1 THE EXCHANGE! J tiie art of roaJ l)lliWinj yet the' son, of Hasty, lias accepted a Pl'BMSMK! EVKltY THIKSOAY. JCnttred at th Vost Office at Laurinburg, X. V.. an second-class matter, ISv J. T. WIGOIXS, Eiutor. LAUftlSMJIHi, X, C, JLTLY 31. 11)02. From Good Roads Bulletin. During the past two decades the good . roal movement in North Carolina lias taken more definite Khapa than at any pre vious period of our History. The varying fortunes of politi cians have been staked on the outcome of this issue, and repu tations have been won and lost by adherents to the belief that the people desired this public im provement. Recent develop ments, however, point to the gratifying result that many of the people who in its earlier stages resisted the advancement of this crying need, are now its most earnest advocates, beeaufee, like other public necessities it has proven, beyond theory or t'avil, that it is absolutely essen tial to the best progress of a nation, a State or even a local community. It is a matter of congratula tion that the peop.le of our State ftiave already passed through the stage of education as to the 'benefits" resulting from good roads and the desirability of having them in every locality. Probably no person within our borders now would for a mo ment contend that better public jvads fail to promote every phase of human happiness, and that .the degree of happiness thereby attained is measured by the state of perfection to which our public highways are improved. It is useless to employ arguments jipon that part of the contro versy, because it has unmistak- iy been settled in the minds of ie citizens of North Carolina. Their present great interest in lie road building and the de- manifested in all portions of tate tor, miormation upon infection has not become o-pnernl in the State, and out of our 07 counties, this intelligent "modern road improvment is carried on in probably not more than a dozen sections. A person has only to visit Asheville, or Wins ton, or Charlotte, or Raleigh, or Wilmington to discover that in any-section of North Carolina, ocean, through the more elevat ed middle section, to the rugged mountainous counties, road im provement to a high state of perfection is possible, and even profitable. He will also be im pressed with the fact that im proved highways .and increasing prosperity go hand in hand; they are twin brothers and are not to be separated; to some extent each is the cause and each is the effect. '1 Saved A Woman's Life. To Lave given np would have meant death for Mrs. Lois Urpgg, of Don-lies ter, Mass. For years she had endured untold misery from a severe long trou ble and obstinate cough. ''Often." she writes, "I could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. All doc tors and remedies failed till 1 used Dr. King's XVv Discovery for Consumption and was completely cured."' Sufferers from Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Trouble need this grand remedy, for it never disappoints. Cure is guaranteed by all druggists. 1'riee 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle free. RTVERTON ITEMS. The Montpelier and Spring Hill picnic at Spring Hill last Friday was well .attended by people far and near. Ice cream and lemonade were served for the benefit of the Presbyterian Orphanage. The weather was hot and itr was no trouble to keep warm. Rev. 0. J. Peterson will preach at Spring Hill next" Sunday moriiing. Pr f. N. I). Johnson, who taug lit last session at Park ton, n. a the i is spending a few days in ifighborhood. IlewiU teach I -in netnesj-uou at St. Pauls, N tor Archibald Johnson. of ty and Cijildrex, wifith t Gerald spent lastS.rnday as mother. IIeivft Mou- loniino- AfMofr,!. fioTnll vt better position in Pittsburg, Pa. Jesse has many friends in this section who will regret to learn of his departure. Mr. Peter Mun roe succeeds him in Hasty. Rev. Edgar East erling" and Mr. Eli Willis, of McColl, spent an evening of last veek with Mr. Conner. Mrs. D. Johnson and son, Mr. Lester Johnson, of Anson Co., who have been visiting- in the Scotch Grove settlement, visited Hastv last week. Mr. E. Huntley is spending some time with relatives in An son countv. The meeting at Oak Grove closed on Sunday. The preach ing was earnest and hen rf search ing and the congregations large and attentive. A meeting will begin at Smyrna on Friday. Mr. M. Anders, of Ivanhoe, lias been here several weeks in atten dance upon Mr. V. Orr. Mrs. Mary Currie continues at the bedside of little Charlie Mun roe. These sick ones, as well as Mrs. Bob Hasty, are all getting along nicely. Miss Fanny Smith spent some time last week with her cousin, Miss Beulah