ULESANB OSEi serve ""SToo? ZEtucoJteLasso i - THE EXCHANGE. WEDNESDAY Jan. 3, 1900. NKWSAT HOME AND ABROAD You now rrita it, "1900. " The Parkins lecture to-night in ia Fields Hall. The school boys and girls have all teturried to the various Colleges. Th) old reliable Turner's Almanac at H. O. Covington's. uar Ginooing oner atineara in i&otber' column and is tvorthy of Otsotice. Palmer's Skin Success, at Everir.g. tons. Saturday was trvde dav. There was an alJtulnco of all aorta of Stock in the city. High class Ntckwpr at H. O. Covii gton's. The thermometer 8tnrday morning was reported to hare been 9 degrees above lero. Palaver's Skia Success, at Evering- -tons. Buy your tickets for the Ptrkins lecture at Fields' Hall. 7icketa on sale at Fields Drug Store. Palmer's fckin Success, at Evering-. toua. TWe i a slight fill of snow Thursday, followed by some old fash ioued winter waather. Palmer' SkfnSucceus, at Everlng tune. We ire aony to learn of the death of Mrs W. 13. linker of Jaxlon. ' Mr. Hark&r did ou the 2Stk. Palmer's Skin Success, at Evering lon. Walter McKacbio received another cr of fins stock Friday aud arts sM interested to call hp J see them. "Th Season for naw calendars . is upon ua. Those we have seen . are unusually attractive. I hereby forbid all perwor ! noting, tfpjipiag or otherwue tKMptesiag on sny lands, asar Hasty; A. D. Coxnkh- In attraction, as well as a eouren-ie.-.oe in Sat. Whitfield's office at tha Dpt, ia a kandaoroa regulator clock. -. The modem And moat effective euro fvr onatipetiea aud all liver troubles -r-vhe lajous tittle pills knowu as De Witt'a, LiuU fiarly Risers. W. L. JTwJ-a. 1H1 r.b arrived this rooroiug 4Ui4 wCl be ou hand to night at Fields Hall, We hope be wi'l be greeted by Urge crowd. Sixe doesn't Indicate Qlity. Be ware of couaterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitl's WltcK Hoeel Salr. Dn Witt's is the only original An infallible core for piles and all -akin diseases. W. L. Fields. Th daily papers reported many rows 1 cutting affrays for Xmas day. C ourse, liquor played a prominent part. G. II, Appleton, Justice of Peac, Clarkatmrg, N. J., Bays, "DeWitt'a XiittU Early Kisers are tie best pills cuodo for conettpation. We nee no Others." Quickly cure all liver and bowel troubles. W. L. Fields. We publish in this issue a card from Sheriff W right and the atten tion of public school teachers is di rected thereto. Lewis Dennis, Sslem, Ind., lays, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me ccore good that -any thiag I ever took." It dtgrtej wbat you eat and can not help fcut gttre"; -'dyMjieia -aiwi stomach trouWi ev") W. L. Fields. We;h.VRbeen asked to say that all .clergymen's permi's will be honored for'passaga by S. A. L conductors till ' Jan. 31st 1900. F B. Thirkield, Health Inspector of Chicago, tays, "Kodol Dyspepsia Jura "cannot be recommended too highly. . It cured me of severe d ys jpma." It digests what 'you eat and nres iudigation, heartburn and all or mt of dyspepsia. W. L. Fields. We will make a round among the Easiness men soon with view of 8o iieiiing advertiaements. We trust to be favored with your .patronage. L. T. Travis, Agent 8outhern R U., Salina, O-., write, Mf cao ot say'too much in praise of Ooe ilfinute Cougn Cure. In my cae it walked like a ckarra." The o&ty hsiiuless reinedy that gie. immediate ns(i)?nt . Cures eoughs, colja, oioup, bronchitis and all throat trouble). W. L. Field L Ffcl5t '' UttlMoo ?mASe College,. N. C, a school with a "re isaikable history" and Buaioesi College Cooree. Now is the time t enter