Thursday, May 28, 1931. TUBBY . He Solves a Problem. | zjf MV AkS SRAM'P>OP r " \ | ■■ M ' ws | | IT • Ife^^TF WZHAVE BEEM MARCVED FOR =/VOO GOTTA GEIA / \ "*\ _Tu.uAr.iN.rM A' Z' vl* ' fsffi FIFTV VEACS ALBEADV ff SOMETHING ( 1 KUOW | [ HER.E,Voo STAV ) '"ftoytVs ' ~1l WHAODIO.JA \ / A y*fp I'M SOMUA 60V THEM' I 4 GOLD FOQ. A I 1 OOT HERE WITH I / /M \ • I BUY? / I Kfc wicepcesemt / \ golden /, y_ v me.Vou-llpot / 'v \ ;l GOLDFISH. -,1 faT" I 1 > TB.MGS Ou THE r> (T -r -1 £ V J/fc, fl : : / " —'— , _ ~ S* - CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisements Inserted forlc per word each insertion. Cub ® ad vance * T HE first national bank TV FOREST CITY, located at For est City. > n the state of North Car °- foa, is closing its affairs ' AU note holders and other creditors of the association are therefore hereby no tified to present the notes and other claims for payment. W. S. MOSS, President. Dated: May 8, 1931. 32-9t. Snake head and Gee Whizz Teeth 25c. Farmers Hardware Co. FOR SALE CHEAP —One Callie out-board motor, 3-horse power, 2 speed; forward, one reverse will se ll at a sacrifice. W. S. Beard For est City. N. C. "KODAK FINISHING—The way it should be done. Mail orders given prompt attention. Gilbert's Studio, Forest City, N. C. 24-tf FOR RENT—Residence corner Carolina and East Main street, rent reasonable. Large house facing Thomas street originally known as Biggerstaff house suitable for board ing house or large family. Occupancy at ones. Both houses remodeled and rep stinted. Phone No. 63. Hugh F. Little, Owner. 33-tf. I New Frigidaire. Latest type. All j porcelain. Less than wholesale cost, j Farmers Hardware Co. FOR SALE OR TRADE—7 tube Metrodyne radio perfect shape, com plete with speaker, tubes and elimi nator. Will sacrifice for $30.00 cash, or trade for model "T" Ford, Geo. Tate. J H. L. Kanipe for your auto mobile work, welding, brazing, re building and charging batteries. Jew style, best yet, Fertilizer istributor that can be perfectly reflated. Made by Cole, at Farm er? Hardware Co. Beans, Stock Beets seed. Far ®trs Hardware Co. S \oung man wants in to give dancing lessons in 501 e l oninßs - Write t0 p . O. Box ~ een Doors, SI.BO. Farmers ar Uare Co., Forest City. Card* DR ' d - M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST Eye Specialist SHELBY, N. C. 1 bfi in f _ '«» Forest City Etot J Thar* 8 to dly ' - 2 to 3 p. m. , • «P-»Uir,, Farmer. Bank Build- O 306 ' Oppo#ito Dr * Glawe. fitted and R & y Lady Assistant CHAS. S. MCCALL DENTIST Trust Co., Bldg. R. R. HOWES DENTIST Phone 156 City, N. C. V ' M. ABERNETHY Radio Repairing ty, , Trouble Shooting cheated tor all standard lock* AVONDALE, N. C. Phone 2SI g. v TRUSTEE'S RE-SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a. certain deed of trust made by D. B. McMurry and wife Rebecca McMurry to the undersign ed Trustee, dated the 6th day of No vember 1929, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, in record of mort gages and deeds of trust. No. A-8 at page 209, to which reference is hereby made and default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative, said trustee will on MONDAY, JUNE 8. 1931. at ten o'clock' A. M., sell for cash to the highest bidder at the office of the Forest City Building and Loan Association in the Town of Forest City, N. C., that certain piece parcel or tract of land, situate ly ing and being in Logans Store Town ship, Rutherford County State of North Caroling, lying on the wat ers of Cane Creek adjoining the lands of Mrs. Burrus, Lot No. 2 and bounded as follows: Beginning on a willow on the North side of a large branch and on the East side of the big road and runs down the branch as it meanders South 70 East 25 poles to a stone on the North side of the branch; thence crossing the creek North 75 East 135 poles to a stone in old line near a gap in the Meeting House Ridge; thence with the old line North 16% West 42 poles to a white oak, Mrs. Burrus' corner; thence with her line West 58 poles to a walnut; thence* South 30M West 43 1-4 poles to a stone at the edge of the bottom on the East side of the creek; thence South 80 West 60 poles to a stone at the foot of a hill on the West side of the creek; thence North 34 V\ West 85 % poles to a dogwood, old corner, thence South 86% West 107 poles to a stake in the field, South 17% East 62 poles to a stone and pointers, East 70 poles to a stone and point ers; South 17% East 40 3-4 poles to a stone on top of the ridge, cor ner of lot No. 26 thence with line of same and with top of ridge as it meanders North 45 East 13 poles, North 60 East 10 poles, South 61% East 12 poles to a stone on top of ridge; thence North 73 East 34 poles to the place of the beginning. This, the 23rd day of May, 1931. R. R. BLANTON, 34-2t. ' * Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND j Under and by virtue of the power |of sale contained in that certain I deed of trust executed by W. G. J Young and wife, Bessie Young, to j Commercial National Bank of High j Point, North Carolina, local Trus |tee, dated February 15th, 1928, and | recorded in Book A-5, at page 239, {in the office of the Register of | Deeds for Rutherford County, North | Carolina, default having been made Jin the payment of the indebtedness • thereby secured, and demand hav | ing been made for sale the under j signed Trustee will sell at public j auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Court House THE FOREST CITY (N C.) CoUKiER in Rutherfordton, North Carolina, at 2:00 o'clock, P. M., on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1931 the following described property lo cated in the town of Forest City, North Carolina, Cool Springs Town ship: Beginning on an iron pin, corner of the Northwesterly intersection of Magnolia Street and Arlington Street, and runs thence with the West side of Magnolia Street, North 3 degrees, East 90 feet to a stake, C. E. Alcock's corner; thence with C. E. Alcock's line North 87 degrees West 125 feet to C. E. Alcock's and J. A. Dennis' corner; thence with J. A. Dennis' line South 3 degrees, West 90 feet to a stake on the North side of Arlington Street; thence with the North side of Arlington Street, South 87 degrees, East 125 feet to the Beginning. This, the 15th day of May, 1931. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HIGH POINT, NORTH CARO LINA, Local Trustee. D. C. Macßae, Attorney, High Point, N. C. 33-4t. NOTICE, TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust made by R. H. Padgett, and wife, Maude Padgett to the undersign id Trustee, dated October 27th, 1925 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ruther ford County, State of North Caro lina in the Record of Deeds of Trust in Book A-2 on page 50, to which reference is hereby made and de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust, whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative, said Trustee will on MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1931. at 12 o'clock Noon, sell for cash to the, highest bidder at public auction, at the Court House door, in the Town of Rutherfordton, North Caro lina, a certain lot or parcel of land in the County of Rutherford, High Shoals Township and more particu larly described as follows: Lying on the East side of the Island Ford Road, adjoining the lands of Hardin Bradley and others and bounded as follows: Beginning on a stake in Hardin Bradley's line, R. H. Padgett's corner; thence with Bradley's line North 64 X A East 6 % chains to a stake; thence North 26 7-8 West 5 1-10 chains to a stoke in the branch, thence North 83 % West 4% chains to a large rock; thence North 73% West 11 6-19 chains to a stake in the Island Ford Road, where piping goes under the road; thence with road South 42 % East 9 chains, South 51 East 7 1-5 chains to the beginning, containing 7 9-10 acres more or less. Second Tract: Being a part of the H. H. Kennedy lands and bounded as follows: Beginning on a stone Kennedy's and Padgett's corner and runs South 22% East 1857 feet to a stone, formerly a pine stump; thence North 66 East 1051 feet to Island Ford Road; thence with said road as it meanders North 48 Wesr 700 feet; thence North 43 West 534 feet; thence North 20 West 528 feet to North Boundary; thence with Pad gett's own line South 80 West 591 feet to the beginning, containing 38 42-100 acres more or less. This being second mortgage on the above described second tract of 38 42-100 acres, there being a former mortgage of $500.00. This, the 22nd day of May, 1931, ( E. O. THOMAS, 34-4t. Trustee. Potato Bug Dusting Powders. Farmers Hardware Co. GOLDEN VALLEY Bostic, R-3, May 25.—The annual memorial service was held Sunday at Golden Valley Methodist church, with an unusually large number present. The day was fair and beau tiful and the crowd gathered early. At eleven o'clock Dr. M. T. Hinshaw the former president of Rutherford college, made a fine address and it was thoroughly enjoyed by his large audience. The cemetery was wonder fully decorated with white dirt, sand and flowers. Friends stated that it was the best day that they had ever had and that it would be a memory that will not be forgotten soon. One of the worst hail storms hit this section that has ever been known. On last Friday night, it be gan at Mr. Julius Self's ruining his fine wheat and large peach orchard. It was in a streak and went on down Duncan Creek doing great damage as it went. On Sunday evening about six o'- o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Dan Melton went to Duncan Creek church and brought back to his home a handful of hail that had fallen on Friday evening. The friends who have their crops ruined by the hail storm have our sympathy. Misses Malonia and Viola Gam ble of Spindale, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Gamble. Mr. .Letcher Rollins has returned home after an operation for appen diticis. He is getting along very weft. NOTICE, TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by J. W. Hawkins and wife, Netty Hawkins to the under signed Trustee, dated December 21, 1928, and duly recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County, State of North Carolina, in the Record of Deeds of Trust in Book A-7 on page 167, to which reference is hereby made and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust, whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative, said Trustee will on MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1931. at 12 o'clock Noon, sell for cash to the highest bidder, at public auction, iat the Court House door, in the town of Rutherfordton, North Caro lina, a certain lot or parcel of land in the County of Rutherford, Town ship High Shoals, and more parti cularly described as follows: First Tract : Beginning at a stake in the Forest City-Chesnee Highway and runs South 74% West 577.5 feet to a stake in the Island Ford Road, thence North 43% East to a stake in road, thence with road North 28 East. 309 feet to a stake, thence North 45 West 820 feet to a stake, thence North 47 East 735 feet to a stake, thence South 63 East 753.5 feet to a stake, in road, thence South 83 East 214 feet to a stake in creek, thence with creek as it meanders about 780 feet to old corner; thence with old line 1685 feet to the Beginning, containing 