3 1- TijBBY - Maybe i'hey Were Twins. i " H n~Z~^Z^ p, Ar PIST just read "N . Wfey { WBmi vo. 12 VOUR caMPosmow OM F \ guess \T / HEV SPIDEB. X.VIM '■, 1 ® HPfT 'THE DOG"- HOW DOES / VUA-S SEC.AOSE f / .r— HF ^EE VOUR \ • Wl ' MS. J&S -i; BASKET glSjttfc IT HAPPEM THAT IT I vj{r WERE VWRVTIW' I / LE ''PAPER 1-14.1 fSfIP CHILOOEIO, AMD IS ALMOST VOOGO TOft V ABOOT THE SAME I CQMPO S I iH , J I IVWIILCOMMEMT gglj£ WORD THE SAME Jg*. V Vol V D i j CLASSIFIED ADS -rtisementj inserted forlc per word each insertion. ~h in advance. fOR SALE— Best varieties toma , plants, 50c per hundred. J. F. Lble or Morris-Womble Store, or est City. 31 - lt chicks, Reds, otk, Wyandottes and Leghorns, j net City Hatchery. 18-tf. ; l Formers Hard-| ®re Co. | KODAK FINISHING —The ; fay it should be done. Mail j rders given prompt attention, j Albert's Studio, Forest City, j I. C. 24 " tf FOR SALE—Some ntore nice oats for cash or time. J. L. i lutler, Forest City. 30-2t. j I i MMERS:— Special prices on ra tio repairing. We guarantee satis action or your money back. GEO. ). TATE. 65c, 85c and 95c Flash lights omplete, Farmers Hardware Co. WANTED—One unfurnished room i nice, well kept home. Will do no loking in room. Write to X. Y. Z. ox 304, Forest City. PIGS FOR SALE —Apply to Geo. . Poteet, Powell street, Forest City Wt. SEE H. u. Aanipe tor your auto lobile work, welding, brazing, re wilding and charging batteries. Stalk Cutter, $25.00. Farmers lardware Co. Garden Seeds, two packets, sc. 'armers Hardware Co. Professional Cardft DR. H. L ROBERTSON DENTIST Cliffside, N. C. D R. D. M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST Eye Specialist SHELBY, N. C. be in Forest City Every Tliurs* day. 8 10 9 a. m., ari 2 to 3 p. m. «p-»tairs, Farmers Bank Build- L* °°® 306, opponite office of Dr. itrntr, Examined, Glasses fitted and *Piirtd DR. FRANK wilkins DENTIST Union Trust Co., Bldg. N. C. X-Ray Lady Assistanl °K- CHAS. s. McCALL DENTIST J^nio^ Trust Co., Bldg. R. R. HOWES DENTIST Phone 156 N. C. I V - M. ABERNETHY ■ Radio Repairing ft, i "^ rou ble Shooting ft U » H *ted or aH standard lock U AVONDALE. N. C. It Plione 251 NOTICE OF i SALE OF LANDj — ' x I Take rfbtice that the undersigned! trustee, under and by virtue of the; power of sale contained in that cer-« tain deed of trust executed by Char- j lie Parker and wife, Minerva Par-1 | ker to E. W. Justice, trustee, on the j 20th day of July 1927, and which} is recorded in Book' W-ll at page 236, record of mortage deeds for Rutherford County, North Carolina, conveying the land therein and here- j in described, for the purpose of se curing certain indebtedness therein described and default having been made in the payment of said in debtedness, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House j door in Rutherfordton on MONDAY, JUNE Ist, 1931. at 12:00 o'clock Noon, the lands described in the said deed of trust which is as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land in Rutherford County, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of M. O. Dickerson. Being a part of a tract of land purchased from M. O. Dick erson and described in deed record ed in Book 112 at page 66. Beginning at a stone, W. C. Twit ty's corner, North 64 East 4 poles from the center of a spring and runs with Twitty's line South 20 East (VI) 110 poles to a stake and pointers near the head of a branch; thence South 67 West 32 poles to a stake and pointers, old corner; thence a new line North 74 West 77 poles to a pine; thence North 20 West 68 poles to a stake and pointers; thence North 53% West 36 poles to a stake in the old road; thence with the old road North 78% East 8 poles North 71 East 16 poles North 71 y 2 East 20 poles North 71 East 10 poles North 68% East 1% poles to a stake in said road; Mary Mills corner; thence South 42 East 36 poles crossing the branch to a stake old corner; thence with the old line North 65 East 47 poles to the beginning, containing 62 acres. This, the 24th day of April, 1931. E. W. JUSTICE, 30-4t. Trustee. NOTICE OF SUE OF LAND Take notice that the undersigned trustee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by John Thomas and wife, Maggie Thomas, to T. J. Moss, Trustee, on the 18th day of February, 1929, and which is recorded in Book A-7 at page 269, record of mortgage deeds for Rutherford