for" (Spring woik. Social in. iiufiinents to h first young ladjr wio vriile for infoimation. Union prayer meeting services will held Sr. the Presbyterian cimrch to morrow night and will be conducted by Rev. Rev. L. H. Massej, J. I. Bvry. Logunion, Pa.t writes, "I am willing to take my oath that I wa8 cured of pneumonia entirely by ti.e uee of one Minute Cough Cure after doctor failed It also cured my children of whooping congh." Quick ly rellve8 and cures cmih mi r.!rl croup, grippe and thioat and lung irniiuies. ivhnureo all like it. tfotherB endorse it. W. Ij Fields. Our readers will notice the improve ment on our outside pnges. The paper is now practically "all 'home I" prins. We trust to have some new type ere long. "I am indebted to One Ainure Coug'.i Cure fur my hel.h snd lifci. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousauds owe th ir lives to he prompt action of this nuYer fail ing remedy. It cures coughs, colds, ctoup, bronciiiiis, pneumonia, grippe snd throat and lung troubles. Its early use preven's consumption. Is ib the only harm less remedy that gives immediate results. W. L Fields. The Chxrlotta papers sre evidently grieved ot the rowdyism so prevalent ir that city on Xuihs dy. Oue of the Charlotte pastors preached a ser mom Sundny on the su'rj. ct, "what was the matter wih the young men of Charlotte,. Xtuas day" ?. Write M unlock C'ure Co., Atlanta, Gs., encionog 2c. Stamp for Free Sample of -turdeek's Catarrh Cure or Hyier's Dyspepsia Tablets. They propoSH to cure every case of caturrh or DyBpepsia. The Slute SupTintendent bs r rauged the $ 100,000 appropriation, giving to each county its proportion ate psrt. Richtuoud County gts $1,55..16. It is estimated that this appropriation will ruu the schools of the State ouly a week: Hylvr'a Dyspepsia Tablets, plnasant, easy to take, and give permaneut re lief. 30 day treatment, $1.00. Mailed ou receipt of price. MvHDOCK Cuas Co., Atlanta, Ga. 'The eembfnod congregrttiocs of, the town attendef services ati the JJethodi'jt eh n rob Bnnday -eight Jfcnd were most favorably impressed with the sermon of the new pastor, rtev. L. H. Massey. The church is to be oo&gratulated on securing bis strvU K'S. - " Ladies For relief of women, Chea ter's Tansy Table's, worth their weight is gold. A safe ' and certain tooa'hly regulator. Hailed on reeeipt of price, $1.00. 4 MuitoocK Cpbb Co., Atlanta, G. The Following Explains Itself. Ed Exchange; I wish you would call tha attention of all School Teach era through your paper that they must receipt their Vouchers if they exuect me to send them check for same. It gives me trouble and I shall not pay any man until they come receipted. Hope yon all great success in the New year. Yours truly, T. S. Whight. Deo. 30,1899. SCOTLAND IN THE LEAD. Scotland eelebratfd Newyeai's day by the orgniiizttio of White Man's Constitutional Amendment Club. A big mjjuriiy of the various pre ciucs of the Co., was represented and the Democracy of the Co., enters the New Year with a determination to eee that the Amvudment is ratified at the polls. Mr. Dougald Stewart was elected Cbslrnvm and J.'T. jfcEacLin Secyv of the club: The Cljab wijl bent agaioW'in - the 'town alt on Saturday, Jat. 13 at 2 o'clock' and ex tends a cordial invitation to every one favoCttbly inclined to th amend neat to be pteseut and participate iu its proceedings. 