York. We m are yet in need of rain places nearby have had good rains. The re is very littleTfruit all through this section that little is very inferior in quality. The Pee Pee Advocate sounds a note of alarm on the increase in gambling. Amonsr other terse facts, says "nearly every little boy who can borrow o or 10 cents is betting on the games." As we send this to the postof fice Mrs. Dan Munroe is repeJlrd dying. Became unconscious sud denly Sunday morning and has remained so ever since. Observed. Don't Fail To Try This. Whenever an honest trial is given to Electric Hitters for any trouble it is re commeinel for a permanent cure will surely be effected. It never fails to tone the stonuuli. regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, ii.vigorate the nerves and purify the blood, it's a wounderiul tonic for run-down systems. Electric Di tiers postively cures Kidney and Liver Troubles, Stoimuh Disorder.-. Nervousness, SleeplessnesTl Ih eu ma lisi n . Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. Satis faction guaranteed by all druggists. On ly o0 cents. Cut this out and take it to Prince & Dlue's Drug Store and get a be, of Chamberlain's Stomach--h toos Jt- .-vTatji , raa Murder on Shipboard. New York, July 29. Two men arc missing from the crew of the fruit steamer Palome, which has just reach ed port. Gus Orlin, cue of the miss ng men, was almost instantly kiile', lis shipmates say, 1)3' a blow over the heart after a quarrel over the posses sion of a silver spoon. A Spaniard, who is alleged to have struck the blow, continued his duties as fireman and remained on the boat until she touch ed Port-au-Prince, Haiti, then he disappeared. Death of John V. Rcss. Washington, July 29. John TT. Ross, fcr 12 years a member of the board ot comrnicsior ers of the District of Co lumbia, died here at in early hour this ir.orring. He was postmaster from 1S6S to 13P0. 3 TABULES octors find A Good F rescnotion kind or man WAITED A of bad health that H I ?AS will not benefit. They baninh pain and prploac Hr. Hue iriv -liot Note the word K I P A N-S on the packace and accept no substteute. K J P-A N-s io for rt-cr'. my t ii.ic at any drns store. T-n suiraplos and one thourand testi-m-.r.iaU will i. r. ififfl u."anv oddre.-s for i com s. forwarded to ibe Kins Chemical Co.. No. 10 bpruce St.,tw yort. rum narny vn n o UHiun I nui'l ubt0 5.00. from 85ets to AVorkin: Shirts 1.5cts to 75ots. ! i Fcur injured !n Tunnel Blast. New York, -July 23. As a lestiit of a peculiar blast in the Rapifl Tran sit subway of Park avenue at Forty- first street today four men were seri ously hurt, two of whom it is thoueht will die. This is the unlucky section I S of the tunnel in which a number of j accidents have occurred. In the last i previous one Major Ira Shales, one of j which resulted in his death some days later. Ladies Shoes from 75ets to ;h5(). 50 Suspenders from 5cts to YOU? I from 5 Dress Shirts from 25cts to $1.25. I loos from 5cts to tents. 50 Cauce of Death a fvlystery. New York, July 29. "William Tier ney, an Adirondack guide, who. with his companion, George Jackscn, disap peared a month ago, has been found dead, says a Saranac Lake, N. Y., dis patch to The Herald. Ti-rney and Jackson went out In a boat to fish o.t tho upper lake. The next day their boat waa found with a, couple of f.sh In It. The men were thorough oars men an3 good swimmers, and tha catise oi their death Is a mystery. CUR GOODS ARE FRESH. Coffee from 7y to 20c per pound. Good tobacco from 30c to $1.00. v barrels Flour Just Received. seffe progress of ""3TircltTii j a igii for better roads, jour people are now confronte;! with the probaby more difficult problem determining the wisest jind most practicable manner of iirriving at a system of road (building which will be suitable to jur conditions as a people and progress as a State. The most reliable and experienced road ibuiiders agree with one accord ihat a crushed stone (or maca rflam) road is the most economical in the end and the most satis factory at all times, and yet the jgreat cost of construction will prevent a large majority of our counties from attempting this method at present. (J ravel roads are lesa expensive and rel atively less durable, while" earth roads or common dirt roads are the clieapest and naturally the least satisfactory. However, in fe pr ogress which our people are to make in road improvement, .there must be a gradual improve ment from the least expensive iroads to a system which will be substantial and which the pub lic sentiment will demand, as the . resources of our communities will allow. But weCinust not lose sight of ' ihe lact that eart h roads or com