County, North Carolina, conveying the land therein and herein described, for the purpose of securing certain indebtedness there in described and default having been made in the payment of said in debtedness, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale to the highest . bidder for cash at the Court House door in Rutherfordton on MONDAY, JUNE Ist, 1931. at 12:00 o'clock Noon, the lands described in the said deed of trusts • which is as follows: Being in Cool Springs Township, Rutherford County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being and lying in the | Town of Forest City, North Caro lina, and being lots Number 1 and S _ tin Block A, described and contained THE FOREST CITY (N. C.) COURIER in a certain map made by Lee W. Lynch, Surveyor, which map is on record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rutherford County, North Carolina, in .Book 117 and at page 515, reference to whicn is hereby made for a full and complete des cription. Loe Number 1 has a frontage on Beaver Street Jof One Hundred feet, and runs back with lot Num ber 2, 125 feet, to lot Number 3; I thence with lot Number 3, 67 feet to Lowrance Street; thence with Lowrance Street to Beaver Street, 139 y 2 feet. Lot Number 3 has a frontage on Lowrance Street of 30 feet and runs back with lot Number 3, 67 feet; thence with line of lot Num ber 4, to Lowrance Street; thence with Lowrance Street to lot Num ber 1. This, the 24th day of April, 1931. T. J. MOSS, 30-4t. v Trustee. TRUSTEE'S RE-SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made, by D. B. McMurry and wife Rebecca McMurry to the undersign ed Trustee, dated the 6th day of No vember 1929, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, in record of mort gages and deeds of trust No. A-8 J at page 209, to which reference is hereby made and default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative, said .trustee will on WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1931. at ten o'clock A. M., sell for cash to the highest bidder at the office of the Forest City Building and Loan Association in the Town of Forest City, N. C., that certain piece parcel or tract of land, situate ly ing and being in Logans Store Town ship, Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, lying on the wat ers of Cane Creek adjoining the lands of Mrs. Burrus, Lot No. 2 and bounded as follows. Beginning on a willow on the North side of a large branch and on the East side of the big road and runs down the branch as it meanders South 70 East 25 poles to a stone on the North side of the branch; thence crossing the creek North 75 East 135 poles to a stone in old line near a gap in the Meeting House Ridge; thence with the old line North 16 % West 42 poles to a white joak, Mrs. Burrus' corner; thence 'with her line West 58 poles to a !walnut; thence South 30% West 43 1-4 poles to a stone at the edge of the bottom on the East side of the creek; thence South 80 West GO poles to a stone at the foot of a •hill on the West side of the creek; thence North 34% West 85 VT poles to a dogwood, old corner, thence South 86% West 107 poles to a stake in the field, South 17V2 East 62 poles to a stone and pointers. East 70 poles to a stone and point ers; South 17 % East 40 3-4 poles to a stone on top of the ridge, cor ner of lot No. 26 thence with line of same and with top of ridge as it meanders North 45 East 13 (North 60 East 10 poles, South 61% i East 12 poles to a stone on top of I ridge; thence North 73 East 34 poles 1j to the place of the beginning. ; This, the 27th day of April, 1931. , 30-2t. R. R. BLANTON, Trustee. 3 Aladdin Lamps and repairs. Farm ; ?rs Hardware Co. J Svre, if its hardware, we have got 1 it. Farmers Hardware Co. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by M. H. Painter to the un dersigned Trustee, dated November 6, 1929, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, in the Record of Deeds of Trust in Book 8 on page 166, to which reference is hereby made an.l default having been made in the J payment of the indebtedness secur-1 ]ed by the said Deed of Trust, where-' by the power of sale contained there in has become operative, said Trus tee will on WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1931. at 12 o'clock Noon, sell for cash to the highest bidder, at public auc tion, at the Court House door, in the town of Rutherfordton, North Carolina, a certain lot or parcel of land in the County of Rutherford and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the S. W. corner of Floyd Creek church land, an iron pin, and running thence N. 83 W. 425 feet to a pine; thence S. 70 W. 410 feet to a stake; thence S. 50 W. 455 feet to a stake; thence S. 8 W. 393 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 75 W. 1452 feet to a stone; thence N> 17 W. 99 feet to a pine; thence N. 58 E. 1386 feet to a stone; thence S. 89 E. 1204 feet to a pine; thence S. 9 W. 412 feet to an iron pin, the beginning corner, ( containing 37 acres more or less. This* the 20th day of April, 1931. B. T. JONES, JR., 29-4t. Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by J. T. Harris and wife, Cut tie Harris, to the undersigned Trus tee, dated April sth. 1929 and duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, State of North Carolina in the Record of Deeds of Trust in Book A-8 at page 25 to which reference is hereby made and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust, whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative said Trustee will on MONDAY, MAY 18, 193 i. at 12 o'clock Noon, sell for cash to the highest bidder, at public auction at the Court House door, in the town of Rutherfordton, North Car olina, a certain lot or parcel of land in the Cool Springs and Sulphur Springs Township, Rutherford Coun ty and more particularly described as follows: Tract No. 1: Being lot No. 21 ">f the J. H. Thomas and J. F. Weathers property on the Southwest side of the Charlotte-Asheville highway a bout two miles west from Forest City, N. C., as shown on a map of said property made by J. A. Wilkie, Surveyor and recorded in the Regis ter of Deed's office of Rutherford County, N. C., in Book 117 at page 150, reference to which map is made for a full and complete description, this lot faces the Highway 100 feet and runs back the same width to the old Shelby and Rutherfordton road. Tract No. 2: Being known and designated as lot number 20 as shown on a plat of the lands of J. H. Thom as and J. F. Weathers made by J- A. Wilkie, Surveyor, dated August 24th, 1922, and on record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, North Carolina in deed book 117 at page 150, which see for further reference. This lot or parcel of property is also sold up-' on the express condition that same j shall never be sold or conveyed to j any person of the negro race, and j that should any owner of said land : violate this condition of this, then j the property so conveyed shall ini- j mediately revert to the parties of the I first part, their heirs or assigns. Tract No. 3: Lying 011 the waters of Richardson's Creek and on both sides of the Carolina Clinchfield and Ohio Railroad, it being a part of the Wm, Harris estate and being in Sulphur Springs Township. Beginning at a pine stump on I. N. Miller's line North 81 37' East 101 poles and 20 link's crossing the railroad to a stone; thence South 30 W. 120 poles and 22 links to a small P. O.; thence W. (v 3') cross ing the railroad at 21 poles. 188 poles to a stone in the old line, Polk Harris corner; thence with his line N. (V 1%) 77 1-5 poles to a stone his corner; thience East (V 3-4)' 84% poles crossing the creek to a stone on the bank of a gulley; thence N. 16 E. (1) 20 poles to the begin ning, containing 104 acres. The rail road right-of-way is exempted from the operation of this deed. This, the 14th day of April, 1931 28-4t. M. W. HARRIS, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Joseph Aden Wilkie and j wife, Nannie Wilkie, to the under signed Trustee, dated January Ist, 1928, and duly recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, in the record of Mortga ges and Deeds of Trust No. A-5, I pages 230, and 231, to which ref erences is hereby made and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust, whereby the power of sale contained therein 1 become operative, said Trustee will on TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1931. at 12:00 o'clock noon, sell for cash to the highest bidder, at public auc tion, at the Court House Door in the Town of Rutherfordton, North Car olina, a certain lot or parcel of land in or near the City or Town of