1. want td let the people who suffer from rheumatism and sciatica know that Chamberlain's Pain FUlrn relieved me after a number of other medicines and a doctor bad failed. . It is the best liniment 1 have ever known of. J. A. Dodges', Alpbaretu, Ga. Thou sands have ben cured of rheumatism by this remedy One application re lieves the pain. For sale, by Drs. Prince and Blue, druggist. THE NEW YEAR'S BRIGADE. Mi. Malcome- Smith, of Laurens, S. "C., was a visitor last week at Mr, G, M. W nil field's. Jit-s Teuipia Parker visited friends and relatives here last week. Jisa Maud Coble of the Carthage High School, irctntlyr spent a few days iu the city. Mr. Dunham Bundy of Jonroe was litre last week wiib relatives aud is visit ID is visitiog friends. Mr. John L. cKinnon returned to the A. and M. Colltg9 Tuesday. Mr. Jalcome JfcBryde came down from Davidson Friday and stopped with -Mr. J. A. JcBryd. MeesrB, Joel, W. F and Simeon Gibson wtre in the city Saturday. Mr. A.B. Shaw spent Sunday in Rockingham. Mt. Ebb Sancder?, the i.ew pro prietor of the Hotel Richmond, of Rockingham, was here Saturday. Rev. A. N. Furgeson has returned from Cameron, Whither he; had gone to be present at a family reunion. Messrs. M urdoc aud J. T. Me Lautiu left Thursday to seek their 'o.tuuesin the turpentine forests 'of Florida. They have our best wishes. Dr. Fuuderburke left Thursday for a few days visit at his home near Monro. Mrs. R. E. L. Correll her parent io Ohailotte. Jrs. E. S. Whitaker friends in Savauah, Ga Mis. U A. J oyuer la visiting friends in Greene U!, N. 0. JissTi!lie and Mr. Tom Lee iaft Jfouday for the Baptist University and A. and M. College respectively. Dr. J. " Sandford rcCetly visited fiieuda and relative bore. Mr. Hector McLean ia in Raleigh, on a business mission. ,.138 Olivia Sutton of Wilmington, is visiting at Mr. R. E. Lee's. Miss Emma Spencer of Peguese, pent the holidays at home. Miss Nettie Everett left Monday tor a vist io frieuds iu Norfolk Mr M L. John was iu Wadesboro Tuesday on profesnioiiul business. Mt. Angus JcKtnnon went to jlorganion Monday. ReT."" Mt. Bradshaw, of axton, has gone to Norfolk to see his family, who are much better though still right sick. Mr Luch JfcKinnon of Jaxton, returned io Florida Monday. Miss J jhnson, of spring Hill, after spending the holidays at home, has re turned to her sitbnol at Wadesboro. Mr.. D. McKinuou spent Twes day iia Wadesboro. The Ei Perkins leeture to-night. It has been demonstrated repeated., ly in the Union end in many foreign countries tht Chamberlain's. Congh Remedy is a certain preventative and cure foy. croup. It has become the universal remedy lor that disease. M. V. Fisher of Liberty, W. Fa., only repts what has been said around the globe when ho wri&es : "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy in my family for several years ana always with perfect success. We be Ur.ve thst it is not only the best cough remedy, but th.U it ia a sure cure for croup. It iia saved the lives of our children a numbrr of tiuiefr." This remedy is for snle by Drs. jPiiuce & Blue. Read new advertisement of H. G. Covington and call ou him at Whita ker'a old stand. a vino; a Great Run on Chamber lain's Cough Remedy ilajjagei Mar tin, of the Pierson drug btore, informs us that he is hav. iug a great , run on ChamberlHin's Cough Remedy. Htsrlia five bottles of thai medicine to oa of any. other kiud. and it gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to stop the cough, heal np the sore throat aad lungs and give relief within a very "short tioie. The sales are growing, aud all wEo try it are pleased with its action; South Chi cago Daily Calumet: For cale by Dw. Prince & Blue. tWe are informed that Vandor Mc Donald ebot negro in Rockingham Jouday. Have ik1 