Thursday, April 2, 1931. FERRY NEWS Fen'V, March 30.—Rev. W. B. Jenkins, of Woodruff, S. C., preach , a t Floyd's Creek Sunday to a audience. He read the latter •inn of Matthew 5, beginning with «OITU' 11 1 „ , . ' 38th verse. The text of his ser was from the 41 st verse. "And .soever shaii compell thee to go U mile eo with him twain," from this he said the subject "Th« sec , mile christian" would naturally c! " , h j- subject he used He stated !CTthe only way to live the second christain life was to have love for ■irother. He also referrea to the ac. .Vu. good Smaritain as an example hi, life. At the conclusion of the sermon Kev. Jenkins asked all who J:,;. they wished to attain this sec ;nt, christian life to manifest it by handshake. The audience almost as a 'Vole responded to the proposition. Mr and Mrs. Reuben Tate and sons Dennis, Henry, Robert and daughters, Lillie Mae and Mrs. Ernest In{r fe left last Tuesday afternoon for Lake Wales, Fla., to visit Mr. and \fvs' Tate's sons. Messrs Cicero, Plato * n d Kelly Tate. They expect, to arrive hack home the latter part of this week. Mr. Kelly Tate will return home with them to farm for his fatb Mr. Geo. Shehan and son, Mr. Dean Shehan. and Mr. Smith of South Caro- ♦ Chas. Z. Flack ♦ Real Estate t Rentals And Insurance ♦ Phone 40 i ♦ Office over A&P Store 4 ♦ Forest City, N. C. ♦ A ▼ recommends " % ASPIR-MINT l&afeM "1 WGS suffering from a bad C01d.... i• : > x Dr. Miles' Aspir-Mint relieved Me." These two sentences are from a \ letter sent to us by Gypsy Simon Mr. Smith spends his public life lllilflg JW in the germ-laden atmosphere of I"*" - " ————————— crowds in hall, church or taber- DR. MILES* nacle. He goes from an over- heated meeting place into the *//Ufl4 frigid outer air spirtually uplifted, f or Co(ds Head _ ■but phys.caUy exhausted. t- His profession demands that he ritis, do the very things that he should c« • ,• „ T , no: do if he wants to avoid catch- ~ ° £1 ? ing Cold. He is in position to speak oothache, Backache, with authority on the subject. Muscular Pains, Peri- If you have a Cold, or if you °^ c ains ' su.ner from Headache, Neuralgia, I. Rheumatism, Sciatica, '^ oo^ac he, Backache, Muscular Pains, Periodic Pains, £>r. Miles' Aspir-Mint will bring you relief. At your drug Store —15c and 25c. DR.MILES* Clbbir-inUit An Amazing Value If Not Satisfied Money Refunded Ladies 9 Hose 39c PAIR D SI BV 3 for SI.OO Longwear Dull Finish Fashioned Service Weight COLORS DUSKEE SUNTAN BLACK BLON DORE MODE WHITE BASQUE BROWN SABLE 1 DE GUN METAL MIRAGE SIZES 8% to 10 Postage prepaid when payment accompanies order DOLLAR SILK HOSIERY CO. 51 Bennett Bldg. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Saturday for points in grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M- flfifllElHnilHlglgiaiaiShiraraiar lina left Virginia on business. Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Frances, of Spindale, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Francis. They attended ser vices at Floyd's Creek Sunday. Mr. Tom Tate and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar McGinnis. Mr. Clyde Gordon and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Ed Gordon. SPINDALE NEWS Spindale, March 30.—Miss Violet Tate, of Polk county, spent the week end with Misses Frances Jackson and Grace Hester. Miss Mamie Hardin underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Rutherford hospital last Thursday, and is getting along nicely. Her many friends hope she will soon be able to come home. Miss Alda Reid is taking treatment at the Rutherford hospital and is get ting along fine. Mr. S. B. Scoggins who has been sick for the past year is not as well as usual the past week. Miss Frances Jackson has return ed to school after being confined to her room with flu for the past week. Her mother Mrs. F. H. Jackson is also improving after being sick for three weeks. We welcome Mr. J. D. Hester and family to our community from Polk county. Rev. T. M. Hester and daughter Miss Grace, spent one day last week in Polk county visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baber spent the week-end with the formers' par ents, at Mountain View. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tate spent Sunday with Mrs. Tate's sister. Mrs. F. H. Jackson. Miss Eunice Lamb of Shelby, is spending the week-end with her THE FOAEST CITY (N, C.) COURIER Hester. Mr. Walter Nash and Miss Eula Hester accompanied by Miss Violet Tate spent Sunday afternoon in Shel- Miss Ruth Sparks was the Sun day afternoon guest of Miss Grace Hester. The stork visited our side of town during this month. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ba ber, on March sth a son, Charles Cecil. Mrs. Baber before her mar riage was Miss Maggie Melton. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Crisson, a girl, Helen Marie, Mrs. Crisson before her marriage was Miss Vassie McEntire. Born, to Mr. and Mrs ney, a son. Mr. Floyd Jones, who has operat ed the Spindale barber shop here for sometime, left Wednesday night for Elizabeth City, N. C., where he will be engaged in similar work. TRUSTEE'S RE-SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a centain deed of trust made by D. B. McMurry and wife Rebecca McMurry to the undersign ed Trustee, dated the 6th day of No vember 1929, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, in record of mortgages and deeds of trust No. A-8 at page 209, to which reference is hereby made • and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secur ed by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative, said trustee wLI I THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1931. |at ten o'clock A. M., sell for cash |to the highest bidder at the office of the Forest City Building and Loan Association in the Town of Forest City, N. C., that certain piece parcel of tract of land, situate ly ing and being in Logans Store Town ship, Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, lying on the wat ers of Cane Creek adjoining the lands of Mrs. Burrus, Lot No. 2 and bounded as follows. Beginning on a willow on the North side of ? large branch and on the East side of the big road and runs down the branch as it meanders South 70 East 25 poles to a stone on the North side of the branch;) thence crosing the creek North 75! East 135 poles to a stone in old line near a gap in the Meeting House Ridge; thence with the old line North 16% West 42 poles to a white oak, Mrs. Burrus' corner; thence with her line West 58 poles to a walnut; thence South 30% West 43 1-4 poles to a stone at the edge o f the bottom on the East side of the creek; thence South 80 West. 69 j poles to a stone at the foot of a i hill on the West side of the creek; thence North 34% West 85% poles to a dogwood, old corner, thence South 86% West 107 poles to a stake in the field, South 17% East 62 poles to a stone and pointers. East 70 poles to a stone and point ers; South 17% East 40 3-4 poles to a stone on top of the ridge, cor ner of lot No. 2; thence with line of same and with top of ridge as it meanders North 45 East 13 poles. North 60 East 10 poles, South 61% East 12 poles to a stone on top of ridge; thence North 73 East 34 poles to the place of the beginning. This, the 31st day of March, 1931. 26-2t. -R. R. BLANTON, Trustee Bladder Weakness If (*o-iing Up Nights, Backache, frequent day calls, Leg Pains, Nerv ousness, or Burning, due to function al Bladder Irritation,, in acid condi tions, makes you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cystex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thru the system in 15 minutes. Praised by' thousands for rapid and positive ac tion. Don't give up. Try Cfyatex (pro-- nounced Siss-teae) today, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, improve rest ful sleep ana energy, or money back. Only 60c at • PEOPLES ORUG STORE BHjgi/ | c loc | EFIRD'S |y* lOc | Pre-EastefSale Our Store Is Alive With New Merchandise—Come to See Us Whether You Are Ready to Buy or Not, We Will Be Glad to Have You Look at the New Things. New Spring and | Summer Underwear I Union Suits Hanes style 2056 Athletic Union Suits / DC Hanes Athletic A Q Shirts 4C/C Children's Suits Children's no .leg jk Q athletic suits sOv Men's athletic shorts QQ p] 50c value DOC 5 2 for 75c. 3 Men's Dress Shirts 48c Special table men's dress shirks ft A clean up of miscel- i|Q_ |jj laneous lots TOv C White Broadcloth Shirts 75c j~j A big value in men's 98c white g broadcloth 7C/» E shirts IDC C $1.65 Shirts at sl*ls g A special lot men's tailored S white broadcloth shirts made S to sell up to $2.00, an out- Ej standing Pre-Easter "1 1 T S sale item at JL AD Ed Nan- Men's Sox Men's 25c rayon sox, *| g* new patterns, now ... . ivv Men's 39c rayon sox, Of now "Wv Men's very soft 10c white hemstitched Handker- |* chiefs, now A special iot of boys' Yank Jr. play suits, SI.OO value 65c Boys' Overalls 48c Boys' heavy Jewel Overalls, triple stitched and tripled Q strength TtOv Men's Overalls Men's Jewel