Forest City, County of Rutherford, Township Cool Springs, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the West erly side of Magnolia Street which stake is located at a point North 30 degrees East 100 feet from the Northwesterly intersection of Woodland Avenue and Magnolia Street, and running thence with the Westerly edge of Magnolia Street North 30 degrees East 100 feet to a stake at line and Southeasterly corner of G. B. Harrill; thence with line of G. B. Harrill, North 70 de grees West 200 feet to line and cor ner of H. L. Vogt; thence with line of H. L. Vogt, South 37 degrees and 30 minutes West 116.5 feet to line and corner of J. A. Wilkie; thencv with line of J. A. Wilkie, South 65 degrees East 214 feet to the place of beginning. | This, the 11th day of April, 1931. I THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, LOCAL TRUSTEE. 28-4t. People are needlessly mean to each other. We would all be better off if gentler in our manners. Oc casionally a man must be rough, but as a very general rule gentleness is easier than a fight. | Hill Dropping Cole Planters. $25.0 C cash. Farmers Hardware Co. [TRUSTEE'S I SALE OF LAND i Notice is hereby given that the | undersigned trustee, under and by .virtue of the powers vested in him in that certain Deed of Trust made to him by W. A. Harrill and wife, Daisy Harrill, under date of June 20, 1928, and which Deed of Trust has been duly registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County in Book A-7 page • 30, will sell for cash to the high est bidder at public auction at the Court House door in Rutherfordton on SATURD \Y, MAY 23. 1931. * at 12 o'clock JNioon, the following described real estate, to wit: First Tract: Lying in Sulphur Springs, Township, Beginning on a stake on the South bank of Jarrells Creek, d. J. Splawn's corner and runs with two of his lines S. 36 E. 47 2-5 poles to a stake; then S 41 E. 14 2-5 poles to a stone, J. J. Splawn's and W. H. Martin's corner; then with Martin's line West 69 poles t ) a hickory, Martin's corner; then with another of his lines N. 22 1-4 W. 33 poles to a stone by a pine, W. A. Harrill's own corner; then with Har rill's line N. 1 1-2 W. 15 poles to a stone, then N. 8 1-2 E. 10 chains to the beginning, containing 17 acres more or less. Second Tract: Lying In Sulphur Springs Township on the East prong of Jarrells Creek, and bounded as follows: Beginning on a stone, Hoop er's and Champion's corner and runs thence S. 86 E. 14 1-6 chains to a W. 0. on the branch; thence down the branch as it meanders S. 48 W. 2.8 chains S. 19 W. 2 1-2 chains, S. 24 E. 1 1-4 chains, S. 19 W. 2 chains S. 47 W. 1 chain, S. 23 W 2 1-2 chains, S. 5 1-2 W. 3 1-4 chains, S. 26 W. 2 chains, S. 31 1-2 W. 12 1-2 chains, S. 80 W. 3-4 chains to a stake at the mouth of branch; thence up another branch S. 65 E. 3 3-1 chains to a stake in Cole's line; , thence with said line S. 88 W. 7 1-4 : chains to a stone, his corner; thence I S. 1 W. 3 1-4 chains to a stone in an old line; thence with said line W. 7 1-2 chains to a dogwood; thence N. 7 1-4 E. 19 3-4 chains to a stone; 1 thence S. 86 1-2 E. 6 1-10 chains to a stone; thence N. 5 1-2 E. 19 ! j 3_4 chains to the beginning, contain '' ing 35 acres more or less. »! Third Tract: All those three tracts '■ jof land lying and being situated in ' | Rutherford County, N. C., situated 2 as follows: to wit: A part of the : lands on the waters of Second Broad - River, know as the Marcus Wells 1 land, and being lots numbers, 7, 9 } and 10 of said land on Puzzle Creek 5 just above where it empties in said river, and being fully shown on 1 map of said lands which is duly re ' corded in the office of the Register :: of Deeds of Rutherford County in * I Book 111 at page 595, which is re ferred to for description. The same 1 [ land conveyed by C. M. Martin, to S. B. Tanner, Jr., by deed duly re ■, corded in said office in Book 122, ' page 211. (except lot number 1.) I, This, the 22nd day of April 1931. M. W. HARRISS, Trustee. C. O. Ridings, Att'y. 29-4t. Pictures framed while you wait. Farmers Hardware Co. GIT RID OF DISEASE GERMS in nose mouth and throat Let Zonite cleanse away the accumulated secretions, kill the germs, prevent disease. Highly germicidal. Sooth ing to membranes. 1 PAGE SEVEN

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