heard the par ticulars. the last colonel. Mr. T. C. Warner, of Marlboro, Goes on the Governor's Staff. Governor ' MoSweeny ' yesterday Completed the organization of his staff, announcing that ha had filled tha one existing vacancy by the appointment of Mr. Fhon:s O. Uamsr, of Marl boro couuty, as aide, with tha rank of lientenaut culoiel. ' Jol. Xlimt-r i t!ie ting young men as staff officers. Daily State The tobacco growers met ilonday according to appointment and sd journed t meet sgaiu Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock; A full attendance Is earnestly desired. OUR GRE J T CLUBBING OFFER FOR 1900. Read. Carefully arid Make" Your Own Selection Early. I. 1 he Exchange ? nd Home and Farm one year, 11.35.- The Home and Farm is Semi-IQ&tliJy. s : -'JKThe Kxchcr.gw arni Atlanta Journal one year, $1.50. The Journal is semi-weekly. 3 The Exchange and New York World, oue year, $1.65. The World is thriceawek. ' 4. The Exchange and Washington Post, one year, $150. The Post is weekly. 5. The Exchange and Atlanta Con stitution one year $1.75. The Con., stitntion is weekly. 6 The Laurinburg Exchange and McColl Jkfagazina one year, $1.30 The Jagazine is Monthly. Seud io your ordeis for any or aM the above, at once; The Vote Proves It. In the election of 1896 the city of Louisville gave .VcKiuley 29,107 votes and Bryan 17,695. It wan c'aiureJ then . by ail the Democrats and not seriously denied, that the election officers, (ihe Democrats were denied officers, Palmer aud Buskner men being appointed) had stolen at least 5,000 votes from Bryan. Time at last sets all things even." The recent election affords proof of the 1896 the'fl. This year the Demo cratic revolt against Goebel Was great er in Louisville than anywhere else in the State, twice as many Democrats being opposed to him as were opposed to Bryau. The election is admitted to have beer fair, the Democrats con tending - only that the pretence of military at 'tSis - polls indwidaoad . vo ters" and. prevented Govbal'a getting fats full. vote. The vote as cast stood ; For Tjort li&mGtS,, 023 1 roBfow3?2. r This anows ihat JfeKinley'a vote in 1896 r was 'counted' ten thousand voles more Hhan were honestly cast. Every mouth discloses some of the frauds practiced in 1S96. News and observer. SEABOARD UHE. OrriC5B or Yicx Pexsidext GXXBB4X MaKAGSB. nresent very efficient, ovurieouB and -ifaudsome cleik of the house of Representatives of South Carttlina, and i withal a goo4 fellow, p;pu!ar wiih all wh came iu Contact wHh him. His fellow members of the Staff will cordially welcome him into their ranks The governor io making this appointment simplv tarried out his policy of select 4t Pohtsmotth,.Va., Dec. S9, '99. To Officers nd Eiuiiloyers of the Sea., board Air Line A NEW YEAR is rapidly approashiog, aud again it ia my privilege and very great pleas ure, to express to all .OFFICER'S AND EMPLOYES, personal thanks, arid aekno tenements for the tuithtul, intelligent and ffficiynt service rendered dutiug the year about to close; services which have produced results, makitg the year, ending De cember 31st, 199,; the most successful in the entire bietory of the . BEABOAiBD AIR LINE. The outloak is eiicaurajiing. THE "SEABOARD" is-unquestionably to brcooie, in the very near Iii'ui-h, u system of vast importance. Its mile., agar will be largely Increased. Tha principal cities of the Stiuth w il le reached by it; and upou ti-o basis of a shorter mileage than at present exis'.s by otharouts. - That our renewed efforts la behalf of the greater iatarrsts to be served, may 