43.6 acres. Second Tract: Part of lot No. 2 of the G. C. Haynes farm as shown on map made by Monroe Lovelace. Surveyor and bounded as follows: Beginning in the center of the road at Huntley & Powell's corner, thence with their line North 44 Vz West 832 feet to their corner, thence South 30*4 West 408 feet to an iron stake a new corner, thence South 44 East 836 feet to center of road Pad gett, Powell and Huntley corner, thence with the road North 41 East 115 feet North 26 East 300 feet to the beginning containing acres more or less. This, the 22nd day of May, 1931. J. A. WILKIE, 34-4t. Trustee. ICE CREAM SUPPER. The young men and women's class of the Forest City Missionary Metho dist church was entertained very delightfully with an ice cream sup per Saturday evening at "Polly Spout". There was a large crowd attending and all had a delightful time. CRAWFORD HARDIN WED FRIDAY Funeral Held at Missionary Methodist Church Satur day—Writes Article on County Home. Rutherfordton, May 25.—Mr. Crawford Hardin, aged 35 years, died at the Rutherford County home Friday morning at eleven o'clock, after suffering sometime .with tuber culosis. ' Funeral services were held Saturday at the Missionary Methodist church, with Rev. Hill Kiser in charge of the service. Interment was in the Cool Springs cemetery. Mr. Hardin is survived by his wid ow and five children. The following article was written by Mr. Hardin three hours before his death, and was presented to The Courier by his brother, Mr. Jeff Har din, and is printed here for its unu sual interest: Rutherford County Palace. "Since I have spent ninety days in dur county home as a sick in mate, enables me to say that the Rutherford county home is a real palace. We have one of the third finest buildings in the state. The building is equipped with hot and cold water, tub and shower baths, and the bath rooms have tile floors. The building is steam heated through out, and has electric lights and hard wood floors. The food is nourishing and wholesome, and the county's dairy furnishes plenty of milk. Each inmate gets all the fresh milk they want three times a day if they so desire. One of the most important facts concerning the institution is the sanitary condition in which it is kept. You will find it is very clean at all times. I understand Mecklen burg , county's home has a trained nurse. We do not have a nurse, but we have a matron that is almost equal to a trained nurse for she is always on the job. She plays a very important part with the sick. Our county is fortunate to have this ma tron in their employment, especially since she does not draw a salary. Her husband, the superintendent, draws a salary of course, and she tells me she will draw a crown for her service in the last day. I truly hope she will and it will be full of stars, j for she is truly a noble woman. She is kind to the visitors, to the inmates and to all with whom she comes in contact. Our ceunty home has been greatly improved since our present keepers have had it in charge." During the last two and one-half months, County Agent J. O. An thony of Harnett county has assist ed his farmers to sell $8,496.20 worth of live poultry in carlot ship ments. Twenty-two cars of fat hogs have been sold by Duplin county farm ers this season. The last shipment of 619 animals netted the 56 owners a profit of $9,831.61 cash. . Stag Paint, the old reliable. At Farmers Hardware Co. PAGE SEVEN KWK 1 PHYSICIANS call this period "Menopause." It is the dreaded Change of Life. Women should face this period with well-balanced health, or dangerous symptoms may appear. This is the time when deficiencies in gen eral health must be helped. Every woman approaching middle age should take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion, that splendid herbal tonic. Every package of Prescription contains a Symptom Blank. Fill out the Blank and mail it to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y., for FREE medical advice. BAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS • V « UNLESS you see the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package as pictured above you can never he sure that you are taking the genuine Bayer Aspirin tnat thousands of physicians prescribe In their daily practice. The name Bayer means genuine Aspirin. It is your guarantee of purity— your protection against some imitation. Millions of users have proved it is safe. , i Genuine Bayer Aspirin promptly relieves: Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia ' Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache No harmful after-effects follow its It does not depress the heart. need wa Let Dr. Caldwell heln whenever,your child is feverish or upset; or has caught cold. His simple prescription will make that bilious, headachy, cross boy or girl comfortable, happy, well in just a few hours. It soon restores the bowels to healthy regularity. It helps "break-up" a cold by Keeping the bowels free from all that sickening mucus waste. You have a famous doctor's word for this laxative. Dr. Caldwell's record of having attended over 3500 births with out the loss of one mother or baby is believed unique in American medical history. „ „ Get a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin from your drugstore and have it ready. Then you won't have to worry when any member of your family is headachy, bilious, gassy or constipated. Syrup Pepsin is good for all ages. It sweetens the bowels; increases appetite —makes digestion more complete. DR. W. B. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Fpmily Laxative

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