PtOFESSIONAl CAMS. flR. C. W. BEGAN, u DmjnsT. . Offle* apotoJn onr FMde Dm* Htore _Vnam No. 87. T\R. W. T. HERNDON, ** DENTIST. LAIW.XBVBO, N. a OmeoTor Prims* A Blue * Dm* State Office pfcoue. No. #5; rnaiSmco. No. 7 . J C. McNEILL, u' ATTOBNEY AT La, LAmNDDBO, N. C. OBle* omr yiaM'a Dm* Store. T H. COWAN, *'• BA11RKR. KmitUS^thofri flioKfaM Mrrlee If AXCY L. JOHN. JU- ATTOBNEY AT LAW, __ kAOUHlTON, f. a Office telephone, No. J, reetdmce, Xo. 8. W D. D1ZZEM,, ~ ZL.. ***** *® *11 lnt*fBWr,Ai fntrJtfltt uf nsj care. W~17 MATTHEWS^ ' n • OKFITIAL AUKVBIEB KOI! SCOTLAND COUNTY, IUybbton, *. 0. All Mila pro la paly attended to. Vm Mr. Si^i t MUrrl/d Moo? •WaxkAw Katmjurin*. A at range kto 17 has just come to light Id connection w ith the life M the late W. LI. Simmer to he • bMcheior, but It is a fact* though kaowu to but few, that be married u woman in Texas many years ago. She U now dead also, bat ■he bale a living daughter, like Connie hint*, a young lady about 8(1 yeera old, who is oak heir of her father’s estate, which amount ie between $3,000 ami $i,0O0. Hef w-lieraalnuts are unknown, nnd the k not awniu of the fact thrttn email futtube ie awaiting her here. * H k not likely tout the ever kuew.ony tiling shoot bar father, ae shews* an infant when lie ggsajawteqe; aktire home. 80 far ns know? Mr. Him never told any due that lie bad left-a-orUeiand child in Thxaa..but the tectuccideutal ly found a short tithe before hie death by hie brother, Mr. J. B. Blrne, who ie now being effort to find lik ueice, who k.entitkd< to his brother’* property. I'M girl *m one time in Pane, Texas, attending school, but left Puxie and went to- Indian Territory to visit lvlatlves. Nothing has baan heard of her slndcr Jt'i* said that "Her father left Texas on anoonntrof having killed n man. He owned con sfcfcrrabl* property in Umeetone hbtfatyiln^tstgH. *hen be returned to South Carolina, but it is hot known whatever became of It. This story, if true, sounds stranger than fiction to tits rel ative* and friends of Hr. Sima and iryfiotani^Bi^^InQ *41 odrexpeuse. A personal trial of onr Blood Balm Vbetter than a thousand printed. testimonial* ao dou t basitati to. write lor a free sample... .J. jv.: r Tk. NW ol *» r»Mrt w Although the farm keeps the balance of trade in tbs nation’s favor, furnishes two-thirds of our exports, contributes to our manufacturing supremacy by providing cheap foo l for our me chanics. comparatively little has been done toward educating the farmer for his work. To be sure, the Doited Htutes lm dons more foe him tban any other country. In 1H62, Congress an. dowed agricultural collie* to Umch the sciences relating to agriculture. In 1867, experi ment station# were provided for where research might be mode into the operatloug of nature. But cunskleflng the Ameri cane psyVnore pioney for public education than any other people on emih, a comparatively small proportion of tbs sum is devoted to stimulating and aiding that half our population who caiti rats the soil. The tendency of of primary education has been to lead the country youth away from the farm instead of helping him in the study of thorn ocienoee relating tbs production. It would be politic and patriotic to incorporate into the farms youth’s education tome know ledge that shall bear more di rectly upou hit future life and work.—James Wilson, Sec, of Agriculture, iu the Youth’s Com panion. A Mwwluw MmdMm* Wonders never mm A ma chUM boa been invented that wiL can paste and hang wall paper Tl|l fields of inventions and die. ci)varise seems to be unllmited Notabia among great 4im»w JmUDr.KfeXW tor ton*’-o^Mo«. It has done & ^LalSfor wmfc lungs Tftou - __ _.'tloh. • Iheir gen srai reidiet is: “it’rthh beet awl most reliable medicine Ior throat and 'eng troubles. Every SOo and ♦1.00 bottle is guaranteed by nil Druggist*. Trial . bottle free. The KMPrnili | PwMsm sf a* Me wl Ksbnlk (1) To provide schools for all the children