'prove evn morf.srlocessful, if possible iu the futurethan in the mnti is my : most aiucere uwish. Let us scrive for its accomplishment. Permit ma to af aiu"-'-XpreB, (on i be half ol our Pie&ideflt, as well us my self,) the hope that iie New Year may prove luost prosperous to all, in cluding those dear, to you, in the myriad booiea made gld by your smiles, and ,:diguified bv your tuil. Willi every good wish, . Yoors faithfully, . E, St. Johrt, Vice Pres. aud General M angr. Drs Trinca & Blur, Druggist guaran. tee ail buttlea ef Chamber laiu's Cough Uenmdy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfiitrd after using two-thirds of the contents. This is the lues remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs ;nd is pieasaut and safe to take. .It prevents auv ten deucy of a cold to result io j neumo&ia HOTiCEOF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Uib--on and Gilchrist is this day denOiVd by mutual oonseut, J. T. Gibarti assumes all liabilities of the arm and to who i ail persona in debltfd to the im atilil muke settle ment. , This 2cUh, day of mb,., 1899. HIg LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a promiuept citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won derful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I waa taken with Typbotd Fiver, that ran into Pneumonia. . My lungs be came hardened. I was ..so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. " Nothing helped ma. I expected to soon die of Consumption, wheu I heard of' Dr. King's Ne.w, -Disseyery. Otw bott!e gave great reli- f. 1 continued to ua it. and now am well and strong. I can't say too " mUcfr ' iu its praise." This nMve!!tMt- me.iicioe is the surest and quickest mirwin the world for all Throat aud Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 Cf-nts ard'jl.00 Trial 6t tlesfreeat all Ding Stores; every bottle guaranteed.-. ' ' ar or ai Under an order uf the Superior Court of Richmond County mada by W. I. Everett, OIrk of. the Superior Court, in a special proceeding enti tled Jilton Baxter and wife tt als vs. Luther Clark et als, 1 will sell on Saturday January 6t-h. 1900, at pub 2JC auction for cssh to the hk'hest bid der at the Bank of Laurinburg in the town- of Laurinburg: North Carolina, adioinins the lans of Nrill iT-v J. A. MeKay, L. 3eNcill, Rev. a! XT "IU . - a. rerguBon, and others, and lying on Lumber River, in Richmond Couuty, North Carolina, coutaiuiui? one hun dred acres, m-yre or lss, and being ne same lnds ot hich D. J. 31c Eacheru died sf iz -d ard possessed in Richnumd County, said sale bitg made for partition. A. W. McLean, Com. This the 29lh day of November. 1899. ' piantatson.For Rent. f desire to rejit to: some one the JSizzell-McCall plavtation for the year 1900. Thisplac.' is located about five miles irum Lauriub.irg. TPalteh II. Niai, Laurinburg, N. C CH3)ocail.3sr Laurinburg, N. G All oKdasa reoaiva prompt attention. . yfiioes - '-to star me iuie. r,1. A. McDOUCALD Er HOUSE Has Removed- to" Large Three-Story , Building lormerly occupied Hy Prince & Blue, on the Corner of Main and Railroad Streets, ' Where can be found a OF ALL GRADES, atd Prices to suit rurcuasers. uaii ana see Ju&test styles. No trouble to show goods. M-A41cDougaid MI' BO YEARS' . -jH EXPERIENCE Wf OoPtBlQHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and desoiptlon may qnlcUly ascertain our cjiinlon free whether aa inventton Is probably patentable. Commncletv tlona ntj-loti.y contJdanl laL Handbook on Patents sent trco. Oldest asency for securuis patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. reoeivs vparUtlnctice, without charge, in the Scientific Htsericaa. A handsomely illustrated weekly. 