Crops, both cotton and corn are fine, though beginning to need rain. We have not had the rains as copiously as Laurinburg and some other places. The moon seems to be showing some parti ality. Surveyor Matthews surveved the land bought for County Home last Mondav and Tuesday. The enterprising boys of this community have built the ladies a bathing house on Lumber River. Lkathkrhkad. Poisoning the System. It is'thraugh the bowels that, the body is cleansed of impurities. Constipation keeps these poisons in the system, caus ing headache, dulness and meloneholia at first, then unsightly eruptions and finally serious illness unless a remedy is applied. I)eVitt's little Early Itisers prevent this trouble by stimulating the livei and promote easy, healthy actions of the bowels. These little pills do not act violently, but by streng'tlihning the bowels enable them to perform their own work. Never gripe or dist ress. Y. Jj. Fields HASTY ITEMS. Mr. Hay ward and family, of McColl, spent Sunday at Hamer Springs. Miss Ella Thrower and brotherj raon dirt' roads can be brought ! Mr. Lee, of the vicinity of Max- J . x 4- r,,, .., 1 ,1 , C 1 . ... LOlt, spttiK acvtrrui uuys oi last to a high degree of perfection and be.made to yield surprising ly satisfactory results if proper CP-re and attention are given to their location, drainage and re pair. "A child must crawl before jtcan learn to walk" seemsto ap ply with some force to the pr. sent road situation in North Carolina. While, of course, some of bur .wealthier counties are spending thousands of dollars yearly for , building and maintaining public fp.ais ajid sire "past .masters" in week visiting friends in the vicin ity of Hasty, Johns and Caledo nia. Mr. A. D. Conner was able to drive to Hasty yesterday the first time in many days. -Mr. and Mrs. John Loeky, of Laurinburg, spent Saturday night and Sunday with the fam ily of Mr. Rich Munroe. . Mr- Jesse Wade, who clerked about six years for J. S,. Thorn p- Preacher Killed by Lightning. Owensboro, Ky., July 29. The Rev S. C. Mitchell, a Baptist minister of Louisville, who formerly held a We arc headquarters for Grain, Ship Stuff and 1'eas. Our line of Canned Goods is complete, such as Fruits, Yega tables and Meats. :::::::::::: We havo a few selections of samples of Tailor Made Suits that, we are closing out at :::::::: EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. 11 ifiQ FREE I)ELIYKILY. i.hv 1?si iiinMiiiiiniwiiiir .1 - Mother Always Keep nrrjmJ. "My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion,'' says L.W. Spaldina, Veroua, Mo. ''Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy six, eats anything she wants, remarking that she fears no bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy." Dont waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the case. If your stomach is sound your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the bodvbv digesting your food. It is nature's own tonic. W. L. Fields. Beara the 1 Kind You Have Always Bought Signature , . " of L&aJc7Z7a4&4, NORTH CAROLINA, In Superior Court. Scotland County. lief ore tlie Clerk. J. 1). McKenzie, 1). M. McKenzie, J. W". Stnbbs and wife Cath;irine 1). Stubbs, .1 "VV. Woodard and wife M. K. Woodard and T. H. Russell and wife M. I). Russell. Plaintiffs Kx parta By irtue of a power of sale contained in a decree of the Superior Court for Sect land county, made in the auove stated cause, the undersigned commissioner, "ppointed by sa d decree, will for the purpose of making partition among the tenants in common the: rein -expose to public sale at the court house door in the town of Laurinburg in Scotland county; on the 1 at day of September 1902, at 12 o'clock M., to the highest bidder for cah, that piece of land situate m said county, between Shoe Heel and Drowning creeks and on both sides of the road leading from MeEacliin's (now Russell's) bridge to Rocky Ford on Shoe Heel, described as follows, viz: Begin ning at a Btike by long straw pines on North East of McAllister old field and runs thence N. 2, E. 42 chains and 71 links to a stake in the edge of the road in Joseph Graham's line; thence N. SS, W, Hi chains and 50 links to a stake by a dead pine and post oak in Fountains (now Vv'ootens) line; thence with that line reversed S. 2S, K. IS chains and 82 links to a stake lilack .Jacks; thence S. 4, "W. chains and 9(5 links to a stake by a large dead pine; thence S. 3. W. 1 2 chains and 29 links thence direct to the begin ning. Containing 100 acres more or less. - Time of sale 12 o'clock M.. Sept. 1st. 1902. Terms of sale cash. JNO. JJ. SHAW, Jr. 7 31 30d. Commissioner, Need More Help. Often the over-taxed