8 U. D. C. DISTRICT ! MEETING APRIL 29: j Rutherfordton Will be Hostess to U. D. C. Chapters in Third District. Rutherfordton, April 20. The Third District, • United Daughters of the Confederacy, will hold their dis trict meeting in the First church here Wednesday, April 29, beginning at 10:30 o'clock. The Da vis-Dickerson-Mills chapter, U. D. C. will be hostess. The meeting will be called to or der at 10:30 a. m., by Mrs. L. A. Crowell, of Lincolnton, who is dis trict director. The iny>cation will be by Rev. I. S. McElroy, of Ruth erfordton, followed by a hymn "How Firm a Foundation." Mrs. A. L. Morris, president of the Davis-Dickerson—Mills chapter, will welcome the delegates to Ruth erfordton. The response will be by Mrs. A. H. Cornwall. Mrs. Hal Hoyle will read the minutes of the last meeting, and Rev. E. B. Jenkins, pas-; tor of the 'Rutherf'/rdton Baptist I Church, will speak on "Patriotism of j Women." Mrs. Julie C. Williams will give a musical monologue. An ad- j dress by Mrs. Glenn Long, divisionj president, will follow. Mrs. John A.! Miller will sing a solo. Roll Call and chapter reports will j be given, with the division president) presiding. Reports will be made for | the following chapters, by the fol- j lowing delegates: Cleveland Guards,] fehelby, Mrs. Z. J. Thompson; Ga^-j tonia Chapter, Miss Margaret T'iddy; Abel A. Shuford chapter, Mrs. H. Z. j Menzie; Ransom-Sherrill chapter,! Lincolnton; Mrs. J. A. Gaither;, Kings Mountain chapter, Mrs. O. G. Falls; Southern Stars, Mrs. J. W. Barean; Lee-Eaves-McDaniel chap-- ter, Forest City, Mrs. Chas. Z. Flack: Davis-Dickerson-Mills chapter, Ruth erfordton, Mrs. K. E. Simpson. At \ the conclusion of the chapter re ports Mrs. W. C. Twitty, of Ruth erfordton, will give a solo. Reports will be made by the chap ters of the Children of the Confed eracy. Mrs. G. S. Dellinger will im port for the Augustus Burton chap ter; Miss Pauline Moore for the Belle Mefong chapter; Mrs. Byron Carson for the Randolph Shotwell chapter, of Rutherfordton, and Mrs. George Brown for the Wallace Rein hardt chapter. Reports will also be given for the Bessie Simonton and James A. Watson chapters. Mrs. L. B. Newell will speak' oa the Fort Fisher memorial after which will follow a general discussion on the work in the district; discussion of prizes and memorials. Luncheon will be served at 1:30 o'clock. Death Claims Miss Blanche McDaniel Union Mills, April 21.—Miss Blanche McDaniel, aged 60, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. George W. McDaniel, near here Thursday, following- an illness of several weeks. Funeral services were held Friday and interment took place in ths Bethel cemetery at Ellenboro. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Geo. W. McDaniel, of Union Mills, and t\ o brothers, A. L. McDaniol and J. E. McDaniel. SPECIAL MUSIC PROGRAM. A special program of music was given on Sunday at the morning and evening service of the Methodist church. A lovely duet was rendered by Mesdames R. C. Alexander and Burwell Moore, and a special selec tion was given by the choir at the morning service. The male quartet, of Spindale, gave several special se lections at the evening service which.' was an inspiration to the entire con gregation. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friend?, neighbors and acquaintances for their many expressions of sympathy, and for the kindness shown us and for their assistance following the burning of our home recently. To each of you we are deeply grate ful. J. L. Butler and children WANT ADC FOR SALE—One registered Jer sey male calf, 12 months old. Se? B. L. Sisk, R-2, Forest City, N. C 29-2t. Special for Saturday, one day only, mixed candies, 10c lb. . Cau;'tn.ey's Cent Store. COMPETE FOR MEMORIAL CUP. I I i Caroleen, April 21.—1n the Tri-j angular debate held April 3, the i ' Henrietta-Caroleen High school : represented on the affirmative team t ;by Ardath Willis and Adolph Atkins j while the negative side was upheld Iby Willie B. Deßrule and Robert Spratt. The negative side won a two to one decision over Lattimore, while the affirmative won a unanimous de cision over Cliffside High school. By reason of this our teams were en- I titled to compete for the Aycock Memorial cup in the State Contest held at Chapel Hill April 16 and 37. j Even though neither of our teams returned with the highly prized trophy, we have reason for being proud of the record made by our school in the State contest. The af firmative team won out in the, first preliminary and was entitled to de bate in the semi-finals, which means that our team was represented !the fourteen best affirmative teams in the State of North Carolina. Our negative team was not quite so suc cessful, however, it won