1 jirveet cjt culation of any nolenUcc Journal. Terms, ti yer ; f onr months, SI. Bold by all newsdealer MM Go.38SB. New Yoi Founded 1842. Ailos ft ii J. T. GlBbOJT. 'Sing their own praise.' Has your wife, daughter, or sister been longing for a Piano ? Why net give her one ior Christinas ? One ol thoe celebraied. reliable, sweet' toned Stieff Pianos. ' - We'll not burden your purse with a Big Price, and we'll give you Convenient Terms in which to d the paying. Catalogue and book of suggestions cheerfully given. OH AS. IV1. STEIFF. Piano Manufacturer, Baltimore, MA. Factory Branch Warer,om, No 213, . North Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. Wilmoth, Pgr Pme Tuning. Palace Orgws. Tiin - mm ic You WiH Fitid by Callfn? On fE. i Prices B ISM A stt. . H U fl . fl ? iiiiTO ItiiliSl Also a Few Mice HORSES. Doc. 2l&F:rS'1-'t&JSr 103S10S3LjL3a.. is dpacs tlesoogs to MIIBI ?I II 1 1 b his iiyiyi invi v& W1 fr! R 11 M i e bus ucn s ells at. New Yci"k Racket Prices, . C0!N8T0K, Proprietor. Wbe hare arraaged with Northern dcalei a fo eVdrikfale Custseis O oM white .nd colored, -. . mm '-"-;To Obtain an .Overcoat this Winter A nd we have also made it possible for every khp, tcman and child, U ohtata a IP Alii OF BU.OIS1S.. JUaaaa. r nrau bar that our atore tst-tkjk tit tat' Laurinburg wherjo1ierjtity; every thirty nu J-snt, at the ia west aaah flW Overcoats and Shoes may not last long ; so corn ai osoo. . ' "' , ; SIa.o2x IP'zroxaL-fe S3,t3o PLOWS! PLOWS! Castings for all Standard Slakes. Agents for Avert 's Celebrated Steal Wows. Builders and Painter's Supplies Sash, Doors and Blinds, Steves and Tinwara. Let Us Figure r" Special On Your f J1C0B1inducements Wants I w-p-3" y- to Piierchants Correspondenoa Solicited. . 'Wllmin'tozif; 2TC9 Buy 3, mi 'Cafl. tolE A FINE ONE GAM BE HAD EASIER AnD CHEAPERTHAN YOU IMAGINE. TAKE AOVAHTAGE OF GUH SFEG1AL XAS OFFER FOR CASH C3 CM GUB EASY PAYMENT urniture and Carpels. WHITE FOH GUP. NEW CATALOGUE OF SPECIAL XMAS GFFEE3. YOU CAN GET WHAT YCU WANT & SAVE MONEY BYTHAGIKG VYITH US. E. f. Andrevs Fumtty?e & Ulusic House. 2" LARGEST DEALERS IN TH CACSLIKAS. ; CATARRH CAS BE CURED. - - 00G!('S CATARRH OUBE. - - IT GOES TO EVERY PAHT. SURE, SAFE AND PLEASANT. For years baa the medical fraternity sought a reliable and sure cure tor Catarrh. In this endeavor many hundreds of nostrums hve boe offered to a suffering public, aud the health of thousands have been completely rained by taking theia, theaa various compounds causing the worst formn of Dyspepsia. Sprays and oiatments are also worthless, as It is impossible to reach the affected parts in this manner. MDEDOCX'S CATAHKTI CUBE is a ne-.v and scientific preparation and ia to be smoked in a pipe, thereby the fumes ard wucke feeing over the entire system affected by the disease. It relieves instantly the worst forms of Asthma, Bronchitis, Hav Fever. Colds in tha Head and all forms of Catarrh, no matter what shape, and cures -where treatment ib continued for reasonable time. No i natter how little ycu art affected, don't delay treatment. Catarrh somes often from simple colds. Like all nsir cod valuable preparations yoa will find others saying theirs are jjst as goocfc awage ot iadtations as they are worthless. WJ8 ONLY ASK A TRIAL TO CONVINCE. Kaiied to any iter, jsepaid, oq IQngit ot wi.:.vj lurj. Put np in Tin Boxes, $1.00 per box ; Treatment for SO days. MESDOCS CUBE GO, ATLAIT.4, fi.4.'