDT. FOR MAYOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Mayor of Forest City subject to the action of the voters in the municipal election of May 5, 1931. -Your support will be appre ciated. L. C. LOWRANCE. FOR MAYOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election as mayor of Forest City, subject to the action of the voters in the municipal elec tion to be held May 5, 1931. Your support will be appreciated. V. T. DAVIS. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for alderman of Forest C.ty, subject to the action of the voters in the municipal election of May 5, 1931. Your support will be appreciated. J. L. BUTLER. Community Womans Club Meeting Henrietta, Feb. 10. —The Commu nity Womans' Club was delightful ly entertained on last Thursday at the home of Mrs. John Roach in Avondale, with Mrs. Roach, Mrs. A. W. Lynch, Mrs. Charlie James, Mrs. H. M. Owens, Mrs. Robt. Bland and Miss Brama Layne as hostesses. The general topic of the year on art was continued with the study of notable English portrait painters. A well prepared paper on "Reynold s Life and Character" by Mrs. Clyde MahafTee read by Mrs. T. C. Love i lace was thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. J. A. Hunnicutt pleased her listeners [ with descriptions of three of Rey nolds' studies; "The Age of Inno cence," "Simplicity," and Mrs. Sid don as "The Tragic Muse." A de lightful musical number given by Miss Virginia Christie was an added feature to the program. Following this a short story of Rosetti and his family with description of the pic ture "The Blessed Damosel' was splendidly presented by Mrs. M. B. Mahaffee. Miss Cleo Sane gave a reading on "The Blessed Damosel, which concluded this well arranged j program The business session was presid ed over by the president Mrs. O. J. Mooneyham, and a complete report from the civic chairman, Mrs. S. J. Asbury, Jr., outlined the program of Legislative Council of the North Carolina Club Women including mea sures of three classifications. In the first class are the measures which will be presented to the Legislature to be enacted into laws. In the sec ond class are measures to be dis cussed and studied with the best legislative minds and presented to the Legislature at any propitious time In the third class are those measures which will be presented by other a gergies, but which will have the en dorsement and support of the Coun cil. The Welfare chairman Mrs. T. C. Lovelace gave a splendid report on the past month's work. Due to the ! drive started by the Textile Lion's ,Club to encourage and aid all under nourished school children to drink milk and to furnish milk to the needy children; which cause has been en couraged and aided by funds from the Community Woman's Club it was found that a total of 246 school children in the three communities of Cliffside, Caroleen and Henrietta have begun to either carry milk to school to drink at the first recess j period, to buy it at the school; or |to be furnished the milk free of charge where necessary. A total of $44.10 was donated to this cause and for clothing in the four communi ties. Fifty magazines was reported distributed. The president remind ed the members of the election of new officers which will take place in March for the next Club year, j The January committee on Ways and Means reported a net profit from their program of $44.00, which a mount was turned into the Club treasury by the chairman Mrs. As bury. The February committee will present, their plan for raising their quota at a later date. The visitors at. the meeting in cluded Mesdames Raleigh Haynes. Dennis Camp, F. A. McNeely, C. F. Ward, John M. Layne, Bagwell, Smith, Henry, W. Hightower, S. O. Stofer, R. R. Randall, Elmore, S. H. Holland, Fannie Hicks, Misses Cys tine Whisnant, Amanda Haynes, Lila Freman, Lucile Nanney, Ruby Smith, Ruth Robertson, Mary Pratt, Aman da Head, and out of town guests Mrs. G. C. McDaniel of Forest City, Mrs. John Smart of Mooresboro, Mr D. W. Andrews of Spindale and Mrs. J. B. Davidson of ClifTside. At the conclusion of the program a deli cious iced salad course in an attrac tive color motif was served by the hostesses. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained "in a certain Deed In Trust made and executed on the 10th day of February, 1927, by and between Henry Wesley and wife Daisey Wesley to W. L. Brown, Trustee for the Forest City Build ing and Loan Association to secure a cartain indebtedness. The said Deed In Trust being on record in the office of the Register of Devd* for Rutherford County, N. C., in Book V-4 at page 223. Default hav j ing been made in the payments there by secured and upon request of the THE FOREST CITY (N. C.) COURIER party of the third part the under signed Trustee will on THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1931. in the Town of Forest City, N. C. ; in £ront of the Union Trust Co. Bank Building, within the legal hours of sale, offer for sale to the last arul highest bidder for cash or good se curity the following described Re ml Estate, to wit: Lying and being in the Town of Forest City, N. C., on the South side of the branch, and being lots No. 4 and 5 in Block "D" of the Weath ers Sub-Division of the Harrill and Huntley property as shown on map or plat -¥ said Sub-Division, made by J. A. Wilkie, Surveyor, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutnerford County, N. C., in Book 117 at page 390 ,reference to which is made for a more complete description of said lots. This, the sth day of February, 1931. W.L. BROWN, 19-4t. Trustee. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain Deed In Trust made and executed on the 23rd day of September 1926 by and between Silla Boyd to W. L. Brown, Trustee for Forest City Building & Loan Association, to se cure a certain indebtedness. The said Deed In Trust being on record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, N. C., in Book V-4 at page 172. Default hav ing been made in the payments of t. btedness thereby secured and upon request of the party of the third part the undersigned Trustee will on THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1931. in the Town of Forest" City, N. C. in front of the Union Trust Co. Bank Building, within the legal hours of sale, offer for sale to the last and highest bidder for cash or good se curity the following described Real Estate, to wit: Being part of the Weathers Sub- Division of the Harrill and Huntley property on the South side of the branch in the section known as Gra ham Town and shown on the map of same, made by J. A. Wilkie, Sur veyor, as lots No. 5 and 6 in "Block'' E of said Sub-Division. Reference to which is made for a full and complete discription of said lots. These lots have frontage of twenty five feet and depth of one hundred fifty feet. Map of said Sub-Division in Plat Book 117 page 390. This, the sth day of February, 1931. 19-4t SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain Deed In Trust made and executed on the 21st day of August 1926, by and between M. C. Queen and wife Dora Queen to W. L. Brown Trus tee for Forest City Building & Loan Association to secure a certain in debtedness. The said Deed In Trust being on record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, N. C., in Book V-4 at page 103. Default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness thereby secured and upon request of the party of the third part under signed Trustee will on THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1931. in the town of Forest City, N. C., in front of the Union Trust Co. Bank Building, within tie legal hours of sale. offer for sale to the last and highest bidder for cash or good se curily the following described Real Estate, to wit: Lying within the incorporate lint its of Forest City, N. C., and on the East side of the Bostic Road lead ing off of Cherry Mountain street said Bostic Road now called Big Springs Ave., and described as fol lows: Beginning at an iron pin in the Tate-Horn line; thence with said line S 77 K 75 feet to an iron pin; thence S 20 W 200 feet to an iron pin; thence N 77 W 75 feet to an iron pin; thence N 20 W 200 feet to the beginning, containing one house and lot. I bis, the oth day of February 1931. W.L. BROWN. Trustee. W.L. BROWN, Trustee lytiEiEiELE! Another Big Stock I JUST RECEIVED I Stein's Putting Out Some Red Hot Bargains I Be Here Friday, February 13th and Saturday, February 14th I ONE GROUP OF MEN'S LADIES' SHOES I CLOTH Handkerchiefs Values to $4.50, out they S go, pair S Of various descriptions, 11|/» g 10c value, each Ivl a yard Jjj Say folks plenty of oth § - ~ er Shoe bargains too. g) IC lC Come early. II $1.50 VALUE Galvanized Buckets LADIES' HOSE | SWEATERS 10 quart size, special ReduC ed to, pair 3 on ly for this sale, each. 45c 10c 4c MEN'S SHOES Heavy Pants Cloth Men's Overalls Shirt Cloth, Shirting One lot of Men's Over- Former values to $4.50 WQrth up tQ 50c y(J Thjs al , g s]ightly damaged, will be on sale at, pair ga]e at> yard worth up to ?2 Thjs sa , t 98c 10c 19c STOP! DID YOU EVER HEAR OF SUCH LOW PRICES ON QUALITY MERCHANDISE. THIS SALE WILL BE THE TALK OF THIS ENTIRE SECTION. Ladies Beautiful New Spring MEN'S SUITS C° ats $3.45 for Men's Suits, 519.5U Beautiful Coats, regular val- value. On sale Friday $3.45 U ues to $16.50. Many of these Say, Men, don't miss this sale a Coats are sample models. Your » „+ ®o AC | choice 1 $4.83 * I CHILDREN'S SHOES | LADIES' SILK DRESSES ghipped to Forest City. Now | Values up $12.50 $1.93 pair 10c S Ladies' don't fail to see the | biggest bargains ever known in Men's Tailored Made Suits 3 Forest City on Coats and Dress- TT -, , r , rr AA ~ . , B pc . Values to $55.00 at this sale | " for $12.50 | Overcoats and Top Coats | SILK HOSE now $7.83 | Ladies' full fashioned pure . Maii » s clothing Department | silk hose, $1.50 values, per _ | pair i 45c B XT , . , One Lot of Boys' Suits S Not over 4 pairs to a custo- B mer. A real give-away bargain. Value up to 87.50, each 51.9-' S BOYS' PANTS Men's Sox, assorted colors, at S m ka i ..i • , „ only, pair 3c 51.50 value at this sale, pr 50c I ... m 1.1 A ~ Safety Pins, at only, dozen 2c S Writing Tablets, each 2c S Men's and Boys' Work Shirts, | Lace at only, yard' lc at only _ 29c 3 Childiens Union Suits, at 19c Silk Thread, at only spool lc § Piece Cloth, many kinds, worth Electric Light Bulbs, 25 and 40 § up to 50c yd. at only, yd. 10c watts only 15c 5 Boys Bioadcloth Shirts, Waists Buttons, many kinds at only, | value to 81.00 at only, ea. 19c card 2c I STEIN'S DEPT. STORE 1 FOREST CITY, N. C. Thursday, February 3^l^

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