Overalls made of 220 denim, full HQs* cut - OOC Big Jack Overalls Big Jack fullest cut heavy weight regular $1.25 overall, Pre-Easter sale QQ/» price •JOC Pin Stripe Overalls Men's extra full cut Comman der pin stripe QBp overalls vOv Ladies' and Child ren's Fine Silk Hos iery and Anklettes Hudson Hose 79c Hudson's style 164 first quali ty regular $1.25 TQiP hose ® v v Service Silk Hose Ladies' Crescent first quality all silk lisle top hose - - • Crescent all over silk service hose, all the newest QCp colors OJt# Nebel Better Hose Nebel's best quality all pure thread silk hose, SI.OO Cutie Anklettes Children's all rayon cutie _ _ 22c Anklettes at 15c Good quality Misses -f £ anklettes, all sizes Av v One Special lot Ladies' good 39c Bloomers now Ladies' 65c Bloomers, Plain and non-ravel 48c 2 pai " for 95c HANES Yank Jr. Play Suits NEW SHOES New Tennis Shoes, pair DOC Boys' and Youths' 11 to 2 and 21/£> to 6 Infants' Shoes Of glistening patent and com bination two tone colors, soft soles, sizes M q 0 to 4 4oC Misses' Olivette and Airdale Elk Combination Sport Ox ford. Sizes 11 1-2 to 2. "I A£ Special pl*«7D Misses' Patent One Strap Mary Jane cut-out quarter, sizes 8 1-2 to AO 2 95c Ladies' Stylish Low Shoes That Wear Ladies' smoke elk, log cabin trim, sport oxfords, excep tionai flj-i Qr value Ladies' patent pump, gray reptile trim, vamp high heel, one of the new East er arri- QT vals Ladies' x >black kid four-eye tie, correct adjusted arch, medium leather heel, very service- d* "1 AT able Growing girls' crepe sole sport oxfords, OC special Ladies' New Perfect Fitting Narrow Heel, Flexible Low Shoes, All Leather, Com bined With Quality and Style Ladies' Black Kid one-stran lizard trim OC Pump P Ladies' black kid one-strap high heel gray Q|* trim J Men's New Pullman Oxfords Black and Combination Men's Pullman Black blucher plain toe, full QO QF last oxford Pullman Sport Oxford $2.95 A new black and white Pull man sport (T*o QC oxford —- White Goods Longcloth 10c Good quality full yard wide longcloth, pure finish |/\ per yard _ - JLVv Broadcloth 10c Good quality white J |\ broadcloth JIVv The South's choice fine con struction white Broadcloth, original 29c value, 1 Q > per yard AOI/ Pajama Checks 10c Full yard wide best quality pure white pajama checks and dimities, per 10c Spring Coats Ladies' beautiful Spring coats, bright &A QC colors Spring Coats $8.75 Handsome coats of fine all wool materials, beautiful col ors, combinations, Easter sale price $8.75512.75 !■ Rayon Spreads 80x105 all rayon spreads, ori ginal $2.95 values, in all the New Spring Silks and Wash Goods CeUnese Voiles New patterns in printed celan ese voiles, a $1 fabric, J- Q sale price DOC Flat Crepe 89c C 39" all silk flat erepe, beauti- IS ful quality in the season's new- m est colors, per OA ll yard OUC | Prints at SI.OO All Silk printed flat crepes, original $1.75 qualities, Pre. Easter sale A A Price Ji.UU Crepe O'Dear Crepe O'Dear rayon prints, in new spring patterns A Q price • 40C $1 Rayon Crepe 65c Full assortment all rayon flat crepe including blacks and na vies. Special now. yard ___ U«)C Wide Sheeting and Bed Linens 9-4 Sheeting 18c 81" seamless bed sheeting, good quality, perfect short lengths in 2 1-2 to 10 vards. 2. 18c New Era Sheeting New Era 9-4 unbleached seamless sheeting, OC per yard uDC Percales 14c 36" new printed -l A percales.. ItC Best Cambric Percales 18c American Rumson percales, soft finish original Q value, sale price XOC [ New Prints 36" new wash prints *1 fk 1 per yard lUv Amoskeag ACA best O/l feather tick - M Iv Sheer Printed Goods Sheer quality printed voiles and batistes, all cool Summery patterns, per yard mJv Ginghams sc. One bale narrow width assort ed apron and dress ging- £ hams, per yard wv Sea Island Sheeting .Jackson Mills fine quality four yard sheeting, 10c Ct}/or* value 1} C Curtain Goods Curtain Marquisette A good quality curtain mar quisette, in cream and *1 /\ ecru a yard Ivt Marquisette 18c Fine quality mercerized cur tain marquisette, per *| Q yard . lOt Ker m i Jackets The new Kermi Jackets in white and flr - C colors q Ladies' Hand-Embroidered £ Q Imported Porto Rican gowns Ljt C ' New Print Dresses $1.95 G New printed rayon and cotton q dresses beautifully styled, East- ti er sale OC price 1 *t/D q Dresses $2.65 |] A special lot new Spring: dress- g es, printed rayons, silks, and jj wash G dresses - £ Silk Dresses $4.65 g A special let beautiful new [ Spring Silk dresses, prints and E combination C dresses - $ [ PAGE ELEVEN