and to bring all the children into them. (3) Totnakothe annual school term long enough to give the children thorough Inst ruction in the fundamentals of common knowledge daring the period of their school life.. (8) To directly relate the In struction of the school to the practical business o! the farm life end the employment of tea chers In sympathy In farm life and the enrichment of the school coarse by the introduction of agricultural suhfeute. .. (4) The improvement of the material equipment und raviron msbt 61 the school, by the cbn soHdatWcL' of email schools, the impnivemeut of school building and grounds, and establishment of school libraries and collets tione of' materials for frustra tion. ••. .•«.». . - - • $1,000400 8LBCTRIC PLANT. > ▼* Tnnt IW t. Pitta, ' " 1 ’ ^ Gisduttt Ob—rr«r Mr. Samuel P. Stowe, super intendent of roads and bridges ia this county, is organising a stock coiujxiny, to be known as the Bluitt's Fail Kloctrical De velopment Company, for tbe de velopment of tbe power at Blnitt’s fallu, on the Pee Dee river. The company has not yet been organised. But a char ter has beau grunted it, and Mr. Stowe last evening informed a reporter that be hod it in such shape as to gaurantee the sue-, oeeaful outcome of the enterprise, iu which it is estimated nearly $1,000,000 will be inveeted. The object of tbe company is t$«e development and transmission of electric power to tbs towns of Wadwboro, Rockingham, Ham let, Lauiinburg, and McColJ and Benoettsville, S. C. Tbe site of tbe pfaut will be on Pee bee river, in Richmond and A neon counttiee, eight miles from DoCklngfaatn, 13 miles from Wadosboro, and three and one half iuika below tbe bridge of the Seaboard Air Line Rafl *4y. It is or. miles from this dty. Ur. Stowe, who haa been working up the schema, hae got ten control of qboat 5,000 mw of land, lying on the other ride of tbe river, lor a distance of elx mike. The dam will be 26Jfiwt high with a total length of about 1.400 feet. The thickoeaa of of the dam at the base will be not kee .than 48 lest and at the crown or top 15 feat. It is eetlmatsd that 13,000 horse ' iped. lam. for the actfc * munuuttUiiw tockingfaom and to which the power will be transmitted. T1m Company will give free sites for uuinutacuring establishments; gaurantee them spur lines front the railroads, and sells them cheap power independent of coal condition*, The company hopes by them and other inducements to build a flourishing manufao taring town on the river. Mr. Stowe said that in - the near future estimates will betak en; the organisation perfected, and details for the construction begun. Messrs, a W. Tfllstt, J. 1>. McCall and C. H. Dole, of the Charlotte bar, have been employ ed to look after the legal busi ness of the company. rename T. The following are the features to the >aw which will be advo cated* by the State Anti-Saloon League before the next Legis lature, 1. Prohibition of sale or man ufactory of Intoxicating liquors out side of moorpraoted towns. Forbids the safe of liquor in towns Ism than 500 inhabitants Forbids the manufacture of liq uor In towns of 1,000 people or 2. Local option elections in Incorporated towns or counties st say time of the year after thirty days notice upon petition of one third of tbs voters, not of* tener than once in two years. 8. In each elect tone the ques tions of the dispensary or the saloon or prohibition tb be pa foe politicos! may request. i. Prohibition of the impor* tados of liquor by any means ia to the prohibition territory. . 