RECORDER'S COURT CASES DIMINISH June Business in County Court Drops Below That of May V — Fewer Cases. Rutherfordton, July 13. —Business in the recorder's court suffered a slight decrease in June, as compai ed with that of May. A total of •ninety-seven cases were tried for »>he month,. according to Hon. Fred Mcßrayer, recorder, and Hon. O. J. Mooneyham, solicitor of the court. Of the ninety-seven cases, convic tions were found in sixty-four. A total of $635.00 in fines were col lected, while the total amount of costs collected for the county a mounted to $280.40. A total of sixty seven months and twenty days on the county chaingang was imposed on law violators. The total costs as sessed against the county was $202.- 37. ! I I «** L -- • v. -?> Jd Forest City Motor Co. FOREST CITY, N. C. "THE TURN TOWARD PEACE" The Worran's Missionary society, of the Forest City Methodist church, has just finished the study of th.= book. There has never been so much talk about peace in all the histoid of the world. Yet while we are talk ing peace we learn that theie is much propoganda that might be the underlying course of war. The rea son it is so hard for nations to dis arm is because they do not under stand each other. We learn from the study of this book that there are peace organiza tions in every country in the world. In Japan alone there are over 50 international peace organizations. Throughout the rest of the world there are 232 with millions of mem bers. The department of education has introduced into all text books a chap ter on international co-operation and the League of Nations has undertak en not only to eliminate unfriendly references to other countries, but to include an account of their great men. The trend of the times is toward peace. Yet if today the world is allowed to drift it will drift to ward a war that has never been equalled from a point of devastation, i Which shall it be, peace or war? ! The answer to this question de pends upon the deliberate effort which men and women of today put into the organized movement for peace. MOORESBORO fi-1 Mooresboro, R-l, July 13.—A 'wedding which came as a surprise to their many friends was that of Mr. Chivious and Miss Essie Goode which occured at the Rutherford County Court House Wednesday af ternoon. The briae is the charming daughter of Mr. John Goode. She is a graduate of Cliffside High school 1 having taught at Fairview, one ses sion, while the groom is the son of ( Mr. and Mrs. Will Curtis, of Ellen- , ' i boro, where they will reside for j the present. Their many friends wish them a long happy life. Miss Ruby Jolley, of Floyd's Creek, was the week-end guest of hev grandfather, Mr. I. W. Jolley. i Mr. Norris Lawings has returned i to his home in Greensboro after a j week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Brom- er Robinson. J Those visiting at the home of Mr. ■ and Mrs. Plato Champion, Sunday afternoon were Miss Owana Hudson, of Morganton, Mr. and Mrs. Gardie Champion and children of Avondale, Mrs. Theron Jolley, and Misses Gladys Robinson and Ruby Jolley. Mrs. Herbert Parris and children, t Joyce and Deane. have returned to s their home in Forest City after a ( week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. j Robinson. e I Beekeepers of Alexander county i report the largest crop of honey this ( spring since 1916. t r Water coolers, electric fans' and £ ice cream freezers from SI.OO up. 1 Farmers Hardware Co. ' Aches and PAIN S\' When you take Bayer Aspirin you are sure of two things. It's sure relief, and it's harmless. Those tablets with the Bayer cross do not hurt the heart. Take them whenever you suffer from: Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache When your head aches —from any cause —when a cold has settled in your joints, or you feel those deep-down pains of rheumatism, sciatica, or lumbago, take Bayer Aspirin and get real relief. If the package says Bayer, it's genuine. And genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of monoaceticacidester of salicylicacid. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS 11 ll T«r FO'SST CITY (N C) COt/afc" More Small Grain Grown For Seed 5 Out of 86,800 bushels of small strain inspected on 2,454 acres this - summer, about 66,000 bushels passed \ > the preliminary field requirements for certification by the North Caro s > lina Crop Improvement Association. "We were compelled to refuse cer tification on about 20,000 bushels be cause of noxious weeds, diseases, and varietal mixtures," says Gordon K. Middleton, seed specialist at Stat© 6 college. However, the results of our field inspections this season show a J gratifying increase in the acreage and the number of persons who are j growing small grain which may be recommended for future seeding. In 1929, only 9,482 bushels of seed grain were certified; last year, 1930, 5 there were 24,071 bushels. The tre ' roendous increase this season was 1 due largely to an increase in the ' j number of growers rather than to j larger acreages on those farms where such grain had been produced be fore." Mr. Middleton pays a tribute to the county farm agents and voca tional teachers who have aided in, 1 developing the interest in better farm | seeds. He says 120 fields of grain in j32 counties passed inspection this year against 66 fields in 21 coun ties in 1930. Under present conditions, he be lieves, with all prices for farm pro duce at a low ebb, it is very impor tant to keep the cost of production at a low point and the quality of product as high as possible. Nothing helps in this more than the use of [good seed. Even if the crop is grown i simply for soil improvement and feed, clean, improved seed will give higher yields. Clean seed also les sens the danger of infesting the farm with noxious weeds. The use of seed of the better, 1 high-producing varieties is one factor* that cannot be overlooked, if there | is to be an improvement in quality of the produce grown for market and if this produce is to be standard ized to any degree, says Middleton. CARD OF THANKS. s We wish to thank our friends, j neighbors and relatives for the kind ness and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our darling daughter, Daisy Coleene, also thank- , ful for the many beautiful flowers. May God bless each of you. Mr. and Mrs. Volney Earley, 1 Bostic, R-l. DEBT PAYING AND RELIGION Roger Babson, the famous statis- J tician and economist, is quoted as saying: "Now is the,time for them (preachers) to preach the Ten Com mandments and the Golden Rule. If each preacher would start a cam paign to get all his congregation Jo pay their bills > as they would have others pay what is owed to them, this depression would soon be over. | Too many people want to ride today I and too few are willing to haul. We ) want the other fellow to pay us, but are we willing to make the necessary sacrifice to pay him? Yet before, prosperity will return this sacrifice! [must be made, and the other fellow must be treated as we would have him treat us." This great business layman is un doubtedly right. Real prosperity i= based ultimately on sound ethical principles. In recent years there has been, in the mad rush for financial success, a vast amount of dishonesty or near dishonesty. Men have bor rowed without the probability of Paying, and have bought when they expected to default in payment. Housewives! Make this Your Compare our prices with others and you can readily see where we'll save you a pretty penny" on your table needs day in and day out. The "best for the least" is our slogan ! Phone 80. ■n. H JONES GROCERY COMPANY The Best For L...! Fore.t C« y , N. C. Bankers and brokers and public offi cials, entrusted with the of : others, have betrayed confidence, | and people are now afraid to trust j j| Delicious and Refreshing 1 . i • • _ SERVED INJf COUNTRIES! / 1 I When you pause today to enjoy K M ice-cold bottled Coca-Cola the ¥ I 1 T BAP T 9 BE GOOD T O G p T WHERE IT If — me j others to handle their funds. The iday of reckoning had to come, and J we are suffering the consequences of ! unethical business. —Arkansas Meth | dist. Tharsday, July g . The curb market establish Morehead City this season j, a , 1 I aged sales amounting to xu i each market day sine - t-v, Jf( ! ;Q