organs of diges tion cry out for help by Dyspepsia's Paine, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, liver complaints, bowel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of.Dr.King's New LifePills. They are gentle, thorough and guaranteed tp cure. 2oe at all drug gists,. -. - " " - Shct Dead by Stepson. Memphis.' Trnn., July 29. A Scimi tar special from Piggott, Ark., says H. L. Hinkley was called out of hla house at Crockett and shct dead yes terday by Edgar Williams, his step son. Hinkley was accused of bavin? ruined "William's 15-year ohl sister. Yvllliams has not been arrested. V . . ... . j rytr ftURIN & SHAW ; ' ' ?PHQNE NO. 43. f 1 ? X WW WW A CANDIDATE. WW WW WW TO CURE A COLD IM CHE DAY, Laxative "romo-Quinine-Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 2."i cents. The readers of this paper will be pleas ed to know that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in ail its stages and that is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, reqairs a constitutional treatment. 1 lall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of disease, and giving the patient strength by building up th: constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, Send for list of testimon ials. Address F. .1. CHENEY Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. I 1 ft I where it is hct ail the year round il rfScoti's Eoiisissool sells better than any where dsz in the world. So don' t stop takin g it in summer, cr you will lose j what you have gained. tir nA frtr n free sfimnlp. IjJT SCOTT S: BOWKE, Chemists, &3( 409-415 fearl Street, New York. 5CC. anu 51.00; an arugK'Sis. OT FOR OF FIf'E. BUT TO SELL YOTJ YOUIt MACIIIXEllY AXD SUPPLIES. I am maiu-.factnrors a-rcnt for Steam and (Jnss Eniiies, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins, Cotton Prsst?s, Hay Presses. Iteap ors, Biudors. Mowers nntl Rakes. I carry Sina'tnijr, I'i'.lleys, Iron T'ipe and all kinds of liftings. If yon are mthwua'rket for machines .of any kind, let nJfiufe v. ith you. I can make prices that will interest you. GIN SAW FILER I have in my shop New Power Gin F.nw Gnmminp; and Fil ing machines. Am prepared to do a class of work never before offered in this section. Your patronage solicited. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND, l'y virtue of a power of pale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed the 11th day of Fei.rue.ry, . J !H)2 by .1. T. ?il)Hon and wife Maude S. Gibson, to V. F. Gibson, and recorded in the. Regis ter's Otfice for Scotland ('onuty, in nook Xo. 15. page S4 , the undersigiied Mortga gee, will on the 11th day of August 1 :02, at. 12 o'clock M.,at the court house door in the town of Laurinburg in said County, sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, that lot of laud situate in said County, in Williamson township and in the town of Gibson on which is situated the store building in which the firm of J. T. Gibson has up to this date been conducting a mercantile business, the same being the lot of le.nd conveyed to J. T. libson by J. T. Odom and wife by deed and reference is here made to said deed for a particular description of said lot of land. Said lot of laud being de scribed as follows, to-wit: i'.eginning at a corner of Mcllwiuen and Morgan's lot and runs as their line X. W. 20SV, feet to their other corner; thence X. t0 K. -'o feet to a comer; thence S. (.) E." 20S feet; thence S. 80 W. 35 feet to the be gb'ning. W'. F. CIBSOX, Mortgagee. MAKING IT W. J. MATTHEWS, A. M. OFFICIAL SURVEYOR FOR SCOTLAND CO. emovai tiouce. This is to notify myiriends in the county that I have moved my stock "of General Merchan dise from Laurinburg: to Gibson, N. C, where I am now located in tlie store formerly occupied by S. M. Wright. I will thank niy friends in and around Gibson to call on me when they are in need of anything in my line. J, D. WRIGHT. A wise man takes advantage of a bargain. He gets all the goods he can from what he spends. He gets as much quality as possible when he buys. He comes where we make bargains where we sell at a narrow mar gin and do a large volume of I business.-. Come see how fullv our goods and prices meet with 3'our ideas. : g, McNeill All calls promptly attended to. l'ost-ofiice at RIVERTON; N. C. M2IXCY JL.. JOH1ST Attorney At Law, I.AUStlAKUIKJ, . . . N. C ZW OfSce Telephone No. 21. Resi dence No. 0. J. B. COWAN, .... Barber.... Everything New. First-Class Service. r. W. T. Herndon. Office over IVs. Trince & Blue's New Drug Store Building. Office Phono 35, Residence 71. LAURINBURG, N.C. DR C. W. .REGAN, .... DENTIST .... , Office Up-Stairs over Fields' Drug Store. 'Phone o. 87.