5 After'July 1,1908, an ap* pHesnt lor Uospes lor the mono* lactate or sale of istoxlathg Hqoors shall present with bis ap pUcatiou a petition In his behalf s%nsd by amajorty ofthsqoaM 8*1 Tptsrs of his neonlsipahty. hasty rr^a. Cast Monday Digit., while on ; Mrwij to visit b^r neighbor, Mis. Mary Over»tift,was sud denly stricken wHi' apop’exy and died early Sunjlks morning. Mis. Overstreet' wsalli daugh ter of Mr. Dan Uekoih, and tbe beloved wife of vi'.. James Ovetstrset. Mis. O+estreet was a good wile, mother,1 neighbor, and friend, and her dfxth U in deed a sad loos, ^husband, three tone, a .daughter, and a iaigv circle M rehttiree and fnenda mourn weir lose. Tbe remains were llfl to rest at Red Muff, tfc services wen conducted by Bee: Mr. Dix on, of MtOrll Pmbyterian Church. Mn. Or era met woe<* devoted member of Smyrna Presbyterian Cbm ok. Tbe entertainment, given by UiM Norman and purple, on tbe 38rd, lor tbe benefit« tbeechool house woe a rare tract to all. Tbs program consist*] of instru mental and ▼ooaWeTMMt' dia logues and redtatfaps and it waa a beautiful •uoetfe' A neat auin waa realised ahl nothing occurred (within door# to mar tbe plena oreof the e**iiag. Wa bad our Mull wiitnu tree at 8 P. IL Chrlatfeaa even lng, and all had a ply inn t time. Order was axoelfeot.';!* Was a neighborhood tree as wall as a d. 8. tree. f 1 Christmas aaaaL Xjl Gibson Station, Ur. Wfllle WhMon and Miss Laura Hasty ware united in the bonds o( lpatrfaaocy. May a long and happy life ha theire. -v._ 1_ Friday 26th, Mr Mtiditu SkiuMr' of of their friend, Norman. Sand a/ Mrs. Lucy Hasty en tertaioed a large crowd of rela tives at dinner—complimentary to Mr. Dan Johnson, who, dur ing his year stay wl*V us, has greatly endeared 4 mseil to ad Mr. Johnson learee for Wadesboro to-night. Among the visltokw to Hasty, for Uw holidays are Mies Mary McColl, from Bsd Springs • Mr. Tom Hasty, from Opium bos Co.; Miss Clem, - from Bhutan Co, Mr. Bob Smith and Miss Annie Smith, from Masons Cross; Miss Mary Curtis, from near Max ton; Luther and Uraore JqnW Mrs. Ella Chaeau ana ch&dfoi, Irom near Bed Springs; Mrs. Msp. Hobbs, of (Jroeasbtoro, Mrs. Usw and children, of Bed Springs; Mr. J. D. Msdfin nodi' daughter Mamie, who hare been quite Mnk are both cooTalssjlag. <■ BIBO +00. TtoMdmtitUMvirilhltoi. ftw I. Jk Into oaa •UMonrtbilta atian, ted that la CaWrfc. Haifa Catarrh Ctaatatha m IrMmnnkaan to to* MU tloeal tiaaaaa, raqatraa a * natolti. ter aar aaaa that j> lala to Addtoaa, F. i CHKKKTftOo .Tatodo, 0. Bald UlteMtoa, 71a V Hafl'a Patetr MBaara thabwfc. — -- - - •• ~ I A •( VMA* «* N. C ) The first Presbyterian church of Raeford, N. C., was the scene of a splendid church wsddhig on the night of December Uitb, when one of 8eotlanU County’* best citisane and sneoeseful far tners, Mr. D. T. Corrio, wo* faap pdy married to Mine Katherine McDuffie, one of Harford’s most favorite daughters. Promptly at the appointed bour, the handsome new church "tastefully decorated with palms and terns, dearly allowing ths touch of the artist," was filled to its capacity. Then nt lb* first soft notes at tbe famous Msndlesshon’s wadding match, rendered by ths skillful toneh of Mrs, J. C. Adams, came the wed ding party, preceded by the nsb era, Mm. J. W. McLaacblbi, John JJcPbail, Will Keith and W. word* to mg ncadhw Oaoibariata’a flosBh Baerdy It aavrd hrMUabey'iBbaaditnlthatl aaa Nt|MlallaMa|k 1 boagfct a bat. tlaodlttroa A. C. Btaata ad Uoodwta, B. !»., mad whom I got hoaw with It tlw poor baby aoerid hardly Wnotba I fvCbaartlidaiaadWartadarary taa ■Malpt am® ba “throw mad tbaa 1 thoaafct aoom that ha warn gulag to ohoha to daalh. wa had to poll tha Phlagta oatof kmmmHk ' ■mil Ingj atriapa ‘ J am paatira that II1 had sot got that bottla a< aoogfc nadhteq my boy would aot kava t am m tUa aartb trnlay.—iom. Danorrr, lawood, lows, Korailaby rrioca* Maa. brugglate. tha North Carolina Yoar Nash, route*, gaady January I, mb, A complete Director/ and Cota* pendium, with valuable atatia ticul information, covering the baeinote, manufacturing, indue trial, political, ©ducatf-iuol, hie toricnl and religious life in the State. This book is of gnat value to all Baainaaa Houma. * a* • ■ WbotmaU Honaw. . TmriBlaf H« teaman. . Lowyara aad^Phjakiaoa. . Educator* and MinUtrra. Teackara, Btodaata, . Book lteatera. ^PuMte Officiate and Mao