Anril 30, 1931. ]|ni iZlJs BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK of friends will make this column more interesting. Pleas* The he^ P r p port items for this column. All news items of interest to ,-onien Sue Harris , Annie -> ue j E C». Cole. 1° . , will be the fol °fAnnouncement: "Mrs. G. M. lt' vin? ' e Charlotte, announces the H srrlS ' (U T f ber daughter, Annie €n?ag t o m Eclwarc! G. Cole, of Forest su*> % wedding will solemnized in Juß e - * ♦ * Mir ri, S e Announced. "dsomely engraved announce- Ha have been received by friends i® .. follows: "Mr. and Mrs. Al h!lt forney Weaver announce the •« Of their daughter, Mary, Bi ?, a "r a rl Thomas Richardson on B ' j Anril 25, Thomasville, N. Saturday, AP r " "■ C, Tbf bride is well known here and 'shout the state and is a charm and cultured young lady. She ,s r t , of Mrs. Thos. G. Stone, ' nf this city but now resid ;;; m :ih her parents at Thermal cfty , , , Miis Mildred In Recital. "he Department ot Spoken Eng ]rhan d Dramatic Art, of the Greens boro college. Greensboro, announces tH the department will present Miss Mildred Moores, of Winston-Salem, : ' a senior recital on Friday, May J 8:30 o'clock in the Odell Mem orial auditorium. The .recital pro- i s -The Dawn of Tomorrow." bv Frances H. Burnett. Part one is entitled "Someone is wrong—ls it \Zr You"? Part two is "The An swer." , , Mi* Moores is the daughter of l li\. and Mrs. M. F. Moores, of Win ston-Salem, formerly of Forest City. * * * Surprise Birthday Dinner. , , , . Kev. Mrs. S. E. Welchel, Avondale, were given a surprise fcinhday dinner on Sunday morning by some of the members of the Avondale Baptist church. It was a join: birthday celebration for the happy couple and after the seivice on Sunday morning: Rev. and Mrs. Welchel were invited to the dining room in the basement of the church and found that their friends had spread a lovely dinner in their hon or. Congratulations and wishes for rcany returns of the day were ex tended to Rev. and Mrs. Welchel. tWeek-End Specials - STRAWBERRIES, QL 25c FRESH CABBAGE, 3 LBS. FOR 10c FRESH GREEN BEANS, LB. 10c CARROTS, BUNCH 5c SQUASH, 3 LBS. FOR 25c FRESH GARDEN PEAS, 3 LBS. FOR 25c MHSHES, BUNCH 5c MARKET SPECIALS FAT BACK, THICK, 3 LBS. FOR 25c f I CHOPS, LB. 19c PFT 1 F Ffe A LB. $c AST BEEF, LB. . ''SIS, LB. 15c '.vlany Others. Western and Native Beef 3 on another page. 'to,ANTIC .& IPACiliniC T&£ j Mr. W. E. Moore, local coal deai er, is visiting the coal fields of Vir ginia, Tennessee and Kentucky this week. Mr. E. F. Dardine, manager of the Romina Theatre, had as his guests the teachers of Cool Springs Town ship on Monday evening to see the picture "Sk'ippy." All expressed their appreciation of thtd entertainment and the kindness of the genial man aged. Mr. and Mrs. Minor and Mr. Jack son, of Indiana are the guests of their daughter and cousin, Mrs. S. E. Welchel and Rev. Welchel in Avondale. Mr. and Mrs. David Bowers, of Monroe, were the week-end guests of the former's sister, Mrs. A. C. McDaniel. Misses Elizabeth Davis, Cbmmie Frye and Ruth Reid accompanied Miss Mary Davis to Mars Hill where they spent the night. Misses Margaret and Madge Moore, of Lenoir, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Moore. Misses Jennie and Elizabeth Da vis and Messrs William Key and Jim Stallings, of Key West, Fla., visited in Spartanburg, Sunday. Misses Kate Wilson, Anita Winkler and Mrs. Jimmie Blanton, of Shelby, were the dinner guests Friday even ing of Miss Mary Crowell at the New Central Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Frye and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Freeman and son, Roy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jarrett in Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Dorsey and family and Rev and Mrs. J. W. Wil liams were dinner guests Sunday of Miss Jean Andrews at her country home near Bostic. Miss Ruth Dorsey spent Monday with Miss Vera Whisnant in Hen dersonville. Mrs. R. B. Hicks, of Alexander, is in the Mary Black hospital in Spartanburg for treatment and will undergo an operation later. Friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Nanney are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a son, Robert Stribling Nanney, born Friday, April 17. Mrs. E. A. Millican returned home Wednesday after a week's visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Hamrick, in Shelby. Mrs. Millican also attended, the Blanton-Thayer wedding. THE FOAEST CITY (N, C.) COURIER Mrs. C. E. Lowe and children, of Concord, spent Sunday here with her mother, Mrs. J. T. Fortune and sis ter, Mrs. Minnie F. Blanton, Mrs. Lowe and family are moving from Concord to Auburn, Ala., where they will make their home. Mrs. Otto Long and daughter, Margaret, of Shelby, spent Sunday afternoon here with Misses Ottilee and Kate Long. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton, of Shelby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hope Harrill here Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lee Stein left Tuesday on a business trip to Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Sol Sinkoe, of Charlotte, is spending a few days here on busi ness. j Mr. Charlie Davis, of Sunshine was J here on business Tuesday, j Mr. J. B. Trammel and son, | Edgar, of Rutherfordton, were here • shopping Tuesday, j Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hardin and daughter, IJeth Ligon, spent Sun day with Mrs. Hardin's father, Mr. L. T. Ligon in Gaffney. Mrs W. H. Fagan and Miss Marie Hughes were shopping Tuesday in in Shelby. Mrs. Lolan Kanipe returned from the Rutherford hospital Tuesday and lis improving nicely. Her friends are delighted to know that she is well enough to be home. Miss Mildred Moore, of Columbia, S. C., spent the week-end here with her sister, Miss Ethel Moore. Misses Mary Davis, Meriam Pad gett and Mr. Kenneth Bostic, of | Mars Hill, spent the week-end here with their parents. Messrs. W. E. Moore and Walker left Monday to visit the coal fields in Bluefield, W. Va., Harlan, Ky., and other coal mines. Mesdames W. E. Moore, Hope Harrill, Fred Harrill and Miss Jen nie Mae Harrill and Mrs. R. 11. Flack, of Rutherfordton, attended the funeral, Wednesday of Mr. Clin ton Newton, in Shelby. Mr. Walter McCurry, of Chimney Rock, was in town Monday on busi ness. Rev. and Mrs. S. N. Watson were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Barber in Chimney Rock. Miss Louise Johnston, of Mebane, who has been teaching this year m the school in Pensacolo, was the guest for a few days of Miss Alice Barber. Mr. Geo. D. Tate, one of The Cjourier mainstays, and also radio expert, is confined to his home with illness, much to the regret of the boys in the office and his many friends everywhere. WITH GRAY DRUG CO. Mr. A. T. Humphries, recently of the Lineolnton Drug Co., has ac cepted a position with the Gray Drug Co. of this , city and is now on the new job. Mr. Humphries was for a long time connected with the Cliff side Drug Store and has many friends in this county who will be glad to learn of his return here. He |is a splendid young man, a broth | er-in-law of Dr. J. S. Rudisill, also of the Gray Drug Co. ARREST KENNETH GURLEY IN HIGH POINT, N. C. Chief Chas. R. Price went to High Point Tuesday night and returned with Kenneth Gurley, who is now in the Rutherford jail. Gurley is charg ed with having been one of the party that entered Dalton Bros., store here several weeks ago. He was arrested by the High Point officers, who noti fied Chief Price. He will be given a preliminary "hearing in (recorder's court Friday. Chief Price went to Marion Wed nesday and brought two prisoners back to Rutherfordton and lodged them in jail to await a hearing on a charge of skipping a board bill. ANNOUNCEMENT Aetna Automobile Insur ance Company has announced a plan to pay your automobile insurance in installments. You buy your radio, automobile and furniture on the installment plan. Why not buy your au tomobile insurance that way? E. L WALKER AGENT Union Trust Co. Building Forest City, N. C. WOMAN'S CLUB | i j The next meeting of the Woman's' j Club will be held o n Friday, May 8,! jat 3:45 in the high school auditorium. 1 j Owing to the f act that it is Nation-1 ;al Muslc week, the date and place! !oi meeting was changed to conform! Ito the places for music week, as* ithe next program of the club will; Ibe S lven by the music department! land will add much to the celebra-' jtion of National Music Week by the' iclub. I i ! Program. I Chaiiman, Mrs. Broadus Moore. ; , Duo, Mesdames Arval Alcock and, jW. C. Bostic, Jr. ! j \ ocal Duet, Miss Joy Shaver, Mrs. 5 : Broadus Moore. j Piano Quartette (8 hands). i j First piano, Mrs. I. J. Edelstein,' II Miss Goggans; Second piano. Mes j dames J. S. Rudisill, A. M. Glick • man. j Hostesses: Mesdames Lee Stein, jC. C. Tate, C. H. Verner, Tom Ver-j .inon, J. F. Weathers, F. R. Wilkins, J and Miss Stembridge. j i ? CHILEAN NITRATE ON RADIO. Because of the vital relation of' | side-dressing to profits this year, ap- 1 J proach of side-dressing time is bring- | j ing with it unusual activity on the> part of organizations such as the Chilean Nitrate of Soda Education- j al Bureau. 