H0FQ8IQ1IAI CA8DA Tja C. W. REO.VN, " DKXT1RT. 0»aa gpita^orar ^FwMa Urm tkuro. T)R. W. T. HKRN’DON', U DWTOT. LAUIUltBUIK), It. U 0®» our Prlaaa k Bhw'i Brae 8io»a. T (' McNFjLL, ATTOBNBY AT LAW, LAtmnntmu, it. c. Ofct w FfcM't Drug Story. T B. COWAN, . * liMW Kroiytldae saw; fcnPdaM aarvlna. JkfAXCY I*. JOHN, m ATTOBKEY AT LAW, Ltntaauao, a. r. OW— *df beat, Ho. Hl| rcatdtata, Xo. A. 1X7 D. B13URL4 AJTOHWEY AT LAW, CMaa b CWtHcMaa. Cantal attea don ■torn to aBWfa] hadini cntrnatad to “J W J. MATTHEWS, • OFFICIAL SURVEY »B FOB SOUTLARD OOUKTY, Bitkbton, k. a AW tolb prdWptly aWaadod to._ WANTED. All wkoonLatanstodlaHuKxtra . *®«orfdo T. MB LAND a. SON, • k&juiaiMBuna, n. c. "*• YMPMAtc inat raoaiTod a nice lot J ■<■■■. nRAo^la IIokjV* VmQnikf i*al districts Thus, in the North Atlantic di. ▼imon, thme native white children 10 teUyeareaT •p and bdrw oTwtdth patents of antaTon the othrehaiid, amotm the 718,170 tumrTWite chi? of i wSWltSfc Staten 68 per ce lardtZm. There iator from__ the ohBdten of grants are oon. monent illiterate_ ptdation. It wQTbe noticed, Sejsaswnss migrants who hate been In the Swsffis: j*as hmao acquire-at leoet an eto mrataxy wfncatfcm 8« is etfH too teriyto determine from cenaoa IN NOTH lAPAYim. Fayetteville, Oct. 25.—'This about J o’clock tidwanl L. Utiy/a guest at Hotel Lafa. mirsss abated from the tact that Utley, who (e young and wild, bad fiiwi to few fetal *ot. llollingMworth suinmooed OSkser Benton and Informed him °*P tier's action. Tbspoliceman aekadW be wanted Utley um tod. Hollitipnt'ortb replied In tbsnegntire, saying that perhaps ku would l» quiet. Bhortly after the officer left the homicide an. euned, the bail sntsring r11* tem pi* aad pussing through lbs of MrSdSmewottlTand so. taring thedeek. Udry turned and JH* aaoendipg Uw stabs when P«csr D*cton reuppsoml, eov eesd hun with a rsrolrsr aad ordered him buck. UtUy is a young man of pro,ulneot huuOy to* powwweee cnrxriderabto means. Hollingsworth was aim of an old (amity, unmarried and quietip manner and of good Aardter. He had hem night clerk only lor a lew weeks. AIVCm* S*«bhrU*«a(|h| 1