second place, ; in the preliminary contest, j The debaters report a very plea-) sant and profitable trip, as they were extended every courtesy by the Uni versity of North Carolina officials and student body. This was the third time that th'o Henrietta-Caroleen High school has been privileged to enter the State contest at Chapel Hill. Next year we hope that an even greater inter est and success will be shown b.y our High school students. How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Double Chin Lost Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor Gained in Vivaciousness Gained a Shapely Figure If you're fat —remove the cause! KRUSCHEN SALTS contain the 6 mineral salts your body organs, glands and nerves should have to function properly. When your vital organs fail to perform their work correctly—your bowels and kidneys can't throw off that waste material —before you realize it —you're growing hideously fat! Take half a teaspoonful of KRUS CHEN SALTS in a glass of hot wa ter every morning—cut out pastry A Nation-wide Selling of Very Special TUB FROCKS fSjg| I VPA / A ~1. ,W k*. .1 .1.. TUB FROCKS { 3B? iife ri«.' A Y - ... Colorful Kold patterns .. . Dainty i»«i1 p«ttmi .. . f tented (or the first time this week. And at a price that every I) I MAIL or ~,. A PRIL ' S y ° U , W ' " 4 srMt mooA ,of unusual Vd,u€s at Ail •• • A P ril br.n g s the women of this community this beautiful col- >■ I j / PHONE ORDERS %&. ' * s»°'« ■• but't is more than that ... April brinss us Na- lection of 12 new TUB FROCKS for National Wash • I / A * 1~ v AJ / %ril b* fiM ear- t-onal Wash Dress W«l at just the time Uen women are thmking Dress Week. Each of these models has, as usual, been chosen V " / /AY 3%-" VV fully and promptly "•■* L (their winter house frocks and replemshins their ward- because of some certain new feature ... As usual each is of the Savan of Twely. I J}// Tl V V y\ for those unable to robes w,»h the more del.ghtful new creations for Sprin 3 and Summer finest quality fabric possible at the price ... All Splendid Values. > Stylos Picturad If •vf P " on ' WOMEN! MISSES! IT CERTAINLY WILL PAY YOU TO BUY SEVERAL! I II J. C. McNeely & Co., Inc. Style Quality Service Forest City, N. C. THE FOREST riTY (N. C>) COURIER OAKLAND NEWS Forest City, R-2, April 21.—School closed at Oakland last Friday, Aprii 17. Thursday night, the lower grades gave an operetta, "In The Land of Dreams Come True." Friday at 10:30 a. m., Rev. Mr. McElroy, of Rutherfordton, con ducted chapel exercises which was followed by an address by Superin tendent Clyde A. Erwin. Next came the readers' contest. The medal wa? | won by Florence Hoyle. A picnic ! dinner was spread on the grounds at 12 o'clock. In the afternoon the declaimers' j contest was held. Mr. James Queen i won the medal. Thirteen received seventh grade diplomas. Three receiv ed five year perfect attendance me dals. Friday night two plays were giv en by the seventh grade, ."You Tell |'Em", and "Under Contract." ! Miss Edith Grayson of Spindaie, spent the week-end with Miss Carrie Mcßrayei. Ice tea and water glasses at Courtney's Ten Cent Store. ODD LIQUID or TABLETS I I Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever j 666 SALVE CURES BABY'S COLD and fatty meats —go light on po tatoes, butter, cream and sugar—in 3 weeks get on the scales and note how many pounds of fat have van ished. Notice also that you have gained in energy—your skin is clearer—-I your eyes sparkle with glorious! health—you feel younger in body—l keener in mind. KRUSCHEN will give any fat person a joyous sur prise. Get an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEN SALTS at. Peoples Drug Store or Gray Drug Co. (lasts' 4 weeks). If this first bottle doesn't convince you this is the easiest, saf- 1 est and surest way to lose fat—if i you don't feel a superb improvement i in health—so gloriously energetic— ' vigorously alive—your money glad- j ly returned. j REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT BANK at Forest City, N. C., to the Corpora tion Commission. At the Close of Business on the 25th Day of March, 1931. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts —.5296,481.09 j North Carolina Bonds 26,944.13 i Banking House 25,000.00 Furniture and fixtures.