1 This is exemplified in the announce- J rnent today of a series of thirty-nine ] special radio talks on Chilean Nitrate I planned to tie up with the interest- J ing side-dressing advertising 'cam--' paign that the Chilean Nitrate peo- j pie have been conducting in this j newspaper. Beginning May 1, these talks will j be delivered over Station WBT, p Charlotte, N. C.; WPTF, Raleigh,' N. C.; WIS, Columbia, S. C. and j WSPA, Spartanburg, S. C. They will' stress the importance of side-dress- j ing and will quote interesting facts 1 and figures supplied by leading au-f ithorities in the South. On WBT the | Chilean Nitrate talks will be broad ! cast every evening, except Sunday, •at 7 o'clock. On WIS, WPTF and, I WSPA they will be broadcast every j t evening, including Sunday— WIS, at j Dalton Bros. Great Store Wide Sale IS MOVING MERCHANDISE IN A HURRY Everything from one end of the store to the other reduced in price. Values which cannot be denied. Everything guaran teed. Everything first quality. SPECIAL SPECIAL SALE OF SILK DRESSES Suits made b y Hall-Tate and AU *lo.o?Dries, now Curlee, «JL60 values $8.84 All $7.95 Dresses, now Jett j^ Support $5.00 Slippers, during this sale All $5.95 Dresses, now 10 % OFF $4.88 SPECIAL All $16.75 Dresses, now Florsheim SIO.OO Shoes land * q|- Oxfords, during this sale SI4."D only. t7 CQ Spring Coats, HALF PRICE. ———— SI.OO Wash Dresses 100 pair L adiS' lA ss.oo Shoes 68c for $1.95 SPECIAL SPECIAL All silk 40 inch Flat Crepe Men's $2.00 Dress Shirts for this sale only. this sale only 94c_y d - SLOP SPECIAL, " SPECIAL 500 yards new Spring Suitings, AH silk 12 Mommie Pongee this sale only • ' Ui ' s sa^e 17c j are only a few of the many outstanding values we are giving in this sale, Dalton Bros. The Place to Trade Forest City, N. C. 06 i |7:45; WPTF at 5:59 and WSPA at ( 18:00 o'clock. In order to increase] j the information on this important | [subject, valuable literature and other ( data will be offered without charge ito the radio audience. IVARIED PROGRAM FOR MUSIC WEEK! ! I » (Continued From Page One) j Piano solo: Dance of the Winds J , Peabody, Sara Jenkins, Caroleen. I i (a) Who Is Sylvia? Schubert; (b) j .Its a Merry, Merry May; Girl's Glee, 'Club, Central high school. t Piano solo: Crescendo Lasson, Lee; 1 Moss Reinhardt, Forest City school, j Tap Dancing, Mary Hart Mooney-; ham, Caroleen. (a) Down by the Sea, Penn; (b) The Stein Song, Rudy Valee. Boys' Glee Club, Forest City. Piano Quartette, Carmen, Biget, Vivian Nanney, Wyndolyn Royster, Margaret Carpenter, Susan Clark, Central High. Toy Orchestra, Spindale school, Miss Wilkins first grade. ! Piano solo, Rustle of Spring, i Sinding, Virginia Christy, Cliffside. j (a) The Harp of Delight, Harris, ! (b) 01' Carolina, Davis, Girls' Glee Club, Forest City. | Piano Quartette, Comrades in j Arms, Haynes, Thelma Logan, Ar | dell Morgan, Mabel Edgerton, Mar i garet Logan, Mt. Vernon school. I Vocal Trio: Close of Another Day, | O'Hara, Virginia Magness, Dorothy : Green, Sara Duncan, Forest City (school. j Good Night, Good Night Beloved, j Moore, Mixed chorus, Forest City. Community Night. 1 Community Songs, audience. | Invocation, Dr. W. A. Ayers. i "Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart," Coun !ty choirs. I Speaker, Mr. Barron Caldwell. I Southern Songs, audience. ; Vocal duet, Rutherfordton Wo- I man's Club, Mesdames W. C. Logan [and R. Y. Turner. Music, Henrietta-Caroleen Wo man's Club. I Spindale Quartet, Rutherford j County Club. | Readings, Mrs. W. A. Barber, j Quartet, Avondale. • Kiwanis Club, Rutherfordton. ! Violin and Saxaphone, Forest I City. Mrs. C. E. Alcock and Mr. iA. M.v Glickman. • Kiwanis Club, Forest City. Community Songs, audience. | Readings, Woman's Club Forest | City, Mrs. Mullican. • Lion's Club, Cliffside. j Vocal, Business Girl's Club, Mrs. ( John Miller. f Anthem, "Praise Ye the Father, 1 99 j Gounod, County choirs. • "Star Spangled Banner," audience. • Butcher supplies at farmer? hard ware Co. I Given Prompt | J ' A Registered Pharma cist will fill it with infinite I care and accuracy and at I as little cost to you as pos sible. We deliver anywhere in i the city. Miss Millaire, beauty specialist, here all next i week. Make an appoint- K i ment. Visit our new fountain. I I GRAY DRUG CO I Phone 60. Forest City. E oammmmwnmmommmmammm PAGE FIVE

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