gathered. lira. X. A. MnMBlaa ia ram with her took daughter, lira, a M. Beams, HiUh, & C. The latest report ie that the akskle much iia prorad. Beteral c4 oar peopie^w At tend log court tide week, hot' op to tide writing we hehr thereto no ooort Mr. W. J. Matthew attended therm Dm Baptist Amociataon tart week at Plaaaant Qrora church, Richmond Co., and re porta a pirn rant time and a good mmtaa. We hope sons day to be able to raport a marriage of some cam of oar snteTprtotng young men, bat it dom nob seam that them to aanh headway being made hi that direction, lor art acts cithern emu ehdmtohara a sweetheart. Lumaque, — ‘ -_-_ i J. L HOLLUND. .■ ' ■> . -- To Thofte W^o are Not On My I4st of pleased customers, I wish to w«lNr words. Ask those who are, why they are, sod then yoa wm .wonder why you hare notbstL Its easy to ex plats. Hoceeasor itbhd policy to blow your own born, hot II you dost (low It tor yanreelt who wfll? SoHeteo toaiew PMOMHt THAT WC BLOW TO THE TVtADE DAILY. Beet Patent Hour— -*4.75 BnfeLnrd...... Best Men| per seek._fl.TB Ba^ar....^. B I were to try to mention all of *ybarwai™ y on woo'd IP*Draft Mb'« must tell yon about the Coflar department. p*.JgszsSfSl?* J. i McDuffie. ,oH»o*rTEVpotiTnmCE. GREETING You are hereby summoned to be and to uppeor before me, THE LEADING OUT FITTER Ain) CLOTHIER, in and for the County ot Scotland, on such day. and at such hour as will suit your oarlhwt convenience, to take testimony of facts, why I can furnish with the greatest satisfaction, and at the lowest cost, such artfblcs of apparel as you may stand in need of, via: Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Shore, Furnishings, &c. 500 SUITS Of FINE FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, AMD 800 PAIRS or . PANTS, that most be eokl with* | In the next 80 day. ••ALOO BRAND” 8UIT8, of the very beet fabrics, made np to fit any else man, equal in every particular to any tailor-m^de suit costing 985, my price 918. ■ ; I also hare a Hot of the tame brand that I can sell at *7.26, cheap at *10. In fact the beat bargain* in Clothing, at all print —from the cheapest to the best— that I hare ever had. Those who como first sill get the best | selections. MEN’S AID BOYS OVEIS0AT1. This line has been shipped and wQI be in mj store in a lew days. BOYS' MB YQOTIt CUTIIBO In any style, quality and price. Bring the boy* and hare them dr wed p. Ton will be anrpriaed to knowhow small the «oet will be. Don’t tall to oaO and examine thla line before boy. *■* I am prepared to St the boys with a Hat, Gap, Pair of Shoes, or any thing they need, at prices that cannot be duplicated. SUES| tWIt IWtt I have on* of the largest and moat select stock of 8fcoaa aver shown la Laurinburg, at prices that wHI estop, lab you. Tte famous "ZHglsr" 8bos* for Ladles are beauties, and wHI out wear anything you can buy. And they don’t cost much either. My line of Trunks, Valla**, Art, Is • complete, and tbs priot* as well as ths goods will please you. MATS! HATS! IATSI 1 have every style of Hate that is known to the public. A fresh new Hne Just pat on my shares and it Is nweiwes to say that they moat be sold. I am marking Asm down 95 per oent lower than you can buy the same Hate anywhere eke. Come in and let me prove this statement. ROSIEST MB IROERVEAS. Never before hee my line of Hosiery sod Underwear been more complete. You cannot fail to gat suited, and be pleased with the price. Come and look at my line. It is no trouble to show yon through whether yon boy | or hot. r • • .1 . suns ' sum spnst ■ ■ ; • My Hue of Shirts will please ! you, unless you are rery hard to salt- Any style, any price and . afliuos Coat* along and make your selection before the stock is picked over. • ' , » « , * * ■: Keekwear, CoU*re, polk, Kta, it . now an nehibtttoc stars. Everything in the Ua* at Goats’ Furnishing Goods eaa bn brand ben, and U yon an* a Jndg* at goods yoa will never refers* your visit bars. Anyone wishing an up-to-date tailor-made suit is invited to call and examine the large display of samples from the Globe Tailoring Oo., Cincinnati; also Schloss Bras. 4 Co., of Baltimore. Correct measurements guaranteed. ;_;I W. W. WHITEHURST, THE CLOTHIER. • • * •“ •• ■ • — 1 1 ' ■ ' ..'"VI . McLanrin k Shaw. i SPECIAL SALE PRICES Largest Stock of Dross Goods Mr Exhibited in Scotland County. We have got the good* la onr store and they moat he ■old. Call and look at our atock and am for yourself the large variety we have on our shelve*, and then yon wffl know why we are making epedal prices. Too many goods and they must be sold. Wears doefog oat a large lot of ealleoea, ^oai BJja to Be, oeryaid. A beautiful Une of ffldSlmn l LATEST STYLES IN NECMfiAR rofhuN ponowi ../’Vja; "*z ■. w- */_• ._^ i, — — j— « > a —h--UT * v* ^^ppony mOf% w. jOmT Mnm .wiMO yo* in m voypi • •K . . . /