— 2,530.04 I Due from Approved De pository Banks 6,171.38 Cash in Vault _i 2,219.95 Other Real Estate 3,292.83 j j \ TOTAL $362,639.42 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In —.s 91,100.00 .Surplus Fund 12,500.00 Undivided Profits (Net Amount) 411.61 Reserved for Deprecia tion 354.31 Installment Investment Certificates Hypothe cated 35,906.36 Installment Investment Certificates Unhypothe cated 20,919.88 Fully paid investment Certificates 136,871.26 Bills Payable 45,576.00 Bills Payable (for Bank- i ing House) 19,000 00 j TOTAL $362,639.42; State of North Carolina, ' County of Rutherford, ss. J. W. Smith, Director, G. B. Harrill, Cashier, W. E. Moore, Director, of the In dustrial Loan and investment Bank, each personally appeared before me this day. and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is. true to the best of his knowledge and belief. G. B. HARRILL, Cashier, W. E. MOORE, Director, J. W. SMITH, Director. i 7 I Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 21st day of April 1931. W. L. BROWN, N. P. My commission expires March 23,; 1933. I ESCAPED RUTHERFORD PRISONER CAPTURED l . | Rutherfordton, April 20.—Hop j Valentine, jwho esdaped from pail! here March 25, and again on April 13, was captured in Gastonia, Thurs-i day night by officers and was return-, ed here Friday by sheriff Ed Mc-| 1 Farland. It is thought that the other I five prisoners who sawed their way ] 'to freedom will be apprehended soon. t I Just received a big shipment of | 'wreaths and sprays for memorial day ! decorations. They are cheaper at 'Courtney's Ten Cent Store. CLIFFSIDE HIGH DEFEATS MARION Marion, April 20. —In a baseball game full of thrills Marion high lost in 11 innings to the powerful Cliff side team, 10 to 8. Marion tied the score at 7-7 in the ninth when Pinchhitter Grayson hit a double with two on. In the elev enth the visitors garnered three tal lies while Marion's rally in their half only scored one. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND I Notice is hereby given that the undersigned trustee, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him in that certain Deed of Trust made ; to him by W. A. Harrill and wife, | Daisy Harrill, under date of June' 20, 1928, and which Deed of Trust i has been duly registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County in Book A-7 page : 30, will sell for cash to the high-j est bidder at public auction at the I : Court House door in Rutherfordton on i SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1931. ! j . i 'at 12 o'clock Noon, the following, described real estate, to wit: j First Tract: Lying in Sulphur l . Springs, Township, Beginning on a stake on the South bank of Jarrells' Creek, d. J. Splawn's corner and runs; with two of his lines S. 36 E. 47 2-5 poles to a stake; then S 41 E. , 14 2-5 poles to a stone, J. J. Splawn's j • and W. H. Martin's corner; then with Martin's line West 69 poles to : a hickory, Martin's corner; then with another of his lines N. 22 1-4 W. 33 poles to a stone by a pine, W. A Harrill's own corner; then with Har j rill's line N. 1 1-2 W. 15 poles to 'stone, then N. 8 1-2 E. 10 chains ( to the beginning, containing 17 acres | more or less. \ Second Tract: Lying in Sulphur Springs Township on the East prong |of Jarrells Creek, and bounded as' !follows: Beginning on a stone, Hoop :er's and Champion's corner and runs "thence S. 86 E. 14 1-6 chains to a 'W. O. on the branch; thence down .'the branch as it meanders S. 48 W. [2.8 chains S. 19 W. 2 1-2 chains, S. 124 E. 1 1-4 chains, S. 19 W. 2 chains S. 47 W. 1 chain, S. 23 W 2 1-2 chains, S. 5 1-2 W. 3 1-4 chains, S. 126 W. 2 chains, S. 31 1-2 W. 12 1-2 | chains, S. 80 W. 3-4 chains to a stake at the mouth of branch; thence 'up another branch S. 65 E. 3 3-4 j chains to a stake in Cole's line; thence with said line S. 88 W. 7 1-4 chains to a stone, his corner; thence Thursday, April 23. jo ?1 S. 1 W. 3 1-4 chains to •, an old line; thence with W. 7 1-2 chains to a dogwood- N. 7 1-4 E. 19 3-4 chain, to a thence S. 86 1-2 E. 6 to a stone; thence X. r, .; u 3-4 chains to the beginning ~ ing 35 acres more or ], s Third Tract: All those of land lying and being situ • 8 Rutherford Countv Y t as follows: to wit: A lands on the waters of Se • ■"-> e River, know as the Marcu! land, and being lots numb r - and 10 of said land on IV, | just above where it empii. •river, and being fully sho , vr ! | map of said lands which : , I corded in the office of the I: 'of Deeds of Rutherford Cv- n , . r i Book 111 at page 595. which \ | ferred to for description. The | land conveyed by C. M. IS. B. Tanner, Jr., by deed duK | corded in said office in Book'' page 211. (except lot number n"' This, the 22nd day of April M. tV. HARRISS, Trust -c ;C. 0. Ridings, Att'y. o . - IPOOITRY CAR~ Rutherfordton S. A. L Depot Monday, Apr. 27, 1 to 5 p. m . £ Tuesday, Apr. 28, 8 to 10 a. m Ellenboro S. A. L. Depot Tuesday, Apr. 28, 1 to 5 p. TT.. PRICES: I Heavy Hens 17c Leghorn Hens 14c Roosters 9c Heavy Broilers, 2 lbs. . 30c Light Broilers and Leghorn Broil ers 25c • : " v 'i jto. i . ■ - M |: Seaboard Mutual Exchange By F. E. PATTON Co. Agent

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